transgenerational toxicity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a novel pollutant, microplastic pollution has become a global environmental concern. Melatonin (MT) has a protective effect on the damage caused by pollutants. However, there is still a lack of research on the transgenerational toxicity of microplastics and the alleviation of microplastics toxicity by MT. In this study, the adult zebrafish was exposed to (0, 0.1 and 1 mg/L) polystyrene nanoplastics (PSNP) with or without (1 μM) MT for 14 days, and embryos (F1) were used for experiments. Our study found that long-term exposure of parents to 1 mg/L PSNP reduced fertilization rate and survival rate of offspring, increased the deformity rate and induced embryos to hatch in advance. The growth inhibition of offspring was related to the gene transcription of the growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor axis. Moreover, PSNP caused oxidative stress in offspring, damaged immune system, reduced antioxidant capacity and induced apoptosis. MT supplementation could effectively alleviate the developmental toxicity and oxidative damage of offspring, but the negative effects brought by PSNP could not be completely eliminated. Our research provided a new reference for the protective effect of MT on transgenerational toxicity induced by PSNP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acrylamide is pervasive, and its exposure poses numerous health risks. This study examines both the direct and transgenerational effects of acrylamide toxicity in Caenorhabditis elegans, focusing on physiological and behavioral parameters. Parental exposure to acrylamide compromised several aspects of nematode health, including lifespan, reproductive capacity, body dimensions, and motor and sensory functions. Notably, while exposure to low concentrations of acrylamide did not alter the physiological traits of the offspring-except for their learning and memory-these findings suggest a possible adaptive response to low-level exposure that could be inherited by subsequent generations. Furthermore, continued acrylamide exposure in the offspring intensified both physiological and perceptual toxicity. Detailed analysis revealed dose-dependent alterations in acrylamide\'s detoxification and metabolic pathways. In particular, it inhibits the gene gst-4, which encodes a crucial enzyme in detoxification, mitigates DNA damage induced by acrylamide, and highlights a potential therapeutic target to reduce its deleterious effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ozone (O3), a persistent pollutant, poses a significant health threat. However, research on its multigenerational toxicity remains limited. Leveraging the Drosophila model with its short lifespan and advanced genetic tools, we explored the effects of O3 exposure across three generations of fruit flies. The findings revealed that O3 disrupted motility, body weight, stress resistance, and oxidative stress in three generations of flies, with varying effects observed among them. Transcriptome analysis highlighted the disruption of glucose metabolism-related pathways, encompassing gluconeogenesis/glycolysis, galactose metabolism, and carbon metabolism. Hub genes were identified, and RT-qPCR results indicated that O3 decreased their transcription levels. Comparative analysis of their human orthologs was conducted using Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) and DisGeNET databases. These genes are linked to various metabolic diseases, including diabetes, hypoglycemia, and obesity. The trehalose content was reduced in F0 generation flies but increased in F1-F2 generations after O3 exposure. While the trehalase and glucose levels were decreased across F0-F2 generations. TAG synthesis-related genes were significantly upregulated in F0 generation flies but downregulated in F1-F2 generations. The expression patterns of lipolysis-related genes varied among the three generations of flies. Food intake was increased in F0 generation flies but decreased in F1-F2 generations. Moreover, TAG content was significantly elevated in F0 generation flies by O3 exposure, while it was reduced in F2 generation flies. These differential effects of O3 across three generations of flies suggest a metabolic reprogramming aimed at mitigating the damage caused by O3 to flies. The study affirms the viability of employing the Drosophila model to investigate the mechanisms underlying O3-induced glucose and lipid metabolism disorders while emphasizing the importance of studying the long-term health effects of O3 exposure. Moreover, this research highlights the Drosophila model as a viable tool for investigating the multigenerational effects of pollutants, particularly atmospheric pollutants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cigarette butts have become one of the most common and persistent forms of debris in marine coastal areas, where they pose significant toxicity risks. This study investigated cigarette butt pollution along beaches of the Yellow Sea and used laboratory experiments to assess the toxicity of their leachate and fibers on the euryhaline rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. A pollution index confirmed pollution by this debris across all eight beaches surveyed, where the density of cigarette butts averaged 0.23 butts/m2. In controlled laboratory experiments, both the fibers and leachates from cigarette butts exhibited negative impacts on the development, reproduction, and population growth of rotifers. Unique abnormalities observed under different exposure treatments indicated toxicity specific to certain chemicals and particles. Continuous exposure to cigarette butts initially reduced rotifer fecundity, but this effect diminished over successive generations. However, the exposure induced transgenerational reproductive toxicity in the rotifers. Adaptive responses in rotifers after repeated exposure led to relative reduction in reproductive inhibition in the F3 and F4 generations. Furthermore, rotifers were capable of ingesting and accumulating cigarette butts, and maternal transfer emerged as an alternative pathway for uptake of this material in the offspring. These results increase our understanding of the ecological risks posed by cigarette butts in aquatic environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Because of its ubiquitous occurrence in the environment, decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE), a novel brominated flame retardant, has been widely concerned. However, its transgenerational thyroid disrupting potential and intricate mechanism are barely explored. Therefore, zebrafish embryos were exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations of DBDPE (0, 0.1, 1 and 10 nM) until sexual maturity. The results indicated that life-time exposure to DBDPE caused anxiety-like behavior in unexposed offspring. Furthermore, the changing of thyroid hormones as well as transcriptional and DNA methylation level in the promoter region of related genes were evaluated. The thyroid disruptions observed in F1 larvae were primarily attributed to excessive transfer of thyroid hormone from F0 adults to F1 eggs. Conversely, the disruptions in F2 larvae were likely due to inherited epigenetic changes, specifically hypomethylation of crh and hypermethylation of ugt1ab, passed down from the F1 generation. Additionally, our results revealed sex-specific responses of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis in adult zebrafish. Furthermore, thyroid disruptions observed in unexposed offspring were more likely inherited from their mothers. The current results prompted our in-depth understanding of the multi- and transgenerational toxicity by DBDPE, and also highlighted the need to consider their adverse effects on persistent and inheritable epigenetic changes in future research on emerging pollutants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nanoplastics at environmentally relevant concentrations (ERCs) could cause transgenerational toxicity on organisms. Caenorhabditis elegans is an important model for the study of transgenerational toxicology of pollutants. Nevertheless, the underlying mechanisms for the control of transgenerational nanoplastic toxicity by germline signals remain largely unclear. In C. elegans, exposure to 1-100 μg/L polystyrene nanoparticle (PS-NP) decreased expression of germline ced-1 encoding a G protein-coupled receptor at parental generation (P0-G). After PS-NP exposure at P0-G, transgenerational decrease in germline ced-1 expression could be detected. Meanwhile, the susceptibility to transgenerational PS-NP toxicity was observed in ced-1(RNAi) animals. After PS-NP exposure at P0-G, germline RNAi of ced-1 increased expressions of met-2 and set-6 encoding histone methylation transferases. The susceptibility of ced-1(RNAi) to transgenerational PS-NP toxicity could be inhibited by RNAi of met-2 and set-6. Moreover, in PS-NP exposed met-2(RNAi) and set-6(RNAi) nematodes, expressions of ins-39, wrt-3, and/or efn-3 encoding secreted ligands were decreased. Therefore, our results demonstrated that inhibition in germline CED-1 mediated the toxicity induction of nanoplastics at ERCs across multiple generations in nematodes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the real environment, some chemical functional groups are unavoidably combined on the nanoplastic surface. Reportedly, amino-modified polystyrene nanoparticles (PS-A NPs) exposure in parents can induce severe transgenerational toxicity, but the underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unclear. Using Caenorhabditis elegans as the animal model, this study was performed to investigate the role of germline epidermal growth factor (EGF) signal on modulating PS-A NPs\' transgenerational toxicity. As a result, 1-10 μg/L PS-A NPs exposure transgenerationally enhanced germline EGF ligand/LIN-3 and NSH-1 levels. Germline RNAi of lin-3 and nsh-1 was resistant against PS-A NPs\' transgenerational toxicity, implying the involvement of EGF ligand activation in inducing PS-A NPs\' transgenerational toxicity. Furthermore, LIN-3 overexpression transgenerationally enhanced EGF receptor/LET-23 expression in the progeny, and let-23 RNAi in F1-generation notably suppressed PS-A NPs\' transgenerational toxicity in the exposed worms overexpressing germline LIN-3 at P0 generation. Finally, LET-23 functioned in neurons and intestine for regulating PS-A NPs\' transgenerational toxicity. LET-23 acted at the upstream DAF-16/FOXO within the intestine in response to PS-A NPs\' transgenerational toxicity. In neurons, LET-23 functioned at the upstream of DAF-7/DBL-1, ligands of TGF-β signals, to mediate PS-A NPs\' transgenerational toxicity. Briefly, this work revealed the exposure risk of PS-A NPs\' transgenerational toxicity, which was regulated through activating germline EGF signal in organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transgenerational nanoplastic toxicity could be detected in Caenorhabditis elegans after exposure at the parental generation (P0-G); however, the underlying mechanisms remain largely unclear. We aimed to examine the role of germline nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs) in controlling the transgenerational toxicity of polystyrene nanoparticles (PS-NPs) based on gene expression screening and functional analysis. Among germline NHR genes, daf-12, nhr-14, and nhr-47 expressions were increased and nhr-12 expression was decreased by PS-NPs (1 and 10 μg/L). Transgenerational alterations in expressions of these four NHR genes were also induced by PS-NPs (1 and 10 μg/L). RNAi of daf-12, nhr-14, and nhr-47 caused resistance, whereas RNAi of nhr-12 conferred susceptibility to transgenerational PS-NP toxicity. After PS-NP exposure, expressions of ins-3, daf-28, and ins-39 encoding insulin ligands, efn-3 encoding Ephrin ligand, and lin-44 encoding Wnt ligand, as well as expressions of their receptor genes (daf-2, vab-1, and/or mig-1), were dysregulated by the RNAi of daf-12, nhr-14, nhr-47, and nhr-12. Therefore, alteration in certain germline NHRs could mediate the induction of transgenerational nanoplastic toxicity by affecting secreted ligands and their receptors in the offspring of exposed organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a member of biodegradable plastics, exposure risk of polylactic acid microplastic (PLA-MP) has received attention recently. Toxicity of PLA-MP at parental generation (P0-G) has been observed in some organisms; however, its possible transgenerational toxicity and underlying mechanisms remain unclear. In Caenorhabditis elegans, 10 and 100 μg/L PLA-MP resulted in transgenerational inhibition in reproductive capacity and transgenerational damage on gonad development. Meanwhile, transgenerational increase in germline apoptosis was detected after PLA-MP exposure at P0-G, which was associated with transgenerational dysregulation in expressions of genes governing apoptosis (ced-3, ced-4, egl-1, and ced-9) and DNA damage related genes (cep-1, mrt-2, hus-1, and clk-2). Among secreted ligand genes, PLA-MP exposure induced transgenerational increase in expression of ins-39 and wrt-3, and RNAi of ins-39 and wrt-3 inhibited germline apoptosis in PLA-MP exposed nematodes. Additionally, PLA-MP caused transgenerational increase in expression of met-2 and set-6 encoding histone methylation transferases, and germline apoptosis induced by PLA-MP could be suppressed by RNAi of met-2 and set-6. Dysregulated expressions of some apoptosis and DNA damage related genes caused by PLA-MP were reversed by RNAi of ins-39, wrt-3, met-2, and set-6. Moreover, in PLA-MP exposed animals, expression of ins-39 and wrt-3 could be further inhibited by RNAi of met-2 and set-6. Therefore, PLA-MP potentially induced reproductive toxicity across multiple generations, which was under the control of MET-2 and SET-6 activated ligands of INS-39 and WRT-3.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mycotoxins and pesticides frequently coexist in agricultural commodities on a global scale. The potential transgenerational consequences induced by these substances pose a significant threat to human health. However, there is a lack of data concerning the effects of co-contamination by these chemicals in the F1 generation following parental exposure. This investigation delved into the mixture effects of T-2 toxin (T-2) and epoxiconazole (EPO) on the offspring of zebrafish (Danio rerio). The findings revealed that exposure across generations to a combination of T-2 and EPO resulted in toxicity in the larvae of the F1 generation. This was demonstrated by a significant increase in the levels or activities of malondialdehyde (MDA), thyroxine (T4), Caspase3, and cas9, along with a decrease in the levels of cyp19a, ERα, and ERβ. These outcomes suggested that cross-generational exposure to T-2 and EPO in D. rerio disrupted oxidative balance, induced cell apoptosis, and affected the endocrine system. Moreover, these effects were magnified when the F1 generation was continuously exposed to these compounds. Notably, these adverse effects could persist in subsequent generations without additional exposure. This study underscored the potential dangers associated with the simultaneous presence of T-2 and EPO on the development of fish offspring and the resulting environmental hazards to aquatic ecosystems. These findings emphasized the significant health risks posed by cross-generational exposure and highlighted the need for additional legislative measures to address these concerns.





