
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light is one of the most important factors regulating plant gene expression patterns, metabolism, physiology, growth, and development. To explore how light may induce or alter transcript splicing, we conducted RNA-Seq-based transcriptome analyses by comparing the samples harvested as etiolated seedlings grown under continuous dark conditions vs. the light-treated green seedlings. The study aims to reveal differentially regulated protein-coding genes and novel long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), their light-induced alternative splicing, and their association with biological pathways. We identified 14,766 differentially expressed genes, of which 4369 genes showed alternative splicing. We observed that genes mapped to the plastid-localized methyl-erythritol-phosphate (MEP) pathway were light-upregulated compared to the cytosolic mevalonate (MVA) pathway genes. Many of these genes also undergo splicing. These pathways provide crucial metabolite precursors for the biosynthesis of secondary metabolic compounds needed for chloroplast biogenesis, the establishment of a successful photosynthetic apparatus, and photomorphogenesis. In the chromosome-wide survey of the light-induced transcriptome, we observed intron retention as the most predominant splicing event. In addition, we identified 1709 novel lncRNA transcripts in our transcriptome data. This study provides insights on light-regulated gene expression and alternative splicing in rice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The circadian clock is an endogenous oscillator, and its importance lies in its ability to impart rhythmicity on downstream biological processes, or outputs. Our knowledge of output regulation, however, is often limited to an understanding of transcriptional connections between the clock and outputs. For instance, the clock is linked to plant growth through the gating of photoreceptors via rhythmic transcription of the nodal growth regulators, PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORs (PIFs), but the clock\'s role in PIF protein stability is less clear. Here, we identified a clock-regulated, F-box type E3 ubiquitin ligase, CLOCK-REGULATED F-BOX WITH A LONG HYPOCOTYL 1 (CFH1), that specifically interacts with and degrades PIF3 during the daytime. Additionally, genetic evidence indicates that CFH1 functions primarily in monochromatic red light, yet CFH1 confers PIF3 degradation independent of the prominent red-light photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB). This work reveals a clock-mediated growth regulation mechanism in which circadian expression of CFH1 promotes sustained, daytime PIF3 degradation in parallel with phyB signaling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription factor ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 (HY5) is the central hub for seedling photomorphogenesis. E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligase CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) inhibits HY5 protein accumulation through ubiquitination. However, the process of HY5 deubiquitination, which antagonizes E3 ligase-mediated ubiquitination to maintain HY5 homeostasis has never been studied. Here, we identified that Arabidopsis thaliana deubiquitinating enzyme, Ub-SPECIFIC PROTEASE 14 (UBP14) physically interacts with HY5 and enhances its protein stability by deubiquitination. The da3-1 mutant lacking UBP14 function exhibited a long hypocotyl phenotype, and UBP14 deficiency led to the failure of rapid accumulation of HY5 during dark to light. In addition, UBP14 preferred to stabilize nonphosphorylated form of HY5 which is more readily bound to downstream target genes. HY5 promoted the expression and protein accumulation of UBP14 for positive feedback to facilitate photomorphogenesis. Our findings thus established a mechanism by which UBP14 stabilizes HY5 protein by deubiquitination to promote photomorphogenesis in A. thaliana.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyanobacteria play a key role in primary production in both oceans and fresh waters and hold great potential for sustainable production of a large number of commodities. During their life, cyanobacteria cells need to acclimate to a multitude of challenges, including shifts in intensity and quality of incident light. Despite our increasing understanding of metabolic regulation under various light regimes, detailed insight into fitness advantages and limitations under shifting light quality remains underexplored. Here, we study photo-physiological acclimation in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 throughout the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) range. Using light emitting diodes (LEDs) with qualitatively different narrow spectra, we describe wavelength dependence of light capture, electron transport and energy transduction to main cellular pools. In addition, we describe processes that fine-tune light capture, such as state transitions, or the efficiency of energy transfer from phycobilisomes to photosystems (PS). We show that growth was the most limited under blue light due to inefficient light harvesting, and that many cellular processes are tightly linked to the redox state of the plastoquinone (PQ) pool, which was the most reduced under red light. The PSI-to-PSII ratio was low under blue photons, however, it was not the main growth-limiting factor, since it was even more reduced under violet and near far-red lights, where Synechocystis grew faster compared to blue light. Our results provide insight into the spectral dependence of phototrophic growth and can provide the foundation for future studies of molecular mechanisms underlying light acclimation in cyanobacteria, leading to light optimization in controlled cultivations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The red and far-red light photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB) transmits light signals following cytosol-to-nuclear translocation to regulate transcriptional networks therein. This necessitates changes in protein-protein interactions of phyB in the cytosol, about which little is presently known. Via introduction of a nucleus-excluding G767R mutation into the dominant, constitutively active phyBY276H (YHB) allele, we explore the functional consequences of expressing a cytosol-localized YHBG767R variant in transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings. We show that YHBG767R elicits selective constitutive photomorphogenic phenotypes in dark-grown phyABCDE null mutants, wild type and other phy-deficient genotypes. These responses include light-independent apical hook opening, cotyledon unfolding, seed germination and agravitropic hypocotyl growth with minimal suppression of hypocotyl elongation. Such phenotypes correlate with reduced PIF3 levels, which implicates cytosolic targeting of PIF3 turnover or PIF3 translational inhibition by YHBG767R. However, as expected for a cytoplasm-tethered phyB, YHBG767R elicits reduced light-mediated signaling activity compared with similarly expressed wild-type phyB in phyABCDE mutant backgrounds. YHBG767R also interferes with wild-type phyB light signaling, presumably by formation of cytosol-retained and/or otherwise inactivated heterodimers. Our results suggest that cytosolic interactions with PIFs play an important role in phyB signaling even under physiological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    ICT1 is an Arabidopsis thaliana line that overexpresses the gene encoding the S30 ribosomal subunit, leading to tolerance to exogenous indole-3-carbinol. Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is a protective chemical formed as a breakdown of I3M in cruciferous vegetables. The overexpression of S30 in ICT1 results in transcriptional changes that prime the plant for the I3C, or biotic insult. Emerging evidence suggests that ribosomal proteins play important extra-ribosomal roles in various biochemical and developmental processes, such as transcription and stress resistance. In an attempt to elucidate the mechanism leading to I3C and stress resistance in ICT1, and using a multi-pronged approach employing transcriptomics, metabolomics, phenomics, and physiological studies, we show that overexpression of S30 leads to specific transcriptional alterations, which lead to both changes in metabolites connected to biotic and oxidative stress tolerance and, surprisingly, to photomorphogenesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryptochromes are widely dispersed flavoprotein photoreceptors that regulate numerous developmental responses to light in plants, as well as to stress and entrainment of the circadian clock in animals and humans. All cryptochromes are closely related to an ancient family of light-absorbing flavoenzymes known as photolyases, which use light as an energy source for DNA repair but themselves have no light sensing role. Here we review the means by which plant cryptochromes acquired a light sensing function. This transition involved subtle changes within the flavin binding pocket which gave rise to a visual photocycle consisting of light-inducible and dark-reversible flavin redox state transitions. In this photocycle, light first triggers flavin reduction from an initial dark-adapted resting state (FADox). The reduced state is the biologically active or \'lit\' state, correlating with biological activity. Subsequently, the photoreduced flavin reoxidises back to the dark adapted or \'resting\' state. Because the rate of reoxidation determines the lifetime of the signaling state, it significantly modulates biological activity. As a consequence of this redox photocycle Crys respond to both the wavelength and the intensity of light, but are in addition regulated by factors such as temperature, oxygen concentration, and cellular metabolites that alter rates of flavin reoxidation even independently of light. Mechanistically, flavin reduction is correlated with conformational change in the protein, which is thought to mediate biological activity through interaction with biological signaling partners. In addition, a second, entirely independent signaling mechanism arises from the cryptochrome photocycle in the form of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These are synthesized during flavin reoxidation, are known mediators of biotic and abiotic stress responses, and have been linked to Cry biological activity in plants and animals. Additional special properties arising from the cryptochrome photocycle include responsivity to electromagnetic fields and their applications in optogenetics. Finally, innovations in methodology such as the use of Nitrogen Vacancy (NV) diamond centers to follow cryptochrome magnetic field sensitivity in vivo are discussed, as well as the potential for a whole new technology of \'magneto-genetics\' for future applications in synthetic biology and medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After germination in the dark, plants produce a shoot apical hook and closed cotyledons to protect the quiescent shoot apical meristem (SAM), which is critical for seedling survival during skotomorphogenesis. The factors that coordinate these processes, particularly SAM repression, remain enigmatic. Plant cuticles, multilayered structures of lipid components on the outermost surface of the aerial epidermis of all land plants, provide protection against desiccation and external environmental stresses. Whether and how cuticles regulate plant development are still unclear. Here, we demonstrate that mutants of BODYGUARD1 (BDG1) and long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase2 (LACS2), key genes involved in cutin biosynthesis, produce a short hypocotyl with an opened apical hook and cotyledons in which the SAM is activated during skotomorphogenesis. Light signaling represses expression of BDG1 and LACS2, as well as cutin biosynthesis. Transcriptome analysis revealed that cuticles are critical for skotomorphogenesis, particularly for the development and function of chloroplasts. Genetic and molecular analyses showed that decreased HOOKLESS1 expression results in apical hook opening in the mutants. When hypoxia-induced expression of LITTLE ZIPPER2 at the SAM promotes organ initiation in the mutants, the de-repressed expression of cell-cycle genes and the cytokinin response induce the growth of true leaves. Our results reveal previously unrecognized developmental functions of the plant cuticle during skotomorphogenesis and demonstrate a mechanism by which light initiates photomorphogenesis through dynamic regulation of cuticle synthesis to induce coordinated and systemic changes in organ development and growth during the skotomorphogenesis-to-photomorphogenesis transition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Light is a crucial environmental factor that impacts various aspects of plant development. Phytochromes, as light sensors, regulate myriads of downstream genes to mediate developmental reprogramming in response to changes in environmental conditions. CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) is an E3 ligase for a number of substrates in light signaling, acting as a central repressor of photomorphogenesis. The interplay between phytochrome B (phyB) and COP1 forms an antagonistic regulatory module that triggers extensive gene expression reprogramming when exposed to light. Here, we uncover a role of COP1 in light-dependent chromatin remodeling through the regulation of VIL1 (VIN3-LIKE 1)/VERNALIZATION 5, a Polycomb protein. VIL1 directly interacts with phyB and regulates photomorphogenesis through the formation of repressive chromatin loops at downstream growth-promoting genes in response to light. Furthermore, we reveal that COP1 governs light-dependent formation of chromatin loop and limiting a repressive histone modification to fine-tune expressions of growth-promoting genes during photomorphogenesis through VIL1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is already known that light quality and intensity have major influences on the growth, etiolation, germination, and morphology of many plant species, but there is limited information about the effect of wavelength and light intensity on nutrient absorption by plants. Therefore, this study was established to evaluate the plant growth, stomata formation, chlorophyll index, and absorption of macro- and micronutrients by common bean plants under six light treatments. The experimental design was completely randomized and consisted of six treatments: strong blue (blue LED at high light intensity); weak blue (blue LED at low light intensity); strong red (red LED at high light intensity); weak red (red LED at low light intensity; pink (combined red + blue LED), and white (combined red + white led). The stomatal density (stomata mm-2); the SPAD index; plant height (cm); root length (cm); plant dry weight (g); root dry weight (g); and the concentrations of N, S, K, Mg, Ca, B, Zn, Mn, and Fe on leaf analysis were influenced by all treatments. We found that plant photomorphogenesis is controlled not only by the wavelength, but also by the light intensity. Etiolation was observed in bean plants under blue light at low intensity, but when the same wavelength had more intensity, the etiolation did not happen, and the plant height was the same as plants under multichromatic lights (pink and white light). The smallest plants showed the largest roots, some of the highest chlorophyll contents, and some of the highest stomatal densities, and consequently, the highest dry weight, under white LED, showing that the multichromatic light at high intensity resulted in better conditions for the plants in carbon fixation. The effect of blue light on plant morphology is intensity-dependent. Plants under multichromatic light tend to have lower concentrations of N, K, Mg, and Cu in their leaves, but the final amount of these nutrients absorbed is higher because of the higher dry weight of these plants. Plants under blue light at high intensity tended to have lower concentrations of N, Cu, B, and Zn when compared to the same wavelength at low intensity, and their dry weight was not different from plants grown under pink light. New studies are needed to understand how and on what occasions intense blue light can replace red light in plant physiology.





