Signaling mechanisms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fatigue is a common physiological state that affects normal human activities. Prolonged fatigue induces a variety of diseases and seriously affects human health, so it is imperative to discover nutritional dietary supplements and treatments without side effects, among which natural anti-fatigue polysaccharides have shown great potential. Polysaccharides, a class of biomolecules produced by a variety of organisms such as plants, animals, bacteria and algae, have attracted much attention in recent years due to their anti-fatigue activity and fewer side effects. This review summarizes the classification, dosage and experimental models of polysaccharides with anti-fatigue activity obtained from different natural sources. We also review the fatigue-relieving effects of these polysaccharides through mechanisms such as modulating oxidative damage, regulating energy metabolism and influencing intestinal flora, as well as the effects of molecular weights, monosaccharide compositions, structural features and chemical modifications of the polysaccharides on their anti-fatigue activities to support their potential application value in functional foods and pharmaceuticals. New valuable insights for future research on natural polysaccharides are also presented in the field of natural production of bio-based functional materials, functional foods and therapeutic agents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pesticides have become an integral part of modern agricultural practices, but their widespread use poses a significant threat to human health. As such, there is a pressing need to develop effective methods for detecting pesticides in food and environmental samples. Traditional chromatography methods and common rapid detection methods cannot satisfy accuracy, portability, long storage time, and solution stability at the same time. In recent years, photoelectrochemical (PEC) sensing technology has gained attention as a promising approach for detecting various pesticides due to its salient advantages, including high sensitivity, low cost, simple operation, fast response, and easy miniaturization, thus becoming a competitive candidate for real-time and on-site monitoring of pesticide levels. This review provides an overview of the recent advancements in PEC methods for pesticide detection and their applications in ensuring food and environmental safety, with a focus on the categories of photoactive materials, from single semiconductor to semiconductor-semiconductor heterojunction, and signaling mechanisms of PEC sensing platforms, including oxidation of pesticides, steric hindrance, generation/decrease in sacrificial agents, and introduction/release of photoactive materials. Additionally, this review will offer insights into future prospects and confrontations, thereby contributing novel perspectives to this evolving domain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aging refers to the gradual physiological changes that occur in an organism after reaching adulthood, resulting in senescence and a decline in biological functions, ultimately leading to death. Epidemiological evidence shows that aging is a driving factor in the developing of various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, immune system disorders, cancer, and chronic low-grade inflammation. Natural plant polysaccharides have emerged as crucial food components in delaying the aging process. Therefore, it is essential to continuously investigate plant polysaccharides as potential sources of new pharmaceuticals for aging. Modern pharmacological research indicates that plant polysaccharides can exert antiaging effects by scavenging free radicals, increasing telomerase activity, regulating apoptosis, enhancing immunity, inhibiting glycosylation, improving mitochondrial dysfunction regulating gene expression, activating autophagy, and modulating gut microbiota. Moreover, the antiaging activity of plant polysaccharides is mediated by one or more signaling pathways, including IIS, mTOR, Nrf2, NF-κB, Sirtuin, p53, MAPK, and UPR signaling pathways. This review summarizes the antiaging properties of plant polysaccharides and signaling pathways participating in the polysaccharide-regulating aging process. Finally, we discuss the structure-activity relationships of antiaging polysaccharides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Heart injury such as myocardial infarction leads to cardiomyocyte loss, fibrotic tissue deposition, and scar formation. These changes reduce cardiac contractility, resulting in heart failure, which causes a huge public health burden. Military personnel, compared with civilians, is exposed to more stress, a risk factor for heart diseases, making cardiovascular health management and treatment innovation an important topic for military medicine. So far, medical intervention can slow down cardiovascular disease progression, but not yet induce heart regeneration. In the past decades, studies have focused on mechanisms underlying the regenerative capability of the heart and applicable approaches to reverse heart injury. Insights have emerged from studies in animal models and early clinical trials. Clinical interventions show the potential to reduce scar formation and enhance cardiomyocyte proliferation that counteracts the pathogenesis of heart disease. In this review, we discuss the signaling events controlling the regeneration of heart tissue and summarize current therapeutic approaches to promote heart regeneration after injury.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The heavy metal contamination, which causes toxic effects on plants, has evolved into a significant constraint to plant quality and yield. This scenario has been exacerbated by booming population expansion and intrinsic food insecurity. Numerous studies have found that counteracting heavy metal tolerance and accumulation necessitates complex mechanisms at the biochemical, molecular, tissue, cellular and whole plant levels, which may demonstrate increased crop yields. Essential and non-essential elements have similar harmful impacts on plants including reduced biomass production, growth and photosynthesis inhibition, chlorosis, altered fluid balance and nutrient absorption, as well as senescence, all of which led to plant death. Notable biotechnological strategies for effective remediation require knowledge of metal stress and tolerance mechanisms in plants. Assimilation, cooperation and integration, of biotechnological improvements, are required for adequate environmental rehabilitation in the emerging area of bioremediation. This review emphasizes a deeper understanding of metal toxicity, stress, and potential tolerance mechanisms in plants exposed to metal stress. The microbe-mediated metal toxic effects and stress mitigation knowledge can be used to create a new strategic plan as feasible, sustainable, and environmentally friendly bioremediation techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Malaria is a life-threatening infectious disease, affecting over 250 million individuals worldwide each year, eradicating malaria has been one of the greatest challenges to public health for a century. Growing resistance to anti-parasitic therapies and lack of effective vaccines are major contributing factors in controlling this disease. However, the incomplete understanding of parasite interactions with host anti-malaria immunity hinders vaccine development efforts to date. Recent studies have been unveiling the complexity of immune responses and regulators against Plasmodium infection. Here, we summarize our current understanding of host immune responses against Plasmodium-derived components infection and mainly focus on the various regulatory mechanisms mediated by recent identified immune regulators orchestrating anti-malaria immunity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    When subject to vegetational shading, shade-avoiding plants detect neighbors by perceiving reduced light quantity and altered light quality. The former includes decreases in the ratio of red to far-red wavelengths (low R:FR) and low blue light ratio (LBL) predominantly detected by phytochromes and cryptochromes, respectively. By integrating multiple signals, plants generate a suite of responses, such as elongation of a variety of organs, accelerated flowering, and reduced branching, which are collectively termed the shade-avoidance syndrome (SAS). To trigger the SAS, interactions between photoreceptors and phytochrome-interacting factors are the general switch for activation of downstream signaling pathways. A number of transcription factor families and phytohormones, especially auxin, gibberellins, ethylene, and brassinosteroids, are involved in the SAS processes. In this review, shade signals, the major photoreceptors involved, and the phenotypic characteristics of the shade-intolerant plant Arabidopsis thaliana are described in detail. In addition, integration of the signaling mechanisms that link photoreceptors with multiple hormone signaling pathways is presented and future research directions are discussed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CD40 plays an important role in immune responses by activating the c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) and NF-κB pathways; however, the precise mechanisms governing the spatiotemporal activation of these two signaling pathways are not fully understood. Here, using four different TRAF2-deficient cell lines (A20.2J, CH12.LX, HAP1, and mouse embryonic fibroblasts [MEFs]) reconstituted with wild-type or phosphorylation mutant forms of TRAF2, along with immunoprecipitation, immunoblotting, gene expression, and immunofluorescence analyses, we report that CD40 ligation elicits TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1)-mediated phosphorylation of TRAF2 at Ser-11. This phosphorylation interfered with the interaction between TRAF2\'s RING domain and membrane phospholipids and enabled translocation of the TRAF2 complex from CD40 to the cytoplasm. We also observed that this cytoplasmic translocation is required for full activation of the JNK pathway and the secondary phase of the NF-κB pathway. Moreover, we found that in the absence of Ser-11 phosphorylation, the TRAF2 RING domain interacts with phospholipids, leading to the translocation of the TRAF2 complex to lipid rafts, resulting in its degradation and activation of the noncanonical NF-κB pathway. Thus, our results provide new insights into the CD40 signaling mechanisms whereby Ser-11 phosphorylation controls RING domain-dependent subcellular localization of TRAF2 to modulate the spatiotemporal activation of the JNK and NF-κB pathways.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Apelin/APJ system is involved in a wide range of biological functions. For a long time, Apelin was thought to be the only ligand for APJ. Recently, a new peptide that acts via APJ and has similar functions, called Elabela, was identified. Elabela has beneficial effects on body fluid homeostasis, cardiovascular health, and renal insufficiency, as well as potential benefits for metabolism and diabetes. In this review, the properties and biological functions of this new peptide are discussed in comparison with those of Apelin. Important areas for future study are also discussed, with the consideration that research on Apelin could guide future research on Elabela.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The gut microbiota is a complex ecosystem consisted of trillions of microbes that have co-evolved with their host for hundreds of millions of years. During the last decade, a growing body of knowledge has suggested that there is a compelling set of connections among diet, gut microbiota and human health. Various physiological functions of the host, ranging from metabolic and immune regulation to nerve and endocrine development, are possibly mediated by the structural components of microbial cell or the products of microbial metabolism, which are greatly influenced by dietary macronutrients and micronutrients. Thus, governing the production and activity of these microbial-associated small molecules and metabolites through dietary intervention may provide promising strategies for the improvement of human health and disease. In this review article, we first provide an overview of current findings about the intimate interrelationships between diet and gut microbiota. We also introduce the physiological effects of some microbial-associated small molecules and metabolites on the host as well as the detailed signaling mechanisms.





