
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Splicing of mRNA precursors is essential in the regulation of gene expression. U2AF65 recognizes the poly-pyrimidine tract and helps in the recognition of the branch point. Inactivation of fission yeast U2AF65 (Prp2) blocks splicing of most, but not all, pre-mRNAs, for reasons that are not understood. Here, we have determined genome-wide the splicing efficiency of fission yeast cells as they progress into synchronous meiosis in the presence or absence of functional Prp2. Our data indicate that in addition to the splicing elements at the 3\' end of any intron, the nucleotides immediately upstream the intron will determine whether Prp2 is required or dispensable for splicing. By changing those nucleotides in any given intron, we regulate its Prp2 dependency. Our results suggest a model in which Prp2 is required for the coordinated recognition of both intronic ends, placing Prp2 as a key regulatory element in the determination of the exon-intron boundaries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Post-transcriptional gene regulation by RNA recognition motif (RRM) proteins through binding to cis-elements in the 3\'-untranslated region (3\'-UTR) is widely used in eukaryotes to complete various biological processes. Rice MEIOSIS ARRESTED AT LEPTOTENE2 (MEL2) is the RRM protein that functions in the transition to meiosis in proper timing. The MEL2 RRM preferentially associated with the U-rich RNA consensus, UUAGUU[U/A][U/G][A/U/G]U, dependently on sequences and proportionally to MEL2 protein amounts in vitro. The consensus sequences were located in the putative looped structures of the RNA ligand. A genome-wide survey revealed a tendency of MEL2-binding consensus appearing in 3\'-UTR of rice genes. Of 249 genes that conserved the consensus in their 3\'-UTR, 13 genes spatiotemporally co-expressed with MEL2 in meiotic flowers, and included several genes whose function was supposed in meiosis; such as Replication protein A and OsMADS3. The proteome analysis revealed that the amounts of small ubiquitin-related modifier-like protein and eukaryotic translation initiation factor3-like protein were dramatically altered in mel2 mutant anthers. Taken together with transcriptome and gene ontology results, we propose that the rice MEL2 is involved in the translational regulation of key meiotic genes on 3\'-UTRs to achieve the faithful transition of germ cells to meiosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ime2 is a meiosis-specific protein kinase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that is functionally related to cyclin-dependent kinase. Although Ime2 regulates multiple steps in meiosis, only a few of its substrates have been identified. Here we show that Ime2 phosphorylates Sum1, a repressor of meiotic gene transcription, on Thr-306. Ime2 protein kinase assays with Sum1 mutants and synthetic peptides define a consensus Arg-Pro-X-Ser/Thr motif that is required for efficient phosphorylation by Ime2. The carboxyl residue adjacent to the phosphoacceptor (+1 position) also influences the efficiency of Ime2 phosphorylation with alanine being a preferred residue. This information has predictive value in identifying new potential Ime2 targets as shown by the ability of Ime2 to phosphorylate Sgs1 and Gip1 in vitro and could be important in differentiating mitotic and meiotic regulatory pathways.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We showed previously that p34(cdc2)/cyclin B (MPF) hyperphosphorylates poly(A) polymerase (PAP) during M-phase of the cell cycle, causing repression of its enzymatic activity. Mutation of three cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) consensus sites in the PAP C-terminal regulatory domain prevented complete phosphorylation and MPF-mediated repression. Here we show that PAP also contains four nearby non-consensus cdk sites that are phosphorylated by MPF. Remarkably, full phosphorylation of all these cdk sites was required for repression of PAP activity, and partial phosphorylation had no detectable effect. The consensus sites were phosphorylated in vitro at a 10-fold lower concentration of MPF than the non-consensus sites. Consistent with this, during meiotic maturation of Xenopus oocytes, consensus sites were phosphorylated prior to the non-consensus sites at metaphase of meiosis I, and remained so throughout maturation, while the non-consensus sites did not become fully phosphorylated until after 12 h of metaphase II arrest. We propose that PAP\'s multiple cdk sites, and their differential sensitivity to MPF, provide a mechanism to link repression specifically to late M-phase. We discuss the possibility that this reflects a general means to control the timing of cdk-dependent regulatory events during the cell cycle.







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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Synthetic peptides have been used to define the consensus amino acid sequence for substrate recognition by the meiosis-activated myelin basic protein (MBP) kinase (p44mpk), which was purified from maturing sea star oocytes. This protein kinase shares many properties with the mitogen-activated microtubule-associated protein-2 kinase (p42mapk) in vertebrates. Recently, Thr-97 in the tryptic fragment KNIVTPRTPPPSQGK of bovine MBP was identified as the major site of phosphorylation by p44mpk (Sanghera, J. S., Aebersold, R., Morrison, H. D., Bures, E. J., and Pelech, S. L. (1990) FEBS Lett. 273, 223-226). Synthetic peptides modeled after this sequence revealed that the presence of a proline residue C-terminal (+1 position) to the phosphorylatable threonine (or serine) residue was critical for recognition by p44mpk. Although not essential, a proline residue located at the -2 position enhanced the Vmax of peptide phosphorylation. Basic, acidic, and non-polar residues were equally tolerated at the -1 position. The presence of an amino acid residue at position -3 also increased peptide phosphorylation. Thus, the optimum consensus sequence for phosphorylation by p44mpk was defined as Pro-X-(Ser/Thr)-Pro, where X is a variable amino acid residue, but ideally not a Pro. Peptides that included this sequence were phosphorylated by p44mpk with Vmax values approaching 1 and with apparent Km values of approximately 1 mM). Pseudosubstrate peptides in which the phosphorylatable residue was replaced by valine or alanine were weak inhibitors of p44mpk (apparent Ki values of approximately 3 mM). Over 40 distinct protein kinases contain Pro-X-(Ser/Thr)-Pro sequences including the human receptors for insulin and epidermal growth factor, and kinases encoded by the human proto-oncogenes abl, neu, and raf-1, and Schizosaccharomyces pombe cell cycle control genes ran-1 and wee-1. Multiple putative sites were also identified in rat microtubule-associated protein-2, human retinoblastoma protein, human tau protein, and Drosophila myb protein and RNA polymerase II.





