Enteric neurons

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: We previously showed enteric nerve activation after application of colonic mucosal biopsy supernatants from patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The question remains whether this is a region-specific or a generalized sensitization. We tested the nerve-activating properties of supernatants from large and small intestinal regions of IBS patients with diarrhea (IBS-D) in comparison to those from mastocytosis patients with diarrhea (MC-D) or non-IBS/non-MC patients with GI-complaints. MC-D patients were included to test samples from patients with an established, severe mast cell disorder, because mast cells are suggested to play a role in IBS.
    UNASSIGNED: Voltage-sensitive dye imaging was used to record the effects of mucosal biopsy supernatants from IBS-D, MC-D, and non-IBS/non-MC on guinea pig submucous neurons. Mast cell density and histamine concentrations were measured in all samples.
    UNASSIGNED: The median neuroindex (spike frequency × % responding neurons in Hz × %) was significantly (all p < 0.001) increased for IBS-D (duodenum and colon, proximal and distal each, 49.3; 50.5; 63.7; 71.9, respectively) compared to non-IBS/non-MC (duodenum and colon, proximal and distal each, 8.7; 4.9; 6.9; 5.4, respectively) or MC-D supernatants (duodenum and colon, proximal and distal each, 9.4; 11.9; 0.0; 7.9, respectively). Nerve activation by MC-D and non-IBS/non-MC supernatants was comparable (p>0.05). Mast cell density or histamine concentrations were not different between IBS-D, MC-D, and non-IBS/non-MC samples.
    UNASSIGNED: Nerve activation by biopsy supernatants is an IBS hallmark that occurs throughout the gut, unrelated to mast cell density or histamine concentration. At least as important is our finding that GI complaints per se were not associated with biopsy supernatant-induced nerve activation, which further stresses the relevance of altered nerve behavior in IBS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The enteric nervous system (ENS) is comprised of neurons, glia, and neural progenitor cells that regulate essential gastrointestinal functions. Advances in high-efficiency enteric neuron culture would facilitate discoveries surrounding ENS regulatory processes, pathophysiology, and therapeutics.
    METHODS: Development of a simple, robust, one-step method to culture murine enteric neurospheres in a 3D matrix that supports neural growth and differentiation.
    RESULTS: Myenteric plexus cells isolated from the entire length of adult murine small intestine formed ≥3000 neurospheres within 7 days. Matrigel-embedded neurospheres exhibited abundant neural stem and progenitor cells expressing Sox2, Sox10 and Msi1 by day 4. By day 5, neural progenitor cell marker Nestin appeared in the periphery of neurospheres prior to differentiation. Neurospheres produced extensive neurons and neurites, confirmed by Tubulin beta III, PGP9.5, HuD/C, and NeuN immunofluorescence, including neural subtypes Calretinin, ChAT, and nNOS following 8 days of differentiation. Individual neurons within and external to neurospheres generated depolarization induced action potentials which were inhibited in the presence of sodium channel blocker, Tetrodotoxin. Differentiated neurospheres also contained a limited number of glia and endothelial cells.
    METHODS: This novel one-step neurosphere growth and differentiation culture system, in 3D format (in the presence of GDNF, EGF, and FGF2), allows for ∼2-fold increase in neurosphere count in the derivation of enteric neurons with measurable action potentials.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our method describes a novel, robust 3D culture of electrophysiologically active enteric neurons from adult myenteric neural stem and progenitor cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phosphatase and tensin homolog (Pten) is a key regulator of cell proliferation and a potential target to stimulate postnatal enteric neuro- and/or gliogenesis. To investigate this, we generated two tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase murine models in which Pten was conditionally ablated, (1) in glia (Plp1-expressing cells) and (2) in neurons (Calb2-expressing cells). Tamoxifen-treated adult (7-12 weeks of age; n = 4-15) mice were given DSS to induce colitis, EdU to monitor cell proliferation, and were evaluated at two timepoints: (1) early (3-4 days post-DSS) and (2) late (3-4 weeks post-DSS). We investigated gut motility and evaluated the enteric nervous system. Pten inhibition in Plp1-expressing cells elicited gliogenesis at baseline and post-DSS (early and late) in the colon, and neurogenesis post-DSS late in the proximal colon. They also exhibited an increased frequency of colonic migrating motor complexes (CMMC) and slower whole gut transit times. Pten inhibition in Calb2-expressing cells did not induce enteric neuro- or gliogenesis, and no alterations were detected in CMMC or whole gut transit times when compared to the control at baseline or post-DSS (early and late). Our results merit further research into Pten modulation where increased glia and/or slower intestinal transit times are desired (e.g., short-bowel syndrome and rapid-transit disorders).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental contamination and the resulting food contamination represent a serious problem and pose a major threat to animal and human health. The gastrointestinal tract is directly exposed to a variety of substances. One is glyphosate, whose presence in the soil is commonly observed. This study demonstrates the effects of low and high glyphosate doses on the populations of intramural neurons of the porcine descending colon. An analysis was performed on neurons ex-pressing the vasoactive intestinal peptide, pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide, a neuronal isoform of nitrogen oxide synthase, and galanin. Even a low dose of glyphosate increased the number of neurons immunoreactive against the studied substances. However, the changes depended on both the plexus analysed and the substance tested. Meanwhile, a high glyphosate dose resulted in quantitative changes (an increase in the number) within neurons immunoreactive against all the studied neuropeptides/enzymes in the myenteric plexus and both submucosal plexuses. The response of the enteric nervous system in the form of an increase in the number of neurons immunoreactive against neuroprotective substances may suggest that glyphosate has a toxic effect on enteric neurons which attempt to increase their survivability through the released neuroprotective substances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Bisphenol A (BPA) is used in large quantities for the production of plastics and is present in various everyday objects. It penetrates living organisms and shows multidirectional adverse influence on many internal organs. For this reason, BPA is often replaced in plastic production by other substances. One of them is bisphenol S (BPS), whose effects on the enteric nervous system (ENS) have not been explained.
    UNASSIGNED: Therefore, the present study compares the influence of BPA and BPS on the number of enteric neurons immunoreactive to cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide located in the ENS of the stomach, jejunum and colon with the use of double immunofluorescence method.
    UNASSIGNED: The obtained results have shown that both bisphenols studied induced an increase in the number of CART-positive enteric neurons, and the severity of changes depended on the type of enteric ganglion, the dose of bisphenols and the segment of the digestive tract. The most visible changes were noted in the myenteric ganglia in the colon. Moreover, in the colon, the changes submitted by BPS are more noticeable than those observed after BPA administration. In the stomach and jejunum, bisphenol-induced changes were less visible, and changes caused by BPS were similar or less pronounced than those noted under the impact of BPA, depending on the segment of the gastrointestinal tract and ganglion type studied.
    UNASSIGNED: The results show that BPS affects the enteric neurons containing CART in a similar way to BPA, and the BPS impact is even stronger in the colon. Therefore, BPS is not neutral for the gastrointestinal tract and ENS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is a severe, life-threatening condition and one of the leading causes of intestinal failure in children. Here we were interested in changes in muscle layers and especially in the myenteric plexus of the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the small bowel in the context of intestinal adaptation. Twelve rats underwent a massive resection of the small intestine to induce SBS. Sham laparotomy without small bowel transection was performed in 10 rats. Two weeks after surgery, the remaining jejunum and ileum were harvested and studied. Samples of human small bowel were obtained from patients who underwent resection of small bowel segments due to a medical indication. Morphological changes in the muscle layers and the expression of nestin, a marker for neuronal plasticity, were studied. Following SBS, muscle tissue increases significantly in both parts of the small bowel, i.e., jejunum and ileum. The leading pathophysiological mechanism of these changes is hypertrophy. Additionally, we observed an increased nestin expression in the myenteric plexus in the remaining bowel with SBS. Our human data also showed that in patients with SBS, the proportion of stem cells in the myenteric plexus had risen by more than twofold. Our findings suggest that the ENS is tightly connected to changes in intestinal muscle layers and is critically involved in the process of intestinal adaptation to SBS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) has been employed for treating constipation. However, its mechanisms involving enteric nervous system (ENS) and motility are largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the possible ENS involvement of SNS in treating Loperamide-induced constipation in rats.
    UNASSIGNED: Experiment-1 was designed to study the effects of acute SNS on whole colon transit time (CTT). In experiment-2, we induced constipation by Loperamide and then applied daily SNS or sham-SNS for 1 week. Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), and PGP9.5 in colon tissue were examined at the end of the study. Moreover, survival factors such as phosphorylated AKT (p-AKT) and Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) were measures by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and western blot (WB).
    UNASSIGNED: (1) SNS with one set of parameters shortened CTT starting at 90 min after phenol red administration (p < 0.05). (2) While Loperamide induced slow transit constipation with a significant reduction in fecal pellet number and feces wet weight, daily SNS for a week resolved constipation. (3) Moreover, SNS was able to shorten whole gut transit time comparing to sham-SNS (p = 0.01). (4) Loperamide reduced the number of PGP9.5 and ChAT positive cells, and downregulated ChAT protein expression and upregulated nNOS protein expression, whereas these detrimental effects were significantly reversed by SNS. (5) Furthermore, SNS increased expressions of both GDNF and p-AKT in colon tissue. (6) Vagal activity was reduced following Loperamide (p < 0.01); yet SNS normalized vagal activity.
    UNASSIGNED: SNS with appropriate parameters improves opioid-induced constipation and reversed the detrimental effects of Loperamide on enteric neurons possibly via the GDNF-PI3K/Akt pathway.GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Diabetes, as a metabolic disorder, is accompanied with several gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, like abdominal pain, gastroparesis, diarrhoea or constipation. Serious and complex enteric nervous system damage is confirmed in the background of these diabetic motility complaints. The anatomical length of the GI tract, as well as genetic, developmental, structural and functional differences between its segments contribute to the distinct, intestinal region-specific effects of hyperglycemia. These observations support and highlight the importance of a regional approach in diabetes-related enteric neuropathy. Intestinal large and microvessels are essential for the blood supply of enteric ganglia. Bidirectional morpho-functional linkage exists between enteric neurons and enteroglia, however, there is also a reciprocal communication between enteric neurons and immune cells on which intestinal microbial composition has crucial influence. From this point of view, it is more appropriate to say that enteric neurons partake in multidirectional communication and interact with these key players of the intestinal wall. These interplays may differ from segment to segment, thus, the microenvironment of enteric neurons could be considered strictly regional. The goal of this review is to summarize the main tissue components and molecular factors, such as enteric glia cells, interstitial cells of Cajal, gut vasculature, intestinal epithelium, gut microbiota, immune cells, enteroendocrine cells, pro-oxidants, antioxidant molecules and extracellular matrix, which create and determine a gut region-dependent neuronal environment in diabetes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mental health profoundly impacts inflammatory responses in the body. This is particularly apparent in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), in which psychological stress is associated with exacerbated disease flares. Here, we discover a critical role for the enteric nervous system (ENS) in mediating the aggravating effect of chronic stress on intestinal inflammation. We find that chronically elevated levels of glucocorticoids drive the generation of an inflammatory subset of enteric glia that promotes monocyte- and TNF-mediated inflammation via CSF1. Additionally, glucocorticoids cause transcriptional immaturity in enteric neurons, acetylcholine deficiency, and dysmotility via TGF-β2. We verify the connection between the psychological state, intestinal inflammation, and dysmotility in three cohorts of IBD patients. Together, these findings offer a mechanistic explanation for the impact of the brain on peripheral inflammation, define the ENS as a relay between psychological stress and gut inflammation, and suggest that stress management could serve as a valuable component of IBD care.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The enteric nervous system (ENS) is a complex network of diverse molecularly defined classes of neurons embedded in the gastrointestinal wall and responsible for controlling the major functions of the gut. As in the central nervous system, the vast array of ENS neurons is interconnected by chemical synapses. Despite several studies reporting the expression of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the ENS, their roles in the gut remain elusive. Here, by using an array of immunohistochemistry, molecular profiling and functional assays, we uncover a new role for d-serine (d-Ser) and non-conventional GluN1-GluN3 N-methyl d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) in regulating ENS functions. We demonstrate that d-Ser is produced by serine racemase (SR) expressed in enteric neurons. By using both in situ patch clamp recording and calcium imaging, we show that d-Ser alone acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter in the ENS independently of the conventional GluN1-GluN2 NMDARs. Instead, d-Ser directly gates the non-conventional GluN1-GluN3 NMDARs in enteric neurons from both mouse and guinea-pig. Pharmacological inhibition or potentiation of GluN1-GluN3 NMDARs had opposite effects on mouse colonic motor activities, while genetically driven loss of SR impairs gut transit and fluid content of pellet output. Our results demonstrate the existence of native GluN1-GluN3 NMDARs in enteric neurons and open new perspectives on the exploration of excitatory d-Ser receptors in gut function and diseases.





