Oceans and Seas

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plutonium, as well as fission products such as 137Cs, had been released into the earth environment in 1945 after the first atmospheric nuclear explosion of plutonium bomb in the desert of New Mexico (USA, July 16) and later over Nagasaki (August 9), followed then by many other explosions. Thus, plutonium cycling in the atmosphere and ocean has become a major public concern as a result of the radiological and chemical toxicity of plutonium. However, plutonium isotopes and 137Cs are important transient tracers of biogeochemical and physical processes in the environment, respectively. In this review, we show that both physical and chemical approaches are needed to comprehensively understand the behaviors of plutonium in the atmosphere and ocean. In the atmosphere, plutonium and 137Cs attach with aerosols; thus, plutonium moves according to physical and chemical processes in connection with aerosols; however, since plutonium is a chemically reactive element, its behavior in an aqueous environment is more complicated, because biogeochemical regulatory factors, in addition to geophysical regulatory factors, must be considered. Meanwhile, 137Cs is chemically inert in aqueous environments. Therefore, the biogeochemical characteristics of plutonium can be elucidated through a comparison with those of 137Cs, which show conservative properties and moves according to physical processes. Finally, we suggest that monitoring of both plutonium and 137Cs can help elucidate geophysical and biogeochemical changes from climate changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine crabs play an integral role in the food chain and scavenge the debris in the ecosystem. Gradual increases in global atmospheric carbon dioxide cause ocean acidification (OA) and global warming that leads to severe consequences for marine organisms including crabs. Also, OA combined with other stressors like temperature, hypoxia, and heavy metals causes more severe adverse effects in marine crabs. The present review was made holistic discussion of information from 111 articles, of which 37 peer-reviewed original research papers reported on the effect of OA experiments and its combination with other stressors like heavy metals, temperature, and hypoxia on growth, survival, molting, chitin quality, food indices, tissue biochemical constituents, hemocytes population, and biomarker enzymes of marine crabs. Nevertheless, the available reports are still in the infancy of marine crabs, hence, this review depicts the possible gaps and future research needs on the impact of OA on marine crabs.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Coastal areas stand out because of their rich biodiversity and high tourist potential due to their privileged geographical position. However, one of the main problems in these areas is the generation of waste and its management, which must consider technical and sustainable criteria. This work aims to conduct a systematic review of the scientific literature on integrated solid waste management (ISWM) by considering scientific publications on the scientific basis for the proposal of sustainability strategies in the context of use and efficiency. The overall method comprises i) Search strategy, merging and processing of the databases (Scopus and Web of Science); ii) Evolution of coastal zone waste management; iii) Systematic reviews on coastal landfills and ISWM in the context of the circular economy; and iv) Quantitative synthesis in integrated waste management. The results show 282 studies focused on coastal landfills and 59 papers on ISWM with the application of circular economy criteria. Systematic reviews allowed for the definition of criteria for the selection of favorable sites, such as i) sites far from the coastline, ii) impermeable soils at their base to avoid contamination of aquifers, iii) use of remote sensing and geographic information system tools for continuous monitoring, iv) mitigation of possible contamination of ecosystems, v) planning the possibility of restoration (reforestation) and protection of the environment. In coastal zones, it is necessary to apply the ISWM approach to avoid landfill flooding and protect the marine environment, reducing rubbish and waste on beaches and oceans. Therefore, applying the circular economy in ISWM is critical to sustainability in coastal environments, with the planet\'s natural processes and variations due to climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 addresses life below the waters, an important source of protein and contributor to global food security and economic development. Our aim was to explore possible evidence on the links between life below water and early childhood caries (ECC).
    This scoping review identified articles on the link between life below water and caries according to the PRISMA-ScR guidelines. Three electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus) were systematically searched in January 2023, using specific search terms. Studies written in English, with full text available, addressing life under water, focusing on dental caries in humans, with results that can be extrapolated to control ECC in children less than 6 years of age were included in the review. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the retrieved papers and graphical presentation was used for visualization.
    There were 224 publications retrieved of which 13 studies, published between 1960 and 2022, were included in the analysis. The papers originated from Asia (7/13), North America (3/13), Europe (1/13), and 2/13 had multi-country authorship. Also, four laboratory studies extracted agents from marine products to determine their efficacy in preventing caries formation and preventing/slowing plaque formation; four letters discussed the caries prevention potential of sea salt as a source of fluoride; and two review articles about the positive effects of extracted marine products for caries prevention. Most (11/13) studies addressed target 14.1 concerned with enriching the marine environment with nutrients and minerals; two addressed target 14.4 focused on ensuring fish stocks are within biologically sustainable levels; two addressed target 14.7 aimed at increasing the economic benefits through sustainable use of marine resources such as fisheries; and one focused on target 14.5 aimed at conserving marine areas by increasing protected areas. In addition, one ecological study assessed the association between the ecosystem and ECC.
    Currently, there is little known about the impact of protection of marine and coastal ecosystem from pollution and ocean acidification on the risk of ECC. Further evidence on possible associations between life below water and ECC management is needed.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Here we review the literature on the basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus, Gunnerus, 1765), well known as the second largest extant shark (and fish) species globally. Previous reviews were published by Kunzlik in 1988 and Sims in 2008, but in the last 15 years modern electronic and DNA sequencing technologies have resulted in considerable advances in our knowledge of the species\' behaviour and ecology. Basking sharks are planktivores and under appropriate conditions spend prolonged periods at the ocean surface feeding on copepod prey that primarily make up their diet, the behaviour that gave rise to their common name. In general, they are migratory and move into higher latitude waters during the summer months, when loose surface-feeding aggregations may form at favoured sites, the best known of which at present occur at hotspots on the west coasts of Britain and Ireland. The species is found circumglobally in temperate waters, but they are also now known on occasion to migrate at depth between northern and southern hemispheres, as well as across oceans within the northern hemisphere. In the past basking shark were more abundant across much of their range, but, consequent on targeted fisheries and in some places intentional eradication, became everywhere scarce, with recent population recovery in the north-east Atlantic being the result of protective measures initiated in the 1990s. Despite their charismatic nature, some of their most fundamental biological processes including copulation, gestation and birth remain largely unknown, due to their migratory and often deep-water lifestyle. In contrast, the deployment of small-scale archival and satellite tags has revealed the details of both broadscale migratory movements and horizontal and vertical foraging behaviours. Recent genetic studies support evidence suggesting a degree of site fidelity in relation to seasonal feeding grounds, which likely explains why in the past local populations have collapsed following periods of intensive fishing. Other recent research using aerial drones and towed cameras has revealed within loose feeding aggregations elements of social behaviour that may have a courtship function as well as enhance feeding efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Typhoons are extreme weather events that can not only affect marine dynamics, but also change marine biogeochemistry, considerably impacting the climate. Based on the satellite remote sensing data, the upwelling of abundant nutrients induced by typhoons from deeper eutrophic water to the upper oligotrophic layer triggers phytoplankton blooms in the upper oceans, thereby increasing new productivity (as a carbon sink). However, field observations have shown that organic matter decomposition (as a carbon source) is the dominant process regardless of whether phytoplankton blooms occur after typhoons, resulting in oxygen consumption in the water column. Therefore, it is particularly important to comprehensively study the coupling mechanisms of biogeochemistry and dynamics in the ocean after typhoons. Here, we present a systematic overview summarizing the effects of typhoons on marine dynamics and biogeochemistry and elaborating on the characteristics and mechanisms of organic matter decomposition induced by typhoons.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Global plastic production is rapidly increasing, resulting in significant amounts of plastic entering the marine environment. This makes marine litter one of the most critical environmental concerns. Determining the effects of this waste on marine animals, particularly endangered organisms, and the health of the oceans is now one of the top environmental priorities. This article reviews the sources of plastic production, its entry into the oceans and the food chain, the potential threat to aquatic animals and humans, the challenges of plastic waste in the oceans, the existing laws and regulations in this field, and strategies. Using conceptual models, this study looks at a circular economy framework for energy recovery from ocean plastic wastes. It does this by drawing on debates about AI-based systems for smart management. In the last sections of the present research, a novel soft sensor is designed for the prediction of accumulated ocean plastic waste based on social development features and the application of machine learning computations. Plus, the best scenario of ocean plastic waste management with a concentration on both energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions is discussed using USEPA-WARM modeling. Finally, a circular economy concept and ocean plastic waste management policies are modeled based on the strategies of different countries. We deal with green chemistry and the replacement of plastics derived from fossil sources.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    The reduction in seawater pH from rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the oceans has been recognized as an important force shaping the future of marine ecosystems. Therefore, numerous studies have reported the effects of ocean acidification (OA) in different compartments of important animal groups, based on field and/or laboratory observations. Calcifying invertebrates have received considerable attention in recent years. In the present systematic review, we have summarized the physiological responses to OA in coral, echinoderm, mollusk, and crustacean species exposed to predicted ocean acidification conditions in the near future. The Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed databases were used for the literature search, and 75 articles were obtained based on the inclusion criteria. Six main physiological responses have been reported after exposure to low pH. Growth (21.6%), metabolism (20.8%), and acid-base balance (17.6%) were the most frequent among the phyla, while calcification and growth were the physiological responses most affected by OA (>40%). Studies show that the reduction of pH in the aquatic environment, in general, supports the maintenance of metabolic parameters in invertebrates, with redistribution of energy to biological functions, generating limitations to calcification, which can have severe consequences for the health and survival of these organisms. It should be noted that the OA results are variable, with inter and/or intraspecific differences. In summary, this systematic review offers important scientific evidence for establishing paradigms in the physiology of climate change in addition to gathering valuable information on the subject and future research perspectives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been extensively produced and used as surfactants and repellents for decades. To date, the global contamination pattern of PFAS in marine biota has seldomly been reviewed. Seabirds are ideal biomonitoring tools to study environmental contaminants and their effects. Here, we compiled and synthesized reported PFAS concentrations in various seabird species to reflect spatiotemporal patterns and exposure risks of major PFAS on a global ocean scale. Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) was the most studied PFAS in seabirds, which showed the highest level in eggs of common guillemots (U. aalge) from the Baltic Sea, followed by great cormorants (P. carbo) from the North Sea and double-crested cormorants (P.auritus) from the San Francisco Bay, whereas the lowest were those reported for Antarctic seabirds. The temporal pattern showed an overall higher level of PFOS in the late 1990s and early 2000s, consistent with the phase-out of perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride-based products. Maximum liver PFOS concentrations in several species such as cormorants and fulmars from Europe and North America exceeded the estimated toxicity reference values. Systematic evaluations using representative species and long time-series are necessary to understand contamination patterns in seabirds in South America, Africa, and Asia where information is lacking. In addition, limited research has been conducted on the identification and toxic effects of novel substitutes such as fluorotelomers and ether PFAS (F-53B, Gen-X etc.) in seabirds. Further research, including multi-omics analysis, is needed to comprehensively characterize the exposure and toxicological profiles of PFAS in seabirds and other wildlife.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is global pressure to protect more of the world\'s oceans, primarily to protect biodiversity, and to fulfill the \"30 by 30\" goal set by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) that has recently been ratified under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at the fifteenth Conference of Parties (COP-15). Fully protected marine protected areas (MPAs) provide the highest level of protection for biodiversity from destructive or extractive practices and may limit access to the area itself. Fully protected MPAs (also commonly referred to as \'no-take MPAs\') ban all fishing activities, thereby removing the realisation of direct economic and social benefits from resource extraction within these areas. However, fully protected MPAs can still act as source of productivity to surrounding areas, while also providing an important scientific reference role for off-reserve management thereby providing indirect economic and social outcomes, as well as biodiversity benefits. Sustainable marine resource management strives to achieve \'triple-bottom line\' benefits, where economic, social, and biodiversity benefits are maximised in managed areas of the ocean. Implementing \'partially protected\' areas (PPAs) in areas of high biodiversity value (i.e., inshore, productive areas of the ocean) that allow for some extractive activities, may allow us to supplement fully MPAs to meet IUCN conservation goals, while maximising social and economic benefits. However, our current understanding lacks explicit quantitative assessments of whether and how PPAs can benefit (or otherwise) biodiversity, while also providing economic and social benefits. This study provides a method to systematically review the scientific and legislative literature to understand how PPAs may contribute to conserving biodiversity while also providing social and economic benefits to Australia.
    The implementation of partially protected areas (PPAs) requires careful consideration of many potentially competing factors, and an understanding of the types of partial protection already in place in a region. We have developed a systematic literature review protocol focussing on the primary research question: \"What is the current state of partially protected area (PPA) implementation across Australian marine areas?\". The aim of the review is to provide marine resource managers with a comprehensive overview of PPAs in Australia, including associated goals and stated management strategies to achieve these goals, and a methodological approach that may be utilised globally. The review protocol was designed by the research team for a Fisheries Resource and Development Corporation (FRDC) strategic research grant and will seek input from a project steering committee for the project on aggregation of the initial results. The steering committee is made up of stakeholders from a wide range of backgrounds and interests, covering marine conservation, fisheries management, Indigenous values, and academic research in Australia. Multiple academic databases, alongside Australian Federal, State, and Territory legislation and related policies will be reviewed using Boolean keyword search strings for both academic databases and relevant grey literature. Results from eligible documents will be compiled and insights from the review collated to provide information on the status of PPA implementation in Australia.





