Neglected Tropical Diseases

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Infectious disorders known as Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) initially affect the world\'s underprivileged citizens. They have been disregarded for many years, first as a result of a general indifference to such a developing world and, more recently, as an outcome of the intense attention on AIDS, TB, and malaria. Tropical diseases mostly affect the region where health and hygiene are sacrificed, and most of the population lacks access to sufficient food and living resources. WHO has drafted and released the directions for regulation, pre-vention, and successful eradication of NTDs as per the revised roadmap of 2021-2030. This shifts from vertical disease programs to integrated cross-cutting methods. In the current work, we have provided comprehensive information on various aspects of neglected tropical dis-eases, including the clinical management of NTDs. This encompasses the causative agent of the diseases, their symptoms, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and epidemio-logical perspective of major NTDs. This review will shed light on several perspectives of NTDs having influential roles in proposing strategies to control and treat them around the world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the prevalence, management, and control of the neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) highlighting the current or prospective impact of COVID-19 on research and development funding for, and execution of, NTD programmes. This review was conducted to determine if, and how, NTDs were affected by COVID-19, and whether those effects will delay the elimination goals of the Sustainable Development goals.
    METHODS: Using open-source available data from policy and documentation from official websites of the relevant stakeholders including but not limited to World Health Organization (WHO) documents and policies, government foreign aid documents, and the Policy Cures G-Finder reports, this scoping review explored ongoing challenges to supporting research and development (R&D) for the NTDs and in maintaining NTD control programs; examined the constraints posed for NTD management by the pandemic from disruptions to healthcare services, reduction of finance and explored the potential long-term implications and consequences for those poorer, neglected populations in low and middle income-countries (LMICs). This was done by a scoping review literature search, publications were subject to an initial practical screening step to ensure the most relevant publications were selected for full screening, with the focus on scoping the designated topic of the impact of COVID-19 on NTDs. We further undertook an evaluation of the socio-economic factors exacerbating the impact of COVID-19 on NTD burden.
    RESULTS: Multiple disruptions and setbacks, likely to affect NTD programmes and progress towards their elimination targets were identified in this study. R&D funding for the NTDs and AIDs and TB has declined since the funding high point of 2019, and for malaria since the high point of 2018. Significant changes in allocation of R&D funding within the NTDs are observed post pandemic, likely because of prioritization among donors. Diseases for which the least R&D investment was reported in place, prior to the pandemic (mycetoma, taeniasis/cysticercosis, trachoma and Buruli ulcer) have been particularly impacted post pandemic. We identified specific NTDs including schistosomiasis, leprosy, and rabies that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and disruptions caused to on ongoing NTD control and elimination programs. Pandemic restrictions disrupted essential medical supply manufacturing and distribution impacting immunization programs and hindered efforts to control the spread of infectious diseases. NTD programmes have experienced numerous setbacks including delays in mass drug administration programs (e.g. for schistosomiasis), cancelled or delayed vaccination programs (e.g. for rabies) and closure of testing facilities has resulted in reduced diagnosis, treatment, and disease elimination for all NTDs. Lockdowns and clinic closures causing disruption to essential healthcare services restricted NTD surveillance and treatment programs. Community fears around contracting COVID-19 exacerbated the constraints to service delivery. Disparities in global vaccine distribution have widened with LMICs facing limited access to vaccines and disruption to immunization programs. Finally, the pandemic has led to increased poverty with poor and marginalized communities, impacting nutrition, healthcare access and education all of which have long term implications for NTD management and control.
    CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly impacted global health research and global health equity. Attention and funding were diverted from all sectors, significantly affecting research and development efforts set out in the World Health Organization\'s NTD elimination Roadmaps. Ongoing changes to funding, economic crises, logistics and supply chain disruptions as well as deepening poverty has put a strain on already weak healthcare systems and exacerbated LMIC healthcare challenges. In particular, the delays and constraints to NTD management and elimination programs will have long-reaching consequences highlighting the need for global cooperation and renewed investment to put the NTD roadmap back on track. Targets and milestones are unlikely to be met without significant investment for recovery, in place.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leishmaniasis, a critical Neglected Tropical Disease caused by Leishmania protozoa, represents a significant global health risk, particularly in resource-limited regions. Conventional treatments are effective but suffer from serious limitations, such as toxicity, prolonged treatment courses, and rising drug resistance. Herein, we highlight the potential of inorganic nanomaterials as an innovative approach to enhance Leishmaniasis therapy, aligning with the One Health concept by considering these treatments\' environmental, veterinary, and public health impacts. By leveraging the adjustable properties of these nanomaterials─including size, shape, and surface charge, tailored treatments for various diseases can be developed that are less harmful to the environment and nontarget species. We review recent advances in metal-, oxide-, and carbon-based nanomaterials for combating Leishmaniasis, examining their mechanisms of action and their dual use as standalone treatments or drug delivery systems. Our analysis highlights a promising yet underexplored frontier in employing these materials for more holistic and effective disease management.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are a group of disease conditions that affect the world\'s poorest people in low- and middle-income countries. NTDs are associated with negative behavioural experiences, including discrimination, rejection and stigmatization, that predisposes those affected to mental health problems. Consequently, researchers have shown profound interest in elucidating the mental health burden associated with NTDs. To address pertinent issues in the burgeoning literature relating to the prevalence, assessment and correlates of mental health problems in NTDs, a systematic review methodology was used. Underpinned by the PRISMA guidelines, a search was conducted of electronic databases, individual journals and bibliographies for articles that were screened and subjected to predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Sixteen articles from African, Asian and South American countries were included in the review. Depression was the most widely investigated mental health issue, followed by stress and anxiety, with prevalence estimates of 7-54%, 8-43% and 19-53%, respectively. The PHQ-9 and GAD-7 and Self-Reporting Questionnaire were the most widely administered mental health screening tools. The major correlates of mental health problems are lower education and economic status and female gender. We recommend multisectoral and multilayered mental health and related interventions to address the increasing burden of mental health in NTDs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Vast majority of helminth diseases remain neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), causing significant morbidity. The widespread and periodic distribution of antiparasitic drugs, remains the cornerstone for controlling these diseases. In Spain, most helminthiasis cases are imported, and suspicion and diagnosis have become increasingly important. Our primary objective is to present the epidemiological landscape of helminthiasis diagnoses within our facility, while also detailing the demographic characteristics of the affected population.
    METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted at the Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa (HUSO) from January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2020, encompassing all diagnosed cases of helminthiasis during this period. Comprehensive epidemiological, clinical, and microbiological data were gathered for all diagnosed patients. The study population comprised patients receiving treatment at the HUSO, as well as those receiving treatment at the Leganés and Fuenlabrada Primary Care Units. Subsequently, descriptive and comparative statistics were performed, comparing Spanish and foreign patients.
    RESULTS: During this period, a total of 952 patients were diagnosed with some form of helminthiasis. Among them, 495 were Spanish, and 457 were foreign. The total number of helminths identified, including patients with multiple infections, was 1,010. Significant differences were observed between Africans and Americans in terms of age distribution, with a higher prevalence among Africans in the 0-15 age range and among Americans in the 31-60 age range. Variations were noted in the distribution of helminths, with S. stercoralis significantly affecting Americans. For Spanish patients, the presence of Trichuris trichiura and S. stercoralis was significantly associated with eosinophilia, whereas among foreign patients, it was associated with Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides among others. Regarding symptoms, skin manifestations were more frequent among Spanish, while digestive were more common among foreigners.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study offers crucial epidemiological insights into helminth infections observed over time in a Madrid hospital. Although the prevalence of helminth infections has been decreasing, there is still a need for screening and diagnosing foreign patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) encompass a group of diseases predominantly found in tropical regions, with origins dating back to their inclusion in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals in 2000. This initiative aimed to raise awareness and global funding to combat these diseases, which thrive in areas with limited sanitation, healthcare, and education. NTDs are caused by various pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses and affect over two billion individuals in resource-poor communities, leading to preventable deaths and devastating consequences. While the musculoskeletal system is only occasionally affected, the resulting chronic disabilities prevent individuals from working, posing a significant socioeconomic burden in this region of the world. Some NTDs exhibit distinct imaging features, and radiologists need to be aware of these characteristics to facilitate early treatment. In this review, we delve into musculoskeletal NTDs, focusing on clinical features and imaging findings, differential diagnosis, and clinical management.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    OBJECTIVE: NTDs historically receive less attention than other diseases in the same regions. Recent gap analyses revealed notable shortcomings despite NTD elimination progress. This systematic scoping review was conducted to understand NTD control, elimination, and eradication efforts in the WHO African region over the last 30 years.
    METHODS: Peer-reviewed publications from PubMed, Web of Science, and Cochrane databases related to NTD control, elimination, and eradication in the WHO African Region from 1990 to 2022 were reviewed. Included articles were categorized based on NTD; study location, type, and period; and topic areas. Technical and guidance documents from WHO, UN, partner, and academic/research institutions were reviewed. Country-specific multi-year NTD master plans were documented.
    RESULTS: Four hundred eighty peer-reviewed articles, six Cochrane reviews, and 134 technical reports were included. MDA and non-interventional/survey-related studies were common topics. Lymphatic filariasis, trachoma, schistosomiasis, and onchocerciasis were the most frequently studied NTDs. Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Nigeria were the most represented countries; multi-country studies were limited.
    CONCLUSIONS: The review highlights progress made in NTD control, elimination, and eradication efforts in the WHO African Region and can inform national/regional strategies. Disease and geographical disparities were evident, warranting focus and research in certain countries. A standardized approach to NTD control programs is needed for sustained progress.
    BACKGROUND: There was no funding source for this study.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) is a dermatitis caused by the invasion and migration of parasitic larvae of hookworms, primarily affecting tropical and subtropical regions. This report presents a case of CLM in a Nepali child and provides an overview of the literature on this condition.
    UNASSIGNED: A 4-year-old boy from a rural area in Nepal presented with a pruritic skin lesion on his left foot, initially misdiagnosed as fungal infection. The lesion gradually expanded, forming a serpiginous erythema, and became intensely pruritic. The patient\'s family had poor socioeconomic conditions, and the child frequently walked barefoot in an area with many domestic and stray dogs. Diagnosis was confirmed clinically, and treatment with oral albendazole and antihistamines resulted in complete resolution of symptoms.
    UNASSIGNED: CLM is a neglected zoonotic disease, with an underestimated burden in developing countries due to underreporting and misdiagnosis. The larvae of Ancylostoma spp. are common culprits, causing a localized inflammatory reaction as they migrate through the skin. Diagnosis is mainly clinical and routine investigations usually reveal no abnormality. Complications may include secondary bacterial infections, allergies, and rare migration to internal organs. Treatment options include albendazole or ivermectin, with preventive measures emphasizing hygiene, footwear use, and pet deworming.
    UNASSIGNED: CLM is a neglected disease that primarily affects marginalized communities in tropical regions. Raising awareness among healthcare providers, conducting observational studies, and developing treatment guidelines, especially for children, are essential steps to address this public health concern. Preventive efforts, such as promoting hygiene and footwear use, should be encouraged to reduce CLM incidence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leishmaniasis is a neglected tropical disease that has affected more than 350 million people worldwide and can manifest itself in three different forms: cutaneous, mucocutaneous, or visceral. Furthermore, the current treatment options have drawbacks which compromise efficacy and patient compliance. To face this global health concern, new alternatives for the treatment of leishmaniasis have been explored. Curcumin, a polyphenol obtained from the rhizome of turmeric, exhibits leishmanicidal activity against different species of Leishmania spp. Although its mechanism of action has not yet been fully elucidated, its leishmanicidal potential may be associated with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. However, it has limitations that compromise its clinical use. Conversely, nanotechnology has been used as a tool for solving biopharmaceutical challenges associated with drugs, such as curcumin. From a drug delivery standpoint, nanocarriers (1-1000 nm) can improve stability, increase solubility, promote intracellular delivery, and increase biological activity. Thus, this review offers a deep look into curcumin-loaded nanocarriers intended for the treatment of leishmaniasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Buruli ulcer (BU), a neglected tropical disease (NTD), is an infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans. The disease has been documented in many South American, Asian, and Western Pacific countries and is widespread throughout much of Africa, especially in West and Central Africa. In rural areas with scarce medical care, BU is a devastating disease that can leave patients permanently disabled and socially stigmatized. Mycobacterium ulcerans is thought to produce a mycolactone toxin, which results in necrosis of the afflicted tissue and may be involved in the etiology of BU. Initially, patients may notice a painless nodule or plaque on their skin; as the disease progresses, however, it may spread to other parts of the body, including the muscles and bones. Clinical signs, microbial culture, and histological analysis of afflicted tissue all contribute to a diagnosis of BU. Though antibiotic treatment and surgical removal of infected tissue are necessary for BU management, plant-derived medicine could be an alternative in areas with limited access to conventional medicine. Herein we reviewed the geographical distribution, socioeconomic, risk factors, diagnosis, biology and ecology of the pathogen. Complex environmental, socioeconomic, and genetic factors that influence BU are discussed. Further, our review highlights future research areas needed to develop strategies to manage the disease through the use of indigenous African plants.





