
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Common Saccharomyces cerevisiae lab yeast strains derived from S288C have meiotic defects and therefore are poor sporulators. Here, we developed a plasmid system containing corrected alleles of the MKT1 and RME1 genes to rescue the meiotic defects and show that standard BY4741 and BY4742 strains containing the plasmid display faster and more efficient sporulation. The plasmid, pSPObooster, can be maintained as an episome and easily cured or stably integrated into the genome at a single locus. We demonstrate the use of pSPObooster in low- and high-throughput yeast genetic manipulations and show that it can expedite both procedures without impacting strain behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Centromere pairing is crucial for synapsis in meiosis. This study delves into the Skp1-Cullin1-F-box protein (SCF) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, specifically focusing on F-box protein 47 (FBXO47), in mouse meiosis. Here, we revealed that FBXO47 is localized at the centromere and it regulates centromere pairing cooperatively with SKP1 to ensure proper synapsis in pachynema. The absence of FBXO47 causes defective centromeres, resulting in incomplete centromere pairing, which leads to corruption of SC at centromeric ends and along chromosome axes, triggering premature dissociation of chromosomes and pachytene arrest. FBXO47 deficient pachytene spermatocytes exhibited drastically reduced SKP1 expression at centromeres and chromosomes. Additionally, FBXO47 stabilizes SKP1 by down-regulating its ubiquitination in HEK293T cells. In essence, we propose that FBXO47 collaborates with SKP1 to facilitate centromeric SCF formation in spermatocytes. In summary, we posit that the centromeric SCF E3 ligase complex regulates centromere pairing for pachynema progression in mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meiotic recombination is required for faithful chromosome segregation in most sexually reproducing organisms and shapes the distribution of genetic variation in populations. Both the overall rate and the spatial distribution of crossovers vary within and between species. Adjacent crossovers on the same chromosome tend to be spaced more evenly than expected at random, a phenomenon known as crossover interference. Although interference has been observed in many taxa, the factors that influence the strength of interference are not well understood. We used house mice (Mus musculus), a well-established model system for understanding recombination, to study the effects of genetics and age on recombination rate and interference in the male germline. We analyzed crossover positions in 503 progeny from reciprocal F1 hybrids between inbred strains representing the three major subspecies of house mice. Consistent with previous studies, autosomal alleles from M. m. musculus tend to increase recombination rate, while inheriting a M. m. musculus X chromosome decreases recombination rate. Old males transmit an average of 0.6 more crossovers per meiosis (5.0%) than young males, though the effect varies across genetic backgrounds. We show that the strength of crossover interference depends on genotype, providing a rare demonstration that interference evolves over short timescales. Differences between reciprocal F1s suggest that X-linked factors modulate the strength of interference. Our findings motivate additional comparisons of interference among recently diverged species and further examination of the role of paternal age in determining the number and positioning of crossovers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    First-generation polyploids often suffer from more meiotic errors and lower fertility than established wild polyploid populations. One such example is the allopolyploid model species Arabidopsis suecica which originated c. 16 000 generations ago. We present here a comparison of meiosis and its outcomes in naturally evolved and first-generation \'synthetic\' A. suecica using a combination of cytological and genomic approaches. We show that while meiosis in natural lines is largely diploid-like, synthetic lines have high levels of meiotic errors including incomplete synapsis and nonhomologous crossover formation. Whole-genome re-sequencing of progeny revealed 20-fold higher levels of homoeologous exchange and eightfold higher aneuploidy originating from synthetic parents. Homoeologous exchanges showed a strong distal bias and occurred predominantly in genes, regularly generating novel protein variants. We also observed that homoeologous exchanges can generate megabase scale INDELs when occurring in regions of inverted synteny. Finally, we observed evidence of sex-specific differences in adaptation to polyploidy with higher success in reciprocal crosses to natural lines when synthetic plants were used as the female parent. Our results directly link cytological phenotypes in A. suecica with their genomic outcomes, demonstrating that homoeologous crossovers underlie genomic instability in neo-allopolyploids and are more distally biased than homologous crossovers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Meiotic recombination is initiated by DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) created by Spo11, a type-II topoisomerase-like protein that becomes covalently linked to DSB ends. Whilst Spo11 oligos-the products of nucleolytic removal by Mre11-have been detected in several organisms, the lifetime of the covalent Spo11-DSB precursor has not been determined and may be subject to alternative processing. Here, we explore the activity of human Tyrosyl DNA Phosphodiesterase, TDP2-a protein known to repair DNA ends arising from abortive topoisomerase activity-on Spo11 DSBs isolated from S. cerevisiae cells. We demonstrate that TDP2 can remove Spo11 peptides from ssDNA oligos and dsDNA ends even in the presence of competitor genomic DNA. Interestingly, TDP2-processed DSB ends are refractory to resection by Exo1, suggesting that ssDNA generated by Mre11 may be essential in vivo to facilitate HR at Spo11 DSBs even if TDP2 were active. Moreover, although TDP2 can remove Spo11 peptides in vitro, TDP2 expression in meiotic cells was unable to remove Spo11 in vivo-contrasting its ability to aid repair of topoisomerase-induced DNA lesions. These results suggest that Spo11-DNA, but not topoisomerase-DNA cleavage complexes, are inaccessible to the TDP2 enzyme, perhaps due to occlusion by higher-order protein complexes at sites of meiotic recombination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The subgenus Stenocranius contains two cryptic species: Lasiopodomys gregalis (subdivided into three allopatrically distributed and genetically well-isolated lineages A, B, and C) and Lasiopodomys raddei. To identify karyotype characteristics of this poorly studied cryptic species complex, we used comparative cytogenetic analysis of 138 individuals from 41 localities in South Siberia and Mongolia. A detailed description of the L. raddei karyotype and of the L. gregalis lineage С karyotype is presented for the first time. The A chromosome complement of all examined narrow-headed voles consisted of 2n = 36 and a fundamental number of autosomal arms (FNa) of 50. Between species, patterns of differential staining were similar, though additional C-heterochromatic blocks were found in L. gregalis lineages; Ag-positive nucleolar organizers and ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clusters are located on eight and nine acrocentric pairs, respectively. No B chromosomes (Bs) were found in the Early Pleistocene relic L. raddei, while one to five small heterochromatic acrocentric Bs were detected in all L. gregalis lineages; the number and frequency of Bs varied considerably within lineages, but no intraindividual variation was observed. In both species, telomeric repeats were visualized at termini of all chromosomes, including Bs. The number and localization of rDNA clusters on Bs varied among B-carriers. Immunodetection of several meiotic proteins indicated that meio-Bs are transcriptionally inactive and have a pattern of meiotic behavior similar to that of sex chromosomes (some homology of Bs to sex chromosomes is supposed). The nature, mechanisms of inheritance and stability of Bs in L. gregalis require further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Azoospermia (the complete absence of spermatozoa in the semen) is a common cause of male infertility. The etiology of azoospermia is poorly understood. Whole-genome analysis of azoospermic men has identified a number of candidate genes, such as the X-linked testis-expressed 11 (TEX11) gene. Using a comparative genomic hybridization array, an exonic deletion (exons 10-12) of TEX11 had previously been identified in two non-apparent azoospermic patients. However, the putative impact of this genetic alteration on spermatogenesis and the azoospermia phenotype had not been validated functionally. We therefore used a CRISPR/Cas9 system to generate a mouse model (Tex11Ex9-11del/Y) with a partial TEX11 deletion that mimicked the human mutation. Surprisingly, the mutant male Tex11Ex9-11del/Y mice were fertile. The sperm concentration, motility, and morphology were normal. Similarly, the mutant mouse line\'s testis transcriptome was normal, and the expression of spermatogenesis genes was not altered. These results suggest that the mouse equivalent of the partial deletion observed in two infertile male with azoospermia has no impact on spermatogenesis or fertility in mice, at least of a FVB/N genetic background and until 10 months of age. Mimicking a human mutation does not necessarily lead to the same human phenotype in mice, highlighting significant differences species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In metazoans mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or retrotransposon cDNA released to cytoplasm are degraded by nucleases to prevent sterile inflammation. It remains unknown whether degradation of these DNA also prevents nuclear genome instability. We used an amplicon sequencing-based method in yeast enabling analysis of millions of DSB repair products. In non-dividing stationary phase cells, Pol4-mediated non-homologous end-joining increases, resulting in frequent insertions of 1-3 nucleotides, and insertions of mtDNA (NUMTs) or retrotransposon cDNA. Yeast EndoG (Nuc1) nuclease limits insertion of cDNA and transfer of very long mtDNA ( >10 kb) to the nucleus, where it forms unstable circles, while promoting the formation of short NUMTs (~45-200 bp). Nuc1 also regulates transfer of extranuclear DNA to nucleus in aging or meiosis. We propose that Nuc1 preserves genome stability by degrading retrotransposon cDNA and long mtDNA, while short NUMTs originate from incompletely degraded mtDNA. This work suggests that nucleases eliminating extranuclear DNA preserve genome stability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple sex chromosomes usually arise from chromosomal rearrangements which involve ancestral sex chromosomes. There is a fundamental condition to be met for their long-term fixation: the meiosis must function, leading to the stability of the emerged system, mainly concerning the segregation of the sex multivalent. Here, we sought to analyze the degree of differentiation and meiotic pairing properties in the selected fish multiple sex chromosome system present in the wolf-fish Hoplias malabaricus (HMA). This species complex encompasses seven known karyotype forms (karyomorphs) where the karyomorph C (HMA-C) exhibits a nascent XY sex chromosomes from which the multiple X1X2Y system evolved in karyomorph HMA-D via a Y-autosome fusion. We combined genomic and cytogenetic approaches to analyze the satellite DNA (satDNA) content in the genome of HMA-D karyomorph and to investigate its potential contribution to X1X2Y sex chromosome differentiation. We revealed 56 satDNA monomers of which the majority was AT-rich and with repeat units longer than 100 bp. Seven out of 18 satDNA families chosen for chromosomal mapping by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) formed detectable accumulation in at least one of the three sex chromosomes (X1, X2 and neo-Y). Nine satDNA monomers showed only two hybridization signals limited to HMA-D autosomes, and the two remaining ones provided no visible FISH signals. Out of seven satDNAs located on the HMA-D sex chromosomes, five mapped also to XY chromosomes of HMA-C. We showed that after the autosome-Y fusion event, the neo-Y chromosome has not substantially accumulated or eliminated satDNA sequences except for minor changes in the centromere-proximal region. Finally, based on the obtained FISHpatterns, we speculate on the possible contribution of satDNA to sex trivalent pairing and segregation.





