protein transport

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cisternae of the Golgi apparatus adhere to each other to form stacks, which are aligned side by side to form the Golgi ribbon. Two proteins, GRASP65 and GRASP55, previously implicated in stacking of cisternae, are shown to be required for the formation of the Golgi ribbon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Safe and effective anti-rabies vaccines are intensely sought worldwide. DNA vaccines have already shown their efficacy and safety and have occupied a special place in the field. Two prototype anti-rabies DNA vaccines were compared for the potential to induce virus-specific antibody production. One vector contained a codon-optimized gene with a territory-adapted consensus sequence of the rabies virus glycoprotein. The other one expressed the same glycoprotein in fusion with a c-CD63 lysosome targeting motif at the C terminus. ELISA of serum samples from immunized mice showed that the c-CD63 variant induced more efficient antibody production and shifted the IgG2a/IgG1 ratio towards the Th2-type immune response. The results gave grounds to believe that the approach successfully applied to the rabies glycoprotein may help to develop new-generation anti-rabies vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We previously used an orthogonal high-throughput screen to select peptides that spontaneously cross synthetic lipid bilayers without bilayer disruption. Many of the 12-residue spontaneous membrane translocating peptides (SMTPs) selected from the library contained a 5-residue consensus motif, LRLLR in positions 5-9. We hypothesized that the conserved motif could be a necessary and sufficient minimal motif for translocation. To test this and to explore the mechanism of spontaneous membrane translocation, we synthesized seven arginine placement variants of LRLLRWC and compared their membrane partitioning, translocation, and perturbation to one of the parent SMTPs, called \"TP2\". Several motif variant peptides translocate into synthetic vesicles with rates that are similar to TP2. However, the peptide containing the selected motif, LRLLRWC, was not the fastest; sequence context is also important for translocation efficiency. Although none of these peptides permeabilize bilayers, the motif peptides translocate faster at higher peptide to lipid ratios, suggesting that bilayer perturbation and/or cooperative interactions are important for their translocation. On the other hand, TP2 translocates slower as its concentration is increased, suggesting that TP2 translocates as a monomer and is inhibited by lateral interactions in the membrane. TP2 and the LRLLR motif peptide induce lipid translocation, suggesting that lipids chaperone them across the bilayer. The other motif peptides do not induce lipid flip-flop, suggesting an alternate mechanism. Concatenated motifs translocate slower than the motifs alone. Variants of TP2 with shorter and longer arginine side-chain analogs translocate slower than TP2. In summary, these results suggest that multiple patterns of leucine and arginine can support spontaneous membrane translocation, and that sequence context is important for the contribution of the motifs. Because motifs do not make simple, additive contributions to spontaneous translocation, rational engineering of novel SMTPs will remain difficult, providing even more reason to pursue SMTP discovery with synthetic molecular evolution.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The strong dependence of retroviruses, such as human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), on host cell factors is no more apparent than when the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery is purposely disengaged. The resulting potent inhibition of retrovirus release underscores the importance of understanding fundamental structure-function relationships at the ESCRT-HIV-1 interface. Recent studies utilizing advanced imaging technologies have helped clarify these relationships, overcoming hurdles to provide a range of potential models for ESCRT-mediated virus abscission. Here, we discuss these models in the context of prior work detailing ESCRT machinery and the HIV-1 release process. To provide a template for further refinement, we propose a new working model for ESCRT-mediated HIV-1 release that reconciles disparate and seemingly conflicting studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondria play a critical role in the physiological homeostasis of the cell, contributing to numerous cellular processes, including bioenergetics, metabolism and cell life and death. Owing to their keystone role, mitochondria have gained much attention as pharmacological targets. The outer mitochondrial integral membrane translocator protein (TSPO) has attracted a significant degree of pharmacological interest owing to its ability to bind a number of classes of drugs with high affinity and specificity. In addition to its well-characterized drug binding site, TSPO possess an additional high-affinity ligand binding site, originally identified for its ability to bind the lipid cholesterol, which was named the cholesterol recognition/interaction amino acid consensus (CRAC) motif. Previous investigations from our laboratory identified additional ligands targeted to TSPO\'s CRAC motif which are able to potently inhibit mitochondrial cholesterol transport and steroid biosynthesis, processes for which TSPO has been well-characterized. However, all of these compounds possessed the steroidal backbone common to cholesterol and steroid hormones. In our efforts to expand our understanding of TSPO\'s CRAC motif, we performed studies aimed at identifying non-steroidal ligands for this motif. Molecular modeling and in silico screening of large chemical libraries identified a panel of compounds which were subsequently screened for bioactivity in a number of steroidogenic model systems. These efforts identified a family of non-steroidal CRAC ligands able to potently inhibit steroidogenesis, and at higher concentrations, promote apoptosis. In addition, the best candidate in this family was able to suppress testosterone synthesis when administered to rats, indicating that this novel family of non-steroidal CRAC ligands may serve as prototypes for the development of drugs useful for treatment of diseases of steroid overproduction, such as Cushing\'s syndrome and steroidogenic cell tumors in humans and animals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The HA (haemagglutinin) of influenza viruses must be recruited to membrane rafts to perform its function in membrane fusion and virus budding. We previously showed using FRET that deletion of the two raft-targeting features of HA, S-acylation at the cytoplasmic tail and the hydrophobic amino acids VIL (Val-Ile-Leu) in the outer part of the TMR (transmembrane region), lead to reduced raft association. In addition, exchange of VIL, but not of the S-acylation sites severely retards transport of HA through the Golgi. In the present study, we have further characterized the ill-defined signal in the TMR. A sequence comparison suggests that the leucine residue of VIL might be part of a CCM (cholesterol consensus motif) that is known to bind cholesterol to seven-transmembrane receptors. The signal also comprises a lysine residue and a tryptophan residue on one and a tyrosine residue on another TMR helix and is conserved in group 2 HAs. Mutations in the CCM retard Golgi-localized processing of HA, such as acquisition of Endo H (endoglycosidase H)-resistant carbohydrates in the medial Golgi and proteolytic cleavage in the TGN (trans-Golgi network). The delay in transport of HA to and from the medial Golgi varied with the mutation, suggesting that different transport steps are affected. All mutants analysed by FRET also showed reduced association with rafts at the plasma membrane. Thus the raft-targeting signal of HA encompasses not only hydrophobic, but also aromatic and positively charged, residues. We speculate that binding to cholesterol might facilitate intracellular transport of HA and association with rafts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The exocyst complex is a multi-subunits evolutionary conserved complex, which was originally shown to be primarily associated with vesicular transport to the plasma membrane. A recent report (Kulich et al., 2013 Traffic; In Press) revealed that AtEXO70B1, one of the multiple subunits of the exocyst complex of Arabidopsis thaliana plants, is co-transported with the autophagy-associated Atg8f protein to the vacuole. This pathway does not involve the Golgi apparatus. The co-localization of AtEXO70B1 and Atg8f suggests either that both of these proteins are co-transported together to the vacuole or, alternatively, that Atg8 binds to a putative Atg8 interacting motif (AIM) located within the AtEXO70B1 polypeptide, apparently forming a tethering complex for an autophagic complex that is transported to the vacuole. In the present addendum, by tooling a bioinformatics approach, we show that AtEXO70B1 as well as the additional 20 paralogs of Arabidopsis EXO70 exocyst subunits each possess one or more AIMs whose consensus sequence implies their high fidelity binding to Atg8. This indicates that the autophagy machinery is strongly involved in the assembly, transport, and apparently also the function of AtEXO70B1 as well as the exocyst sub complex.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Water passes through cell membranes relatively slowly by diffusion. In order to maintain water homeostasis, the rapid and specific regulation of cellular water flow is mediated by the aquaporin (AQP) family of membrane protein water channels. The wide range of tissues that are known to express AQPs is reflected by their involvement in many physiological processes and diseases; thirteen human AQPs have been identified to date and the majority are highly specific for water while others show selectivity for water, glycerol and other small solutes. Receptor mediated translocation, via hormone activation, is an established method of AQP regulation, especially for AQP2. There is now an emerging consensus that the rapid and reversible translocation of other AQPs from intracellular vesicles to the plasma membrane, triggered by a range of stimuli, confers altered membrane permeability thereby acting as a regulatory mechanism. This review examines the molecular components that may enable such AQP regulation; these include cytoskeletal proteins, kinases, calcium and retention or localization signals. Current knowledge on the dynamic regulation of sub-cellular AQP translocation in response to a specific trigger is explored in the context of the regulation of cellular water flow.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Originally identified as essential pre-mRNA splicing factors, non-POU-domain-containing, octamer binding protein (p54nrb) and PTB-associated RNA splicing factor (PSF) are also steroid receptor corepressors. The mechanisms by which p54nrb and PSF regulate gene transcription remain unclear. Both p54nrb and PSF contain protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) consensus binding RVxF motifs, suggesting that PP1 may regulate phosphorylation status of p54nrb and PSF and thus their function in gene transcription. In this report, we demonstrated that PP1 forms a protein complex with both p54nrb and PSF. PP1 interacts directly with the RVxF motif only in p54nrb, but not in PSF. Association with PP1 results in dephosphorylation of both p54nrb and PSF in vivo and the loss of their transcriptional corepressor activities. Using the CD44 minigene as a reporter, we showed that PP1 regulates p54nrb and PSF alternative splicing activities that determine exon skipping vs. inclusion in the final mature RNA for translation. In addition, changes in transcriptional corepression and RNA splicing activities of p54nrb and PSF are correlated with alterations in protein interactions of p54nrb and PSF with transcriptional corepressors such as Sin3A and histone deacetylase 1, and RNA splicing factors such as U1A and U2AF. Furthermore, we demonstrated a novel function of the RVxF motif within PSF that enhances its corepression and RNA splicing activities independent of PP1. We conclude that the RVxF motifs play an important role in controlling the multifunctional properties of p54nrb and PSF in the regulation of gene transcription.





