
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The potential harms and benefits of e-cigarettes, or electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), have received significant attention from public health and regulatory communities. Such products may provide a reduced risk means of nicotine delivery for combustible cigarette smokers while being inappropriately appealing to nicotine naive youth. Numerous authors have examined the chemical complexity of aerosols from various open- and closed-system ENDS. This body of literature is reviewed here, with the risks of ENDS aerosol exposure among users evaluated with a margin of exposure (MoE) approach for two non-carcinogens (methylglyoxal, butyraldehyde) and a cancer risk analysis for the carcinogen N-nitrosonornicotine (NNN). We identified 96 relevant papers, including 17, 13, and 5 reporting data for methylglyoxal, butyraldehyde, and NNN, respectively. Using low-end (minimum aerosol concentration, low ENDS use) and high-end (maximum aerosol concentration, high ENDS use) assumptions, estimated doses for methylglyoxal (1.78 × 10-3-135 μg/kg-bw/day) and butyraldehyde (1.9 × 10-4-66.54 μg/kg-bw/day) corresponded to MoEs of 227-17,200,000 and 271-280,000,000, respectively, using identified points of departure (PoDs). Doses of 9.90 × 10-6-1.99 × 10-4 μg/kg-bw/day NNN corresponded to 1.4-28 surplus cancers per 100,000 ENDS users, relative to a NNN-attributable surplus of 7440 per 100,000 cigarette smokers. It was concluded that methylglyoxal and butyraldehyde in ENDS aerosols, while not innocuous, did not present a significant risk of irritant effects among ENDS users. The carcinogenic risks of NNN in ENDS aerosols were reduced, but not eliminated, relative to concentrations reported in combustible cigarette smoke.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Manuka honey (MH) is a highly prized natural product from the nectar of Leptospermum scoparium flowers. Increased competition on the global market drives MH product innovations. This review updates comparative and non-comparative studies to highlight nutritional, therapeutic, bioengineering, and cosmetic values of MH. MH is a good source of phenolics and unique chemical compounds, such as methylglyoxal, dihydroxyacetone, leptosperin glyoxal, methylsyringate and leptosin. Based on the evidence from in vitro, in vivo and clinical studies, multifunctional bioactive compounds of MH have exhibited anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer activities. There are controversial topics related to MH, such as MH grading, safety/efficacy, implied benefits, and maximum levels of contaminants concerned. Artificial intelligence can optimize MH studies related to chemical analysis, toxicity prediction, multi-functional mechanism exploration and product innovation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Therapeutic proteins are potent, fast-acting drugs that are highly effective in treating various conditions. Medicinal protein usage has increased in the past 10 years, and it will evolve further as we better understand disease molecular pathways. However, it is associated with high processing costs, limited stability, difficulty in being administered as an oral medication, and the inability of large proteins to penetrate tissue and reach their target locations. Many methods have been developed to overcome the problems with the stability and chaperone activity of therapeutic proteins, viz., the addition of external agents (changing the properties of the surrounding solvent by using stabilizing excipients, e.g., amino acids, sugars, polyols) and internal agents (chemical modifications that influence its structural properties, e.g., mutations, glycosylation). However, these methods must completely clear protein instability and chaperone issues. There is still much work to be done on finetuning chaperone proteins to increase their biological efficacy and stability. Methylglyoxal (MGO), a potent dicarbonyl compound, reacts with proteins and forms covalent cross-links. Much research on MGO scavengers has been conducted since they are known to alter protein structure, which may result in alterations in biological activity and stability. MGO is naturally produced within our body, however, its impact on chaperones and protein stability needs to be better understood and seems to vary based on concentration. This review highlights the efforts of several research groups on the effect of MGO on various proteins. It also addresses the impact of MGO on a client protein, α-crystallin, to understand the potential solutions to the protein\'s chaperone and stability problems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endophytes, microorganisms that live in the internal tissues and organs of the plants, are known to produce numerous bioactive compounds, including, at times, some phytochemicals of their host plant. For such reason, endophytes have been quoted as a potential source for discovering bioactive compounds, particularly, of medical interest. Currently, many non-communicable diseases are threatening global human health, noticeably: diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and other ailment related to chronic inflammation and ageing. Intriguingly, the pathogenesis and development of these diseases have been linked to an excessive formation and accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). AGEs are a heterogeneous group of compounds that can alter the conformation, function, and lifetime of proteins. Therefore, compounds that prevent the formation and consequent accumulation of AGEs (AntiAGEs compounds) could be useful to delay the progress of some chronic diseases, and/or harmful effects of undue AGEs accumulation. Despite the remarkable ability of endophytes to produce bioactive compounds, most of the natural antiAGEs compounds reported in the literature are derived from plants. Accordingly, this work covers 26 plant antiAGEs compounds and some derivatives that have been reported as endophytic metabolites, and discusses the importance, possible advantages, and challenges of using endophytes as a potential source of antiAGEs compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Manuka honey (MH) stands out from other honey types as a unique super-food with clinically proven antimicrobial and wound healing activities. Its unique traits and the broad range of applications (i.e. food, cosmetics, nutraceuticals /natural health products) have marked up its price 6 to 25 times than other honey types. Concurrent to the increased market demand, more fraudulence of MH emerged. This urged for the employment of analytical tools for the authenticity and quality assessment of MH and has been the focus of many researchers during the last decades. Our main focus was to review the literature dealing with MH authenticity during the period from 2010 to mid-2021 comprehensively via the Scifinder ( and Web of Science ( research engines. We used \"manuka honey analysis\", \"manuka honey quality control\", and \"manuka honey authenticity\" as a search terms, applied Boolean operators \'AND/OR\' combination, performing in Jan 2017 from the following electronic databases. The state-of-the-art analytical approaches and respective chemical markers of MH are highlighted. The present study capitalizes on the most updated methodologies employed for the quality control and analysis of MH to ensure its authenticity and adulteration detection. The unique constituents of MH allowed for its successful discrimination through various analytical platforms, including mass spectrometry coupled to suitable chromatographic separation (i.e. GC-MS and LC-MS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and fluorescence analysis. Moreover, chemometric tools present potential for MH discrimination and has yet to be capitalized more upon for MH quality control analysis.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The glyoxalase system is a ubiquitous enzymatic network which plays important roles in biological life. It consists of glyoxalase 1 (GLO1), glyoxalase 2 (GLO2), and reduced glutathione (GSH), which perform an essential metabolic function in cells by detoxifying methylglyoxal (MG) and other endogenous harmful metabolites into non-toxic d-lactate. MG and MG-derived advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) are associated with various diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders and cancer, and GLO1 is a key rate-limiting enzyme in the anti-glycation defense. The abnormal activity and expression of GLO1 in various diseases make this enzyme a promising target for drug design and development. This review focuses on the regulatory mechanism of GLO1 in diverse pathogenic conditions with a thorough discussion of GLO1 regulators since their discovery, including GLO1 activators and inhibitors. The different classes, chemical structure and structure-activity relationship are embraced. Moreover, assays for the discovery of small molecule regulators of the glyoxalase system are also introduced in this article. Compared with spectrophotometer-based assay, microplate-based assay is a more simple, rapid and quantitative high-throughput method. This review will be useful to design novel and potent GLO1 regulators and hopefully provide a convenient reference for researchers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are a cluster of heterogeneous molecules that are generated in a non-enzymatic reaction by the binding of sugars with amino groups of DNA, lipids and proteins. Carnosine is a naturally occurring dipeptide with antioxidant activity, which inhibits protein carbonylation and glycoxidation. This systematic review searched international sources for all published and unpublished original research in English from any year up to the end of April 2018. An electronic search of PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar was conducted. 187 articles were initially found and 133 articles were selected after excluding duplicated data. Review articles, studies based on the components of carnosine and studies that were about the effects of carnosine on AGEs-induced changes were excluded. In total, 36 studies met the inclusion criteria. This included 19 in vitro studies, 15 animal studies and two human studies. All but two of the studies indicated that carnosine can prevent the formation of AGEs. The findings of this review indicating that carnosine has anti-glycating properties, and may hinder the formation of protein carbonyls and the cross-links induced by reduced sugars; however, there were few human studies. The mechanism by which carnosine prevents the formation of AGEs needs further investigation.





