
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Trisomy 18 syndrome, also known as Edwards syndrome, is the second most common autosomal chromosome syndrome after Down syndrome. Trisomy 18 is a serious medical disorder due to the increased occurrence of structural defects, the high neonatal and infant mortality, and the disabilities observed in older children. Interventions, including cardiac surgery, remain controversial, and the traditional approach is to pursue pure comfort care. While the medical challenges have been well-characterized, there are scant data on the parental views and perspective of the lived experience of rearing a child with trisomy 18. Knowledge of the parental viewpoints can help clinicians guide families through decision-making. Our aim was to identify parents\' perspectives by analyzing a series of narratives. In this qualitative study, we collected 46 parent narratives at the 2015 and 2016 conferences of the Support Organization for Trisomy 18 & 13 (SOFT). The participants were asked to \"Tell us a story about your experience.\" Inductive content analysis and close reading were used to identify themes from the stories. Dedoose, a web-based application to analyze qualitative data, was used to code themes more systematically. Of the identified themes, the most common included Impact of trisomy 18 diagnosis and Surpassing expectations. Other themes included Support from professionals, A child, not a diagnosis, and Trust/lack of trust. We examined the voice and the perspectives of the parents in their challenges in caring for their children with this life-limiting condition. The exploration of the themes can ideally guide clinicians in their approach to the counseling and care of the child in a shared decision-making approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A wealth of clinically relevant information is only obtainable within unstructured clinical narratives, leading to great interest in clinical natural language processing (NLP). While a multitude of approaches to NLP exist, current algorithm development approaches have limitations that can slow the development process. These limitations are exacerbated when the task is emergent, as is the case currently for NLP extraction of signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and postacute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC).
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to highlight the current limitations of existing NLP algorithm development approaches that are exacerbated by NLP tasks surrounding emergent clinical concepts and to illustrate our approach to addressing these issues through the use case of developing an NLP system for the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and PASC.
    METHODS: We used 2 preexisting studies on PASC as a baseline to determine a set of concepts that should be extracted by NLP. This concept list was then used in conjunction with the Unified Medical Language System to autonomously generate an expanded lexicon to weakly annotate a training set, which was then reviewed by a human expert to generate a fine-tuned NLP algorithm. The annotations from a fully human-annotated test set were then compared with NLP results from the fine-tuned algorithm. The NLP algorithm was then deployed to 10 additional sites that were also running our NLP infrastructure. Of these 10 sites, 5 were used to conduct a federated evaluation of the NLP algorithm.
    RESULTS: An NLP algorithm consisting of 12,234 unique normalized text strings corresponding to 2366 unique concepts was developed to extract COVID-19 or PASC signs and symptoms. An unweighted mean dictionary coverage of 77.8% was found for the 5 sites.
    CONCLUSIONS: The evolutionary and time-critical nature of the PASC NLP task significantly complicates existing approaches to NLP algorithm development. In this work, we present a hybrid approach using the Open Health Natural Language Processing Toolkit aimed at addressing these needs with a dictionary-based weak labeling step that minimizes the need for additional expert annotation while still preserving the fine-tuning capabilities of expert involvement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Storytelling-an ancient way for humans to share individual experiences with others-has been found to induce neural alignment among listeners. In exploring the dynamic fluctuations in listener-listener (LL) coupling throughout stories, we uncover a significant correlation between LL coupling and lagged speaker-listener (lag-SL) coupling over time. Using the analogy of neural pattern (dis)similarity as distances between participants, we term this phenomenon the \"herding effect.\" Like a shepherd guiding a group of sheep, the more closely listeners mirror the speaker\'s preceding brain activity patterns (higher lag-SL similarity), the more tightly they cluster together (higher LL similarity). This herding effect is particularly pronounced in brain regions where neural alignment among listeners tracks with moment-by-moment behavioral ratings of narrative content engagement. By integrating LL and SL neural coupling, this study reveals a dynamic, multi-brain functional network between the speaker and the audience, with the unfolding narrative content playing a mediating role in network configuration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The study aimed to understand how bilingual children with typical language development (TLD) and those with developmental language disorder (DLD) use frequent word co-occurrences in their narratives.
    UNASSIGNED: We studied the change over time in the word co-occurrences used by 30 Spanish-English bilingual children with and without DLD (experimental group). An additional normative group consisted of 98 TLD Spanish-English bilingual first graders. Children narrated two Spanish and two English stories in kindergarten and first grade. Employing a Python program on the transcribed narratives, we extracted all adjacent two-word and three-word co-occurrences. From the normative group, the 90 most frequently occurring two-word and 90 most frequently occurring three-word co-occurrences were extracted. The type and tokens of word co-occurrences each child in the experimental group produced out of the 180 identified word co-occurrences were analysed.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, children at first grade produced more word co-occurrences types than in kindergarten. Children with DLD used fewer types of word co-occurrences but produced them as often as than their TLD peers. Children with DLD increased their word co-occurrences from kindergarten to first grade at the same rate although at a lower frequency. Children in both groups produced similar types and tokens of word co-occurrences in both Spanish and English, except tokens of two word co-occurrences. Children produced two word co-occurrences more often in English than in their Spanish narratives.
    UNASSIGNED: The results shed light on children with DLD\'s deficits in production of word co-occurrences, indirectly reflecting possible deficits in statistical pattern detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The discourse surrounding medical artificial intelligence (AI) often focuses on narratives that either hype the technology\'s potential or predict dystopian futures. AI narratives have a significant influence on the direction of research, funding, and public opinion and thus shape the future of medicine.
    OBJECTIVE: The paper aims to offer critical reflections on AI narratives, with a specific focus on medical AI, and to raise awareness as to how people working with medical AI talk about AI and discharge their \"narrative responsibility.\"
    METHODS: Qualitative semistructured interviews were conducted with 41 participants from different disciplines who were exposed to medical AI in their profession. The research represents a secondary analysis of data using a thematic narrative approach. The analysis resulted in 2 main themes, each with 2 other subthemes.
    RESULTS: Stories about the AI-physician interaction depicted either a competitive or collaborative relationship. Some participants argued that AI might replace physicians, as it performs better than physicians. However, others believed that physicians should not be replaced and that AI should rather assist and support physicians. The idea of excessive technological deferral and automation bias was discussed, highlighting the risk of \"losing\" decisional power. The possibility that AI could relieve physicians from burnout and allow them to spend more time with patients was also considered. Finally, a few participants reported an extremely optimistic account of medical AI, while the majority criticized this type of story. The latter lamented the existence of a \"magical theory\" of medical AI, identified with techno-solutionist positions.
    CONCLUSIONS: Most of the participants reported a nuanced view of technology, recognizing both its benefits and challenges and avoiding polarized narratives. However, some participants did contribute to the hype surrounding medical AI, comparing it to human capabilities and depicting it as superior. Overall, the majority agreed that medical AI should assist rather than replace clinicians. The study concludes that a balanced narrative (that focuses on the technology\'s present capabilities and limitations) is necessary to fully realize the potential of medical AI while avoiding unrealistic expectations and hype.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cognitive economics is an emerging interdisciplinary field that uses the tools of cognitive science to study economic and social decision-making. Although most strains of cognitive economics share commitments to bridging levels of analysis (cognitive, behavioral, and systems) and embracing interdisciplinary approaches, we review a newer strand of cognitive economic thinking with a further commitment: conceptualizing minds and markets each as complex adaptive systems. We describe three ongoing research programs that strive toward these goals: (i) studying narratives as a cognitive and social representation used to guide decision-making; (ii) building cognitively informed agent-based models; and (iii) understanding markets as an extended mind - the Market Mind Hypothesis - analyzed using the concepts, methods, and tools of Coordination Dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The assessment of language deficits can be valuable in the early clinical diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer\'s disease (AD).
    UNASSIGNED: The present study aims to explore whether language markers at the macrostructural level could assist with the placement of an individual across the dementia continuum employing production data from structured narratives.
    UNASSIGNED: We administered a Picture Sequence Narrative Discourse Task to 170 speakers of Greek: young healthy controls (yHC), cognitively intact healthy elders (eHC), elder participants with subjective cognitive impairment (SCI), with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and with AD dementia at the mild/moderate stages. Structural MRIs, medical history, neurological examination, and neuropsychological/cognitive screening determined the status of each speaker to appropriately groupthem.
    UNASSIGNED: The data analysis revealed that the Macrostructure Index, Irrelevant Info, and Narration Density markers can track cognitive decline and AD (p < 0.001; Macrostructural Index: eHC versus AD Sensitivity 93.8%, Specificity 74.4%, MCI versus AD Sensitivity 93.8%, Specificity 66.7%; Narration Density: eHC versus AD Sensitivity 90.6%, Specificity 71.8%, MCI versus AD Sensitivity 93.8%, Specificity 66.7%). Moreover, Narrative Complexity was significantly affected for subjects with AD, Irrelevant Info increased in the narrations of speakers with MCI and AD, while Narration Length did not appear to indubitably differentiate between the cognitively intact groups and the clinical ones.
    UNASSIGNED: Narrative Macrostructure Indices provide valuable information on the language profile of speakers with(out) intact cognition revealing subtle early signs of cognitive decline and AD suggesting that the inclusion of language-based assessment tools would facilitate the clinical process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The dramatic reconfigurations of work-family roles and social boundaries resulting from the social restrictions imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic led working mums to look for online sites as spaces of emotional support and regulation where they could vent their emotions, share their concerns and griefs, and seek advice. They also became interactional spaces where mums\' relevant identities were reassessed and enacted as they aimed to balance work-family roles and improve their wellbeing. The paper explores how working mums discursively negotiated their multiple identities in an online support forum during times of global struggle, how these identity constructions reflect the domains of Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and how working mums perceived these identities are related to their mental health.
    METHODS: 127 posts of Chilean working mums published in a public online support forum for working mums collected during the first half of 2020 were analysed in three phases. The first one involved a thematic analysis to identify themes and subthemes related to working mums\' identity construction in the data. The second phase involved conducting a narrative analysis of working mums\' microstorias in order to identify a master narrative crafted by these working mums, and contesting and conforming ideologies of motherhood, among others. Finally, the third phase involved a fine-grained discourse analysis of the most representative extracts illustrating working mums\' identity negotiation.
    RESULTS: The sociolinguistic analysis showed that working mums\' discourses displayed three themes of self-reflection, namely, diminishing self-care, reassessing their self, and enhancing self through self-care. Identity-related sub-themes for each main theme are discussed and discursively analysed. Two main points are emphasised: (1) the identity that was most salient in working mums\' discourse was their personal identity (rather than work-family roles and identities), and (2) microstorias allowed working mums to challenge the hegemonic power of dominant discourses around their identities and their work-family roles.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study shows that a sociolinguistic approach to the exploration of working mums\' identity negotiation is useful to highlight the ways in which mums contest binary assumptions of work-family roles and the need to reconsider working mums\' life domains so that they reflect working mums\' actual identity needs and lived experiences. Future lines of research are outlined.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the idea of a flat earth may seem absurd in the twenty-first century, there is today a large and growing number of people who believe it. Who are these people and what animates their belief? In answering these questions, this article aims to articulate a cultural psychological approach to conspiracy theories. This is advanced through an in-depth narrative analysis of three individuals\' life stories concerning before, during, and after the transition to the new belief. Thus, rather than starting from the typical look at what socio-demographic factors predict conspiracy beliefs, we start from a nuanced look at flat earth believers\' own life worlds. We show how different individual motives (epistemological, social and existential) and knowledge systems (scientific, religious, societal) come together in individuals\' adoption and reconstruction of conspiracy theories so that they resonate with believers\' personal lives. Most importantly, flat earth theory offers people a comprehensive vision that places human beings at the center of the universe and provides arguments for how life is meaningful. However, we show that this is reached through different pathways in accordance with people\'s unique life histories and challenges.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    People who suffer from advanced cancer may experience a loss of ability to participate in everyday life and meaningful activities, challenging their sense of identity and social relations. Social support in patient-to-patient interactions and the sharing of experiences with people in similar situations may help alleviate distress. This article is based on an ethnographic field study carried out in relation to three residential narrative courses, which included 36 persons with advanced cancer. In this study, we aimed to explore whether the courses were perceived as significant by the participants and, if so, in what ways. The field work included 185 hr of observations, six focus group interviews and nine individual interviews. The data were analyzed using an abductive thematic approach. Our findings indicate that the residential courses were generally experienced as meaningful and that in particular the setting, the community, and gaining hope were experienced as significant.





