
  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Infertility and pregnancy loss are longstanding problems. Successful fertilization and high-quality embryos are prerequisites for an ongoing pregnancy. Studies have proven that every stage in the human reproductive process is regulated by multiple genes and any problem, at any step, may lead to fertilization failure (FF) or early embryonic arrest (EEA). Doctors can diagnose the pathogenic factors involved in FF and EEA by using genetic methods. With the progress in the development of new genetic technologies, such as single-cell RNA analysis and whole-exome sequencing, a new approach has opened up for us to directly study human germ cells and reproductive development. These findings will help us to identify the unique mechanism(s) that leads to FF and EEA in order to find potential treatments.
    OBJECTIVE: The goal of this review is to compile current genetic knowledge related to FF and EEA, clarifying the mechanisms involved and providing clues for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
    METHODS: PubMed was used to search for relevant research articles and reviews, primarily focusing on English-language publications from January 1978 to June 2023. The search terms included fertilization failure, early embryonic arrest, genetic, epigenetic, whole-exome sequencing, DNA methylation, chromosome, non-coding RNA, and other related keywords. Additional studies were identified by searching reference lists. This review primarily focuses on research conducted in humans. However, it also incorporates relevant data from animal models when applicable. The results were presented descriptively, and individual study quality was not assessed.
    RESULTS: A total of 233 relevant articles were included in the final review, from 3925 records identified initially. The review provides an overview of genetic factors and mechanisms involved in the human reproductive process. The genetic mutations and other genetic mechanisms of FF and EEA were systematically reviewed, for example, globozoospermia, oocyte activation failure, maternal effect gene mutations, zygotic genome activation abnormalities, chromosome abnormalities, and epigenetic abnormalities. Additionally, the review summarizes progress in treatments for different gene defects, offering new insights for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
    CONCLUSIONS: The information provided in this review will facilitate the development of more accurate molecular screening tools for diagnosing infertility using genetic markers and networks in human reproductive development. The findings will also help guide clinical practice by identifying appropriate interventions based on specific gene mutations. For example, when an individual has obvious gene mutations related to FF, ICSI is recommended instead of IVF. However, in the case of genetic defects such as phospholipase C zeta1 (PLCZ1), actin-like7A (ACTL7A), actin-like 9 (ACTL9), and IQ motif-containing N (IQCN), ICSI may also fail to fertilize. We can consider artificial oocyte activation technology with ICSI to improve fertilization rate and reduce monetary and time costs. In the future, fertility is expected to be improved or restored by interfering with or supplementing the relevant genes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acquisition of developmental competence is a complex process in which many cell types cooperate to support oocyte maturation, fertilisation, and preimplantation embryonic development. In recent years, compelling evidence has shown that Progesterone Receptor Membra Component 1 (PGRMC1) is expressed in many cell types of the mammalian reproductive system where it exerts diverse functions. In the ovary, PGRMC1 affects follicular growth by controlling cell viability and proliferation of granulosa cells. PGRMC1 has also a direct role in promoting a proper completion of bovine oocyte maturation, as altering its function leads to defective chromosome segregation and polar body extrusion. Strikingly, the mechanism by which PGRMC1 controls mitotic and meiotic cell division seems to be conserved, involving an association with the spindle apparatus and the chromosomal passenger complex through Aurora kinase B. Conclusive data on a possible role of PGRMC1 in the preimplantation embryo are lacking and further research is needed to test whether the mechanisms that are set in place in mitotic cells also govern blastomere cleavage and subsequent differentiation. Finally, PGRMC1 is also expressed in oviductal cells and, as such, it might also impact fertilisation and early embryonic development, although this issue is completely unexplored. However, the study of PGRMC1 function in the mammalian reproductive system remains a complex matter, due to its pleiotropic function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meiotic recombination is one of the main sources of genetic variation, a fundamental factor in the evolutionary adaptation of sexual eukaryotes. Yet, the role of variation in recombination rate and other recombination features remains underexplored. In this review, we focus on the sensitivity of recombination rates to different extrinsic and intrinsic factors. We briefly present the empirical evidence for recombination plasticity in response to environmental perturbations and/or poor genetic background and discuss theoretical models developed to explain how such plasticity could have evolved and how it can affect important population characteristics. We highlight a gap between the evidence, which comes mostly from experiments with diploids, and theory, which typically assumes haploid selection. Finally, we formulate open questions whose solving would help to outline conditions favoring recombination plasticity. This will contribute to answering the long-standing question of why sexual recombination exists despite its costs, since plastic recombination may be evolutionary advantageous even in selection regimes rejecting any non-zero constant recombination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ovarian dermoid cysts, also called mature cystic teratomas (MCTs), account for 69% of ovarian germ cell tumors in young women. The tumors are formed by tissues derived from three germ layers, and sebaceous materials are most commonly seen. The origin of MCTs is widely considered to be the germ cell origin, which completes meiosis I. The clinical symptoms vary widely, but 20% of tumors could be asymptomatic. The diagnosis of MCTs is usually made without difficulty by ultrasound and confirmed by histopathology post-operatively. The imaging findings have a high diagnostic value. The typical characteristics present in the sonographic images, including a dermoid plug or Rokitansky nodule, are considered strong evidence for a teratoma. Although the malignant transformation of MCTs is rare, it can occur in some cases, especially in women of advanced age. The treatment of MCTs depends on the risk of malignancy, the age of the patient, and the patient\'s fertility reserve requirement. In this article, we review the epidemiology, clinical symptoms, diagnosis criteria, cellular origin, and treatment of mature cystic teratomas.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    This study investigated the efficacy of stem cell transplantation for azoospermia, a major cause of male infertility. We conducted a systematic meta- analysis to assess the therapeutic effectiveness of stem cell transplant, using different transplant methods, injection sites, and stem cell types, and the reliability of this approach in different animal species. PubMed, the Cochrane Library, and Embase were searched for studies published from January 2006 to February 2022 that evaluated the use of stem cell transplant to treat azoospermia. We included 18 studies and conducted the analyses using Review Manager 5.2 software. Expression of the meiosis-related genes Vasa, Scp3, and Dazl and the average hematoxylin and eosin- positive staining area were improved after stem cell transplant. Subgroup analyses by mode of transplant showed higher expression of Scp3 and Dazl in the xenotransplant group. Although subgroup analyses by injection site showed that the seminiferous tubule group showed the most significant effect on Scp3 expression, spermatogenesis and repair of damaged testis were induced in the tunica albuginea group. The testicular torsion group also induced high levels of Scp3. Another subgroup analysis by stem cell type showed that umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells promoted the highest expression of meiosis-related genes and successfully induced spermatogenesis and the repair of damaged testis. Urine-derived stem cells, spermatogonial stem cells, and amniotic fluid-derived stem cells showed significantly therapeutic effects; however, more studies are needed for definitive conclusions. Subgroup analyses by type of azoospermia animal model indicated that the use of stem cell transplant in rat or mouse models had an obvious therapeutic effect, but no significant therapeutic effect was seen in azoospermia hamsters. The meta-analysis confirmed that stem cell transplant can effectively treat azoospermia in animal models. Xenotransplant is shown to enhance the therapeutic effects of stem cell transplant on azoospermia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This brief review is focused on the viviparous lizard Zootoca vivipara (Lichtenstein, 1823), of the family Lacertidae, which possesses female heterogamety and multiple sex chromosomes (male 2n = 36, Z1Z1Z2Z2/Z1Z2W, female 2n = 35, with variable W sex chromosome). Multiple sex chromosomes and their changes may influence meiosis and the female meiotic drive, and they may play a role in reproductive isolation. In two cryptic taxa of Z. vivipara with different W sex chromosomes, meiosis during early spermatogenesis and oogenesis proceeds normally, without any disturbances, with the formation of haploid spermatocytes, and in female meiosis with the formation of synaptonemal complexes (SCs) and the lampbrush chromosomes. In females, the SC number was constantly equal to 19 (according to the SC length, 16 SC autosomal bivalents plus three presumed SC sex chromosome elements). No variability in the chromosomes at the early stages of meiotic prophase I, and no significant disturbances in the chromosome segregation at the anaphase-telophase I stage, have been discovered, and haploid oocytes (n = 17) at the metaphase II stage have been revealed. There should be a factor/factors that maintain the multiple sex chromosomes, their equal transmission, and the course of meiosis in these cryptic forms of Z. vivipara.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modulation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B/phosphatase and tensin homologue (PI3K/AKT/PTEN) pathway in mammals yields mixed results. A deep understanding of its regulation can be a powerful tool for better in vitro blastocyst production. This systematic review aims to map the evidence of PI3K/AKT/PTEN pathway modulation during in vitro maturation (IVM), to assess its effects on meiosis resumption and nuclear maturation progression of mammalian oocytes, and their impacts on embryo development and quality. A total of 1058 articles were screened in three databases, and 22 articles were included. Fifty-two IVM assessments were identified, among which 11 evaluated blastocyst yield. Three PI3K inhibitors (3-methyladenine, Wortmannin, and LY294002) and one AKT inhibitor (SH6) were investigated. The impact of this pathway modulation on meiosis resumption in swines and murines was not well established, depending on the inhibitor used, concentration, and media supplementation, while in bovines, resumption seems to be independent of PI3K/AKT/PTEN pathway. However, progression to metaphase II (MII) is highly controlled by this pathway on both bovines and swines. Studies that focused on the inhibition reversibility showed that the removal of the modulator produced MII rates similar to the control group. Experiments that aimed to temporarily block meiosis resumption or reduce PI3K activity resulted in blastocyst production equal to or even higher than control groups. Altogether, these data indicate the paramount potential of this pathway as a possible strategy to improve overall in vitro embryo production efficiency, by synchronizing both nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The maize abnormal chromosome 10 (Ab10) haplotype encodes a meiotic drive system that converts heterochromatic knobs into centromere-like bodies that are preferentially segregated through female meiosis. Ab10 was first described in the 1940s and has been intensively studied. Here I provide a comprehensive review of the literature, starting from the discovery of knobs and Ab10, preceding through the classic literature, and finishing with molecular structure and mechanisms. The defining features of the Ab10 haplotype are its two specialized kinesins, Kinesin driver and TR-1 kinesin, that activate neocentromeres at knobs containing different classes of the tandem repeat. In most Ab10 haplotypes, the two kinesin/knob systems cooperate to promote maximum meiotic drive. However, recent interpretations suggest that each kinesin/knob system can function as an independent meiotic driver and that in some cases they compete with each other. Ab10 is present at low frequencies throughout the genus Zea and has significantly expanded genome size by promoting the formation of knobs throughout the genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant cytogenetic studies have provided essential knowledge on chromosome behavior during meiosis, contributing to our understanding of this complex process. In this review, we describe in detail the meiotic process in auto- and allopolyploids from the onset of prophase I through pairing, recombination, and bivalent formation, highlighting recent findings on the genetic control and mode of action of specific proteins that lead to diploid-like meiosis behavior in polyploid species. During the meiosis of newly formed polyploids, related chromosomes (homologous in autopolyploids; homologous and homoeologous in allopolyploids) can combine in complex structures called multivalents. These structures occur when multiple chromosomes simultaneously pair, synapse, and recombine. We discuss the effectiveness of crossover frequency in preventing multivalent formation and favoring regular meiosis. Homoeologous recombination in particular can generate new gene (locus) combinations and phenotypes, but it may destabilize the karyotype and lead to aberrant meiotic behavior, reducing fertility. In crop species, understanding the factors that control pairing and recombination has the potential to provide plant breeders with resources to make fuller use of available chromosome variations in number and structure. We focused on wheat and oilseed rape, since there is an abundance of elucidating studies on this subject, including the molecular characterization of the Ph1 (wheat) and PrBn (oilseed rape) loci, which are known to play a crucial role in regulating meiosis. Finally, we exploited the consequences of chromosome pairing and recombination for genetic map construction in polyploids, highlighting two case studies of complex genomes: (i) modern sugarcane, which has a man-made genome harboring two subgenomes with some recombinant chromosomes; and (ii) hexaploid sweet potato, a naturally occurring polyploid. The recent inclusion of allelic dosage information has improved linkage estimation in polyploids, allowing multilocus genetic maps to be constructed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Miscarriage describes the spontaneous loss of pregnancy before the threshold of viability; the vast majority occur before 12 weeks of gestation. Miscarriage affects one in four couples and is the most common complication of pregnancy. Chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo are identified in ∼50% of first trimester miscarriages; aneuploidy accounts for 86% of these cases. The majority of trisomic miscarriages are of maternal origin with errors occurring during meiotic division of the oocytes. Chromosome segregation errors in oocytes may be sporadic events secondary to advancing maternal age; however, there is increasing evidence to suggest possible maternal germline contributions to this.
    UNASSIGNED: The objective of this review was to appraise critically the existing evidence relating to maternal germline factors associated with pregnancy loss secondary to embryo aneuploidy, identify limitations in the current evidence base and establish areas requiring further research.
    METHODS: The initial literature search was performed in September 2019 and updated in January 2021 using the electronic databases OVID MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library. No time or language restrictions were applied to the searches and only primary research was included. Participants were women who had suffered pregnancy loss secondary to numerical chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo. Study identification and subsequent data extraction were performed by two authors independently. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale was used to judge the quality of the included studies. The results were synthesized narratively.
    RESULTS: The literature search identified 2198 titles once duplicates were removed, of which 21 were eligible for inclusion in this systematic review. They reported on maternal germline factors having variable degrees of association with pregnancy loss of aneuploid origin. The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) gene ontology database was used as a reference to establish the functional role currently attributed to the genes reported. The majority of the cases reported and included were secondary to the inheritance of maternal structural factors such as Robertsonian translocations, deletions and insertions. Germline factors with a plausible role in aneuploid pregnancy loss of maternal origin included skewed X-inactivation and CGG repeats in the fragile X mental retardation (FMR1) gene. Studies that reported the association of single gene mutations with aneuploid pregnancy loss were conflicting. Single gene mutations with an uncertain or no role in aneuploid pregnancy loss included mutations in synaptonemal complex protein 3 (SYCP3), mitotic polo-like kinase 4 (PLK4) and meiotic stromal antigen 3 (STAG3) spindle integrity variants and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR).
    UNASSIGNED: Identifying maternal genetic factors associated with an increased risk of aneuploidy will expand our understanding of cell division, non-disjunction and miscarriage secondary to embryo aneuploidy. The candidate germline factors identified may be incorporated in a screening panel for women suffering miscarriage of aneuploidy aetiology to facilitate counselling for subsequent pregnancies.





