Vitis vinifera

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Treatment of Vitis vinifera fruit (VVF) ingestion can be challenging due to no clear toxic dose, signalment factors and variable clinical signs. Current treatment guidance is generalised: decontamination, aggressive fluid therapy, monitoring and/or treatment of renal dysfunction. The objective of this study was to conduct a scoping review of scientific evidence regarding the ingestion of VVF in dogs. Three primary areas were reviewed: VVF types ingested, clinical signs reported and treatments given. The inclusion criterion was any paper presenting data on clinical signs or treatments of dogs that had ingested VVF (unprocessed VVF only).
    METHODS: The following databases were searched: CAB Abstracts, Medline, Embase and Scopus. No limits were placed on language or date. The review followed the Joanna Briggs Institute scoping review methodology.
    RESULTS: Twenty-four papers were identified. A wide range of VVF types were ingested, but the toxic dose was difficult to ascertain. The most commonly reported signs were gastrointestinal, renal, neurological and haematological. Treatment commonly consisted of fluid therapy, diuretics and antiemetics.
    CONCLUSIONS: This scoping review neither explored cases of processed VVF ingestion nor did it chart laboratory findings; therefore, potentially clinically significant findings in these areas may have been missed.
    CONCLUSIONS: VVF ingestion typically causes gastrointestinal/renal dysfunction, with no clear toxicity attributable to VVF type. Treatments varied according to the presence/absence of clinical signs, and the prognosis was varied. Further research on current treatment efficacy is warranted, permitting an evidence-based, risk-benefit approach to be adopted by clinicians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sour rot (SR) is one of the major diseases affecting grapevine berries, causing severe yield losses and deterioration of wine quality. SR is caused by an etiologic complex of microorganisms, including yeasts, bacteria, and filamentous fungi. This systematic review focuses on the etiology, epidemiology, and control of SR. A total of 74 papers published between 1986 and 2023 were assessed in this review. Description of disease symptoms was quite consistent across the papers, including oxidation of the grape skin, disaggregation of the internal tissues, and detachment of the rotten berries from the pedicel. The affected bunches are characterized by the smell of acetic acid and ethyl acetate that attracts fruit flies (Drosophila spp.). However, several knowledge gaps and/or inconsistencies were identified with respect to SR etiology, epidemiology, and control. Overall, 146 microorganisms were isolated from the affected berries (44.5% yeasts, 34.3% bacteria, and 21.2% filamentous fungi); however, the selected papers could not definitively clarify which species are primarily involved in the etiology of the disease. A general inconsistency was also observed in the methods used to assess the incidence and severity of SR in vineyards, making inter-study comparisons extremely challenging. Inconsistencies were also found in the methods used for pathogenicity assessment in artificial inoculation studies. Furthermore, gaps were detected in terms of SR epidemiology, with a focus on environmental conditions affecting the disease development. The SR management options are limited, and efficacy trials often result in poor, variable, and inconsistent levels of control, which might be attributed to the lack of knowledge on disease epidemiology. These knowledge gaps and inconsistencies were analyzed in this review to inform future research activities.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Temperature, water, solar radiation, and atmospheric CO2 concentration are the main abiotic factors that are changing in the course of global warming. These abiotic factors govern the synthesis and degradation of primary (sugars, amino acids, organic acids, etc.) and secondary (phenolic and volatile flavor compounds and their precursors) metabolites directly, via the regulation of their biosynthetic pathways, or indirectly, via their effects on vine physiology and phenology. Several hundred secondary metabolites have been identified in the grape berry. Their biosynthesis and degradation have been characterized and have been shown to occur during different developmental stages of the berry. The understanding of how the different abiotic factors modulate secondary metabolism and thus berry quality is of crucial importance for breeders and growers to develop plant material and viticultural practices to maintain high-quality fruit and wine production in the context of global warming. Here, we review the main secondary metabolites of the grape berry, their biosynthesis, and how their accumulation and degradation is influenced by abiotic factors. The first part of the review provides an update on structure, biosynthesis, and degradation of phenolic compounds (flavonoids and non-flavonoids) and major aroma compounds (terpenes, thiols, methoxypyrazines, and C13 norisoprenoids). The second part gives an update on the influence of abiotic factors, such as water availability, temperature, radiation, and CO2 concentration, on berry secondary metabolism. At the end of the paper, we raise some critical questions regarding intracluster berry heterogeneity and dilution effects and how the sampling strategy can impact the outcome of studies on the grapevine berry response to abiotic factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tannins are a group of polyphenols found in fruits, leaves, trees, etc., well known in the leather industry and in apples, persimmons and grapes, because of their capacity to interact with other polyphenols or other components either from the food product or from saliva. Prior to being able to interact with other compounds, tannins have to be extracted from the food matrix, which depends on their chemistry, as well as the chemical structure of other components, such as cell wall material and proteins. Vitis vinifera grapes are commonly grown around the world and are used in winemaking, providing good quality wines with different levels of tannins responsible for the final wine\'s astringency. Many studies have focused on tannins extractability and retention with cell wall material, and the reactivity of tannins with proteins in Vitis vinifera grapes and wine, but there are very few reports for other Vitis species. However, depending on the environmental characteristics of certain regions, Vitis hybrid grapes are grown and used to produce wines more and more. This review focuses on the comparison of the chemistry of tannins, and their reactivity with other macromolecules in Vitis species.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aroma compounds are secondary metabolites that play a key role in grape quality for enological purposes. Terpenes, C13 -norisoprenoids, phenols, and non-terpenic alcohols are the most important aroma compounds in grapes and they can be found as free volatiles or glycoconjugated (bound) molecules. The non-volatile glycosylated group is the largest, and it is present in all varieties of Vitis vinifera (L.), the most widely used species for wine production. These aroma precursors represent the reserve of aroma molecules that can be released during winemaking. Their relative and absolute concentrations at fruit ripening determine the organoleptic value of the final product. A large range of biotic and abiotic factors can influence their biosynthesis in several ways. Agronomic practices such as irrigation, training systems, leaf removal, and bunch thinning can have an effect at plant level. The spraying of stimulatory compounds on fruit at different developmental stages has also been shown to modify metabolic pathways at fruit level with some impact on the aroma composition of the grapevine fruit. Viticulturists could act to promote aroma precursors to improve the aromatic profile of grapes and the wine ultimately produced. However, agronomic practices do not always have uniform results. The metabolic and physiological changes resulting from agronomic practices are unknown because there has not been sufficient research to date. This review presents the state of the art regarding the influences of vineyard agronomic management on the biosynthesis of grape aroma compounds. Although literature regarding the topic is abundant there are still many unknown biological mechanisms involved and/or that have been insufficiently studied. The aim of this work is therefore to find the gaps in scientific literature so that future investigations can focus on them. © 2018 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vitis vinifera (grape) is one of the \"most-produced fruit\" in the world. Grape seeds are a valuable source of phenolic compounds including resveratrol (RSV). Grape and one of its biologically active constituents, RSV, exert their protective effects against different natural or chemical toxins which could alter physiological homeostasis through a variety of mechanisms. Some of these mechanisms of actions include increase in superoxide dismutase, hemeoxygenase-1, and glutathione peroxidase activities and reduced glutathione content and decrease in malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and activation of the nuclear erythroid2-related factor2/ARE pathway. There are also various reports of the potential use of such compounds in preventing different ailments including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, degenerative diseases, and inflammatory disorders. Therefore, in this review, we have investigated the possible protective effects of grape and one of its biologically active constituents, RSV, on different organs\' toxicity induced by natural toxins (such as mycotoxins, lipopolysaccharide, and triptolide) and chemical toxins (such as antitumors, metals, and carbon tetrachloride). There are insufficient clinical trials on this subject, so our review only includes in vivo and in vitro studies. To establish the grape beneficial effects in human intoxication, more clinical trials need to be accomplished.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vitis vinifera (grapevine) is one of the most important fruit crops, both for fresh consumption and wine and spirit production. The term terroir is frequently used in viticulture and the wine industry to relate wine sensory attributes to its geographic origin. Although, it can be cultivated in a wide range of environments, differences in growing conditions have a significant impact on fruit traits that ultimately affect wine quality. Understanding how fruit quality and yield are controlled at a molecular level in grapevine in response to environmental cues has been a major driver of research. Advances in the area of genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics, have significantly increased our knowledge on the abiotic regulation of yield and quality in many crop species, including V. vinifera. The integrated analysis of multiple \'omics\' can give us the opportunity to better understand how plants modulate their response to different environments. However, \'omics\' technologies provide a large amount of biological data and its interpretation is not always straightforward, especially when different \'omic\' results are combined. Here we examine the current strategies used to integrate multi-omics, and how these have been used in V. vinifera. In addition, we also discuss the importance of including epigenomics data when integrating omics data as epigenetic mechanisms could play a major role as an intermediary between the environment and the genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vitis vinifera fruit (grape) contains various phenolic compounds, flavonoids and stilbenes. In recent years, active constituents found in the fruits, seeds, stems, skin and pomaces of grapes have been identified and some have been studied. In this review, we summarize the active constituents of different parts of V. vinifera and their pharmacological effects including skin protection, antioxidant, antibacterial, anticancer, antiinflammatory and antidiabetic activities, as well as hepatoprotective, cardioprotective and neuroprotective effects in experimental studies published after our 2009 review. Clinical and toxicity studies have also been examined. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.





