Medicine, Arabic

医学 ,阿拉伯语
  • 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avicenna used his medical knowledge and experience of scientists from different nations to create a new style in medicine. For this reason, his textbook, Canon of Medicine, has been considered a medical reference in all universities worldwide for centuries. In this article, some valuable and interesting diagnostic and therapeutic clinical experiences mentioned in the Canon of Medicine are described in five sections. This research was conducted to review Avicenna\'s specific clinical observations and interventions in PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus databases using the keywords \"Avicenna\" and \"Canon of Medicine\". In this article, we presented several examples of diagnostic and therapeutic clinical experiences mentioned in the Canon of Medicine in 5 areas, including semiology, therapeutic strategy, urology, neurology, obstetrics, and gynecology. Canon of Medicine, as a complete medical series containing the medical experiences from different nations and Iranian medical scientists, has influenced the world\'s medical knowledge for several centuries. Some of Avicenna\'s clinical and experimental views can be useful from both a historical point of view and new research.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    Fifty years ago, in 1970, a lunar crater was named in honor of Avicenna, one of the most influential physicians of the Medieval period. His encyclopedic work, The Canon of Medicine, attempted to codify all medical knowledge including dermatology. This contribution provides a brief overview of Avicenna, his contributions to medicine and dermatology, and the lunar crater named after him.






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The link between ancient Greek medicine and the Arabic translation period in the 9th century cannot be understood without studying the contributions of Syriac scholars. With their mastery of Greek and the related Semitic languages of Syriac and Arabic, they initiated a scientific translation process with methods that prevail to this day. In this paper, we reviewed Hunayn Ibn Isshaq\'s Ten Treatises on the Eye to elucidate the original contributions of the Syriac physicians to the field of neurologic surgery. We analyzed the oldest known diagram of orbital anatomy along with Hunayn\'s genuine ideas on the optic nerve anatomy and pathology, optic chiasm, afferent pupillary reflex, and papilledema and venous congestion. We also reviewed the neurosurgical elements found in the Syriac Book of Medicines including the thought process in localizing neurologic deficits based on clinical experience and anatomic dissections and the earliest recorded description of brachial plexus pathology.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    The aim of this study is to investigate the knowledge on head wounds contained in the Kitāb al-\'Umda fī Ṣinā\'a al-Jirāḥa, written by Ibn al-Quff in the thirteenth century. This study was based on a copy of the Kitāb al-\'Umda fī Ṣinā\'a al-Jirāḥa, printed in 2 volumes in Dā\'ira al-Mā\'ārif al-Uthmāniyya in Hyderabad in 1356/1937-38 and reprinted by the Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University. This printed copy was compared with the manuscript of İstanbul University Rare Works Library, Arabic Manuscripts, A 4749. Relevant chapters were translated from Arabic to English, after which they were thoroughly examined. Obtained knowledge is presented in the Results section and is compared in the Discussion section with other reports of this subject. The first chapter classified head wounds into 6 types: the first 3 types are conservatively treated and the remaining 3 types are surgically treated. This chapter also presents information on how to proceed when there is a head wound-related hemorrhage, which medications should be used, and which are the adequate treatment protocols. The second chapter discusses the symptoms and signs that follow head blow and fall injuries. The characteristics and noteworthy circumstances of skull fractures as well as the surgical treatment methods are included in the fifteenth chapter, which is concluded with surgery-related complications. The present study shows that Ibn al-Quff benefited from his predecessors\' knowledge and made some considerable contributions to this subject.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    In 1348, a pandemic known as Black Death devastated humanity and changed social, economic and geopolitical world order, as is the current case with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The doctor of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada, Ibn-Jatima from Almeria, wrote \"Treatise on the Plague\", in which it may be found epidemiological and clinical similarities between both plagues. In the context of Greco-Arab medicine, he discovered respiratory and contact contagion of Pestis and attributed its physiopathology to a lack of pulmonary cooling of the innate heat, generated in the heart and carried by the blood humor. The process described was equivalent to the oxygen transport system. Furthermore, it was supposed to generate toxic residues, such as free radicals, leading to an irreversible multiple organ failure (MOF), considered a mortality factor as in Covid-19. Due to its similitude, it would be the first antecedent of the MOF physiopathological concept, a finding that enriches the scientific and historical heritage of our clinical specialty.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Historical Article
    The purpose of this study is historic and analytical review on joint classification in Canon of Medicine and contribution of Avicenna in joint anatomy.
    In this study, we searched correlated literature in PubMed and Google Scholar as well as Avicenna\'s Canon of Medicine.
    One of the most important sources of Persian Medicine literature is Avicenna\'s Canon of Medicine. This Book itself consists of five volume medical textbook. Most of the first volume of the Canon of Medicine is anatomy. Avicenna in 1000 years ego, while describing bones and joints, divides the joints into three types of mobile, semi-mobile, immobilized or fixed, and cites each example. In one of the three divisions of the 10th edition of the Kelly\'s textbook of Rheumatology, the joints have been divided into three types and described in the same way.
    Avicenna established preservation of health and treatment of diseases based on anatomy. Therefore, Avicenna\'s functional approach to the division of joints is important both in terms of the history of medicine according to Avicenna\'s description a thousand years ago and in terms of content and structure do not differ compared to today\'s Classification in medicine and it\'s interesting.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Fenugreek seeds have widespread relations with Ayurveda, Unani, and Arabic medicine. The seeds were useful for the treatment and prevention of different ailments. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) or methi is from the Leguminosae family and are primarily known for its anti-diabetic and hypocholesterolemic activities. The germinated fenugreek seeds were used in the treatment of E.coli infection in Germany and France. The important phytoconstituents responsible for such medicinal applications are saponins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, galactomannans, trigonelline, and 4-hydroxy isoleucine. Flavonoids, apigenin 6,8-di-C-glucoside, apigenin-6-C-glucosyl-8-C-galactoside, 6-Cgalactosyl- 8-C-arabinoside are the chief ingredients of fenugreek seeds; responsible for reducing blood glucose while given to diabetic rats, whereas important flavones are epigenin, luteolin and vitexin. The other major bioactive components in fenugreek seeds are polyphenols like rhaponticin and isovitexin. Fenugreek seeds contain phosphorus and are categorized into different classes such as inorganic phosphorus, phospholipids, phytates, phosphor-proteins, and nucleic acid. Germinated seeds profusely filled with amino acids with amino acids, proteins, ascorbic acid, sugars. Further, this review shares information about the recent therapeutic intervention not covered earlier; on in vivo and in vitro and some clinical applications against certain interesting ailments other than older applications. This review includes certain nano delivery systems of Fenugreek seeds and their medicinal application.






  • 文章类型: Biography
    Although over two dozen Arabic commentaries on the Canon of Medicine were composed between the twelfth and fourteenth centuries, historians of medicine have paid scant attention to them. Instead, these commentaries have often been dismissed as being uncritical expositions that further entrenched the dogma of Galenic/Avicennan medical theory. In this article, I shall show that in fact the opposite was the case for at least a subset of the Canon commentaries from this period. Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī developed a new style of verification commentary across his philosophical corpus that he also deployed in his Canon commentary. Even though Fakhr al-Dīn largely adhered to Galenic/Avicennan medical theory, his commitment to verification (taḥqīq) led him to challenge and critically assess many facets of medical theory based on systematic, philosophical investigations. Ibn al-Nafīs, following in Fakhr al-Dīn\'s footsteps, undertook a similar, systematic investigation into medical theory in his own Commentary on the Canon. However, in this case, verification led Ibn al-Nafis to challenge and modify several facets of medical theory. Moreover, as a trained, practicing physician, Ibn al-Nafīs also wanted to ensure that his commentary was useful for other practicing physicians. His commentary thus shows how a post-classical physician committed to the principles of verification and utility could employ philosophical argumentation, empirical observations and even occasional experiments to modify key aspects of Galenic/Avicennan medical theory and practice.





