Neglected Tropical Diseases

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Snakebite is a global environmental and occupational hazard and a significant public health threat. In rural areas, snakebite cases often go unreported and undocumented due to the lack of access to well-structured healthcare facilities/infrastructure. In some cases, the need for antisnake venom (ASV) far outstrips supply, negatively affecting treatment outcomes. This study, therefore, assessed the epidemiological characteristics of snakebite cases, their management, and how antivenoms are utilised at the selected hospital in the Jasikan District Hospital. Methods: A 6-year retrospective study using secondary data from antivenom return forms (pharmacy records), clinical records (patient folders), the District Health Information Management System-2 (DHIMS-2) database, and consulting room registers was carried out in selected hospitals in the Jasikan District, Oti, Ghana. Results: The predominant symptom of snakebite was localised pain (71.4%). The snakebite commonly occurred at home (19%) and on farms (18%). Of the 98 snakebite cases, ASV was administered to 73 (74.5%) cases. Supportive treatment applied included prophylactic antitetanus immunoglobulin (ATS) (80.6%), prophylactic antibiotics (63%), corticosteroids (80.6%), and analgesics (63%). 95% (n = 94) of complete recoveries were recorded; three were discharged against medical advice, and one was mortality. The supply and use of antivenom were erratic throughout the months of high incidence, partly due to inconsistent availability at the Regional Medical Stores. The average ASV vials and hospital stay duration were 1.23 ± 0.86 vials and 2.67 ± 1.97 days, respectively. Although the peak of snakebites occurs in April, May, and June, the demand for antivenom in April and May exceeded supply. Conclusion: The outcome of most snakebite case management was appropriate, irrespective of inadequate ASV supply in certain months. The erratic antivenom supply should be aligned with seasonal and facility-use patterns to enhance regional snakebite management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In recent years, the escalating concern for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) has been recognized as a pressing global health issue. This concern is acutely manifested in low- and middle-income countries, where there is an escalating prevalence among adolescents and young adults. The burgeoning of these conditions threatens to impair patients\' occupational capabilities and overall life quality. Despite the considerable global impact of NTDs, comprehensive studies focusing on their impact in younger populations remain scarce. Our study aims to describe the global prevalence of neglected tropical diseases among people aged 15 to 39 years over the 30-year period from 1990 to 2019, and to project the disease burden of the disease up to 2040.
    METHODS: Annual data on incident cases, mortality, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for NTDs were procured from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019 (GBD 2019). These data were stratified by global and regional distribution, country, social development index (SDI), age, and sex. We computed age-standardized rates (ASRs) and the numbers of incident cases, mortalities, and DALYs from 1990 to 2019. The estimated annual percentage change (EAPC) in the ASRs was calculated to evaluate evolving trends.
    RESULTS: In 2019, it was estimated that there were approximately 552 million NTD cases globally (95% Uncertainty Interval [UI]: 519.9 million to 586.3 million), a 29% decrease since 1990. South Asia reported the highest NTD prevalence, with an estimated 171.7 million cases (95% UI: 150.4 million to 198.6 million). Among the five SDI categories, the prevalence of NTDs was highest in the moderate and low SDI regions in 1990 (approximately 270.5 million cases) and 2019 (approximately 176.5 million cases). Sub-Saharan Africa recorded the most significant decline in NTD cases over the past three decades. Overall, there was a significant inverse correlation between the disease burden of NTDs and SDI.
    CONCLUSIONS: NTDs imposed over half a billion incident cases and 10.8 million DALYs lost globally in 2019-exerting an immense toll rivaling major infectious and non-communicable diseases. Encouraging declines in prevalence and disability burdens over the past three decades spotlight the potential to accelerate progress through evidence-based allocation of resources. Such strategic integration could substantially enhance public awareness about risk factors and available treatment options.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Recently recognized by the World Health Organization as a neglected tropical disease, Noma, an acute and destructive gangrenous disease affecting the gums and facial structures within the oral cavity, has a high mortality rate if untreated.
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate the prevalence and impact of Noma among internally displaced populations in Northeastern Nigeria.
    UNASSIGNED: A retrospective study.
    UNASSIGNED: This retrospective study investigates the prevalence and impact of Noma among internally displaced populations in Northeastern Nigeria. Noma is endemic in Northern Nigeria, Africa, and its occurrence has been linked to extreme poverty, malnutrition, poor hygiene, and inadequate healthcare - conditions exacerbated by the ongoing Boko Haram conflict.
    UNASSIGNED: The retrospective descriptive cross-sectional analysis of 17 cases reveals a median age of 8 years, with most of the patients being children who suffer significant social stigmas, such as difficulties in speaking, eating, and social integration, including reduced school attendance and marital prospects.
    UNASSIGNED: The study highlights the urgent need for comprehensive research into the etiology of Noma and its socio-economic impact. It emphasizes the necessity for early and effective intervention strategies, particularly in conflict-stricken areas with limited healthcare access.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) affect over 1.5 billion people worldwide, primarily impoverished populations in low- and middle-income countries. Skin NTDs, a significant subgroup, manifest primarily as skin lesions and require extensive diagnosis and treatment resources, including trained personnel and financial backing. The World Health Organization has introduced the SkinNTDs app, a mobile health tool designed to train and be used as a decision support tool for frontline health care workers. As most digital health guidelines prioritize the thorough evaluation of mobile health interventions, it is essential to conduct a rigorous and validated assessment of this app.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the usability and user experience of World Health Organization SkinNTDs app (version 3) as a capacity-building tool and decision-support tool for frontline health care workers.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Ghana and Kenya. Frontline health care workers dealing with skin NTDs were recruited through snowball sampling. They used the SkinNTDs app for at least 5 days before completing a web-based survey containing demographic variables and the user version of the Mobile Application Rating Scale (uMARS), a validated scale for assessing health apps. A smaller group of participants took part in semistructured interviews and one focus group. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS with a 95% CI and P≤.05 for statistical significance and qualitative data using ATLAS.ti to identify attributes, cluster themes, and code various dimensions that were explored.
    RESULTS: Overall, 60 participants participated in the quantitative phase and 17 in the qualitative phase. The SkinNTDs app scored highly on the uMARS questionnaire, with an app quality mean score of 4.02 (SD 0.47) of 5, a subjective quality score of 3.82 (SD 0.61) of 5, and a perceived impact of 4.47 (SD 0.56) of 5. There was no significant association between the app quality mean score and any of the categorical variables examined, according to Pearson correlation analysis; app quality mean score vs age (P=.37), sex (P=.70), type of health worker (P=.35), country (P=.94), work context (P=.17), frequency of dealing with skin NTDs (P=.09), and dermatology experience (P=.63). Qualitative results echoed the quantitative outcomes, highlighting the ease of use, the offline functionality, and the potential utility for frontline health care workers in remote and resource-constrained settings. Areas for improvement were identified, such as enhancing the signs and symptoms section.
    CONCLUSIONS: The SkinNTDs app demonstrates notable usability and user-friendliness. The results indicate that the app could play a crucial role in improving capacity building of frontline health care workers dealing with skin NTDs. It could be improved in the future by including new features such as epidemiological context and direct contact with experts. The possibility of using the app as a diagnostic tool should be considered.
    UNASSIGNED: RR2-10.2196/39393.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    BACKGROUND: Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) inflict significant comorbid disability on the most vulnerable communities; yet interventions targeting the mental health of affected communities are lacking. A pilot study to assess the effectiveness of a chronic disease self-management program (CDSMP) was introduced to lymphatic filariasis peer support groups in Léogâne, Haiti.
    METHODS: Using a closed-cohort stepped-wedge cluster trial design, Hope Clubs were assigned into Arm 1 (n=118 members) and Arm 2 (n=92). Household surveys, measuring self-rated health, depression, disease self-efficacy, perceived social support, and quality of life, were conducted at baseline (before CDSMP); midpoint (after Arm 1/before Arm 2 completed CDSMP); and endpoint (after CDSMP). Non-Hope Club member patients (n=74) were evaluated at baseline for comparison.
    RESULTS: Fifty percent of Hope Club members (Arm 1: 48.3%, Arm 2: 52.2%) screened positive for depression at baseline, compared with 36.5% of non-Hope Club members. No statistically significant differences were found in outcome measures between intervention observation periods. At endpoint, depressive illness reduced to 28.7% (Arm 1) and 27.6% (Arm 2).
    CONCLUSIONS: The intervention was feasible to integrate into Hope Clubs, showed overall positive effects and reduced depressive symptoms. More studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy of implementing CDSMP in the NTD context.
    BACKGROUND: Les maladies tropicales négligées (MTN) infligent d\'importantes incapacités comorbides aux communautés les plus vulnérables; pourtant, les interventions ciblant la santé mentale des communautés affectées font défaut. Une étude pilote visant à évaluer l\'efficacité d\'un programme d\'autogestion des maladies chroniques (CDSMP) a été introduite dans des groupes de soutien par les pairs pour la filariose lymphatique à Léogâne, en Haïti.
    UNASSIGNED: Dans le cadre d\'un essai en grappe à cohorte fermée, les clubs Hope ont été répartis entre le bras 1 (n=118 membres) et le bras 2 (n=92). Des enquêtes auprès des ménages, mesurant l\'auto-évaluation de la santé, la dépression, l\'auto-efficacité face à la maladie, le soutien social perçu et la qualité de vie, ont été menées au départ (avant le CDSMP), à mi-parcours (après que le bras 1 / avant que le bras 2 ait terminé le CDSMP) et à la fin (après le CDSMP). Les patients non membres du Hope Club (n=74) ont été évalués au début de l\'étude à des fins de comparaison.
    UNASSIGNED: Cinquante pourcent des membres du Hope Club (bras 1 : 48,3%, bras 2 : 52,2%) ont été dépistés positifs pour la dépression au début de l\'étude, contre 36,5% des non-membres du Hope Club. Aucune différence statistiquement significative n\'a été constatée dans les mesures des résultats entre les périodes d\'observation de l\'intervention. À la fin de l\'étude, la maladie dépressive était réduite à 28,7% (bras 1) et 27,6% (bras 2).
    CONCLUSIONS: L\'intervention a pu être intégrée dans les clubs Hope, elle a montré des effets globalement positifs et a permis de réduire les symptômes dépressifs. D\'autres études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l\'efficacité de la mise en œuvre du CDSMP dans le contexte des MTD.
    BACKGROUND: Las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETDs) infligen una importante discapacidad comórbida a las comunidades más vulnerables; sin embargo, faltan intervenciones dirigidas a la salud mental de las comunidades afectadas. Se introdujo un estudio piloto para evaluar la eficacia de un programa de autogestión de enfermedades crónicas (CDSMP, por sus siglas en inglés) en grupos de apoyo entre pares de filariasis linfática en Léogâne, Haití.
    UNASSIGNED: Utilizando un diseño de ensayo por conglomerados de cohortes cerradas escalonadas, los Clubes Esperanza fueron asignados al Grupo 1 (n=118 miembros) y al Grupo 2 (n=92). Se realizaron encuestas en los hogares para medir la autoevaluación de la salud, la depresión, la autoeficacia frente a la enfermedad, el apoyo social percibido y la calidad de vida en la línea de base (antes del CDSMP), en el punto medio (después de que el Grupo 1/antes de que el Grupo 2 completara el CDSMP) y en el punto final (después del CDSMP). Los pacientes que no pertenecían al Club Esperanza (n=74) fueron evaluados al inicio del estudio a modo de comparación.
    RESULTS: El 50% de los miembros del Club Esperanza (Grupo 1: 48,3%, Grupo 2: 52,2%) dieron positivo en depresión al inicio del estudio, en comparación con el 36,5% de los no miembros del Club Esperanza. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las medidas de resultado entre los periodos de observación de la intervención. Al final, la enfermedad depresiva se redujo al 28,7% (Grupo 1) y al 27,6% (Grupo 2).
    CONCLUSIONS: La intervención fue factible de integrar en los Clubes Esperanza, mostróefectos positivos generales y redujo los síntomas depresivos. Se necesitan más estudios para evaluar la eficacia de la aplicación del CDSMP en el contexto de las ETD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Brucellosis is recognized as a significant global zoonotic infection that disproportionately affects low-income settings. A community cross-sectional survey was carried out in a rural setting of northwest Iran between February and May 2023. Rural individuals were interviewed according to a questionnaire with questions about demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitudes, and practices relating to human brucellosis. We employed descriptive statistics to study knowledge, attitudes, and practice patterns. In addition, we applied a multivariable logistic regression model to assess potential predictors of knowledge, attitudes, and practice related to brucellosis using odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Among 700 participants, 91.1% were aware of brucellosis, and 85.7% identified cows, sheep, and goats as primary transmission sources. 75.6% and 78.7% recognized transmission risks via unpasteurized and raw milk products. 60.5% understood the benefits of boiling milk and using gloves. Attitudinally, 64.3% perceived higher risk for livestock owners and supported practices like milk pasteurization (70.5%), protective gear (84.4%), handwashing (92.2%), and animal vaccination (71.0%). 90% expressed a need for more information. In practice, 44.8% exclusively consumed boiled and pasteurized milk, 37.8% consumed fresh cheese, and 92.2% solely consumed thoroughly cooked animal meat. Logistic regression revealed that higher education and no prior history of the disease correlated with good knowledge and attitudes, while older participants displayed inappropriate practices compared to their younger counterparts. This study highlights the reasonably high awareness of brucellosis, particularly regarding transmission sources and preventive measures. However, the gaps in knowledge, attitudes, and practices still exist, with education level emerging as a significant factor. To improve prevention practices, tailored interventions addressing age-related disparities are necessary.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tungiasis (sand flea disease) is a neglected tropical disease that is endemic in Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America. Tungiasis causes pain, mobility restrictions, stigmatisation and reduced quality of life. Very severe cases with hundreds of sand fleas have been described, but treatment of such cases has never been studied systematically. During a larger community-based tungiasis control programme in a hyperendemic region in Karamoja, northeastern Uganda, 96 very severe tungiasis cases were identified and treated with the dimeticone formula NYDA®. They were repeatedly followed-up and treated again when necessary. The present study traces tungiasis frequency, intensity and morbidity among these 96 individuals over 2 years. At baseline, very severe tungiasis occurred in all age groups, including young children. Throughout the intervention, tungiasis frequency decreased from 100% to 25.8% among the 96 individuals. The overall number of embedded sand fleas in this group dropped from 15,648 to 158, and the median number of embedded sand fleas among the tungiasis cases decreased from 141 to four. Walking difficulties were reported in 96.9% at the beginning and in 4.5% at the end of the intervention. Repeated treatment with the dimeticone formula over 2 years was a successful strategy to manage very severe cases in a hyperendemic community. Treatment of very severe cases is essential to control the spread and burden of tungiasis in endemic communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mass drug administration (MDA) program of albendazole to at-risk populations as preventive chemotherapy is the core public health intervention to control soil-transmitted helminths (STHs). Achieving this goal relies on drug effectiveness in reducing the parasite reservoirs in the community and preventing reinfection. We assessed the efficacy of albendazole against STH parasite infection and reinfection status after cure.
    METHODS: A total of 984 schoolchildren infected with at least one type of STH parasite (hookworm, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura) in southern Ethiopia were enrolled and received albendazole and praziquantel in MDA campaign conducted from January to March 2019. Stool exams at week-4 and at week-8 of post-MDA were done using Kato Katz technique. The primary outcome was efficacy assessed by cure rate (CR) and fecal egg reduction rates (ERRs) at four weeks of post-MDA. The secondary outcome was reinfection status defined as parasite egg positivity at eight weeks among those who were cured at 4 weeks of post-MDA. Group comparisons in CR and related factors were assessed with chi-square or Fisher\'s exact tests. Predictors of CR were examined through univariate and multivariate regression analyses.
    RESULTS: The overall CR and ERR for hookworm infection were 97.2% (95% CI 94.6-99.4) and 97.02%, respectively. The overall CR and ERR for A. lumbricoides were 71.5% (95% CI 68.3-74.6) and 84.5% respectively. The overall CR and ERR and for T. trichiura were 49.5% (95% CI 44.8-54.2) and 68.3%, respectively. The CR among moderate T. trichiura infection intensity was 28.6%. Among children cured of hookworm, A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura at week 4 post-MDA, 4.6%, 18.3% and 52.4% became reinfected at week-8 post-MDA, respectively. Significantly lower CR (36.6%) and higher reinfection after cure (60.6%) among A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura coinfected children than A. lumbricoides only (CR = 69.6%, reinfection rate = 15.1%) or T. trichiura only infected children (CR = 55.6%, reinfection rate = 47.1%) was observed. Pre-treatment coinfection with ≥ two types of STH parasites was significantly associated with re-infection after cure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Albendazole MDA is efficacious against hookworm but has reduced efficacy against A. lumbricoides and is not effective against T. trichiura. The low drug efficacy and high reinfection rate after cure underscore the need for alternative treatment and integration of other preventive measures to achieve the target of eliminating STHs as a public health problem by 2030.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization recommends person-centred and integrated care for mental health of people with Neglected Tropical Diseases. This study assesses the feasibility and acceptability of mental health care for people with NTDs, which integrated mental health care into primary health care services, in central Nigeria.
    METHODS: People affected by NTDs were screened for depression and anxiety, and those identified referred to the integrated service. Following their use of the service, Focus Group Discussions were held with service users and carers, and Key Informant Interviews with health service providers. Service providers were also interviewed on attitudes, before and after training with the WHO mhGAP Intervention Guide.
    RESULTS: In general service users reported satisfaction with the services, which they found to be dignified and accessible. They expressed concern about affordability, and waiting times. Providers also felt the service was acceptable. System gaps were identified, for example in health information systems and supervision. Poor political will threatened sustainability. CAMI scores did not change with mhGAP training.
    CONCLUSIONS: Locally designed services that support mental health of people with NTDs can be integrated into primary care. Weak basic infrastructure and lack of investment are barriers to sustainability and potential effectiveness.
    BACKGROUND: L\'Organisation mondiale de la santé recommande des soins centrés sur la personne et intégrés pour la santé mentale des personnes atteintes de maladies tropicales négligées. Cette étude évalue la faisabilité et l\'acceptabilité des soins de santé mentale pour les personnes atteintes de MTN, qui ont intégré les soins de santé mentale dans les services de soins de santé primaires, dans le centre du Nigeria. Cette étude évalue la faisabilité et l\'acceptabilité des soins de santé mentale pour les personnes atteintes de MTN, qui intègrent les soins de santé mentale dans les services de soins de santé primaires, au centre du Nigeria.
    UNASSIGNED: Les personnes atteintes de MTN ont fait l\'objet d\'un dépistage de la dépression et de l\'anxiété, et celles qui ont été identifiées ont été orientées vers le service intégré. Après leur utilisation du service, des discussions de groupe ont été organisées avec les utilisateurs du service et les soignants, et des entretiens avec des informateurs clés avec des prestataires de services de santé. Les prestataires de services ont également été interrogés sur leurs attitudes, avant et après la formation au guide d\'intervention mhGAP de l\'OMS.
    UNASSIGNED: En général, les utilisateurs des services se sont déclarés satisfaits des services, qu\'ils ont trouvés dignes et accessibles. Ils ont exprimé des inquiétudes quant à l\'accessibilité financière et aux temps d\'attente. Les prestataires ont également estimé que le service était acceptable. Des lacunes ont été identifiées dans le système, par exemple dans les systèmes d\'information sanitaire et la supervision. Le manque de volonté politique a menacé la viabilité des services. Les scores CAMI restent inchangés suite à la formation au mhGAP.
    CONCLUSIONS: Des services de santé mentale conçus localement pour venir en aide aux personnes atteintes de MTN peuvent être intégrés aux soins primaires. La qualité de l\'infrastructure de base et le manque d\'investissement sont les obstacles principaux à la durabilité et à l\'efficacité potentielle de ces interventions.
    BACKGROUND: La Organización Mundial de la Salud recomienda una atención centrada en la persona e integrada para la salud mental de las personas con Enfermedades Tropicales Desatendidas. Este estudio evalúa la viabilidad y aceptabilidad de la atención a la salud mental de las personas con ETD, que integra la atención a la salud mental en los servicios de atención primaria, en Nigeria central.
    UNASSIGNED: Las personas afectadas por ETD fueron examinadas para detectar depresión y ansiedad, y las identificadas fueron derivadas al servicio integrado. Tras su utilización del servicio, se celebraron debates de grupos focales con los usuarios y cuidadores del servicio, y entrevistas a informantes clave con los proveedores de servicios sanitarios. También se entrevistó a los proveedores de servicios sobre sus actitudes, antes y después de la formación con la Guía de Intervención mhGAP de la OMS.
    RESULTS: En general, los usuarios se mostraron satisfechos con los servicios, que consideraron dignos y accesibles. Expresaron su preocupación por la asequibilidad y los tiempos de espera. Los proveedores también consideraron que el servicio era aceptable. Se detectaron deficiencias en el sistema, por ejemplo en los sistemas de información sanitaria y la supervisión. La escasa voluntad política amenazaba la sostenibilidad. Las puntuaciones CAMI no cambiaron con la formación mhGAP.
    UNASSIGNED: Los servicios diseñados localmente para apoyar la salud mental de las personas con ETD pueden integrarse en la atención primaria. La debilidad de la infraestructura básica y la falta de inversión son obstáculos para la sostenibilidad y la eficacia potencial.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A controlled human infection model for schistosomiasis (CHI-S) can speed up vaccine development and provides insight into early immune responses following schistosome exposure. Recently, we established CHI-S model using single-sex male-only Schistosoma mansoni (Sm) cercariae in Schistosoma-naïve individuals. Given important differences in antigenic profile and human immune responses to schistosomes of different sex, we pioneered a single-sex female-only CHI-S model for future use in vaccine development.
    METHODS: We exposed 13 healthy, Schistosoma-naïve adult participants to 10 (n = 3) or 20 (n = 10) female cercariae and followed for 20 weeks, receiving treatment with praziquantel (PZQ) 60 mg/kg at week 8 and 12 after exposure.
    RESULTS: The majority (11/13) participants reported rash and/or itch at the site of exposure, 5/13 had transient symptoms of acute schistosomiasis. Exposure to 20 cercariae led to detectable infection, defined as serum circulating anodic antigen levels >1.0 pg/mL, in 6/10 participants. Despite two rounds of PZQ treatment, 4/13 participants showed signs of persistent infection. Additional one- or three-day PZQ treatment (1 × 60 mg/kg and 3 × 60 mg/kg) or artemether did not result in cure, but over time three participants self-cured. Antibody, cellular, and cytokine responses peaked at week 4 post infection, with a mixed Th1, Th2, and regulatory profile. Cellular responses were (most) discriminative for symptoms.
    CONCLUSIONS: Female-only infections exhibit similar clinical and immunological profiles as male-only infections but are more resistant to PZQ treatment. This limits future use of this model and may have important implications for disease control programs.
    BACKGROUND: European Union\'s Horizon 2020 (grant no. 81564).





