
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human neuronal activity, recorded in vivo from microelectrodes, may offer valuable insights into physiological mechanisms underlying human cognition and pathophysiological mechanisms of brain diseases, in particular epilepsy. Continuous and long-term recordings are necessary to monitor non predictable pathological and physiological activities like seizures or sleep. Because of their high impedance, microelectrodes are more sensitive to noise than macroelectrodes. Low noise levels are crucial to detect action potentials from background noise, and to further isolate single neuron activities. Therefore, long-term recordings of multi-unit activity remains a challenge. We shared here our experience with microelectrode recordings and our efforts to reduce noise levels in order to improve signal quality. We also provided detailed technical guidelines for the connection, recording, imaging and signal analysis of microelectrode recordings.
    During the last 10 years, we implanted 122 bundles of Behnke-Fried hybrid macro-microelectrodes, in 56 patients with pharmacoresistant focal epilepsy. Microbundles were implanted in the temporal lobe (74%), as well as frontal (15%), parietal (6%) and occipital (5%) lobes. Low noise levels depended on our technical setup. The noise reduction was mainly obtained after electrical insulation of the patient\'s recording room and the use of a reinforced microelectrode model, reaching median root mean square values of 5.8 µV. Seventy percent of the bundles could record multi-units activities (MUA), on around 3 out of 8 wires per bundle and for an average of 12 days. Seizures were recorded by microelectrodes in 91% of patients, when recorded continuously, and MUA were recorded during seizures for 75 % of the patients after the insulation of the room. Technical guidelines are proposed for (i) electrode tails manipulation and protection during surgical bandage and connection to both clinical and research amplifiers, (ii) electrical insulation of the patient\'s recording room and shielding, (iii) data acquisition and storage, and (iv) single-units activities analysis.
    We progressively improved our recording setup and are now able to record (i) microelectrode signals with low noise level up to 3 weeks duration, and (ii) MUA from an increased number of wires . We built a step by step procedure from electrode trajectory planning to recordings. All these delicate steps are essential for continuous long-term recording of units in order to advance in our understanding of both the pathophysiology of ictogenesis and the neuronal coding of cognitive and physiological functions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Implantable neural interfaces advance the possibilities for neuroscientists to study the brain. They are also promising for use in a multitude of bioelectronic therapies. Electrode technology plays a central role in these developments, as the electrode surfaces form the physical interfaces between technology and the biological targets. Despite this, a common understanding of how electrodes should best be evaluated and compared with respect to their efficiency in recording and stimulation is currently lacking. Without broadly accepted performance tests, it is difficult to rank the many suggestions for electrode materials available in the literature, or to identify where efforts should be focused to advance the field most efficiently. This tutorial critically discusses the most relevant performance tests for characterization of neural interface electrodes and explains their implementation, interpretation and respective limitations. We propose a unified standard to facilitate transparent reporting on electrode performance, promote efficient scientific process and ultimately accelerate translation into clinical practice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although microdisk electrode arrays (MEAs) have been extensively used for more than three decades, the existing rules do not provide an unambiguous formula for the calculation of the minimum interelectrode distance (d) necessary for steady-state current response. With the aim of formulating generally applicable guidelines for design and experiment with MEAs, cyclic voltammograms were simulated for coplanar and shallow recessed microdisk electrode arrays with various interelectrode distances and dimensionless scan rates (V). The dimensionless scan rate (V) is a function of the radius (a) of the individual electrodes in the array, the diffusion coefficient (D) of the analyte, and the potential scan rate (v). The cyclic voltammograms at microdisk electrode arrays are grouped into five categories corresponding to the contributions of linear and radial diffusion to the overall responses. These categories are illustrated in a zone diagram based on the effect of V and d on the shape of cyclic voltammograms. The zone diagram reveals the minimum d and a cluster of linked d and V values that are incident to sigmoidal wave responses. For shallow recessed microdisk electrode arrays, the zones representing hemispherical diffusion are larger than that for coplanar arrays. The minimum d necessary for hemispherical diffusion becomes smaller as recess depth increases. With the zone diagram, one can predict the type of the cyclic voltammograms that can be expected for different microelectrode array geometries and experimental conditions. The fitting between simulation and experimental data validates our conclusions.







  • 文章类型: Guideline





