mineral trioxide aggregate

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    文章类型: Journal Article
    The objectives of this article are to report 2 cases of nonsurgical endodontic treatment for the management of periapical lesions associated with large cortical bone perforations and review the literature on the clinical efficacy of nonsurgical endodontic treatment to draw insights from published case reports. Large, cyst-like periapical lesions in 2 patients were successfully treated with combined modalities of root canal treatment, antimicrobial therapy (calcium hydroxide and triple antibiotic paste [TAP]), and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) obturation of the canal space. In both cases, instrumentation was extended 1 mm beyond the apical foramen to facilitate drainage through the root canal, because it was assumed that the periapical lesion could be cystic. After instrumentation, TAP was placed within the canal space to aid in disinfection and healing of the dental, pulpal, and periapical conditions. In both patients, the teeth were asymptomatic and functional at follow-up examinations (case 1, 3 years; case 2, 30 months). Supporting the positive outcomes in the 2 clinical cases, the published literature suggests that the use of biocompatible materials such as MTA, which can promote the deposition of hydroxyapatite, has the potential to contribute to tissue regeneration and the healing of large periapical lesions.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Carious exposure of an irreversibly inflamed vital pulp in a young permanent tooth presents a significant clinical challenge to clinicians to maintain the vitality. Direct pulp capping, partial pulpotomy, and complete pulpotomy are the available procedures to treat young permanent tooth. Mineral trioxide aggregate and biodentine are currently the material of choice for these procedures. The present case report describes the successful apexogenesis of mandibular left first permanent molar using mineral trioxide aggregate. The 18-month follow-up of the case demonstrated clinical and radiographic success with absence of any signs and symptoms and continued root formation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: This case report demonstrates the use of three-dimensional (3D) models produced from a cone beam computed tomographic (CBCT) volume to develop a treatment strategy for a rare type of dens invaginatus (DI) in a mandibular incisor.
    METHODS: A patient with DI Type IIIa presented for endodontic treatment. Following CBCT evaluation, the complex morphologic nature of the invagination required additional diagnostic tools for treatment planning. The fabrication of 3D models provided clarity regarding the treatment strategy. Treatment involved intracanal medication with calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2, nonsurgical root canal therapy (NS-RCT) of the main canal, and endodontic surgery for the DI anomaly using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), bone graft, and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane.
    RESULTS: The use of 3D models provided an invaluable guide for proper treatment. Complicating factors were diagnosed and planned for accordingly.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is difficult to appreciate the anatomical complexity, the extent, and the nature of the invagination of rare Type III DI morphology. CBCT imaging and 3D models played a critical role in the pre-treatment planning to ensure a predictable outcome. A 3D model is recommended as a diagnostic tool in treating complex cases where the DI morphology is wide, oblique, or the foraminal opening is irregular.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: The present case report aims to describe the nonsurgical management of an anterior tooth with a blunderbuss canal and an open apex using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) under magnification.
    UNASSIGNED: When pulp is traumatized before root formation, it results in pulpal necrosis, due to which dentin and root formation are interrupted. As a result, the canal remains broad due to thin and fragile dentin walls leading to the open apex. Therefore, root canal treatment is a big challenge currently. In such cases, we prefer MTA apexification to form the hard tissue apical barrier, which is a foreseeable treatment and has been used as another advanced method than calcium hydroxide (CaOH2) apexification due to its superior properties.
    UNASSIGNED: A novel apexification technique was used by the Departments of Pediatric Dentistry and Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics for MTA placement in the central incisor with respect to 11 of a 9-year-old female patient. MTA was used to form an apical barrier using the micro-apical placement (MAP) system under a dental operating microscope (DOM). Following MTA hard set confirmation, obturation with bioceramic sealer and gutta percha with warm vertical condensation was done, followed by post-endodontic composite restoration.
    UNASSIGNED: This case describes the nonsurgical management of an open apex using MTA, MAP system, magnification, and bioceramics, which aided in the management of this endodontic enigma.
    UNASSIGNED: Bhasin P, Saraf BG, Chauhan S, et al. The Successful Interdisciplinary Outcome of Blunderbuss Canal with an Open Apex Using MTA under Magnification: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024;17(1):97-101.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Conventional root resection in periodontally compromised furcation-involved maxillary molars requires preceding endodontic treatment and is therefore associated with loss of tooth vitality, higher invasiveness, treatment time and costs, and the risk of endodontic complications. Vital root resection (VRR) could overcome these disadvantages while establishing stable periodontal and endodontic conditions. This case series aimed to introduce the concept of one-stage VRR with radicular retrograde partial pulpotomy (VRRretro).
    CONCLUSIONS: Seven vital maxillary molars with residual probing pocket depths (PPD) ≥ 6 mm and furcation ≥ class 2 of five patients with stage III/IV periodontitis were treated with VRRretro using mineral trioxide aggregate. Teeth with residual through-and-through furcations were additionally tunnelled. Follow-up up to 2.5 years postoperatively during supportive periodontal care included full periodontal status, percussion and thermal sensitivity testing. Periapical radiographs were obtained to rule out possible periradicular radiolucencies. All seven treated molars were in-situ at an average of 26.84 ± 5.37 months postoperatively and were clinically and radiographically inconspicuous independent of tooth position, the resected root, the need for tunnelling and the restorative status. The mean PPD on the seven treated molars was 4.02 ± 0.85 mm (6-10 mm) preoperatively and 2.62 ± 0.42 mm (3-4 mm) at the last follow-up. Clinical attachment level and bleeding on probing could also be decreased. The teeth showed no mobility over time and furcations class 2 were reduced to class 1 while the tunnelled furcations were accessible with interdental brushes. All molars reacted negatively to percussion and positively to thermal sensitivity testing.
    CONCLUSIONS: In carefully selected cases considering patient- and tooth-related factors, VRRretro could be a promising treatment option to establish stable periodontal and endodontic conditions in furcation-involved maxillary molars while preserving tooth vitality.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Endodontic therapy aims to treat or prevent apical periodontitis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the periapical tissues at the apex of the tooth root. This case study demonstrates the successful nonsurgical and surgical management of a large periapical lesion involving the lower central incisors with root displacement induced by a periapical granuloma. A patient was referred from the maxillofacial department for endodontic treatment due to persistent pain and swelling in the lower anterior region started two months ago. Upon arrival, a clinical examination and radiographic assessment were performed using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). The CBCT scan revealed a significant radiolucent area measuring (10x8) mm extending from the lower left lateral incisor to the right central incisor. The lower left central incisor was necrotic and tender to palpation and percussion. A nonsurgical root canal was performed followed by an apicectomy using mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) to facilitate healing of the periapical lesion. Histopathological examination of the lesion confirmed the diagnosis of periapical granuloma. At follow-up 1, 2, and 3 years\' visits, the periodontal assessment was performed and found to be free of pain upon percussion or palpation. No other clinical or radiological signs or symptoms were identified except for a small radiolucent area mesially adjacent to the root of the lower left central incisor. The development of materials such as MTA has significantly improved the prognosis of cases with large periapical lesions. In this case, healing and spontaneous realignment of the root were observed after three years.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Radicular cysts are the most common cystic lesions that affect the jaws, which, though mostly asymptomatic, can be seen radiographically as an oval or pear-shaped unilocular radiolucency in the periapical region. Nonsurgical root canal procedures and periapical surgery followed by placement of bone substitute and bioceramic root-end filling material is generally the treatment of choice. This case report highlights the endosurgical management of long-standing trauma that led to a radicular cyst with respect to three maxillary anterior teeth in a young adult. The clinical and radiographic examination led to a provisional diagnosis of a radicular cyst, which was confirmed by biopsy. Non-surgical root canal treatment was performed with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) as the apical barrier and surgical enucleation of the cyst was performed followed by placement of hydroxyapatite bone graft. Follow-ups till two years were done, which revealed the successful management of the case.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Successful endodontic treatment relies upon a thorough knowledge of root canal anatomical variations along with proper diagnosis, treatment planning, and clinical expertise. One of the difficult root canal configurations that are frequently encountered commonly in mandibular second molars is C-shaped root canal. Due to the intricate root canal configuration, it is often difficult to negotiate, debride, and obturate such canals leading to failure of root canal treatment. Understanding the anatomical variation and adequate visualization will enable the clinician to manage these cases effectively. Advanced irrigation and obturation techniques help in managing such anomalous canal configurations. This article presents the management of two different C-shaped root canal configurations under dental operating microscope using thermoplasticized obturation techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to evaluate the long-term clinical success of the use of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as a sealant material in root perforation treatments. Therefore, the dental records of 53 patients were analyzed, and treatment data was collected (age, gender, tooth location, jaw, presence or absence of radiolucent lesion, fallow up time and final radiographic/clinical assessment). All procedures were performed by a single specialist. Two examiners analyzed three radiographs from the records of each patient and classified the treatments as successful or unsuccessful. Data was analyzed statistically using parametric chi-square (P≤0.05). The examiners classified 69.8% of the cases as successful, with a follow-up time of 1-16.25 years (average: 6 years). The presence of initial radiolucent lesion was observed in 79.2% of the teeth, with a higher index of treatment in maxillary teeth (62.3%). However, the majority of successful cases were located in the maxilla (73.0%), while most unsuccessful ones were located in the mandible (62.5%) (P=0.014). There was no statistically significant difference regarding presence of previous lesions in successful (75.7%) and unsuccessful cases (87.5%) (P=0.330). In the present study, root perforations sealed with MTA had a success rate of 69.8% within 1-16.25 years. The presence of initial injury did not influence the prognosis, and maxillary teeth presented a higher success rate.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Traumatic dental injuries usually involve the dentoalveolar region, and they readily affect the teeth and their surrounding soft and hard tissues. The common sequelae of traumatic dental injuries lead to pulpal necrosis and apical periodontitis along with cystic changes. The current case report describes the surgical management of a radicular cyst in the periapical region of maxillary incisors and highlights the efficacy of natural platelet concentrate [platelet-rich fibrin (PRF)] used for postoperative healing. A 38-year-old male patient presented to the department with pain and mild swelling in the upper front tooth region. On radiographic examination, a radiolucent periapical lesion was evident in relation to the right maxillary central and lateral incisor. In the maxillary anterior region, root canal therapy was performed, followed by periapical surgery and retrograde filling with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), and PRF was placed in the surgical site to initiate the healing at a faster rate. The patient was recalled for follow-ups after 12 weeks, 24 weeks, and 36 weeks; he was found to be asymptomatic, and significant periapical healing was observed in the radiograph with almost adequate bone formation.





