Disease Eradication

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endoscopic resection (ER) of colorectal polyps has become a daily practice in most endoscopic units providing a colorectal cancer screening program and requires the availability of local experts and high-end endoscopic devices. ER procedures have evolved over the past few years from endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) to more advanced techniques, such as endoscopic submucosal dissection and endo-scopic full-thickness resection. Complete resection and disease eradication are the ultimate goals of ER-based techniques, and novel devices have been developed to achieve these goals. The EndoRotor® Endoscopic Powered Resection System (Interscope Medical, Inc., Northbridge, Massachusetts, United States) is one such device. The EndoRotor is a powered resection tool for the removal of alimentary tract mucosa, including post-EMR persistent lesions with scarring, and has both CE Mark and FDA clearance. This review covers available published evidence documenting the usefulness of EndoRotor for the management of recurrent colorectal polyps.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lymphatic filariasis (LF) is a significant public health issue in India. Despite 10-15 rounds of mass drug administration (MDA) in India, the global LF elimination target of 2030 appears challenging. To strengthen the program, community and provider perspectives on ways to bridge a gap in MDA are needed. Through the motivation-opportunity-ability-behaviour (MOAB) lens, we systematically reviewed the facilitators and barriers encountered in LF elimination in India. We followed Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis guidelines. We searched PubMed, Embase, ProQuest and Google Scholar databases to explore factors related to MDA program implementation in India through 30 June 2021. We analysed the data using a thematic framework. We identified 576 studies; of these, 20 studies were included. This review revealed that the public health system for distributing MDA drugs in India created a better enabling environment, including zero out-of-pocket expenditure, door-step distribution of medicines and ample capacity-building training and follow-up. However, community members were unaware of the rationale for drug consumption, leading to a gap in drug distribution and consumption. Motivation is required among community members, which suggests capacity-building training for service providers to counsel the community.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    BACKGROUND: With approximately one-third of the global population exhibiting serological evidence of exposure, the hepatitis B virus remains a serious public health threat. Elimination of hepatitis B faces enormous challenges, from prevention to diagnosis, treatment, and long-term monitoring. Nurses are pivotal in optimising the hepatitis B care continuum; however, their contributions have been neglected.
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the role of nurses in the elimination of hepatitis B and to synthesise the effectiveness of interventions with nursing roles in approaching the elimination target.
    METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
    METHODS: Thirteen databases (EMBASE, MEDLINE via OvidSP, Ovid Emcare, Ovid Nursing Database, British Nursing Index, APA PsycINFO, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, CINAHL, Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection, China National Knowledge Internet, SinoMed, and Wanfang Data) were searched from their inception to 6 December 2022.
    METHODS: Interventional studies examining the contribution of nursing roles towards elimination targets were included. Content analysis was used to extract and map the nursing roles based on the nursing interventions classification system. Random-effects meta-analyses were conducted to examine the effectiveness of the intervention in improving hepatitis B screening, detection, and vaccination rates.
    RESULTS: The synthesis from 16 studies identified 13 nursing roles that primarily involved (1) health education and counselling for informed patient decision-making regarding hepatitis B prevention, vaccination, screening, and disease monitoring; (2) case management and health promotion to advocate elimination services at multiple levels and enable equitable access among marginalised communities; and (3) running specialist clinics to lead advanced practices in prescribing and carrying diagnostic tests, formulating evidence-based individualised care plans, and coordinating care throughout the disease process. Interventions with these roles achieved pooled hepatitis B screening and detection rates of 64 % (95 % confidence interval [CI] = 0.44, 0.84) and 2 % (95 % CI = 0.00, 0.05), respectively, increased the odds of hepatitis B virus vaccination by 2.61 times (95 % CI = 1.60, 4.28), improved immunity rate, and enhanced patient adherence to antiviral treatment and monitoring of liver comorbidities. However, their effects on hepatitis B virus DNA-negative conversion rates and hepatocellular carcinoma incidence were not significant.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses play multifaceted roles in advocating hepatitis B screening and vaccination, initiating outreach efforts in marginalised communities, and leading advanced practices that effectively contribute to the elimination of hepatitis B. Policymakers should consider how nurses may help the achievement of the elimination target.
    BACKGROUND: PROSPERO (CRD42022380719) registered on December 12, 2022.
    CONCLUSIONS: Nurses raised awareness, initiated outreach efforts, addressed inequalities, and led advanced practices-effectively contributing to eliminating hepatitis B.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UNASSIGNED: To consolidate recent information on elimination and eradication goals for infectious diseases and clarify the definitions and associated terminology for different goals.
    UNASSIGNED: We conducted a systematic search of the World Health Organization\'s Institutional Repository for Information Sharing (WHO IRIS) and a customized systematic Google advanced search for documents published between 2008 and 2022 on elimination or eradication strategies for infectious conditions authored by WHO or other leading health organizations. We extracted information on names of infectious conditions, the elimination and eradication goals and timelines, definitions of goals, non-standardized terminology, targets and assessment processes.
    UNASSIGNED: We identified nine goals for 27 infectious conditions, ranging from disease control to eradication. In comparison with the hierarchy of disease control, as defined at the Dahlem Workshop in 1997, six goals related to disease control with varying levels of advancement, two related to elimination and one to eradication. Goals progressed along a disease-control continuum, such as end of disease epidemic to pre-elimination to elimination as a public health problem or threat. We identified the use of non-standardized terminology with certain goals, including virtual elimination, elimination of disease epidemics, public health threat and public health concern.
    UNASSIGNED: As we approach the 2030 target date to achieve many of the goals related to disease control and for other infections to become candidates for elimination in the future, clarity of definitions and objectives is important for public health professionals and policy-makers to avoid misperceptions and miscommunication.
    UNASSIGNED: Rassembler les informations récentes concernant les objectifs d\'élimination et d\'éradication des maladies infectieuses, mais aussi clarifier la terminologie et les définitions associées aux différents objectifs.
    UNASSIGNED: Nous avons mené une recherche systématique au sein des archives institutionnelles pour l\'échange d\'informations (IRIS) de l\'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), ainsi qu\'une recherche systématique personnalisée dans Google Advanced Search, afin de trouver des documents publiés entre 2008 et 2022 portant sur les stratégies d\'élimination ou d\'éradication de maladies infectieuses et rédigés par l\'OMS ou par d\'autres organisations sanitaires majeures. Nous avons ensuite extrait les informations relatives aux noms des maladies infectieuses, aux objectifs et délais d\'élimination ou d\'éradication, à la définition des objectifs, à la terminologie non standardisée, aux orientations et aux processus d\'évaluation.
    UNASSIGNED: Nous avons identifié neuf objectifs pour 27 maladies infectieuses, allant de la lutte contre la maladie à son éradication. Selon la classification du contrôle des maladies telle que définie lors de l\'Atelier Dahlem en 1997, six objectifs étaient liés à la lutte contre les infections à divers degrés d\'avancement, deux à l\'élimination et un à l\'éradication. Ces objectifs évoluaient dans un continuum de lutte contre les maladies, par exemple de la fin d\'une épidémie à l\'élimination de la maladie en tant que problème ou menace pour la santé publique, en passant par sa pré-élimination. Nous avons constaté l\'emploi d\'une terminologie non standardisée pour certains objectifs: élimination virtuelle, élimination d\'épidémies, menace sanitaire et problème de santé publique notamment.
    UNASSIGNED: À mesure que nous nous rapprochons de l\'échéance de 2030 en matière de réalisation des objectifs de lutte contre les maladies, et pour que d\'autres infections puissent prétendre à une élimination dans le futur, il est crucial de clarifier les définitions et les perspectives afin d\'éviter toute erreur de communication et de perception chez les professionnels de la santé publique et les responsables politiques.
    UNASSIGNED: Consolidar la información reciente relativa a los objetivos de eliminación y erradicación de enfermedades infecciosas, y aclarar las definiciones y la terminología asociada a los diferentes objetivos.
    UNASSIGNED: Llevamos a cabo una investigación sistemática del Repositorio Institucional para el Intercambio de Información de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (IRIS OMS) y una Búsqueda sistemática Avanzada en Google de documentos publicados entre 2008 y 2022 que versaban sobre las estrategias de eliminación y erradicación de enfermedades infecciosas. Estos documentos habían sido redactados por la OMS o por importantes organizaciones sanitarias. Recabamos información acerca de nombres de enfermedades infecciosas, objetivos y plazos de eliminación y erradicación, definiciones de objetivos, terminología no estandarizada, así como fines y procesos de evaluación.
    UNASSIGNED: Identificamos nueve objetivos para 27 enfermedades infecciosas, desde el control de dichas enfermedades hasta su erradicación. En función de la jerarquía de control de enfermedades, según se definió en el Taller de Dahlem en 1997, existían seis objetivos relacionados con el control de enfermedades, que contaban con diferentes niveles de avance; dos objetivos relacionados con la eliminación, y uno que trataba sobre la erradicación. Los objetivos evolucionaron hacia un continuum en el control de enfermedades, desde el fin de la enfermedad epidémica a la preeliminación y la eliminación como problema o amenaza pública sanitaria. Detectamos el uso de terminología no estandarizada en determinados objetivos. Ejemplos de esta terminología son eliminación virtual, eliminación de enfermedades epidémicas, amenaza pública sanitaria y preocupación pública sanitaria.
    UNASSIGNED: Dado que nos acercamos a la fecha límite establecida de 2030 para lograr numerosos objetivos relacionados con el control de enfermedades y con otras afecciones que puedan ser objeto de eliminación en el futuro, es crucial mantener la claridad en las definiciones y en los objetivos para que los profesionales públicos sanitarios y las personas encargadas de la elaboración de políticas no hagan uso de ideas erróneas y no haya problemas de comunicación.
    UNASSIGNED: تعزيز المعلومات الحديثة عن أهداف القضاء على الأمراض المعدية واستئصالها، وتوضيح التعريفات والمصطلحات المرتبطة بها للأهداف المختلفة.
    UNASSIGNED: قمنا بإجراء بحث منهجي في المستودع المؤسسي لتبادل المعلومات التابع لمنظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO IRIS)، وبحث منهجي متقدم مخصص على Google عن المستندات المنشورة بين عامي 2008 و2022، بشأن استراتيجيات القضاء على الأمراض المعدية أو استئصالها، والتي تم تأليفها بواسطة منظمة الصحة العالمية، أو غيرها من المنظمات الصحية الرائدة. وقمنا باستخراج معلومات عن أسماء الحالات المعدية، والأهداف والجداول الزمنية للقضاء والاستئصال، وتعريفات الأهداف، والمصطلحات غير القياسية، والأهداف، وعمليات التقييم.
    UNASSIGNED: لقد حددنا تسعة أهداف لـ 27 من الحالات المعدية، تتراوح من مكافحة الأمراض إلى استئصالها. بالمقارنة مع التسلسل الهرمي لمكافحة الأمراض، كما تم تعريفه في ورشة عمل Dahlem في عام 1997، فإن هناك ستة أهداف تتعلق بمكافحة الأمراض بمستويات متفاوتة من التقدم، وهدفين يتعلقان بالقضاء على الأمراض، وهدف واحد يتعلق بالاستئصال. تقدمت الأهداف على مدى سلسلة متواصلة من مكافحة الأمراض، مثل نهاية الوباء المرضي، إلى ما قبل القضاء عليه، إلى القضاء عليه كمشكلة أو تهديد للصحة العامة. لقد حددنا استخدام المصطلحات غير القياسية مع أهداف معينة، بما في ذلك القضاء الظاهري، والقضاء على الأوبئة المرضية، والتهديد على الصحة العامة، ومخاوف الصحة العامة.
    UNASSIGNED: مع اقترابنا من الموعد المستهدف لعام 2030 لتحقيق العديد من الأهداف المتعلقة بمكافحة الأمراض، ولكي تصبح أنواع العدوى الأخرى مرشحة للقضاء عليها في المستقبل، فإن وضوح التعريفات والأهداف يعد أمرًا مهمًا للمتخصصين في مجال الصحة العامة وواضعي السياسات لتجنب المفاهيم الخاطئة ومشاكل الاتصالات.
    UNASSIGNED: 旨在整理有关消除和根除传染病目标的最新信息,并阐明不同目标的定义和相关术语。.
    UNASSIGNED: 我们对世界卫生组织信息共享机构库 (WHO IRIS) 进行了系统搜索,并利用谷歌高级搜索功能对世界卫生组织或其他主要卫生组织在 2008 年至 2022 年间发表的传染病消除或根除策略相关文件进行了自定义系统搜索。我们提取了与传染病名称、消除和根除目标及时间表、目标定义、非标准化术语、目标以及评估过程有关的信息。.
    UNASSIGNED: 从疾病控制至根除,我们确定了 27 种传染病的九个目标。与 1997 年达勒姆研讨会上确定的疾病控制等级相比,这些目标包括进展程度各不相同的六个疾病控制相关目标,两个传染病消除相关目标以及一个传染病根除相关目标。按疾病控制流程逐步实现目标,例如首先防止被视为公共卫生问题或威胁的传染病继续蔓延,然后采取预先消除措施,最后实现疾病根除。我们确定了在实现某些目标的过程中需使用的非标准化术语,包括虚拟消除、流行病消除、公共卫生威胁和公共卫生问题。.
    UNASSIGNED: 随着涉及实现许多疾病控制相关目标的 2030 年目标日期逐渐临近,为了未来将更多其他传染病纳入消除范围,必须明确定义和目标,以免公共卫生专业人员和决策者产生误解和理解错误。.
    UNASSIGNED: Обобщить последнюю информацию о целях по ликвидации и искоренению инфекционных болезней, уточнить определения и сопутствующую терминологию для различных целей.
    UNASSIGNED: Проведен систематический поиск в Институциональном хранилище Всемирной организации здравоохранения для обмена информацией (WHO IRIS) и специализированный систематический расширенный поиск в Google по документам, опубликованным в период с 2008 по 2022 год и посвященным стратегиям по ликвидации или искоренению инфекционных заболеваний, авторами которых являются специалисты ВОЗ или других ведущих организаций здравоохранения. Кроме того, была собрана информация о названиях инфекционных заболеваний, целях и сроках ликвидации и искоренения, определениях целей, нестандартизированной терминологии, целевых показателях и процессах оценки.
    UNASSIGNED: В отношении 27 инфекционных заболеваний определены девять целей: от борьбы с заболеванием до его искоренения. По сравнению с иерархией контроля заболеваний, определенной на Далемском семинаре в 1997 г., к контролю заболеваний с разной степенью продвижения относятся шесть целей, две из которых связаны с ликвидацией и одна – с искоренением. В ходе реализации этих целей осуществляется непрерывный контроль над заболеванием, например от окончания эпидемии до предварительной ликвидации и устранения проблемы или угрозы общественному здравоохранению. Авторы отмечают использование нестандартизированной терминологии с определенными целями, среди которых фактическая ликвидация, ликвидация эпидемий заболеваний, угроза общественному здоровью и проблемная ситуация в области общественного здоровья.
    UNASSIGNED: По мере приближения к 2030 году, когда должны быть достигнуты многие цели, связанные с контролем заболеваний, а другие инфекции в перспективе станут кандидатами на ликвидацию, специалистам в области общественного здравоохранения и директивным органам важно четко сформулировать определения и цели во избежание неправильного восприятия и недопонимания.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Addressing the social and structural determinants of tuberculosis (TB) through social protection programs is a central feature of global public health policy and disease elimination strategies. However, how best to implement such programs remains unknown. India\'s direct benefit transfer (DBT) program is the largest cash transfer program in the world dedicated to supporting individuals affected by TB. Despite several studies aimed at evaluating the impact of DBT, many questions remain about its implementation, mechanisms of action, and effectiveness. Dave and Rupani\'s mixed-methods evaluation of this program previously published in this journal offers valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of the DBT program in improving TB treatment outcomes. Their results also provide an opportunity for demonstrating how systematically collected data may be further analyzed and presented using implementation science, a field of study using methods to promote the systematic uptake of evidence-based interventions to support sustainable program scale-up.






  • 文章类型: Meta-Analysis
    BACKGROUND: The eradication rate of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) remains variable for the same eradication regime even in the identical region, especially in developing countries. Herein, we conducted a systematic review to assess the effect of reinforced medication adherence on H. pylori eradication rate in developing countries.
    METHODS: A systematic review was conducted in literature databases to identify relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs) from inception to March 2023. The core indicator was the changes in eradication rate after enhanced adherence. A meta-analysis was performed to estimate the pooled relative risk (RR) or weighted mean difference (WMD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI).
    RESULTS: Nineteen RCTs that included a total of 3286 patients were assessed. The measures to enhance compliance were mainly through face-to-face communication, phone calls, text messages, and social software. Compared with the control group, patients received reinforced measures showed a better medication adherence (89.6% vs. 71.4%, RR = 1.26 95% CI: 1.16-1.37), higher H. pylori eradication rate (intention-to-treat analysis: 80.2% vs. 65.9%, RR = 1.25, 95% CI: 1.12-1.31; per-protocol analysis: 86.8% vs. 74.8%, RR = 1.16, 95% CI: 1.09-1.23), higher symptom relief rates (81.8% vs. 65.1%, RR = 1.23, 95% CI: 1.09-1.38), higher degree of satisfaction (90.4% vs. 65.1%, RR = 1.26, 95% CI: 1.19-1.35), higher disease knowledge rates (SMD = 1.82, 95% CI: 0.77-2.86, p = 0.0007), and lower incidence of total adverse events (27.3% vs. 34.7%, RR = 0.72, 95% CI: 0.52-0.99).
    CONCLUSIONS: Based on available evidence, reinforced medication adherence as a nonnegligible measure improves H. pylori eradication rate in developing countries.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Polio supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) are one of the polio eradication pillars in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) that increased the immunization coverage and made progress towards polio eradication. However, socioecological challenges faced during SIAs contribute to suboptimal campaign quality. The aim of this review is to identify the reported challenges during polio supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) and associated improvement strategies based on the socioecological model (SEM).
    Articles were searched from three databases which were WOS, Scopus, and PubMed. The systemic review identified the primary articles related to SIA that focused on the impact of immunization coverage, challenges, and improvement strategies. The inclusion criteria were open access English articles that were published between 2012 and 2021 and conducted in the Asia region.
    There are nine articles described and explained regarding some form of supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) in their findings across Asia region. The majority of studies selected reported on post vaccination coverage and revealed a multifaceted challenge faced during SIAs which are widely diverse range from the microlevel of interpersonal aspects up to the macrolevel of government policy. Upon further analysis, the intervention at community level was the most dominant strategies reported during the SIA program.
    An effective SIAs program provides the opportunity to increase the national capacity of the polio immunization program, reducing inequities in service delivery and offering additional public health benefits in controlling polio outbreaks in both endemic and nonendemic countries. Strengthening routine immunization (RI) programmes is also important for the sustainability of SIA\'s programs. Despite the challenges and hurdles, many Asian countries exhibited great political willingness to boost polio immunization coverage through SIA efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2012 the World Health Organization (WHO) aimed to eliminate measles in five regions by 2020. This retrospective descriptive study reviewed measles surveillance data in South Africa for the period 2015-2020 to document the epidemiology of measles and the progress made towards meeting the 2020 measles elimination goal.A total of 22,578 specimens were tested over the period 2015-2020 yielding 401 (1.8%) confirmed measles cases, 321 (1.4%) compatible and 21,856 (96.8%) discarded cases. The most affected age group was 0-4 year olds. At the provincial level, South Africa achieved adequate surveillance, defined as more than two cases of febrile rash notified annually per 100 000 popoulation, except for KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo in 2020, probably due to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. Of confirmed cases, only 26% were vaccinated, 3% were too young to receive vaccines, 5% were not vaccinated, and 65% had unknown vaccination status. Measles vaccine effectiveness amongst 1-4 year olds was 80%. Using the standard case definition, South Africa achieved the measles elimination target of less than one case per one million nationally in years 2015, 2016 and 2020. The years 2017 to 2019 had incidence rates exceeding one per million nationally. Using a narrow case definition, that excluded positive rubella cases, improved the indicators with only the year 2017 having an incidence rate of more than one per million.South Africa displays intermittent measles outbreaks approximately six-yearly interspersed by inter-epidemic periods in which the country meets measles elimination targets. Intense effort is needed to increase the vaccine coverage to avoid periodic outbreaks. Enhanced molecular testing of each case will be required as measles incidence declines regionally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mobile and migrant populations (MMPs) pose a unique challenge to disease elimination campaigns as they are often hard to survey and reach with treatment. While some elimination efforts have had success reaching MMPs, other campaigns are struggling to do so, which may be affecting progress towards disease control and elimination. Therefore, this paper reviews the literature on elimination campaigns targeting MMPs across a selection of elimination diseases-neglected tropical diseases, malaria, trypanosomiasis, polio, smallpox, and rinderpest.
    Through a systematic review process following Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, a three-person review team identified papers from databases, conference records, and citation searches using inclusion/exclusion criteria. Papers were divided into three key outcome domains during the synthetization process: (1) MMP movement patterns in East Africa including reasons for movement and consequences in terms of health outcomes and healthcare access; (2) MMP contribution to the transmission of disease across all geographies; (3) surveillance methods and treatment interventions used to implement programming in MMPs across all geographies. Experts in the field also provided supplemental information and gray literature to support this review.
    The review identified 103 records which were descriptively analyzed using the outcome domains. The results indicate that in East Africa, there are various motivations for migration from economic opportunity to political unrest to natural disasters. Regardless of motivation, mobile lifestyles affect health service access such that MMPs in East Africa report barriers in accessing healthcare and have limited health knowledge. Often lower service delivery to these populations has resulted in higher disease prevalence. A minority of articles suggest MMPs do not pose challenges to reaching disease control and elimination thresholds. Finally, the literature highlighted surveillance methods (e.g., using satellite imagery or mobile phone data to track movement, participatory mapping, snowball sampling) and intervention strategies (e.g., integration with animal health campaigns, cross-border coordination, alternative mass drug administration [MDA] methods) to implement health interventions in MMPs.
    Ultimately, the literature reviewed here can inform programmatic decisions as the community attempts to reach these never treated populations.
    The protocol for this manuscript was registered with the International Prospective Registry of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) (No. CRD42021214743).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Sri Lanka has been targeted zero rabies by the end of 2025. Towards the elimination, the country needs more effective, evidence-based strategies and efforts to achieve its ultimate goal. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review of scientific literatures and data to assess current human and animal rabies control and prevention strategies in Sri Lanka.
    METHODS: We compiled documents regarding current and previous rabies control and prevention activities implemented in the entire country of Sri Lanka. The documents included published literatures issued between 1946 and 2020 from both online databases and university library in Sri Lanka. All the collected documents were screened based on the PRISMA statement and categorized into several types of rabies control and prevention strategies. Official reports including epidemiological data in Sri Lanka were also filed in order to analyze the current trend of rabies control and prevention in the nation.
    RESULTS: As of end December 2020, we found 119 scientific literatures regarding rabies control and prevention in Sri Lanka. Human rabies deaths in Sri Lanka have been reduced for the last half century by successful implementation of mass dog vaccination, animal birth control and awareness raising activities. However, the country is still facing on sporadic rabies cases, limited dog vaccination coverage and insufficient dog population management in the district level. Despite the nationwide standard of dog to human ratio of 1:8, there are huge disparities or unknown of dog ecology in regions. Awareness raising including has been enhancing for both general public and school children. Surveillance system is poorly operated so that simultaneous data analysis for decision-making is impractical.
    CONCLUSIONS: In order to achieve nationwide rabies elimination, it is highly recommended to implement more effective rabies control and prevention activities and build adequate scientific evidences.





