bone modeling

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Craniotubular dysplasia, Ikegawa type (OMIM #619727) denotes the autosomal recessive skeletal disease identified in 2021 featuring blindness acquired in childhood. Five young members of four Indian families harbored a homozygous indel within TMEM53 (OMIM *619722), the gene that encodes transmembrane protein 53 (TMEM53). When intact, TMEM53 spans the nuclear envelope of osteoprogenitor cells, dampens BMP-SMAD signaling, and thereby slows bone formation. Consequently, defective TMEM53 accelerates osteogenesis. Herein, an American boy is compound heterozygous for a novel deletion and a novel missense mutation within TMEM53. His vision and sensorineural hearing became impaired. Radiographic survey revealed diploic thickening of his skull, broad calvarial and facial bones, skeletal modeling errors, vertebral body flattening, wide ribs, and osteopenia of expanded bones. DXA areal bone density (gm/cm2) Z-scores were low. His optic, auditory, and spinal canals were narrow. Mineral metabolism was intact. Serum alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin levels were normal yet CTX was high. Iliac crest histomorphometry documented accelerated bone formation. His acute vision loss briefly improved following prednisone administration, optic canal decompression, and optic nerve sheath fenestration, but then progressed despite further surgeries and zoledronate treatment aimed to suppress bone turnover. Next generation sequencing of genes associated with elevated skeletal mass, including from high bone turnover, did not suggest an etiology. Whole genome sequencing then revealed within TMEM53: i) a paternally transmitted 54-base deletion, which included the mRNA splice acceptor site for exon 2 as well as 31 bases of exonic sequence (c. 62-23_92del), and ii) a maternally transmitted missense variant (c.650C > T, p.Ser217Leu: NM_024587.4/NP_078863.2) which is extremely rare in gnomAD (frequency = 0.000036), replaces Ser217 highly conserved across species, and is scored as damaging by SIFT and Mutation Taster. We call this new osteopathy TMEM53 craniotubular dysplasia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bone modeling involves the addition of bone material through osteoblast-mediated deposition or the removal of bone material via osteoclast-mediated resorption in response to perceived changes in loads by osteocytes. This process is characterized by the independent occurrence of deposition and resorption, which can take place simultaneously at different locations within the bone due to variations in stress levels across its different regions. The principle of bone functional adaptation states that cortical and trabecular bone tissues will respond to mechanical stimuli by adjusting (i.e., bone modeling) their morphology and architecture to mechanically improve their mechanical function in line with the habitual in vivo loading direction. This principle is relevant to various research areas, such as the development of improved orthopedic implants, preventative medicine for osteopenic elderly patients, and the investigation of locomotion behavior in extinct species. In the present review, the mammalian tibia is used as an example to explore cortical and trabecular bone modeling and to examine its implications for the functional adaptation of bones. Following a short introduction and an exposition on characteristics of mechanical stimuli that influence bone modeling, a detailed critical appraisal of the literature on cortical and trabecular bone modeling and bone functional adaptation is given. By synthesizing key findings from studies involving small mammals (rodents), large mammals, and humans, it is shown that examining both cortical and trabecular bone structures is essential for understanding bone functional adaptation. A combined approach can provide a more comprehensive understanding of this significant physiological phenomenon, as each structure contributes uniquely to the phenomenon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: When the natural process of bone remodeling is disturbed, the need arises for a stimulant material in order to enhance the formation of a new healthy and strong osseous tissue to replace the damaged one. Recent studies have reported synthetic biomaterials to be a very good option for supporting bone regeneration.
    METHODS: Narrative review.
    OBJECTIVE: This review aims to provide a brief presentation of two of the most recently developed synthetic biomaterials, i.e. calcium phosphate cements and synthetic composites, that are currently being used in bone regeneration with promising results.
    METHODS: Literature searches using broad terms such as \"bone regeneration,\" \"biomaterials,\" \"synthetic composites\" and \"calcium phosphate cements\" were performed using PubMed. The osteal cells state of the art was explored by searching topic-specific full text keywords using Google Scholar.
    CONCLUSIONS: Synthetic polymers such as PCL (poly-ε-caprolactone) and PLGA (poly lactic-co-glycolic acid) can improve the effectiveness of biomaterials like HA (hydroxyapatite) and BG (bioglass). Calcium phosphate, although being a suitable material for stimulating bone regeneration, needs an adjuvant in order to be effective in larger bone defects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gradual elevation of the periosteum from the original bone surface, based on the principle of distraction osteogenesis, induces endogenous hard and soft tissue formation. This study aimed to assess the impact of alternating protocols of activation with relaxation (periosteal pumping) on bone modeling and remodeling. One hundred and sixty-two adult male Wistar rats were used in this study. Four test groups with different pumping protocols were created based on the relaxation applied. Two control groups underwent an activation period without relaxation or only a single activation. One group was sham-operated. Periosteal pumping without period of activation induced gene expression in bone and bone remodeling, and following activation period enhanced bone modeling. Four test groups and control group with activation period equaled the values of bone modeling at the end-consolidation period, showing significant downregulation of Sost in the bone and periosteum compared to that in the sham group (p < 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). When all test groups were pooled together, plate elevation from the bony surface increased bone remodeling on day 45 of the observation period (p = 0.003). Furthermore, bone modeling was significantly affected by plate elevation on days 17 and 45 (p = 0.047 and p = 0.005, respectively) and by pumping protocol on day 31 (p = 0.042). Periosteal pumping was beneficial for increasing bone repair when the periosteum remained in contact with the underlaying bony surface during the manipulation period. Following periosteal elevation, periosteal pumping accelerated bone formation from the bony surface by the modeling process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modeling and remodeling are essential processes in the development and refinement of maxillofacial bones. Dysregulated bone modeling during the developmental stage may lead to maxillofacial bone malformations and malocclusion. Bone remodeling under mechanical loading serves as the biological basis for orthodontic treatment. Although previous reviews have indicated the significance of microRNAs (miRNAs) in bone metabolism, their roles in orchestrating maxillofacial bone modeling and remodeling remain unclear. This review aims to discuss the mechanisms by which miRNAs regulate the morphogenesis and development of maxillofacial bones, as well as their implications for maxillofacial malformations and malocclusion. Moreover, miRNAs participating in maxillofacial bone remodeling and their impacts on cell mechanosensing are also summarized. Given the intricate interplay of cells and signaling pathways, exosomal miRNAs emerge as the orchestrators of the modeling and remodeling processes. The diagnostic and therapeutic potentials of miRNAs are also highlighted in this review for future clinical applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The importance of finite element analysis (FEA) is growing in orthopedic research, especially in implant design. However, Young\'s modulus (E) values, one of the most fundamental parameters, can range across a wide scale. Therefore, our study aimed to identify factors influencing E values in human bone specimens. We report our systematic review and meta-analysis based on the recommendation of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020 guideline. We conducted the analysis on November 21, 2021. We included studies investigating healthy human bone specimens and reported on E values regarding demographic data, specimen characteristics, and measurement specifics. In addition, we included study types reporting individual specimen measurements. From the acquired data, we created a cohort in which we performed an exploratory data analysis that included the explanatory variables selected by random forest and regression trees methods, and the comparison of groups using independent samples Welch\'s t test. A total of 756 entries were included from 48 articles. Eleven different bones of the human body were included in these articles. The range of E values is between 0.008 and 33.7 GPa. The E values were most heavily influenced by the cortical or cancellous type of bone tested. Measuring method (compression, tension, bending, and nanoindentation), the anatomical region within a bone, the position of the bone within the skeleton, and the bone specimen size had a decreasing impact on the E values. Bone anisotropy, specimen condition, patient age, and sex were selected as important variables considering the value of E. On the basis of our results, E values of a bone change with bone characteristics, measurement techniques, and demographic variables. Therefore, the evaluation of FEA should be performed after the standardization of in vitro measurement protocol. © 2023 The Authors. JBMR Plus published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective.Virtual imaging trials enable efficient assessment and optimization of medical image devices and techniques via simulation rather than physical studies. These studies require realistic, detailed ground-truth models or phantoms of the relevant anatomy or physiology. Anatomical structures within computational phantoms are typically based on medical imaging data; however, for small and intricate structures (e.g. trabecular bone), it is not reasonable to use existing clinical data as the spatial resolution of the scans is insufficient. In this study, we develop a mathematical method to generate arbitrary-resolution bone structures within virtual patient models (XCAT phantoms) to model the appearance of CT-imaged trabecular bone.Approach. Given surface definitions of a bone, an algorithm was implemented to generate stochastic bicontinuous microstructures to form a network to define the trabecular bone structure with geometric and topological properties indicative of the bone. For an example adult male XCAT phantom (50th percentile in height and weight), the method was used to generate the trabecular structure of 46 chest bones. The produced models were validated in comparison with published properties of bones. The utility of the method was demonstrated with pilot CT and photon-counting CT simulations performed using the accurate DukeSim CT simulator on the XCAT phantom containing the detailed bone models.Main results. The method successfully generated the inner trabecular structure for the different bones of the chest, having quantiative measures similar to published values. The pilot simulations showed the ability of photon-counting CT to better resolve the trabecular detail emphasizing the necessity for high-resolution bone models.Significance.As demonstrated, the developed tools have great potential to provide ground truth simulations to access the ability of existing and emerging CT imaging technology to provide quantitative information about bone structures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bone development is a highly orchestrated process that establishes the structural basis of bone strength during growth and functionality across the lifespan. This developmental process is generally robust in establishing mechanical function, being adaptable to many genetic and environmental factors. However, not all factors can be fully accommodated, leading to abnormal bone development and lower bone strength. This can give rise to early-onset bone fragility that negatively impacts bone strength across the lifespan. Current guidelines for assessing bone strength include measuring bone mineral density, but this does not capture the structural details responsible for whole bone strength in abnormally developing bones that would be needed to inform clinicians on how and when to treat to improve bone strength. The clinical consequence of not operationalizing how altered bone development informs decision making includes under-detection and missed opportunities for early intervention, as well as a false positive diagnosis of fragility with possible resultant clinical actions that may actually harm the growing skeleton. In this Perspective, we emphasize the need for a multi-trait, integrative approach to better understand the structural basis of bone growth for pediatric conditions with abnormal bone development. We provide evidence to showcase how this approach might reveal multiple, unique ways in which bone fragility develops across and within an array of pediatric conditions that are associated with abnormal bone development. This Perspective advocates for the development of new translational research aimed at informing better ways to optimize bone growth, prevent fragility fractures, and monitor and treat bone fragility based on the child\'s skeletal needs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The alteration in the shape of the femoral neck is an important radiographic sign for scoring canine hip dysplasia (CHD). Previous studies have reported that the femoral neck thickness (FNT) is greater in dogs with hip joint dysplasia, becoming progressively thicker with disease severity. The main objective of this work was to describe a femoral neck thickness index (FNTi) to quantify FNT and to study its association with the degree of CHD using the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) scheme. A total of 53 dogs (106 hips) were randomly selected for this study. Two examiners performed FNTi estimation to study intra- and inter-examiner reliability and agreement. The paired t-test, the Bland-Altman plots, and the intraclass correlation coefficient showed excellent agreement and reliability between the measurements of the two examiners and the examiners\' sessions. All joints were scored in five categories by an experienced examiner according to FCI criteria. The results from examiner 1 were compared between FCI categories. Hips that were assigned an FCI grade of A (n = 19), B (n = 23), C (n = 24), D (n = 24), and E (n = 16) had a mean ± standard deviation FNTi of 0.809 ± 0.024, 0.835 ± 0.044, 0.868 ± 0.022, 0.903 ± 0.033, and 0.923 ± 0.068, respectively (ANOVA, p < 0.05). Therefore, these results show that FNTi is a parameter capable of evaluating proximal femur bone modeling and that it has the potential to enrich conventional CHD scoring criteria if incorporated into a computer-aided diagnosis capable of detecting CHD.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Osteopetrosis (OPT) denotes the consequences from failure of osteoclasts to resorb bone and chondroclasts to remove calcified physeal cartilage throughout growth. Resulting impairment of skeletal modeling, remodeling, and growth compromises widening of medullary spaces, formation of the skull, and expansion of cranial foramina. Thus, myelophthisic anemia, raised intracranial pressure, and cranial nerve palsies complicate OPT when severe. Osteopetrotic bones fracture due to misshaping, failure of remodeling to weave the collagenous matrix of cortical osteons and trabeculae, persistence of mineralized growth plate cartilage, \"hardening\" of hydroxyapatite crystals, and delayed healing of skeletal microcracks. Teeth may fail to erupt. Now it is widely appreciated that OPT is caused by germline loss-of-function mutation(s) usually of genes involved in osteoclast function, but especially rarely of genes necessary for osteoclast formation. Additionally, however, in 2003 we published a case report demonstrating that prolonged excessive dosing during childhood of the antiresorptive aminobisphosphonate pamidronate can sufficiently block osteoclast and chondroclast activity to recapitulate the skeletal features of OPT. Herein, we include further evidence of drug-induced OPT by illustrating osteopetrotic skeletal changes from repeated administration of high doses of the aminobisphosphonate zoledronic acid (zoledronate) given to children with osteogenesis imperfecta.





