
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ELONGATED HYPOCOTOYL5 (HY5) and PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTORs (PIFs) are two types of important light-related regulators of plant growth, however, their interplay remains elusive. Here, we report that the activated tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) HY5 (SlHY5) triggers the transcription of a Calcium-dependent Protein Kinase SlCPK27. SlCPK27 interacts with and phosphorylates SlPIF4 at Ser-252 and Ser-308 phosphosites to promote its degradation. SlPIF4 promotes hypocotyl elongation mainly by activating the transcription of SlDWF, a key gene in brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthesis. Such a SlHY5-SlCPK27-SlPIF4-BR cascade not only plays a crucial role in photomorphogenesis but also regulates thermomorphogenesis. Our results uncover a previously unidentified mechanism that integrates Ca2+ signaling with the light signaling pathways to regulate plant growth by modulating BR biosynthesis in response to changes in ambient light and temperature.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE 4 (ABI4) is a pivotal transcription factor which coordinates multiple aspects of plant growth and development as well as plant responses to environmental stresses. ABI4 has been shown to be involved in regulating seedling photomorphogenesis; however, the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Here, we show that the role of ABI4 in regulating photomorphogenesis is generally regulated by sucrose, but ABI4 promotes hypocotyl elongation of Arabidopsis seedlings under blue (B) light under all tested sucrose concentrations. We further show that ABI4 physically interacts with PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR 4 (PIF4), a well-characterized growth-promoting transcription factor, and post-translationally promotes PIF4 protein accumulation under B light. Further analyses indicate that ABI4 directly interacts with the B light photoreceptors cryptochromes (CRYs) and inhibits the interactions between CRYs and PIF4, thus relieving CRY-mediated repression of PIF4 protein accumulation. In addition, while ABI4 could directly activate its own expression, CRYs enhance, whereas PIF4 inhibits, ABI4-mediated activation of the ABI4 promoter. Together, our study demonstrates that the ABI4-PIF4 module plays an important role in mediating CRY-induced B light signaling in Arabidopsis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light is a vital environmental factor that promotes the growth and development of edible fungi mycelium. Under white light, the mycelium color of Sanghuangporus vaninii shifts during its growth stages. To investigate the impact of visible light on mycelial morphogenesis, a comparative transcriptomic analysis was conducted. This analysis revealed the molecular processes that underpin mycelial growth and development in S. vaninii when cultured in both darkness and light conditions. From the analysis, 13,643 genes were aligned using Illumina raw reads. Of these, 596 genes exhibited significant expression changes under white light exposure. Specifically, 226 genes were upregulated and 370 downregulated, spanning 55 different metabolic pathways. We further classified differentially expressed genes (DEGs), these genes play roles in photomorphogenesis, signal transduction, carbohydrate metabolism, and melanin production, among other processes. Some are also implicated in cell cycle regulation and the differential expression of respiratory functions. The validation of the differentially expressed transcripts using qRT-PCR showed complete agreement with RNA-Seq data for 9 transcripts. Meanwhile, the light had an inhibitory effect on the bioactive components in S. vaninii. These findings offer valuable insights into the transcriptional shifts and molecular mechanisms driving the color change in S. vaninii under light exposure, providing a basis for further research into mechanisms of light-response regulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription factor ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 (HY5) is the central hub for seedling photomorphogenesis. E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligase CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) inhibits HY5 protein accumulation through ubiquitination. However, the process of HY5 deubiquitination, which antagonizes E3 ligase-mediated ubiquitination to maintain HY5 homeostasis has never been studied. Here, we identified that Arabidopsis thaliana deubiquitinating enzyme, Ub-SPECIFIC PROTEASE 14 (UBP14) physically interacts with HY5 and enhances its protein stability by deubiquitination. The da3-1 mutant lacking UBP14 function exhibited a long hypocotyl phenotype, and UBP14 deficiency led to the failure of rapid accumulation of HY5 during dark to light. In addition, UBP14 preferred to stabilize nonphosphorylated form of HY5 which is more readily bound to downstream target genes. HY5 promoted the expression and protein accumulation of UBP14 for positive feedback to facilitate photomorphogenesis. Our findings thus established a mechanism by which UBP14 stabilizes HY5 protein by deubiquitination to promote photomorphogenesis in A. thaliana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light is one of the most essential environmental factors that tightly and precisely control various physiological and developmental processes in plants. B-box CONTAINING PROTEINs (BBXs) play central roles in the regulation of light-dependent development. In this study, we report that BBX9 is a positive regulator of light signaling. BBX9 interacts with the red light photoreceptor PHYTOCHROME B (phyB) and transcription factors PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORs (PIFs). phyB promotes the stabilization of BBX9 in light, while BBX9 inhibits the transcriptional activation activity of PIFs. In turn, PIFs directly bind to the promoter of BBX9 to repress its transcription. On the other hand, BBX9 associates with the positive regulator of light signaling, BBX21, and enhances its biochemical activity. BBX21 associates with the promoter regions of BBX9 and transcriptionally up-regulates its expression. Collectively, this study unveiled that BBX9 forms a negative feedback loop with PIFs and a positive one with BBX21 to ensure that plants adapt to fluctuating light conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein S-nitrosylation, which is defined by the covalent attachment of nitric oxide (NO) to the thiol group of cysteine residues, is known to play critical roles in plant development and stress responses. NO promotes seedling photomorphogenesis and NO emission is enhanced by light. However, the function of protein S-nitrosylation in plant photomorphogenesis is largely unknown. E3 ligase CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) and transcription factor ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5) antagonistically regulate seedling photomorphogenesis. COP1 inhibits plant photomorphogenesis by targeting photomorphogenic promoters like HY5 for 26S proteasome degradation. Here, we report that COP1 is S-nitrosylated in vitro. Mass spectrometry analyses revealed that two evolutionarily well conserved residues, cysteine 425 and cysteine 607, in the WD40 domain of COP1 are S-nitrosylated. S-nitrosylated glutathione (GSNO) is an important physiological NO donor for protein S-nitrosylation. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) gsnor1-3 mutant, which accumulates higher level of GSNO, accumulated higher HY5 levels than wildtype (WT), indicating that COP1 activity is inhibited. Protein S-nitrosylation can be reversed by Thioredoxin-h5 (TRXh5) in plants. Indeed, COP1 interacts directly with TRXh5 and its close homolog TRXh3. Moreover, catalase 3 (CAT3) acts as a transnitrosylase that transfers NO to its target proteins like GSNO reductase (GSNOR). We found that CAT3 interacts with COP1 in plants. Taken together, our data indicate that the activity of COP1 is likely inhibited by NO via S-nitrosylation to promote the accumulation of HY5 and photomorphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryptochromes (CRYs) act as blue light photoreceptors to regulate various plant physiological processes including photomorphogenesis and repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). ADA2b is a conserved transcription co-activator that is involved in multiple plant developmental processes. It is known that ADA2b interacts with CRYs to mediate blue light-promoted DSBs repair. Whether ADA2b may participate in CRYs-mediated photomorphogenesis is unknown. Here we show that ADA2b acts to inhibit hypocotyl elongation and hypocotyl cell elongation in blue light. We found that the SWIRM domain-containing C-terminus mediates the blue light-dependent interaction of ADA2b with CRYs in blue light. Moreover, ADA2b and CRYs act to co-regulate the expression of hypocotyl elongation-related genes in blue light. Based on previous studies and these results, we propose that ADA2b plays dual functions in blue light-mediated DNA damage repair and photomorphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    COP1 (CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1), a repressor of seedling photomorphogenesis, is tightly controlled by light. In Arabidopsis, COP1 primarily acts as a part of large E3 ligase complexes and targets key light-signaling factors for ubiquitination and degradation. Upon light perception, the action of COP1 is precisely modulated by active photoreceptors. During seedling development, light plays a predominant role in modulating seedling morphogenesis, including inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, cotyledon opening and expansion, and chloroplast development. These visible morphological changes evidently are resulted from networks of molecular action. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about the molecular role of COP1 in mediating light-controlled seedling development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photomorphogenesis is a light-dependent plant growth and development program. As the core regulator of photomorphogenesis, ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5) is affected by dynamic changes in its transcriptional activity and protein stability; however, little is known about the mediators of these processes. Here, we identified PHOTOREGULATORY PROTEIN KINASE 1 (PPK1), which interacts with and phosphorylates HY5 in Arabidopsis, as one such mediator. The phosphorylation of HY5 by PPK1 is essential to establish high-affinity binding with B-BOX PROTEIN 24 (BBX24) and CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1), which inhibit the transcriptional activity and promote the degradation of HY5, respectively. As such, PPKs regulate not only the binding of HY5 to its target genes under light conditions but also HY5 degradation when plants are transferred from light to dark. Our data identify a PPK-mediated phospho-code on HY5 that integrates the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of HY5 to precisely control plant photomorphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280-315 nm) is a minor component of solar radiation, but it has a major regulatory impact on plant growth and development. Solar UV-B regulates numerous aspects of plant metabolism, morphology and physiology through altering the expression of hundreds of genes. EARLY RESPONSIVE TO DEHYDRATION 15 (ERD15) is a drought-induced rapid response gene, formerly known as a negative regulator of the abscisic acid (ABA) signaling pathway. It is unclear whether ERD15 is involved in UV-B-induced photomorphogenesis. Previously, we reported that the BBX24 transcriptional factor negatively regulated UV-B signaling. In the present study, we identified that ERD15 is involved in UV-B photomorphogenesis as a positive regulator at phenotypic, physiological and molecular levels. Our results indicated that ERD15 expression is suppressed by UV-B, inhibited the elongation of Arabidopsis hypocotyls in a UV-B-dependent manner, promoted the expression of related UV-B signaling genes and increased the total antioxidant capacity of Arabidopsis under UV-B. Genetic hybridization results show that ERD15 acts downstream of BBX24, and BBX24 protein mediated the expression of ERD15 by binding to its promoter. Thus, ERD15 is a novel positive regulator of the UV-B signaling pathway, which is downstream of BBX24 and regulated by BBX24 protein to participate in UV-B photomorphogenesis.





