Recommended Dietary Allowances

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous studies have investigated healthy diets and nutrients. Governments and scientists have communicated their findings to the public in an easy-to-understand manner, which has played a critical role in achieving citizens\' well-being. Some countries have published dietary reference intakes (DRIs), whereas some academic organizations have provided scientific evidence on dietary methods, such as traditional diets. Recently, more user-friendly methods have been introduced; the Health Star Rating system and Optimized Nutri-Dense Meals are examples from Australia and Japan, respectively. Both organizations adopt a novel approach that incorporates nudges. This review summarizes the science communication regarding food policies, guidelines, and novel methods in Japan and other countries. In the food policies section, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the DRIs and food-based guidelines published by the government. Dietary methods widely known, such as The Mediterranean diet, Nordic diet, Japanese traditional diet, and the EAT-Lancet guidelines, were also reviewed. Finally, we discussed future methods of science communications, such as nudge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Micronutrients play a key role in human health, being involved in energy metabolism, immunity, cellular functioning, growth, and development. Deficiencies in micronutrients occur in individuals of all ages due to several factors, including inadequate diets, disease states, and overweight/obesity. Guidelines from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) Expert Group on Nutrient Requirements for Indians (2023) have specified the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for macronutrients and micronutrients. In addition, a healthy diet is crucial for overall health and should be the first step toward addressing micronutrient deficiencies. When diet is inadequate, micronutrient supplements can be provided to compensate. An expert panel of Indian doctors was convened to develop a pathway toward micronutrient supplementation among the Indian population. This Consensus Statement recognizes that different populations have varying needs for specific micronutrients, and ensuring adequate intake of such micronutrients can improve health outcomes. The panel provided recommendations for dietary practices and micronutrient supplementation when diet is inadequate. Addressing micronutrient deficiencies at the primary care level can prevent chronic deficiencies and their consequences. This Consensus Statement can serve as a primer for physicians to monitor and address deficiencies and thus help individuals maintain their health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) cause a significant global health challenge, with unhealthy diets identified as a major risk factor. Sodium and potassium, which are essential minerals for human health, play important roles in various bodily functions, and an imbalance in their intake can have significant health implications, particularly concerning hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. This review compiles dietary sodium and potassium intake recommendations from prominent global health organizations and compares global guidelines to Japan\'s Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) guidelines. Sodium and potassium intake guidelines from organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO), American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart Association (AHA), Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and DRI for Japanese exhibit variations. Compared to other Asian countries, Japan\'s historically higher sodium goal aligns with Southeast Asia where traditional preserved foods contribute to high sodium intake. Contrarily, Japan\'s lower potassium goal contrasts with other countries in Asia promoting a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. The ongoing effort by Japan to align with global recommendations reflects a gradation approach considering social habits. While harmonizing international efforts is essential, appreciating regional diversities is paramount through tailoring guidelines to cultural and dietary habit practices. Implementing context-specific guidelines informed by scientific research can contribute to global efforts in promoting healthy diets and reducing the burden of NCDs. Global guidelines that recommended the daily dietary intake goal for sodium and potassium exhibit variations. These disparities are influenced by diverse factors, including cultural dietary habits, socioeconomic status, health priorities, and available scientific research. Each population should follow the recommendations of their region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proposed global definitions of whole grain as an ingredient and whole grain food are presented by the authors on behalf of the Whole Grain Initiative. Whole grains are an important pillar of healthy and sustainable diets. Internationally accepted credible definitions of whole grains as food ingredients and whole-grain foods are necessary to ensure that all global stakeholders have shared standards, and that consumers find them clear, credible, and useful. Based on widely accepted, existing definitions and new developments, the Definitions Working Group of the global Whole Grain Initiative, with experts from academia, government agencies and industry, developed definitions for global application. The key statements of the definition documents are as follows: \"Whole grains shall consist of the intact, ground, cracked, flaked or otherwise processed kernel after the removal of inedible parts such as the hull and husk; all anatomical components, including the endosperm, germ, and bran must be present in the same relative proportions as in the intact kernel\" and \"A whole-grain food shall contain at least 50% whole-grain ingredients based on dry weight. Foods containing 25-50% whole-grain ingredients based on dry weight, may make a front-of-pack claim on the presence of whole grain but cannot be designated \'whole grain\' in the product name\". The definition documents have been ratified by the leading international scientific associations in this area. We urge that these consensus Whole Grain Initiative definitions be adopted as the basis for definitions used by national regulatory authorities and for health promotion organisations worldwide to use in nutrition education and food labelling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Hospital food provision is subject to multiple constraints (meal production, organization, health safety, environmental respect) which influence the meal tray offered to the patient. Multiple diets can add complexity and contribute to non-consumption of the meal. To avoid undernutrition, it appeared necessary to propose guidelines for foods and diets in hospitals.
    METHODS: These guidelines were developed using the Delphi method, as recommended by the HAS (French Health Authority), based on a formal consensus of experts and led by a group of practitioners and dieticians from the AFDN (French Association of Nutritionist Dieticians) and SFNCM (French Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism).
    RESULTS: Twenty-three recommendations were deemed appropriate and validated by a panel of 50 national experts, following three rounds of consultations, modifications and final strong agreement. These recommendations aim to define in adults: 1-harmonized vocabulary related to food and diets in hospitals; 2-quantitative and qualitative food propositions; 3-nutritional prescriptions; 4-diet patterns and patient adaptations; 5-streamlining of restrictions to reduce unnecessary diets and without scientific evidence; 6-emphasizing the place of an enriched and adapted diet for at-risk and malnourished patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: These guidelines will enable catering services and health-care teams to rationalize hospital food and therapeutic food prescriptions in order to focus on individual needs and tasty foods. All efforts should be made to create meals that follow these recommendations while promoting the taste quality of the dishes and their presentation such that the patient rediscovers the pleasure of eating in the hospital.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: There are numerous guidelines developed for bone health. Yet, it is unclear whether the differences in guideline development methods explain the variability in the recommendations for vitamin D and calcium intake. The objective of this systematic review was to collate and compare recommendations for vitamin D and calcium across bone health guidelines, assess the methods used to form the recommendations, and explore which methodological factors were associated with these guideline recommendations.
    METHODS: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, and other databases indexing guidelines to identify records in English between 2009 and 2019. Guidelines or policy statements on bone health or osteoporosis prevention for generally healthy adults aged ≥40 years were eligible for inclusion. Two reviewers independently extracted recommendations on daily vitamin D and calcium intake, supplement use, serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] level, and sunlight exposure; assessed guideline development methods against 25 recommended criteria in the World Health Organization (WHO) handbook for guideline development; and, identified types identified types of evidence underpinning the recommendations.
    RESULTS: we included 47 eligible guidelines from 733 records: 74% of the guidelines provided vitamin D (200~600-4000 IU/day) and 70% provided calcium (600-1200 mg/day) recommendations, 96% and 88% recommended vitamin D and calcium supplements, respectively, and 70% recommended a specific 25(OH)D concentration. On average, each guideline met 10 (95% CI: 9-12) of the total of 25 methodological criteria for guideline development recommended by the WHO Handbook. There was uncertainty in the association between the methodological criteria and the proportion of guidelines that provided recommendations on daily vitamin D or calcium. Various types of evidence, including previous bone guidelines, nutrient reference reports, systematic reviews, observational studies, and perspectives/editorials were used to underpin the recommendations.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is considerable variability in vitamin D and calcium recommendations and in guideline development methods in bone health guidelines. Effort is required to strengthen the methodological rigor of guideline development and utilize the best available evidence to underpin nutrition recommendations in evidence-based guidelines on bone health.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The objective of the current modeling analysis was three-fold: (1) to examine usual nutrient intakes in children when eggs are added into dietary patterns that typically do not contain eggs; (2) to examine usual nutrient intakes with the addition of eggs in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) school breakfast; and (3) to examine nutrient adequacy when eggs are included in routine breakfast patterns and with the addition of eggs to the CACFP school breakfast program. Dietary recall data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2011-2016 (children aged 1-18 years-old; n = 9254; CACFP n = 159) were used in the analysis. The usual intakes of pantothenic acid, riboflavin, selenium, and vitamin D increased ≥10 percent (relative to the baseline values) with the addition of one egg at breakfast. The usual intakes of protein and vitamin A at breakfast were also increased by more than 10 percent compared to the baseline values with the addition of two eggs. Similar outcomes were observed with the addition of eggs to the CACFP school breakfast. The percent of children above the adequate intake for total choline increased to 43.6 and 57.8% with one and two eggs, respectively, compared to 22.6% at the baseline. The addition of eggs at breakfast can contribute to nutrient intakes and overall dietary adequacy and play a role in public health initiatives aimed at increasing the intake of under-consumed nutrients and nutrients of concern.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Introduction: moderate to vigorous physical activity, limiting sedentary behaviors, and getting adequate rest are lifestyle factors that help prevent overweight and obesity. However, there are few studies that relate all of these factors to weight status, body composition, and diet quality in school children. Objective: to assess the differences in anthropometric status and diet quality in a group of Spanish schoolchildren, according to their level of adherence to the 24-hour movement guidelines. Methods: a total of 367 schoolchildren aged 7-11 years were studied. Anthropometric, dietary, and movement patterns were collected. Subsequently, they were divided into three groups based on their adherence to the extant guidelines: low adherence (BA), medium adherence (AM) and high adherence (AA). Results: only 15 % of the schoolchildren met the guidelines. The percentage of overweight was higher in the BA group than in the AM and AA groups. The BA group also had a lower fibre intake; a lower contribution to the recommendations for vitamins B6, B12 and C, selenium and magnesium; and a higher intake of saturated fatty acids. The schoolchildren who did not meet screen time recommendations had a higher odds ratio for overweight/obesity (OR = 1.92 (1.10-3.36); p = 0.022). Conclusion: schoolchildren who adhere to 2 or more movement guideline recommendations had less overweight and a diet of better nutritional quality. Non-compliance with the screen time recommendation leads to a higher risk of overweight or obesity.
    UNASSIGNED: Introducción: la actividad física moderada o vigorosa, la limitación de los comportamientos sedentarios y el descanso adecuado son factores del estilo de vida que ayudan a prevenir el sobrepeso y la obesidad. Sin embargo, existen pocos trabajos que relacionen el conjunto de estos factores con la situación ponderal, la composición corporal y la calidad de la dieta en escolares. Objetivo: conocer las diferencias en cuanto a situación antropométrica y calidad de la dieta de un grupo de escolares españoles en función del nivel de adherencia a las guías de movimiento de 24 horas. Métodos: se han estudiado 367 escolares de 7-11 años de edad. Se recogieron datos antropométricos, dietéticos y de comportamientos de movimiento. Posteriormente se dividieron en tres grupos sobre la base de su adherencia a las guías: baja adherencia (BA), adherencia media (AM) y alta adherencia (AA). Resultados: solo un 15 % de los escolares cumplía con las guías. El porcentaje de sobrepeso era mayor en el grupo BA que en el AM y el AA. El grupo BA también presentaba una menor ingesta de fibra; una menor contribución a las recomendaciones de vitaminas B6, B12 y C, selenio y magnesio; y una mayor ingesta de ácidos grasos saturados. Los escolares que incumplían la recomendación referente al tiempo de pantalla tenían mayor riesgo de desarrollar sobrepeso u obesidad (OR = 1,92 (1,10-3,36); p = 0,022). Conclusión: los escolares que se adhieren a 2 o más recomendaciones de las guías de movimiento presentan menos sobrepeso y una mejor calidad nutricional de la dieta. El incumplimiento de la recomendación de tiempo de pantalla supone un mayor riesgo de sobrepeso u obesidad.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Based on decades of research, there is strong evidence that supports ongoing dietary recommendations to decrease intakes of SFAs and, more recently, to replace SFAs with unsaturated fat, including PUFAs and MUFAs. Epidemiologic research has shown that replacement of SFAs with unsaturated fat, but not refined carbohydrate and added sugars, is associated with a reduction in coronary heart disease events and death. There is much evidence from controlled clinical studies demonstrating that SFAs increase LDL cholesterol, a major causal factor in the development of cardiovascular disease. When each (nonprotein) dietary macronutrient isocalorically replaces SFA, the greatest LDL-cholesterol-lowering effect is seen with PUFA, followed by MUFA, and then total carbohydrate. New research on full-fat dairy products high in saturated fat, particularly fermented dairy foods, demonstrates some benefits for cardiometabolic diseases. However, compared with food sources of unsaturated fats, full-fat dairy products increase LDL cholesterol. Thus, current dietary recommendations to decrease SFA and replace it with unsaturated fat should continue to the basis for healthy food-based dietary patterns.





