
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the minimum therapeutic duration for patients with primary laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (LPRD) through the evaluation of symptom changes at multiple time points.
    METHODS: Prospective uncontrolled.
    METHODS: University medical center.
    METHODS: Patients with LPRD at the 24-hour hypopharyngeal-esophageal multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH monitoring were recruited from the European Reflux Clinic. Depending on the type of LPRD, patients were treated with a combination of proton-pump inhibitors, alginate, or magaldrate. Symptoms were evaluated with the reflux symptom score (RSS) at baseline and throughout treatment (1-, 3-, 6-, and 9-month posttreatment). The most appropriate therapeutic duration was determined using the RSS changes. Signs were evaluated with the reflux sign assessment.
    RESULTS: A total of 159 patients completed the study. The mean age was 49.9 ± 15.7 years. At 1-month posttreatment, 97 patients (61.0%) were considered as early responders to treatment, and the treatment was stopped for 52 patients (32.7%). Of the 62 early nonresponders, 34 patients (21.4%) reached responded to treatment after 3 to 9 months. The cumulative therapeutic success rate at 1-month posttreatment (61.0%) progressively increased to reach a range of 82.4% to 99.3% at 9-month posttreatment. The RSS mainly decreased in the first month of treatment in early responders. In early nonresponders, RSS progressively decreased throughout the 9-month treatment period. The baseline severity of RSS is a strong predictor of therapeutic response.
    CONCLUSIONS: A therapeutic regimen of 1 month can be sufficient to treat one third of LPRD patients. The early nonresponders may require 3 to 9 months of treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Retrograde Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction (RCPD) is treated by botulinum toxin (BTX) injection into the cricopharyngeus. This prospective study compares the effectiveness and side effects of operating room (OR) and in-office (IO) injections.
    METHODS: Patients over 18 years of age with inability to burp, abdominal, thoracic, or cervical gurgling sounds, bloating, and excessive flatulence were diagnosed with RCPD and included in the study. Injections were performed in the OR (80U) or IO (30U) by the senior author. An RCPD questionnaire quantifying major and minor symptoms on a Likert scale, Eating Assessment Tool-10 (EAT-10), and Generalized Anxiety Score-7 (GAD-7), were completed preinjection; at 1, 2, and 3 weeks; and 3 months postoperatively. Linear mixed models were used to analyze effects of BTX injection on RCPD symptoms, the EAT-10, and the GAD-7.
    RESULTS: 108 (55 M/53F) patients completed the pretreatment survey, 53 (31 OR vs. 22 IO) completed the 3-week follow-up, and 36 (22 OR vs. 14 IO) completed the 3-month questionnaire. Average posttreatment RCPD scores were significantly lower in both groups at 3 weeks and 3 months (p < 0.0001), There was no difference between IO or OR (p = 0.4924). GAD-7 scores were significantly lower in both groups at week 3 (p = 0.0018) and month 3 (p = 0.0012). Postinjection EAT-10 scores were significantly higher in OR compared with IO (p = 0.0379).
    CONCLUSIONS: OR and IO injections are equally effective in the treatment of RCPD. Postinjection dysphagia is more severe after the OR injections which may be related to higher doses of BTX used. General anxiety levels decrease with treatment.
    METHODS: 2 Laryngoscope, 2024.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Previous studies show that performers face higher risk of voice injury and experience greater impairment compared to nonperformers. Understanding the factors influencing support for performers is important for improving outcomes.
    METHODS: An anonymous online survey was distributed to a target audience of performers with past voice injury, inquiring about their understanding of voice injury \"red flags,\" access to voice care support resources, treatment adherence, and comfort discussing injury with others. Responses were analyzed considering various clinicodemographic factors and aspects related to care and treatment.
    RESULTS: The survey was completed by 151 performers with self-reported history of voice injury, representing multiple performance genres. Participants commonly sought help from a general otolaryngologist (52; 34.44%), laryngologist (41; 27.15%), or voice teacher (40; 26.49%) and treatments included voice therapy, rest, medication, and surgery, with a majority reporting high treatment adherence (129; 87.16%), a statistically significant factor in resolving symptoms. Those with partial or nonadherence cited financial/insurance barriers, scheduling/availability conflicts, or treatment dissatisfaction. Participants reported high awareness of voice injury \"red flags\" (mean 86.80; SD 18.87%), and moderate access to voice care tools/resources (mean 74.76; SD 29.1) and a voice team (mean 71.23; SD 36.52), but low support from management/production teams (mean 50.69; SD 37.23). Several expressed a desire for better education about preventive care (mean 70.06; SD 37.78). Comfort levels in discussing voice injuries varied across social contexts, but those working with voice teachers were more comfortable discussing their voice problems with colleagues and peers.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study explores performers\' perspectives on accessing care for voice injuries and emphasizes the importance of increased preventive education to address the ongoing stigma surrounding voice injuries and to foster a supportive environment for performers seeking help. Additionally, the study highlights the role of voice professionals in both providing and advocating for support systems for performers with voice injury.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the risk of fibromyalgia in patients with primary muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) in comparison to subjects with no dysphonia.
    METHODS: Prospective cohort study.
    METHODS: The medical records and video recordings of all patients presenting to the Voice and Swallowing unit at a tertiary referral center between October 2022 and October 2023 and who were diagnosed with primary MTD were prospectively reviewed. The risk of fibromyalgia was assessed using the \"Fibromyalgia Rapid Screening Tool\" (FiRST). Demographic data included age, gender, history of smoking, and history of high vocal load. The impact of dysphonia on quality of life was also analyzed using the Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10).
    RESULTS: A total of 42 patients who had filled the FiRST questionnaire were enrolled in this study. These included 20 patients diagnosed with primary MTD and 22 healthy subjects with no history of dysphonia and normal laryngeal examination. Forty percent of the study group tested positive using the FiRST questionnaire as compared to only 9.1% in the control group. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P = 0.03). The risk of having fibromyalgia was 6.67 times among patients with primary MTD in comparison to controls (RR=6.67; 95% CI [1.21-36.74]).
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this investigation indicate that the risk of fibromyalgia is significantly higher in patients with primary MTD vs controls. A holistic approach in the diagnosis and treatment of MTD is advocated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: ChatGPT is among the most popular large language models (LLMs), exhibiting proficiency in various standardized tests, including multiple-choice medical board examinations. However, its performance on otolaryngology-head and neck surgery (OHNS) certification examinations and open-ended medical board certification examinations has not been reported.
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate the performance of ChatGPT on OHNS board examinations and propose a novel method to assess an AI model\'s performance on open-ended medical board examination questions.
    METHODS: Twenty-one open-ended questions were adopted from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada\'s sample examination to query ChatGPT on April 11, 2023, with and without prompts. A new model, named Concordance, Validity, Safety, Competency (CVSC), was developed to evaluate its performance.
    RESULTS: In an open-ended question assessment, ChatGPT achieved a passing mark (an average of 75% across 3 trials) in the attempts and demonstrated higher accuracy with prompts. The model demonstrated high concordance (92.06%) and satisfactory validity. While demonstrating considerable consistency in regenerating answers, it often provided only partially correct responses. Notably, concerning features such as hallucinations and self-conflicting answers were observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: ChatGPT achieved a passing score in the sample examination and demonstrated the potential to pass the OHNS certification examination of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Some concerns remain due to its hallucinations, which could pose risks to patient safety. Further adjustments are necessary to yield safer and more accurate answers for clinical implementation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: To report the efficacy of blue laser in the treatment of vocal fold polyps and Reinke\'s edema in an office setting.
    METHODS: The medical records and video-recordings of patients who underwent office-based blue laser therapy in a tertiary referral center for vocal fold polyps and/or Reinke\'s edema were reviewed. The primary outcome measures were the Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10) score and disease regression. Acoustic and aerodynamic parameters were also analyzed.
    RESULTS: Thirty-five patients (21 with vocal fold polyps and 14 with Reinke\'s edema) were included and a total of 47 lesions were treated. Out of the 35 patients, 7 patients were lost for follow-up. The mean VHI-10 score dropped significantly after surgery by 17.41 ± 8.67 points (p < 0.001). The endoscopic examinations of 38 lesions were reviewed (17 vocal fold polyps and 21 Reinke\'s edema) before and up to 6 months after laser therapy. In the subgroup with vocal fold polyps (N = 17), there was complete disease regression in 13 and partial in 4. In the subgroup with Reinke\'s edema (N = 21), there was complete disease regression in 7 and partial disease regression in 14. For patients with vocal fold polyp, there was a significant decrease in shimmer and a significant increase in maximum phonation time postoperatively. For patients with Reinke\'s edema, there was a significant decrease in shimmer and noise-to-harmonic ratio following treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: Office-based blue laser therapy is an effective treatment for vocal fold polyps and Reinke\'s edema leading to complete or partial disease regression. All patients had improvement in voice quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Past studies show that performers are more susceptible to voice injury, have higher incidence of injury, and experience greater vocal impairment than non-performers. Despite literature demonstrating otherwise, there remains fear and stigma that voice injury is a career-ending circumstance. Much of this is due to a lack of information about post-treatment vocal function.
    METHODS: An anonymous online survey was distributed via email, flyer, and social media to a target audience of performers with a history of voice injury. It inquired about occupation, vocal symptoms, professionals consulted, and treatment adherence. Outcome measures included ability to perform, resolution of symptoms, and attitudes about their voices after voice injury. Findings were analyzed descriptively with statistical analysis to determine factors that may be related to favorable outcomes.
    RESULTS: The survey was completed by 151 performers representing a range of genres, including musical theatre, classical, and popular genres. The most reported vocal symptoms were decreased range, singing voice quality changes, increased singing effort, and vocal fatigue. Most initially sought care from an otolaryngologist, laryngologist, or voice teacher. Diagnoses and recommendations varied, but those who adhered to treatment were more likely to report resolution of voice symptoms (P = 0.025). Those with symptoms for 2-4 weeks reported greater vocal confidence than those with a longer symptom duration (P = 0.0251). Performers working with a voice teacher were more likely to find treatment helpful (P = 0.0174). Those with neurogenic voice conditions reported less vocal reliability than participants with other pathologies (P = 0.0155).
    CONCLUSIONS: The majority of participants continued to perform, reported resolved or improved voice symptoms after treatment, and reported positive attitudes about their voices, regardless of their injury or current presence or absence of pathology on exam. Findings of this study highlight a need for continued outreach to voice teachers, education programs, and production teams about vocal function after voice injury.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    OBJECTIVE: High-resolution esophageal manometry (HRM) is the gold standard for the diagnosis of esophageal motility disorders. HRM is typically performed in the office with local anesthesia only, and many patients find it unpleasant and painful. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the use of a virtual reality (VR) headset on pain and anxiety outcomes in patients with dysphagia undergoing HRM.
    METHODS: Patients with dysphagia were prospectively recruited and randomized to undergo HRM with and without VR distraction. Data collected included the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-6 (STAI-6), the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire, heart rate, and galvanic skin response (GSR) tracings.
    RESULTS: Forty subjects completed the study, including 20 subjects in the intervention arm and 20 in the control arm. There was evidence of a significant positive effect of VR on calmness (p = 0.0095) STAI-6 rating, as well as on physiologic measures of pain with significantly decreased GSR rise time (p = 0.0137) and average rate of change of conductance change (p = 0.0035).
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of VR during HRM catheter insertion increased calmness compared to control. Change of skin conductance was also reduced in the VR group, suggesting decreased physiologic pain. This study supports the consideration of the use of VR as a distraction tool to improve patient comfort during HRM.
    METHODS: 2 Laryngoscope, 134:1118-1126, 2024.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Simulation may be a valuable tool in training laryngology office procedures on unsedated patients. However, no studies have examined whether existing awake procedure simulators improve trainee performance in laryngology. Our objective was to evaluate the transfer validity of a previously published 3D-printed laryngeal simulator in improving percutaneous injection laryngoplasty (PIL) competency compared with conventional educational materials with a single-blinded randomized controlled trial.
    Otolaryngology residents with fewer than 10 PIL procedures in their case logs were recruited. A pretraining survey was administered to participants to evaluate baseline procedure-specific knowledge and confidence. The participants underwent block randomization by postgraduate year to receive conventional educational materials either with or without additional training with a 3D-printed laryngeal simulator. Participants performed PIL on an anatomically distinct laryngeal model via trans-thyrohyoid and trans-cricothyroid approaches. Endoscopic and external performance recordings were de-identified and evaluated by two blinded laryngologists using an objective structured assessment of technical skill scale and PIL-specific checklist.
    Twenty residents completed testing. Baseline characteristics demonstrate no significant differences in confidence level or PIL experience between groups. Senior residents receiving simulator training had significantly better respect for tissue during the trans-thyrohyoid approach compared with control (p < 0.0005). There were no significant differences in performance for junior residents.
    In this first transfer validity study of a simulator for office awake procedure in laryngology, we found that a previously described low-cost, high-fidelity 3D-printed PIL simulator improved performance of PIL amongst senior otolaryngology residents, suggesting this accessible model may be a valuable educational adjunct for advanced trainees to practice PIL.
    NA Laryngoscope, 134:318-323, 2024.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    Exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction (EILO) and exercise-induced asthma can cause troublesome respiratory symptoms that can be difficult to distinguish between. Further, there is now a growing appreciation that the two conditions may coexist, complicating the interpretation of symptoms. The primary aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence of EILO in patients with asthma. Secondary aims include evaluation of EILO treatment effects and investigation of comorbid conditions other than EILO in patients with asthma.
    The study will be conducted at Haukeland University Hospital and Voss Hospital in Western Norway, and enrol 80-120 patients with asthma and a control group of 40 patients without asthma. Recruitment started in November 2020, and data sampling will continue until March 2024. Laryngeal function will be assessed at baseline and at a 1-year follow-up, using continuous laryngoscopy during high-intensity exercise (CLE). Immediately after the EILO diagnosis is verified, patients will be treated with standardised breathing advice guided by visual biofeedback from the laryngoscope video screen. The primary outcome will be the prevalence of EILO in patients with asthma and control participants. Secondary outcomes include changes in CLE scores, asthma-related quality of life, asthma control and number of the asthma exacerbations, as assessed between baseline and the 1-year follow-up.
    Ethical approval has been obtained from the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics, Western Norway, (ID number 97615). All participants will provide signed informed consent before enrolment. The results will be presented in international journals and conferences.





