
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing population and plateaued capture fishery landings have led to increasing demand for aquaculture products. However, environmental challenges are critical barriers to the sustainable development of aquaculture in developing countries. This review critically evaluates the environmental barriers facing aquaculture development in Bangladesh while laying out a roadmap for future development and spatial planning. An increase in the area used for aquaculture most often results in increasing pressure on natural resources such as land, water, energy, and the sources used for feed. Some of the negative externalities that this review focuses on are effluent discharge, the spread of diseases, and conflicts over land use with other ecosystem users. A way forward is to internalize these negative externalities and their costs into production decisions by farmers. Formulation of incentive-based pragmatic regulations can pave a forward path to increased environmental sustainability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Ethnobotanical knowledge about the role of plants in fisheries provides valuable ecological information vital for sustainable management of local resources; however, it is diluted and understudied globally. This literature review aims to map the knowledge of plant use within traditional fishing communities.
    METHODS: Through the PRISMA method, we identified and selected 34 articles reporting the use of plants in fisheries, and including 344 taxa of plants and algae. Uses of plants and algae were grouped into different categories.
    RESULTS: In the novel categorization of fishery-related uses we proposed, the most mentioned were for fishing and building/repair of fishing artifacts and habitat-related uses, while the records of plants related to fiber uses, providing aid in fishing management and species causing problems, were among the least mentioned. Semi-structured interview is most commonly used with local resource users, especially fishery experts, in exploring perceptions on plant use within traditional fishing communities. Diversity was high in all the recorded families, but most were reported locally.
    CONCLUSIONS: Ethnobotanical studies with fishers are not common in the documented literature but they provide a large number of use reports. On the basis this review, in most of the world, the information is of a casual and sporadic nature. Fishers can provide information on aquatic plants and algae that create problems and aid in fishing management, which are crucial in understanding the ecosystem of a region experiencing environmental challenges. This knowledge is greatly understudied globally and undergoing a rapid decline, as highlighted in several of the reviewed articles. Thus, further systematic research on fishery-related uses of plants by fisherfolk is needed considering its potential contribution to the sustainable management of fishery resources.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Bycatch and discards are a significant issue for global fisheries, with discards considered unnecessary mortality and wasted fishing. Discards have declined due to more selective gear and changes in regulations, but data on discard rates and species remains challenging to collect. Addressing discards is crucial to minimize food waste and increase seafood production. We provide an up-to-date overview of research on wasted fishing through bycatch and discards since 2012, including pots/traps, trawls, gillnets, and lines. By highlighting the challenges of collecting data on discard rates, species, and reasons, we emphasize the need for an adaptive approach to monitoring and reducing discards. Our review provides an important update on the current state of research on wasted fishing and highlights ongoing knowledge gaps in this area, indicating a need for continued efforts towards sustainable fisheries management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Numerous toxic substances are directly and indirectly discharged by humans into water bodies, causing distress to the organisms living on it. 6PPD, an amino antioxidant from tires reacts with ozone to form 6PPD-Q, which has garnered global attention due to its lethal nature to various organisms. This review aims to provide an understanding of the sources, transformation, and fate of 6PPD-Q in water and the current knowledge on its effects on aquatic organisms. Furthermore, we discuss research gaps pertaining to the mechanisms by which 6PPD-Q acts within fish bodies. Previous studies have demonstrated the ubiquitous presence of 6PPD-Q in the environment, including air, water, and soil. Moreover, this compound has shown high lethality to certain fish species while not affecting others. Toxicological studies have revealed its impact on the nervous system, intestinal barrier function, cardiac function, equilibrium loss, and oxidative stress in various fish species. Additionally, exposure to 6PPD-Q has led to organ injury, lipid accumulation, and cytokine production in C. elegans and mice. Despite studies elucidating the lethal dose and effects of 6PPD-Q in fish species, the underlying mechanisms behind these symptoms remain unclear. Future studies should prioritize investigating the mechanisms underlying the lethality of 6PPD-Q in fish species to gain a better understanding of its potential effects on different organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Derelict fishing gear is a global problem, damaging marine ecosystems via habitat degradation and trapping marine life, thereby impacting fisheries. We conducted a global review of reasons for commercial gear loss, and used the findings to design a survey focused on coastal British Columbia (BC), Canada. We conducted dockside and on-line surveys of commercial fishers to record their experiences with lost gear across net, line, and trap gear types. The most common reasons for gear loss from the global review were interactions with other fishing vessels and their gear, marine weather, and snagging on submerged features. Survey results of 29 fishers in BC indicated that snagging gear on rough substrate was the most important reason for loss across all gear categories, followed by seafloor type. Other reasons for gear loss varied by net, line, and trap gear type. Understanding reasons for gear loss is important to reduce losses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We review the past, present and possible future of the Aral Sea system in context of the human caused regression crisis that resulted in the drying out of the larger part of this original brackish water sea. The results are put into the context of other threatened saline lakes and the general water crisis in the world due to overexploitation of water resources and climate change. We cover the geographic history and hydrology from the origin of the sea 17,000 years ago to the present. The original biota including animals, higher plants and algae are covered in full detail, and tracked through the regression crisis. We put special emphasis on fish and fisheries because of their economic importance for the surrounding populations. We also review the side effects of the regression in terms of human health and changes to the terrestrial environment and local climate. We explain the dramatic improvements to the fauna in the northern Small Aral Sea following the construction of dams to retain its waters and discuss future options to further improve this restored water basin. We contrast this with the progressing hypersalinization of the remnants of the southern Large Aral Sea, which faces conditions that will eventually render a \"Dead Sea\" condition hostile to all metazoan life. We end by highlighting the partial restoration of the Small Aral Sea as an example of how much restoration can be achieved for relatively little financial expense and in a short period, when good ideas, kind hearts and hard work operate together for the benefit of the environment and our human society.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: To explore the occupational safety and health of fishermen in coastal areas, and the causes and health problems experienced by them.
    UNASSIGNED: The systematic review was conducted in February 2021, and comprised search on Google Cendekia, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, PubMed and BioMed Central databases for relevant studies published in English or Indonesian from 2016 to February 2021. The key words used were fisheries, fishermen, occupational, safety and health. The studies identified were assessed using population-intervention-control-outcomes-study framework.
    RESULTS: Of the 24,271 studies initially identified, 23(0.09%) were reviewed in detail. Findings showed that fishing accidents occurred every year, causing traumatic injuries. The cause of such accidents had both internal and external factors. Health problems experienced by the fishermen included physical and mental health disorders.
    CONCLUSIONS: The occupational safety and health of fishermen need to be paid attention to.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is global pressure to protect more of the world\'s oceans, primarily to protect biodiversity, and to fulfill the \"30 by 30\" goal set by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) that has recently been ratified under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework at the fifteenth Conference of Parties (COP-15). Fully protected marine protected areas (MPAs) provide the highest level of protection for biodiversity from destructive or extractive practices and may limit access to the area itself. Fully protected MPAs (also commonly referred to as \'no-take MPAs\') ban all fishing activities, thereby removing the realisation of direct economic and social benefits from resource extraction within these areas. However, fully protected MPAs can still act as source of productivity to surrounding areas, while also providing an important scientific reference role for off-reserve management thereby providing indirect economic and social outcomes, as well as biodiversity benefits. Sustainable marine resource management strives to achieve \'triple-bottom line\' benefits, where economic, social, and biodiversity benefits are maximised in managed areas of the ocean. Implementing \'partially protected\' areas (PPAs) in areas of high biodiversity value (i.e., inshore, productive areas of the ocean) that allow for some extractive activities, may allow us to supplement fully MPAs to meet IUCN conservation goals, while maximising social and economic benefits. However, our current understanding lacks explicit quantitative assessments of whether and how PPAs can benefit (or otherwise) biodiversity, while also providing economic and social benefits. This study provides a method to systematically review the scientific and legislative literature to understand how PPAs may contribute to conserving biodiversity while also providing social and economic benefits to Australia.
    The implementation of partially protected areas (PPAs) requires careful consideration of many potentially competing factors, and an understanding of the types of partial protection already in place in a region. We have developed a systematic literature review protocol focussing on the primary research question: \"What is the current state of partially protected area (PPA) implementation across Australian marine areas?\". The aim of the review is to provide marine resource managers with a comprehensive overview of PPAs in Australia, including associated goals and stated management strategies to achieve these goals, and a methodological approach that may be utilised globally. The review protocol was designed by the research team for a Fisheries Resource and Development Corporation (FRDC) strategic research grant and will seek input from a project steering committee for the project on aggregation of the initial results. The steering committee is made up of stakeholders from a wide range of backgrounds and interests, covering marine conservation, fisheries management, Indigenous values, and academic research in Australia. Multiple academic databases, alongside Australian Federal, State, and Territory legislation and related policies will be reviewed using Boolean keyword search strings for both academic databases and relevant grey literature. Results from eligible documents will be compiled and insights from the review collated to provide information on the status of PPA implementation in Australia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sea cucumbers are benthic marine invertebrates with immense ecological and commercial value. Processed sea cucumbers known as \"Beche-de-mer\" are a delicacy in southeast Asian countries with an ever-increasing demand depleting wild stocks on a global scale. Aquaculture techniques are well developed for commercially important species (eg. Holothuria scabra) to aid in conservation and trade. In the Arabian Peninsula and Iran, where the major land mass is surrounded by marginal seas (Arabian/Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Red Sea), studies on sea cucumbers are rather limited and its economic value is underestimated. Historical and current research trends indicate impoverished diversity (82 species) due to environmental extremes. Artisanal fisheries exist for the sea cucumbers of Iran, Oman, and Saudi Arabia, with Yemen and United Arab Emirates (UAE) playing a key role in collection and export to Asian countries. Stock assessment and data on export indicates depletion of natural stocks in Saudi Arabia and Oman. Aquaculture trials of high value species (H. scabra) were successful in Saudi Arabia, Oman and Iran with prospects for further expansion. Research on ecotoxicological properties and bioactive substances conducted in Iran demonstrates an immense research potential. Molecular phylogeny, biology, use in bioremediation, and characterisation of bioactive compounds were identified as potential gaps in research. Expanding aquaculture operations could revive exports and recuperate damaged stocks through sea ranching. Furthermore, regional cooperation, networking, training, and capacity building could help fill the gaps in sea cucumber research, which will aid in its effective conservation and management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Feeds for aquaculture animals are designed to provide them with the greatest amount of nourishment they need to carry out their regular physiological activities, such as maintaining a potent natural immune system and boosting growth and reproduction. However, the problems that severely hamper this sector\'s ability to contribute to achieving global food security include disease prevalence, chemical pollution, environmental deterioration, and inadequate feed usage. The regulated release of active aquafeed components; limited water solubility, bioaccessibility, and bioavailability, as well as their potent odour and flavour, limit their utilisation. They are unstable under high temperatures, acidic pH, oxygen, or light. Recent advancements in nano-feed for aquaculture (fish/shrimp) have attract enormous attention due to its excellent nutritional value, defeating susceptibility and perishability. Encapsulation is a multifunctional smart system that could bring benefits of personalized medicine; minimize costs and resources in the preclinical and clinical study in pharmacology. It guarantees the coating of the active ingredient as well as its controlled release and targeted distribution to a particular area of the digestive tract. For instance, using nanotechnology to provide more effective fish/shrimps feed for aquaculture species. The review enables a perspective points on safety and awareness in aquafeeds that have been made by the advancements of nanosystem. Therefore, potential of nano-delivery system in aquafeed industry for aquaculture act as concluding remark on future directions.





