Medicine, Arabic

医学 ,阿拉伯语
  • 文章类型: Review
    The aim of this study is to review the kidney and bladder disease sections in Emir çelebi\'s book called Anmūdhaj al-Ṭibb by presenting and discussing his own experiences with these issues.
    A copy of Anmūdhaj al-Ṭibb registered in İstanbul Süleymaniye Manuscript Library, Mihrişah Sultan Collection, no. 342/1, and a printed copy of al-Mūjaz fī al-Ṭibb in Arabic, as well as a copy of the Turkish translation of this work by Surūrī registered in Ankara National Library, A1437, were examined. We examined the findings in light of the literature.
    We discovered that the sections on kidney and bladder diseases in Emir çelebi\'s Anmūdhaj al-Ṭibb are actually Turkish translations of relevant sections of Ibn al-Nafīs\'s al-Mūjaz fī al-Ṭibb. In some of these chapters, Emir çelebi has added his own observations and experiences, whereas, in others, he has included quotations from physicians such as Ibn Māsawayh and Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī. One of the most intriguing findings was the drug Yad-Allāh, which Emir çelebi claimed was very effective in reducing the kidney stone of the Grand Admiral of the Ottoman Navy Receb Pasha. According to Emir çelebi, Galen and Aflīnūs [?] both praised this medicine in their own works. However, it has been discovered that Yad-Allāh, as described in the literature, is a drug defined by Philagrius.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction In this study, we attempted to identify medicinal plants for treating asthma by investigating Persian Medicine (PM) sources. Methods In the present review study, materials concerning asthma were assessed by the (most) reliable source of PM (Canon of Medicine) written by Avicenna. Recommended medicinal plants for treating asthma were extracted from this book. Likewise, the electronic databases were used for investigating the pharmacological properties of offered herbs. Results The signs and symptoms of \"Rabv\" discussed by Avicenna are very similar to the asthma in modern medicine. Avicenna dichotomized asthma causing into pulmonary and non-pulmonary ones, including asthma with the heart, liver, or stomach origin. Overall, 14 medicinal plants were mentioned for the treatment of asthma presented in Canon of Medicine, including celery, juniper, dodder, chamomile, fennel, quince seed, black caraway, lavender, hyssop, squill, anise, absinthe, asafoetida, and common polypody. Conclusions PM prescribes medicinal plants for treating asthma, based on each patient\'s symptoms and trigger factors.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Vitiligo is a pigmentary disorder characterizing by white macules due to loss of melanocytes. Vitiligo affects about 1 to 4% of people around the world. The treatment of vitiligo has a high cost and the long process of treatment in spite of no complete remedy. It has various psychological side-effects such as depression and anxiety affecting the quality of life seriously. Avicenna in his Canon treated these patients over a thousand years ago. This study aimed to introduce some herbal drugs in vitiligo based on the Canon of Avicenna besides the conventional medical treatments.
    This is a review study, according to the Canon with the term Baras and also searching through the electronic websites with the keywords vitiligo, treatment, and herbal drugs.
    The study found some herbs affecting the vitiligo from the Canon.
    The researchers suggest conducting clinical trials on the patients with vitiligo based on the Canon besides the conventional techniques to obtain a better result in the treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Male sexual dysfunction is a serious problem which has an impact on the quality of life. In Jordanian folk medicine, 56 plant species were reported to be used by males to improve sexual potency and as aphrodisiacs. The aim of this study was to search for scientific evidence justifying their folk use. Of the 15 studied plants, only five were found to enhance spermatogenesis. The other 10 were reported to decrease spermatogenesis at least by one study. The majority of the studied plants possessed a protective effect on testis in different in vivo models as well as antioxidant activities. The effect of these plants on steroidogenesis and the hypothalamic-gonadal axis was also reviewed. The effect of only five plants was studied on sexual behaviour enhancement and three of them were active. Three of the four studied plants enhanced erection. The mechanism of action of active constituents isolated from the studied plants was also investigated. In conclusion, many plants used in Jordanian folk medicine decreased or had no effect on spermatogenesis in animal models. These plants have antioxidant and/or adaptogenic effects, and this may result in a beneficial action on male reproductive system.






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    文章类型: Historical Article
    BACKGROUND: Greco-Arabic Medicine imparts vast knowledge regarding diseases afflicting different systems. Urinary incontinence (UI) is involuntary leakage of urine. It is an undiagnosed, under-reported, and frequently untreated medical condition that greatlyaffects the quality of life of women in any age. Therefore, a literary search in classical literature of Greco-Arabic medicine for UI was explored to implement in current era. Material and
    METHODS: Meticulous literature search was carried out to comprehend the concept of urinary incontinence described in ancient Unani literature. The classical Greco-Arabic medicine texts were searched. Further, browsing of PubMed/Google Scholar and other websites was carried by searching complementary and alternative treatment for urinary incontinence and herbal remedies useful in urinary incontinence.
    RESULTS: The causes of urinary incontinence described in Greco-Arabic texts are abnormal temperament of body or bladder, dislocation of vertebrae, pregnancy, diuretic, laxity of musculature of bladder, diseases of surrounding structure such as uterine inflammation, omphalitis, constipation, etc. The principle treatment is treating the cause viz., the temperament is corrected by diet and herbs in abnormal temperament, and elimination of morbid humour is required in dominance of humour. Further, web search showed that herbs are useful in Urinary diseases. However, evidences are weak.
    CONCLUSIONS: The classical Greco-Arabic texts are enriched with important information. Thus documentation and preservation of the traditional knowledge is required so that it can still be conserved for future research in pharmaceuticals and drug discovery.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Migraine is a common type of headache which has a deep history dating back thousands of years. Avicenna (980-1032), a Persian scholar, made a great contribution to neurology including headache and migraine. The aim of this study is to consider Avicenna\'s description about migraine (Shaghighe in Persian language) including definition, etiology and intervention. Also, his definition and treatment approaches were considered based on current concepts and findings. Although Avicenna believed in humoral theory and divided migraine into two categories, hot and cold, and suggested special treatments for them as well as general considerations, most of his definitions and explained pathologies are supported by current concepts of medicine. He believed that the migraine can result from bone of skull and also intra-parenchymal; or from skull underneath membrane (dura-mater); or reaching substances from the painful side or from outer vein and arteries (extra cranial); or from brain and meninges (pia-mater). Furthermore, current findings show most medicinal plants mentioned by Avicenna for the treatment of migraine can have potentially significant effects such as remedies which stop central and peripheral sensitization [anti-neuroinflammatory agents, decreasing nitric oxide level, cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors], as well as serotonergics, neuroprotective agents and analgesics.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    The cardiology and field of cardiovascular approaches are often mentioned as of the earliest concerns throughout the history of mankind civilization. During the golden ages of Islamic era, 9th to 12th centuries A.D., medical knowledge from various fields including cardiology was flourished by prominent Persian physicians and scholars. Among those outstanding physicians and scientists of the Islamic golden era, Avicenna is known as a famous and pioneer character. To outline the cardiovascular knowledge and contribution of Avicenna, current review compiled all his evidence-based concepts of cardiovascular findings from current medical literatures as well as those mentioned in his important medical encyclopedia, the Canon of Medicine. In this review, Avicenna\'s findings on cardiovascular anatomy such as his description of Willis circle, capillary circulation and arterial and ventricular contractions in the cardiovascular system have been mentioned. Also, his books and manuscripts on cardiology as well as findings and theories on cardiovascular and allied diseases were discussed. These findings are included in his descriptions on cardiac tamponade, stroke, palpitation, atherosclerosis, hypertension, association of the cardiovascular complications with erection and ejaculation, interaction between the heart and emotions as well as some of his mentioned drugs for cardiological disorders and the early concepts of drug targeting. These results can show Avicenna\'s great contribution to improve the sciences of cardiology in early medieval era.






  • DOI:
    文章类型: Historical Article
    The present survey aims at studying the opinions of three famous medical scholars in history (Rhazes, Avicinna, and Jorjani) on the diagnosis of diseases via urine examination and their compatiblity with modern science. Refering to original authentic sources in traditional medicine, including Al-Hawi (The Virtuous Life), Zakhireh-i Kharazmshahi (Thesaurus of the Shah of Khwarazm), and Al-Canon fi al Tibb (The Canon on Medicine), we compared the ideas of the authors with modern medicine. In traditional medicine, physicians would pay attention to the methods of urine collection and urinary features such as color, consistency, volume, frequency, odor, and foam as the means of diagnosis, all of which still serve as the bases for today\'s diagnostic approach. Moreover, symptoms of the diagnosis of the disease through urine are consistent in tradition and modern medicine; some examples are blood in the urine (hematuria), decreased urine output (oliguria), change in urine color together with headache (Alport syndrome), diluted urine (tubular dysfunction in reabsorption of water or initial polydipsy), and urinary floor with tiny bubbles (one of the main symptoms of proteinuria).






  • 文章类型: Biography
    Abul-Hasan al-Tabari was a 10th century Persian physician born in Tabaristan. He was a creative and innovative physician who avoided emulating treatments without investigating and examining them. Tabari was an encyclopedist and had a holistic view to medicine. Investigation of the views of this great Persian scholar indicated that his scientific and moral characteristics contain: paying adequate attention to philosophy and medical ethics, citing other scholars\' works, attention to the necessity of clinical and hospital training, emphasizing indigenous therapy and scientific and responsible treatment with medical faults and discovery of Sarcoptes scabiei. Tabari has written valuable articles on different medical sciences; however, he is especially famous for authoring the al-Mu\'alajat al-Buqratiya (Hippocratic Treatments) - an important medical encyclopedia. Several of Al-Tabari\'s succeeding scholars and physician have referred to the al-Mu\'alajat al-Buqratiya in their medical articles. The aim of this study is further introduction of this great physician and assessment of his theories and key works.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Avicenna, an outstanding Persian physician and philosopher (980 AD-1037 AD), established a clinical treaty, or doctrine, without which medical experimentation would not have progressed. This doctrine emphasizes the ultimate divine power of God or a higher being over healing and mandates the patients\' well-being as the crucial aspect in all medical care and experiments. The Institutional Review Board, as the ethical body that oversees clinical research, is in line with this doctrine. However, the lack of a homogenous and internationally recognized code of ethics, the decentralized work of ethics oversight committees, the improper implementation of established ethical standards and a shortage of scientific auditing capacities have raised concerns over the possible exploitation of vulnerable populations.





