
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Utah Electrode Array (UEA) and its different variants have become a gold standard in penetrating high channel count neural electrode for bi-directional neuroprostheses (simultaneous recording and stimulation). However, despite its usage in numerous applications, it has one major drawback of having only one active site per shaft, which is at the tip of the shaft. In this work, we are demonstrating a next-generation device, the Utah Multisite Electrode Array (UMEA), which is capable of having multiple sites around the shaft and also retaining the site at the tip. The UMEA can have up to 9 sites per shaft (hence can accommodate 900 active sites) while retaining the form factor of the conventional UEA with 100 sites. However, in this work and to show the proof of concept, the UMEA was fabricated with one active site at the tip and two around the shaft at different heights; thus, three active sites per shaft. The UMEA device is fabricated using a 3D shadow mask patterning technology, which is suitable for a batch fabrication process for these out-of-plane structures. The UMEA was characterized by in-vitro tests to showcase the electrochemical properties of the shaft sites for bi-directional neuroprostheses in contrast to the traditional tip sites of the standard UEA. The UMEA not only improves the channel density of conventional UEAs and hence can access a larger population of neurons, but also enhances the recording and stimulation capabilities from different layers of the human cortex without further increasing the risk of neuronal damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Brain-computer interfaces can enable communication for people with paralysis by transforming cortical activity associated with attempted speech into text on a computer screen. Communication with brain-computer interfaces has been restricted by extensive training requirements and limited accuracy.
    METHODS: A 45-year-old man with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) with tetraparesis and severe dysarthria underwent surgical implantation of four microelectrode arrays into his left ventral precentral gyrus 5 years after the onset of the illness; these arrays recorded neural activity from 256 intracortical electrodes. We report the results of decoding his cortical neural activity as he attempted to speak in both prompted and unstructured conversational contexts. Decoded words were displayed on a screen and then vocalized with the use of text-to-speech software designed to sound like his pre-ALS voice.
    RESULTS: On the first day of use (25 days after surgery), the neuroprosthesis achieved 99.6% accuracy with a 50-word vocabulary. Calibration of the neuroprosthesis required 30 minutes of cortical recordings while the participant attempted to speak, followed by subsequent processing. On the second day, after 1.4 additional hours of system training, the neuroprosthesis achieved 90.2% accuracy using a 125,000-word vocabulary. With further training data, the neuroprosthesis sustained 97.5% accuracy over a period of 8.4 months after surgical implantation, and the participant used it to communicate in self-paced conversations at a rate of approximately 32 words per minute for more than 248 cumulative hours.
    CONCLUSIONS: In a person with ALS and severe dysarthria, an intracortical speech neuroprosthesis reached a level of performance suitable to restore conversational communication after brief training. (Funded by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs and others; BrainGate2 ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00912041.).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flexible fiber-based microelectrodes allow safe and chronic investigation and modulation of electrically active cells and tissues. Compared to planar electrodes, they enhance targeting precision while minimizing side effects from the device-tissue mechanical mismatch. However, the current manufacturing methods face scalability, reproducibility, and handling challenges, hindering large-scale deployment. Furthermore, only a few designs can record electrical and biochemical signals necessary for understanding and interacting with complex biological systems. In this study, we present a method that utilizes the electrical conductivity and easy processability of MXenes, a diverse family of two-dimensional nanomaterials, to apply a thin layer of MXene coating continuously to commercial nylon filaments (30-300 μm in diameter) at a rapid speed (up to 15 mm/s), achieving a linear resistance below 10 Ω/cm. The MXene-coated filaments are then batch-processed into free-standing fiber microelectrodes with excellent flexibility, durability, and consistent performance even when knotted. We demonstrate the electrochemical properties of these fiber electrodes and their hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) sensing capability and showcase their applications in vivo (rodent) and ex vivo (bladder tissue). This scalable process fabricates high-performance microfiber electrodes that can be easily customized and deployed in diverse bioelectronic monitoring and stimulation studies, contributing to a deeper understanding of health and disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Many invasive and noninvasive neurotechnologies are being developed to help treat neurological pathologies and disorders. Making a brain implant safe, stable, and efficient in the long run is one of the requirements to conform with neuroethics and overcome limitations for numerous promising neural treatments. A main limitation is low biocompatibility, characterized by the damage implants create in brain tissue and their low adhesion to it. This damage is partly linked to friction over time due to the mechanical mismatch between the soft brain tissue and the more rigid wires. Methods: Here, we performed a short biocompatibility assessment of bio-inspired intra-cortical implants named \"Neurosnooper\" made of a microelectrode array consisting of a thin, flexible polymer-metal-polymer stack with microwires that mimic axons. Implants were assembled into poly-lactic-glycolic acid (PLGA) biodegradable needles for their intra-cortical implantation. Results and Discussion: The study of glial scars around implants, at 7 days and 2 months post-implantation, revealed a good adhesion between the brain tissue and implant wires and a low glial scar thickness. The lowest corresponds to electrode wires with a section size of 8 μm × 10 μm, compared to implants with the 8 μm × 50 μm electrode wire section size, and a straight shape appears to be better than a zigzag. Therefore, in addition to flexibility, size and shape parameters are important when designing electrode wires for the next generation of clinical intra-cortical implants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to investigate the changes in the properties of the cell culture solution in the effect of cell synchronization via cell starvation (for 12, 24, and 36 h), a new spiral-interdigital pattern of microelectrode as a biosensor has been proposed. Then, to test its superiority, the results of this spiral-interdigital pattern with the results of the commercial pattern have been compared. The cells were selected from breast cancer standard lines (MDA-MB-231). Changes in CV peaks of the secretions were recorded by the spiral-interdigital pattern, in which increasing the interactive surface with homogenous electric paths had been considered by simulation before fabrication. The results of the simulation and experimental procedures showed a meaningful correlation. The occurrence of CV oxidative peaks at about 0.1-0.4 V and reductive peaks at approximately 0 V in the spiral-interdigital biosensor in the starved MDA-MB-231 cell line has been observed. The starvation situation resembles one that does not cause meaningful cell apoptosis or necrosis, and this method is only used to make the cells synchronized. Also, no peak is observed in normal cell growth conditions. In addition, by using the commercial design of the electrodes, no peak is observed in any of the conditions of normal and synchronized growth of the cells. Therefore, it seems that the observed peaks are caused by the agents that are secreted in the cell culture solution in a synchronized situation. Moreover, the design of the new spiral-interdigital electrode can significantly increase the sensitivity of the sensor to receive these peaks due to more space and a uniform electric field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intracortical microelectrodes (IMEs) are devices designed to be implanted into the cerebral cortex for various neuroscience and neuro-engineering applications. A critical feature of IMEs is their ability to detect neural activity from individual neurons. Currently, IMEs are limited by chronic failure, largely considered to be caused by the prolonged neuroinflammatory response to the implanted devices. Over the past few years, the characterization of the neuroinflammatory response has grown in sophistication, with the most recent advances focusing on mRNA expression following IME implantation. While gene expression studies increase our broad understanding of the relationship between IMEs and cortical tissue, advanced proteomic techniques have not been reported. Proteomic evaluation is necessary to describe the diverse changes in protein expression specific to neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration, or tissue and cellular viability, which could lead to the further development of targeted intervention strategies designed to improve IME functionality. In this study, we have characterized the expression of 62 proteins within 180 μm of the IME implant site at 4-, 8-, and 16-weeks post-implantation. We identified potential targets for immunotherapies, as well as key pathways that contribute to neuronal dieback around the IME implant.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV) is an electrochemical sensing technique that can be used for neurochemical sensing with high spatiotemporal resolution. Carbon fiber microelectrodes (CFMEs) are traditionally used as FSCV sensors. However, CFMEs are prone to electrochemical fouling caused by oxidative byproducts of repeated serotonin (5-HT) exposure, which makes them less suitable as chronic 5-HT sensors. Our team is developing a boron-doped diamond microelectrode (BDDME) that has previously been shown to be relatively resistant to fouling caused by protein adsorption (biofouling). We sought to determine if this BDDME exhibits resistance to electrochemical fouling, which we explored on electrodes fabricated with either femtosecond laser cutting or physical cleaving. We recorded the oxidation current response after 25 repeated injections of 5-HT in a flow-injection cell and compared the current drop from the first with the last injection. The 5-HT responses were compared with dopamine (DA), a neurochemical that is known to produce minimal fouling oxidative byproducts and has a stable repeated response. Physical cleaving of the BDDME yielded a reduction in fouling due to 5-HT compared with the CFME and the femtosecond laser cut BDDME. However, the femtosecond laser cut BDDME exhibited a large increase in sensitivity over the cleaved BDDME. An extended stability analysis was conducted for all device types following 5-HT fouling tests. This analysis demonstrated an improvement in the long-term stability of boron-doped diamond over CFMEs, as well as a diminishing sensitivity of the laser-cut BDDME over time. This work reports the electrochemical fouling performance of the BDDME when it is repeatedly exposed to DA or 5-HT, which informs the development of a chronic, diamond-based electrochemical sensor for long-term neurotransmitter measurements in vivo.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dopamine (DA), ascorbic acid (AA), and uric acid (UA) are crucial neurochemicals, and their abnormal levels are involved in various neurological disorders. While electrodes for their detection have been developed, achieving the sensitivity required for in vivo applications remains a challenge. In this study, we proposed a synthetic Au24Cd nanoenzyme (ACNE) that significantly enhanced the electrochemical performance of metal electrodes. ACNE-modified electrodes demonstrated a remarkable 10-fold reduction in impedance compared to silver microelectrodes. Furthermore, we validated their excellent electrocatalytic activity and sensitivity using five electrochemical detection methods, including cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry, square-wave pulse voltammetry, normal pulse voltammetry, and linear scanning voltammetry. Importantly, the stability of gold microelectrodes (Au MEs) modified with ACNEs was significantly improved, exhibiting a 30-fold enhancement compared to Au MEs. This improved performance suggests that ACNE functionalization holds great promise for developing micro-biosensors with enhanced sensitivity and stability for detecting small molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of microelectrode recording (MER) during deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson Disease is controversial. Furthermore, in asleep DBS anesthesia can impair the ability to record single-cell electric activity.The purpose of this study was to describe our surgical and anesthesiologic protocol for MER assessment during asleep subthalamic nucleus (STN) DBS and to put our findings in the context of a systematic review of the literature. Sixty-three STN electrodes were implanted in 32 patients under general anesthesia. A frameless technique using O-Arm scanning was adopted in all cases. Total intravenous anesthesia, monitored with bispectral index, was administered using a target controlled infusion of both propofol and remifentanil. A systematic review of the literature with metanalysis on MER in asleep vs awake STN DBS for Parkinson Disease was performed. In our series, MER could be reliably recorded in all cases, impacting profoundly on electrode positioning: the final position was located within 2 mm from the planned target only in 42.9% cases. Depth modification > 2 mm was necessary in 21 cases (33.3%), while in 15 cases (23.8%) a different track was used. At 1-year follow-up we observed a significant reduction in LEDD, UPDRS Part III score off-medications, and UPDRS Part III score on medications, as compared to baseline. The systematic review of the literature yielded 23 papers; adding the cases here reported, overall 1258 asleep DBS cases using MER are described. This technique was safe and effective: metanalysis showed similar, if not better, outcome of asleep vs awake patients operated using MER. MER are a useful and reliable tool during asleep STN DBS, leading to a fine tuning of electrode position in the majority of cases. Collaboration between neurosurgeon, neurophysiologist and neuroanesthesiologist is crucial, since slight modifications of sedation level can impact profoundly on MER reliability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing has been used to measure transepithelial and transendothelial impedances of cultured cell layers and extract cell parameters such as junctional resistance, cell-substrate separation, and membrane capacitance. Previously, a three-path cell-electrode model comprising two transcellular pathways and one paracellular pathway was developed for the impedance analysis of MDCK cells. By ignoring the resistances of the lateral intercellular spaces, we develop a simplified three-path model for the impedance analysis of epithelial cells and solve the model equations in a closed form. The calculated impedance values obtained from this simplified cell-electrode model at frequencies ranging from 31.25 Hz to 100 kHz agree well with the experimental data obtained from MDCK and OVCA429 cells. We also describe how the change in each model-fitting parameter influences the electrical impedance spectra of MDCK cell layers. By assuming that the junctional resistance is much smaller than the specific impedance through the lateral cell membrane, the simplified three-path model reduces to a two-path model, which can be used for the impedance analysis of endothelial cells and other disk-shaped cells with low junctional resistances. The measured impedance spectra of HUVEC and HaCaT cell monolayers nearly coincide with the impedance data calculated from the two-path model.





