crop protection

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, an extensive review of the literature is provided examining the significance of tolerance to fungal diseases in wheat amidst the escalating global demand for wheat and threats from environmental shifts and pathogen movements. The current comprehensive reliance on agrochemicals for disease management poses risks to food safety and the environment, exacerbated by the emergence of fungicide resistance. While resistance traits in wheat can offer some protection, these traits do not guarantee the complete absence of losses during periods of vigorous or moderate disease development. Furthermore, the introduction of individual resistance genes into wheat monoculture exerts selection pressure on pathogen populations. These disadvantages can be addressed or at least mitigated with the cultivation of tolerant varieties of wheat. Research in this area has shown that certain wheat varieties, susceptible to severe infectious diseases, are still capable of achieving high yields. Through the analysis of the existing literature, this paper explores the manifestations and quantification of tolerance in wheat, discussing its implications for integrated disease management and breeding strategies. Additionally, this paper addresses the ecological and evolutionary aspects of tolerance in the pathogen-plant host system, emphasizing its potential to enhance wheat productivity and sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a major agricultural crop cultivated worldwide. To meet market demand, breeding programs focus on enhancing important agricultural traits such as disease resistance and improvement of tuber palatability. However, while potato tubers get a lot of attention from research, potato berries are mostly overlooked due to their level of toxicity and lack of usefulness for the food production sector. Generally, they remain unused in the production fields after harvesting the tuber. These berries are toxic due to high levels of glycoalkaloids, which might confer some interesting bioactivities. Berries of various solanaceous species contain bioactive secondary metabolites, suggesting that potato berries might contain similarly valuable metabolites. Therefore, possible applications of potato berries, e.g., in the protection of plants against pests and pathogens, as well as the medical exploitation of their anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antifungal properties, are plausible. The presence of valuable compounds in potato berries could also contribute to the bioeconomy by providing a novel use for otherwise discarded agricultural side streams. Here we review the potential use of these berries for the extraction of compounds that can be exploited to produce pharmaceuticals and plant protection products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Growers have depended on the specificity and efficacy of streptomycin and oxytetracycline as a part of their plant disease arsenal since the middle of the 20th century. With climate change intensifying plant bacterial epidemics, the established success of these antibiotics remains threatened. Our strong reliance on certain antibiotics for devastating diseases eventually gave way to resistance development. Although antibiotics in plant agriculture equal to less than 0.5% of overall antibiotic use in the United States, it is still imperative for humans to continue to monitor usage, environmental residues, and resistance in bacterial populations. This review provides an overview of the history and use, resistance and mitigation, regulation, environmental impact, and economics of antibiotics in plant agriculture. Bacterial issues, such as the ongoing Huanglongbing (citrus greening) epidemic in Florida citrus production, may need antibiotics for adequate control. Therefore, preserving the efficacy of our current antibiotics by utilizing more targeted application methods, such as trunk injection, should be a major focus. [Formula: see text] Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY 4.0 International license.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review investigates the potential of nanocellulose in agriculture, encompassing its structure, synthesis, modification, and applications. Our investigation of the characteristics of nanocellulose includes a comprehensive classification of its structure. Various mechanical, chemical and enzymatic synthesis techniques are evaluated, each offering distinct possibilities. The central role of surface functionalization is thoroughly examined. In particular, we are evaluating the conventional production of nanocellulose, thus contributing to the novelty. This review is a pioneering effort to comprehensively explore the use of nanocellulose in slow and controlled release fertilizers, revolutionizing nutrient management and improving crop productivity with reduced environmental impact. Additionally, our work uniquely integrates diverse applications of nanocellulose in agriculture, ranging from slow-release fertilizers, superabsorbent cellulose hydrogels for drought stress mitigation, and long-lasting crop protection via nanocellulose-based seed coatings. The study ends by identifying challenges and unexplored opportunities in the use of nanocellulose in agriculture. This review makes an innovative contribution by being the first comprehensive study to examine the multiple applications of nanocellulose in agriculture, including slow-release and controlled-release fertilizers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change imposes various environmental stresses which substantially impact plant growth and productivity. Salinity, drought, temperature extremes, heavy metals, and nutritional imbalances are among several abiotic stresses contributing to high yield losses of crops in various parts of the world, resulting in food insecurity. Many interesting strategies are being researched in the attempt to improve plants\' environmental stress tolerance. These include the application of nanoparticles, which have been found to improve plant function under stress situations. Nanotechnology will be a key driver in the upcoming agri-tech and pharmaceutical revolution, which promises a more sustainable, efficient, and resilient agricultural and medical system Nano-fertilizers can help plants utilise nutrients more efficiently by releasing nutrients slowly and sustainably. Plant physiology and nanomaterial features (such as size, shape, and charge) are important aspects influencing the impact on plant growth. Here, we discussed the most promising new opportunities and methodologies for using nanotechnology to increase the efficiency of critical inputs for crop agriculture, as well as to better manage biotic and abiotic stress. Potential development and implementation challenges are highlighted, emphasising the importance of designing suggested nanotechnologies using a systems approach. Finally, the strengths, flaws, possibilities, and risks of nanotechnology are assessed and analysed in order to present a comprehensive and clear picture of the nanotechnology potentials, as well as future paths for nano-based agri-food applications towards sustainability. Future research directions have been established in order to support research towards the long-term development of nano-enabled agriculture and evolution of pharmaceutical industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The adoption of environmentally friendly and efficient methods to control food spoilage and crop diseases has become a new worldwide trend. In the medical field, various enzyme-responsive controlled-release drug formulations have been developed for precision therapy. Recently, these materials and techniques have also begun to be applied in the fields of food preservation and agricultural protection. This review of contemporary research focuses on applications of enzyme-responsive controlled-release materials in the field of food preservation and crop protection. It covers a variety of composite controlled-release materials triggered by different types of enzymes and describes in detail their composition and structure, controlled-release mechanisms, and practical application effects. The enzyme-responsive materials have been employed to control foodborne pathogens, fungi, and pests. These enzyme-responsive controlled-release materials exhibit excellent capabilities for targeted drug delivery. Upon contact with microorganisms or pests, the polymer shell of the material is degraded by secreted enzymes from these organisms, thereby releasing drugs that kill or inhibit the organisms. In addition, multi-enzyme sensitive carriers have been created to improve the effectiveness and broad spectrum of the delivery system. The increasing trend towards the use of enzyme-responsive controlled-release materials has opened up countless possibilities in food and agriculture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Natural products are compounds produced by living organisms and can be divided into two main categories: primary (PMs) and secondary metabolites (SMs). Plant PMs are crucial for plant growth and reproduction since they are directly involved in living cell processes, whereas plant SMs are organic substances directly involved in plant defense and resistance. SMs are divided into three main groups: terpenoids, phenolics and nitrogen-containing compounds. The SMs contain a variety of biological capabilities that can be used as flavoring agents, food additives, plant-disease control, strengthen plant defenses against herbivores and, additionally, it can help plant cells to be better adapted to the physiological stress response. The current review is mainly focusing on certain key elements related to the significance, biosynthesis, classification, biochemical characterization and medical/pharmaceutical uses of the major categories of plant SMs. In addition, the usefulness of SMs in controlling plant diseases, boosting plant resistance and as potential natural, safe, eco-friendly substitutes for chemosynthetic pesticides were also reported in this review.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While agricultural intensification and expansion are major factors driving loss and degradation of natural habitat and species decline, some wildlife species also benefit from agriculturally managed habitats. This may lead to high population densities with impacts on both human livelihoods and wildlife conservation. Cranes are a group of 15 species worldwide, affected both negatively and positively by agricultural practices. While eleven species face critical population declines, numbers of common cranes (Grus grus) and sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) have increased drastically in the last 40 years. Their increase is associated with higher incidences of crane foraging on agricultural crops, causing financial losses to farmers. Our aim was to synthesize scientific knowledge on the bilateral effects of land use change and crane populations. We conducted a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed publications on agriculture-crane interactions (n = 135) and on the importance of agricultural crops in the diet of cranes (n = 81). Agricultural crops constitute a considerable part of the diet of all crane species (average of 37%, most frequently maize (Zea mays L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)). Crop damage was identified in only 10% of all agriculture-crane interactions, although one-third of interactions included cranes foraging on cropland. Using a conceptual framework analysis, we identified two major pathways in agriculture-crane interactions: (1) habitat loss with negative effects on crane species dependent on specific habitats, and (2) expanding agricultural habitats with superabundant food availability beneficial for opportunistic crane species. The degree to which crane species can adapt to agricultural land use changes may be an important factor explaining their population response. We conclude that multi-objective management needs to combine land sparing and land sharing strategies at landscape scale. To support viable crane populations while guaranteeing sustainable agricultural production, it is necessary to include the perspectives of diverse stakeholders and streamline conservation initiatives and agricultural policy accordingly.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Late wilt (LWD) is a vascular wilt disease that outbursts late in maize development, usually during or after flowering. The disease causal agent, the soil and seed-borne fungi, Magnaporthiopsis maydis, causes significant economic losses in Egypt, Israel, Spain, Portugal, and India. Since its discovery in the early 1960s in Egypt, the knowledge base of the disease was significantly expanded. This includes basic information on the pathogen and its mode of action, disease symptoms and damages, methods to study and monitor the pathogen, and above all, control strategies to restrain M. maydis and reduce its impact on commercial maize production. Three approaches stand out from the various control methods inspected. First, the traditional use of chemical pesticides was investigated extensively. This approach gained attention when, in 2018-2020, a feasible and economical treatment based on Azoxystrobin (alone or in combination with other fungicides) was proven to be effective even in severe cases of LWD. Second, the growing trend of replacing chemical treatments with eco-friendly biological and other green protocols has become increasingly important in recent years and has already made significant achievements. Last but not least, today\'s leading strategy to cope with LWD is to rely on resistant maize genotypes. The past two decades\' introduction of molecular-based diagnostic methods to track and identify the pathogen marked significant progress in this global effort. Still, worldwide research efforts are progressing relatively slowly since the disease is considered exotic and unfamiliar in most parts of the world. The current review summarizes the accumulated knowledge on LWD, its causal agent, and the disease implications. An additional important aspect that will be addressed is a future perspective on risks and knowledge gaps.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We read with interest the article entitled \"The global distribution of acute unintentional pesticide poisoning: estimations based on a systematic review\". We wholeheartedly agree that it is important to evaluate the extent of this issue. We would like to understand the numbers provided in this article, which appear to overestimate the global burden of pesticide poisonings. We also feel that addressing the benefits of these chemistries is important for a complete evaluation.





