
  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The isolated origin of the left coronary artery (LCA) ostium at the level of the sinotubular junction (STJ) has been described previously. Congenital absence of the left circumflex (LCx) coronary artery has also been documented with superdominant right coronary arterial circulation, either in the presence or absence of coronary artery obstruction. Earlier literature has linked the association of an absent LCx coronary artery with a superdominant right coronary artery (SRCA) but not with a hypoplastic LCx coronary artery (HLCx). The present case report details the case of a 37-year-old thin, athletic male with the risk factors of diabetes and hypertension who was admitted to the emergency unit of our hospital for losing consciousness while bicycling in the street. The current report establishes a combined association of LCA anomaly origin at STJ level along with HLCx and SRCA condition with the burden of mild to moderate coronary artery disease involving proximal left anterior descending artery, LCx, and mid right coronary artery in the literature for the first time. Further, the case report advocated that the presented case carries the risk of malignancy. Hence, with the advancement of modern imaging technologies, computed tomography angiography should be the first choice of imaging modality rather than coronary angiography to prevent fatal outcomes. Interventional cardiologists, cardiothoracic surgeons, and radiologists should have properly defined knowledge of coronary artery anatomy and associated pathology, as it is important for coronary cannulation or any coronary interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Patients being reported for vitamin D deficiency (VDD) are increasing, particularly among the children and adolescents. This study aims to manifest the clinical and dental evaluations of a child with VDD, referred to the dental office. A 10-year-old British Asian boy was referred to the paediatric specialist dentistry clinic by the general dentist for dental management. The medical history depicted that the patient was diagnosed with VDD, secondary hyperparathyroidism and delayed growth. Moreover, his mother had the VDD during pregnancy. The patient was breast fed and had rickets in infancy. He was prescribed vitamin D supplements at the age of 16 months. He had received multiple dental treatments under local anaesthesia but with limited cooperation. Clinical examination revealed that the patient had chronological enamel hypoplasia shown as bands at the occlusal third on specific teeth. Suboptimal hygiene with general plaque induced gingivitis, dental caries in permanent and primary teeth, and delayed the teeth eruption. Preventions included appropriate oral hygiene and dietary advice, fluoride varnish application and fissure sealant placement. The treatments included anterior direct composite restoration, posterior composite restoration, stainless steel crowns and extractions. Thorough medical history is essential to understand the underlying causes of dental defects. Early dental intervention can restore the patient appearance and function and prevent further dental damage.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Poland syndrome is an occasional congenital malformation characterized by unilateral chest wall dysplasia and ipsilateral upper limb abnormalities. An association between Poland syndrome and breast cancer has been reported, but no clear etiological link between Poland syndrome and breast tumors has been established. We report a case of Poland syndrome combined with breast cancer and analyzed the clinical features of breast cancer in this case and its influence on the choice of treatment for breast cancer.
    UNASSIGNED: In February 2022, we admitted a 47-year-old woman with Poland syndrome involving the right limb combined with right-sided breast cancer. After admission, the patient was given eight cycles of neoadjuvant therapy and underwent a modified radical mastectomy on September 7, 2022. Absence of right pectoralis major muscle and pectoralis minor muscle, thoracic deformity, and an adhesive band along the side of the sternum to the right axilla were observed during the operation. After surgery, the incision achieved grade-A healing, and the targeted therapy was continued for 1 year. The patient was followed up for 8 months after surgery, and the limb function of the affected side recovered well, and no obvious subcutaneous effusion, flap necrosis, upper limb edema, and other complications were observed.
    UNASSIGNED: The anatomic variation of patients with Poland syndrome has some influence on the selection of surgical methods for breast cancer, but whether it would affect the prognosis of patients is unknown. To clarify the relationship between Poland syndrome and breast cancer, we need more cases to conduct etiological studies in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lung underdevelopment is a rare congenital anomaly with variable clinical significance and presenting symptoms. It usually manifests during childhood. We present two cases of developmental lung anomaly subtypes and discuss clinical presentation and outcomes in such patient populations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pulmonary underdevelopment is a challenging diagnosis and should be considered in patients with unilateral opacification on chest radiograph.Childhood developmental history is critical for diagnosis as delayed, or misdiagnoses are common. Definitive diagnosis can be made by computed tomography scan.Management is watchful waiting with close monitoring, with long term prognosis remaining unclear.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    According to the literature, transverse sinus hypoplasia is not a normal variant and has a serious potential effect on cerebral blood flow. We are presenting a rare case of chronic headache due to severe hypoplasia of the left transverse and sigmoidal sinus. A 12-year-old female girl was admitted with a complaint of gradual progressive severe headache, throbbing in nature, confined to a bitemporal and frontal region in the last 4-5 months. Headache is not associated with fever, vomiting, photophobia, or vision problems. The child had no history of recurrent running nose, refractory vision, ear discharge, head trauma, exanthemata rash, or any drug history. On examination, the child was conscious and oriented. Vital signs are normal. The child was neurologically normal and had no focal signs. Other systemic examinations were normal. Based on History and examination, differential diagnosis was made, like Pseudo tumor cerebri, migraine, deep vein sinus thrombosis, and functional and Posterior fossa tumor. The child had normal routine investigations like complete blood count, electrolyte, and D-dimer. The fundoscopy was normal. In MRI, brain hypoplasia of the left transverse and sinusoidal sinus was suspected and confirmed by MRI venography. Thus, for any patient in an emergency with a chronic headache without focal signs and normal fundoscopy, one deferential should be considered for transverse and sigmoid sinus hypoplasia.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: However, it is noteworthy that certain patients with minor functional limitations in their hand may have experienced undiagnosed thumb hypoplasia during their childhood years. These individuals may have successfully adapted to their condition without seeking medical intervention and may express a preference for nonintervention (as in this case).
    UNASSIGNED: Thumb hypoplasia is a congenital underdevelopment of the thumb, accounting for 5%-15% of congenital hand disorders. It occurs equally among both genders and can affect both thumbs. The condition is categorized using Blauth\'s classification with Type I being the mildest form. We report a 23-year-old Syrian male presented with a bilateral restriction in opposition movement when using a pen or razor. Clinical examination and x-ray imaging revealed a bilateral Type I hypoplastic thumb with bilateral minimal hypoplasia of the toes. Despite the surgical treatment options available, the patient opted not to undergo surgery due to his adaptation to his condition. Hypoplastic thumb Type I is a congenital condition characterized by underdevelopment of the thumb. Bilateral thumb hypoplasia with toes hypoplasia is extremely rare. A full systemic evaluation should be done due to its associations with other syndromic manifestations and treatment options are discussed concerning the best functional outcomes and patient preferences.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Congenital pulmonary hypoplasia (CPH) is a rare pulmonary disease featured by incomplete development of pulmonary tissues. Its diagnosis is still a challenge as patients are usually misdiagnosed as atelectasis.
    UNASSIGNED: A female neonate was admitted to our hospital due to post-birth jaundice for 12 hrs. Physical examination showed accelerated breathing. There was no respiratory sound in the left lung. Chest film indicated decline of lucency in the left lung. Chest CT scan indicated absence of left lung and primary bronchus of the left lung. The boundary between left mediastinum was not clearly displayed. Three-dimensional CT scan indicated absence of left lung and left principal bronchus. Cardiac ultrasonography confirmed congenital heart disease. She showed ectopic kidney. Finally, she was diagnosed with CPH concurrent with congenital heart disease and ectopic kidney.
    UNASSIGNED: On 17-month follow-up visit, the patient is still survived, but she presents with obstruction in ventilation function.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Migraine, a widespread and incapacitating neurological disorder, affects numerous individuals worldwide, causing severe headaches and impairing their quality of life. The interplay of genetic, environmental, and neurovascular factors underlies the pathophysiology of migraine. This report highlights the case of a 25-year-old woman with recurrent, severe headaches, predominantly in the right frontal and temporal regions. She was diagnosed with migraine with aura, a diagnosis supported by her family history. No previous history of seizures was reported. A comprehensive work-up, including neuroimaging, revealed left internal carotid artery hypoplasia with compensatory collateral circulation. The coexistence of severe migraines and left internal carotid artery hypoplasia underscores the complex interrelationship between cerebrovascular anomalies and neurological symptoms. The rarity of this vascular variation emphasizes the need for attentive clinical evaluation and consideration of anatomical deviations in migraine patients. As medical knowledge progresses, further research is essential to unravel the mechanisms connecting vascular anomalies and neurological disorders, ultimately leading to personalized interventions for improved patient outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    MIRAGE syndrome is a rare disease characterized by myelodysplasia, infection, growth restriction, adrenal hypoplasia, genital phenotypes, and enteropathy. Herein, we report the case of a girl with MIRAGE syndrome who presented with adrenal insufficiency and chronic diarrhea.
    The patient was born at 29 + 6 weeks of gestational age with a birth weight of 656 g (<3p). Her height and head circumference were also <3p. At birth, she presented with respiratory distress, meconium staining, and pneumomediastinum, which were managed with high-frequency ventilation and empirical antibiotics. Physical examination showed generalized hyperpigmentation and normal female genitalia. A few days after birth, polyuria and hypotension developed, and laboratory findings revealed hypoglycemia, hyponatremia, and hyperkalemia. Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone levels were elevated with low serum cortisol levels and high plasma renin activity, which were suggestive of adrenal insufficiency. Hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone were introduced and maintained, and hyperpigmentation attenuated with time. Both kidneys looked dysplastic, and adrenal glands could not be traced on abdominal ultrasound. From the early days of life, thrombocytopenia and anemia were detected, but not to life-threatening level and slowly recovered up to the normal range. Despite aggressive nutritional support, weight gain and growth spurt were severely retarded during the hospital stay. Additionally, after introducing enteral feeding, she experienced severe diarrhea and subsequent perineal skin rashes and ulcerations. Fecal calprotectin level was highly elevated; however, a small bowel biopsy resulted in non-specific submucosal congestion. The patient was diagnosed with MIRAGE syndrome with SAMD9 gene mutation. She was discharged with tube feeding and elemental formula feeding continued, but chronic diarrhea persisted. By the time of the last follow-up at 15 months of corrected age, she was fortunately not subjected to severe invasive infection and myelodysplastic syndrome. However, she was dependent on tube feeding and demonstrated a severe developmental delay equivalent to approximately 5-6 months of age.
    The early diagnosis of adrenal crisis and hormone replacement therapy can save the life of -patients with MIRAGE syndrome; however, chronic intractable diarrhea and growth and developmental delay continue to impede the patient\'s well-being.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Isolated Patellar Aplasia Hypoplasia is a very rare autosomal dominant disorder. Its treatment depends on the clinical manifestations that can vary widely. The lack of active extension, which can be responsible for frequent falls due to a knee instability, is the most frequent and disabling manifestation. We report an original technique that is a modification of the Galeazzi technique for recurrent dislocation of the patella to gain active extension in case of PTLAH.
    METHODS: A 7-year-old Caucasian boy with isolated Patellar Aplasia Hypoplasia and an extension lag of the right knee has been treated by a modified Galeazzi technique. The tendons of the semi-tendinous and gracilis muscles have been harvested and their distal insertion was kept intact. Both tendons were fixed over the top of the patella to restore knee active extension. After 6 years of follow up the patient is symptom free with a strong active extension of the operated knee.
    CONCLUSIONS: Reconstruction of isolated hypoplasia of the patella by a modified Galeazzi procedure is a safe and reliable technique for skeletally immature patients offering satisfying long-term outcomes.





