
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dismemberment and subsequent burning are common methods employed in an attempt to conceal or destroy evidence. While kerf characteristics can be utilised to identify tool(s) used for dismemberment, further research is necessary to assess the effect of burning on these characteristics. In this study, a back (tenon) saw (13 teeth per inch) was used to manually inflict trauma on Ovis aries de-fleshed femur bones (n = 18). Three different cut marks (shallow false start, incomplete cut and complete transection) were made on the mid-shaft of each bone. Subsequently, the bones were burned for 20 minutes in a muffle furnace. Three burn temperatures were assessed: 400 °C, 600 °C and 800 °C. Saw mark characteristics of each cut type were assessed and compared pre- and post-burning. All pre-existing trauma was recognisable post-burning; however, metric and morphological alterations were apparent. An increase in kerf width was observed at 600 °C in false start lesions and 800 °C in incomplete cuts. Breakaway spur thickness decreased post-burning (at 400 °C and 800 °C) but length was not significantly affected. Mean inter-striation distance decreased post burning at all temperature groups. Saw marks were distinguishable from heat-related fractures across all temperature groups. One false start lesion was obliterated at 800 °C. Exit chipping, pull-out striae as well as striation regularity appeared to be more enhanced after heat exposure. These alterations indicate a temperature-dependent impact on these characteristics. Further research is necessary to assess the role of burn duration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aims to identify an antemortem neck stab wound on a highly decomposed, headless and mutilated body by conventional hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining combined with Ponceau-Victoria blue B staining (P-VB staining) and Masson staining. Specifically, a tissue sample was excised from the skin and muscle tissue at the junction of the normal and brownish discolored areas around the suspected stabbing tract of the left neck, in the upper and lower wound-clavicle-shoulder region. Conventional HE staining only provides a morphological and structural outline of the tissue, with both the injury hemorrhage and local connective tissue appearing eosinophilic pink. However, P-VB staining shows obvious contrast between the injury hemorrhage and connective tissue, with the former appearing yellow-green and the latter appearing orange-red. Similarly, Masson staining of the injury hemorrhage and connective tissue contrast clearly with purple-red and dark blue, respectively. Therefore, our study highlights that conventional HE staining with the combination of P-VB staining and Masson staining allowed for a clearer and corroborated identification of antemortem injury and hemorrhage from the stab wound in highly decomposed mutilated corpses.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We report on a case of criminal dismemberment and attempted scalping of a homicide victim with a \"Mohawk\" haircut. Case findings are presented. A review of the literature was performed for scalping in its historical and cultural context and particularly in criminal dismemberment and mutilation: Historically, scalping was prevalent in many ancient cultures around the world, where scalps were taken as trophies or \"proof of kill\", much like shrunken heads, trophy skulls, and other artefacts. Scalping was particularly widespread in Northern America in the context of tribal warfare, both before and after colonization. The iconic \"Mohawk\" haircut is closely linked with scalping, as it was meant to taunt the enemy. In the modern forensic context, scalping constitutes a form of criminal mutilation. However, cases of criminal dismemberment and mutilation are rare in forensic casework. Our literature review revealed a low number of scalping in criminal dismemberment and mutilation cases. The documentation was overall poor. Positioning scalping within the classification of criminal mutilation and dismemberment was difficult. In literature, even though case numbers were small, the majority of \"textbook scalping\" cases were German. The presented case, to our best knowledge, is the first modern-day photo-documented case of (attempted) scalping, even more so of a person wearing a \"Mohawk\".






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Homicide, particularly where a body has been concealed, is uniquely challenging for investigators to estimate the time of occurrence due to the methods employed by perpetrators to hide the body or its constituent parts from detection. The regularity of necrophagous insect lifecycles to determine minimum post-mortem interval (minPMI) is widely employed but remains an unreliable technique if used without a clear understanding of the factors that affect insect access and oviposition behaviour to concealed remains. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of wrapping body parts on fly colonisation and implications for minPMI calculations. Field studies were carried out using four treatments of pork (as surrogate body parts), in five replicates, one unwrapped, the other three wrapped in either a black plastic sack, a small-zipped wash bag (to simulate a suitcase), or a plastic sack further placed in a wash bag. Over a 48-h period all the methods of wrapping significantly disrupted the host-finding process of blowflies to dismembered carcasses, with a delay of initial contact and oviposition of 30+h (dependant on wrapping) and even more in wet conditions (48+ h). Egg numbers were also reduced by as much as 99.1% on wrapped samples compared to unwrapped. These new findings highlight the importance of applying adjustments to minPMI calculations when encountering wrapped remains. Advances in the accuracy of minPMI calculations will prevent the waste of valuable police time and resources and better focus the search for witnesses and suspects in homicide investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Minimum kerf width (MKW) is often assessed in medicolegal cases of skeletal sharp force trauma and can provide information about the tool used. Previously published saw MKW research focuses on the relationship between MKW and saw blade set width (width of the saw blade including tooth set). Despite these publications using various measurement tools and methods to collect MKW, error in MKW measurements is not well-documented. The goal of this research was to investigate MKW measurement precision in terms of intraobserver error, interobserver error, and the effects of measurement modality (e.g., calipers versus stereo microscope). The study sample consisted of 351 incomplete cuts made with 27 diverse saws. MKW was collected using three methods: (1) inserting the internal caliper jaws into the incomplete kerf, (2) placing the external caliper jaws on the cortical surface, and (3) using a digital stereo microscope and associated measurement software. For each method, intraobserver error and interobserver error were assessed. Differences in measurements taken with the three measurement modalities were assessed for each observer as well. Relative technical error of measurement (rTEM) and coefficients of reliability indicate that internal caliper and stereo microscope measurements had the lowest intra- and interobserver error (rTEM = 3.72% to 6.15%; r = 0.98-0.996). External caliper measurements performed the worst (rTEM: intra = 8.53% and inter = 21.32%). There was higher precision between internal caliper and stereo microscope measurements than with the external caliper measurements. This research highlights the need for measurement standardization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Saws are common tools used in postmortem dismemberment to alter human remains. Dismemberment may coincide with other concealment methods such as disposal in aquatic environments, so forensic anthropologists must recognize how taphonomy affects saw mark preservation. This study focuses on exposure of saw cut bone to a fluvial environment. Cross sections from pig humeri cut by a 7 TPI saw were evaluated on all cut surfaces for tooth hop (TH), exit chipping, and breakaway spurs. Pre-fluvial exposure, features were measured by two observers using a stereomicroscope while a one-dimensional profilometer was used to define surface roughness. Bones were randomly assigned to control or experimental groups and within each divided by duration of exposure (24, 48, 72, and 96 h). Control groups (four cross sections) were exposed to water in a 3-meter-long hydraulic channel; experimental groups (20 cross sections) were exposed to water and sediment in a 12-meter-long sediment-recirculating hydraulic channel. Velocity was maintained at 0.45 m/s. All measurements were repeated post-exposure. Observer A recorded 268 TH (mean: 3.70 ± 0.34 mm); post-exposure, count increased by 16.79% (mean: 3.71 ± 0.29 mm). Observer B recorded 247 TH (mean: 3.46 ± 0.42 mm); post-exposure, count decreased by 29.15% (mean: 3.36 ± 0.33 mm). All TPI estimates calculated include the 7 TPI saw. Exit chipping lost flakiness (in both channels), but was still visible. Breakaway spurs were not visibly altered. Surface staining was limited to bones exposed to sediment. Roughness was significantly lower in experimental groups post-fluvial exposure (W = 5705, p < 0.05). Overall, this fluvial environment did not obliterate saw mark evidence from bone.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In cases of criminal dismemberment, the analysis of saw marks helps to determine the class of the saw used. The present study compared the microscopic features of experimental false starts performed on three freshly defleshed human femurs. 150 lesions were produced using three reciprocating blades and two hand saws of similar class. Two groups of tools were created according to the class of the blades: group 1 (teeth per inch = 6, alternating set) and group 2 (teeth per inch = 24, wavy set). The minimum width of the kerf was always thicker with reciprocating blades than that of the handsaw of the same class. This fact is linked to the thickness of the blades and not necessarily to the fast forth and back motion of the blades. Shape kerf profiles and shape of the walls were very confusing, with a lot of variation of the false starts caused by the reciprocating blades and the risk of misclassification (rip teeth versus crosscut teeth, alternating set versus wavy set). Striae on the kerf floor and bone islands were more consistent. The main conclusions are, first, that usual features of false starts achieved by reciprocating saw blades used in this work vary a great deal and may lead to misclassification of the saw class, and second, that no criterion has been found to differentiate reciprocating blades and handsaws. These results demonstrate that we have to be very prudent while estimating the possible saw from a false start in a real forensic case.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Attributes and behavioral patterns of female homicide offenders have been less explored than those of males, particularly in crimes that involve aggravating factors such as dismemberment and mutilation. This study explored the patterns of female murderers who engage in postmortem dismemberment and/or mutilation of victims, contrasting these with the patterns of males who display these same behaviors. Cases were obtained from Radford-Florida Gulf Coast University Database and public sources, and then analyzed for specific characteristics of the crimes. An informational form was used to derive quantitative parameters. Statistical significance between sex and variables such as motive, dismemberment/mutilation style, and level of organization during the crime were examined. The majority of the cases were consistent with a defensive style. However, 23% of the cases involving females followed an offensive style compared to 33% among males. The nature of prior relationships between offenders and their victims was noteworthy, with the victims of males being largely strangers and the victims of females being primarily known to them. In comparison to males, females were markedly organized. These differences may emphasize aspects of psychological drives and pleasure-seeking that was more commonly seen among men, who often targeted strangers and were motivated by sadism in 25% of the cases. Dismemberment perpetrated by women primarily followed a defensive style that aimed to dispose of evidence, which would be congruent with the assumption that the murder occurred within a prior background of interpersonal partner violence toward the female perpetrator or other family members.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    3D printing has rapidly developed and been applied in forensic science due to its use in creating demonstrations for courts of law. Much of the literature on this specific topic has focused on the use of 3D printed models in academia, the potential influence on a jury, and its use as a long-term documentation process, but with few actual forensic case examples. This paper offers an insight into the development of 3D printing in forensic practice and how 3D printing is currently being used in the criminal justice system in England and Wales.A series of case reports were gathered from multiple police forces and forensic practitioners in the UK to identify how 3D printing was being used. These discussions established who was requesting 3D printed exhibits, what type of technologies were being utilised, what type of exhibits were being printed, and resulting feedback for the use of 3D printed material within a criminal case. As a result, this research demonstrates the current use of 3D printing in England and Wales, discussing the associated cases that have been known to incorporate 3D prints. Likewise, this work explores the limitations that have been encountered by forensic practitioners and identifies a series of research questions that should be considered in future investigations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dismemberment is characterized by the fragmentation of the body into anatomical sections. It can occur because of a murder, suicide, or accident. In the literature, there are no cases of patricide perpetrated by a daughter in which the offender performed the dismemberment. However, in this paper, we reported a case of patricide by a schizophrenic daughter that was not treated with antipsychotic therapy. Post-mortem Computed Tomography (PMCT), autopsy, and histological examinations were performed. The soft tissues were removed through maceration techniques and chemical treatment. An analysis was performed to study the bone margins and clarify the weapon and manner of death. This investigation, which used radiological and histological studies, helped to assess the vitality of the injuries. The purpose of the study is to discover the weapon used, the cause, and the manner of death, with particular interest in this case due to the dismemberment. Moreover, we emphasize the correlation between patricide, dismemberment, and a lack of antipsychotic treatment in patients with schizophrenia.





