Cross-cultural comparison

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This research explores the perspectives of academic physicists from three national contexts concerning their roles and responsibilities within the realm of science. Using a dataset comprised of 211 interviews with scientists working in China, the United States, and the United Kingdom, the study seeks to explain whether and in what manner physicists conceptualize scientific ethics within a global or national framework. The empirical findings bring to light disparities across nations in the physicists\' perceptions of what constitutes responsible mentorship and engagement in public service. These cross-national variations underscore the moral agency of physicists as they navigate the ethical standards embraced by the global scientific community vis-à-vis those that are specific to their respective national contexts. The study\'s empirical insights may carry significant implications for both policymakers and ethicists, underscoring the imperative of soliciting and acknowledging the perspectives of academic scientists working and living in disparate national contexts when formulating comprehensive science ethics frameworks. Such inclusive and context-aware approaches to shaping ethics in science can contribute to the cultivation of a more robust and universally relevant ethical foundation for the scientific community.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: to translate and cross-culturally adapt the Parent Hearing Aid Management Inventory into Brazilian Portuguese.
    METHODS: study of the methodological type of cross-cultural adaptation, which followed the recommendations of the literature for its execution. Two steps and eight steps were performed to achieve the adaptation: obtaining permission from the authors; formation of a committee of specialists who acted in some of the steps for the validation of the translation, translation by 2 proficient translators, synthesis of the translations and evaluation of equivalences, reverse translation and synthesis of the same, pilot study with 10 families to verify the applicability of the instrument and synthesis of the final version of the instrument.
    RESULTS: Cohen\'s kappa analysis was applied for the inter-rater agreement analysis and Cronbach\'s alpha coefficient for the analysis of internal reliability of the instrument. After application with the families, the instrument was considered valid to assess the needs for guidance and support of families regarding the management of hearing devices in the population of children with hearing loss.
    CONCLUSIONS: the Inventory was translated and adapted into Brazilian Portuguese, under the name of Inventário de Manejo dos Aprendidos for the Family (IMAAF) and has the potential to help in clinical practice to achieve effective use of individual sound amplification devices in the population of children with hearing impairment, in a perspective centered on the needs of their families.
    OBJECTIVE: traduzir e adaptar transculturalmente o inventário Parent Hearing Aid Management Inventory para o português brasileiro.
    UNASSIGNED: estudo do tipo metodológico, de adaptação transcultural, que seguiu as recomendações da literatura para a sua execução. Foram realizadas duas etapas e oito passos para a consecução da adaptação: obtenção de permissão dos autores; formação de um comitê de especialistas que atuaram em alguns dos passos para a validação da tradução, tradução por 2 tradutores proficientes, síntese das traduções e avaliação das equivalências, tradução reversa e síntese das mesmas, estudo piloto com 10 famílias para verificar-se a aplicabilidade do instrumento e síntese da versão final do instrumento.
    RESULTS: foi aplicada a análise do kappa Cohen para a análise de concordância interavaliadores e o coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach para a análise de confiabilidade interna do instrumento. Após a aplicação com as famílias considerou-se o instrumento válido para avaliar as necessidades de orientação e apoio das famílias quanto ao manejo dos dispositivos auditivos na população de crianças com deficiência auditiva.
    UNASSIGNED: o inventário foi traduzido e adaptado para o português brasileiro, sob o nome de Inventário de Manejo dos Aparelhos Auditivos pela Família (IMAAF) e tem o potencial de auxiliar na prática clínica para o alcance do uso efetivo dos aparelhos de amplificação sonora individual na população de crianças com deficiência auditiva, numa perspectiva centrada nas necessidades de suas famílias.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales (GSC) have been translated into over 60 languages, but use in the sub-Saharan African region is limited. This study aimed to cross-culturally adapt and validate the PedsQL™ 4.0 GCS child self-report and teen self-report versions into the Chichewa language for Malawi.
    METHODS: The English (USA) versions were adapted (translation, back translation and cognitive interviews to evaluate conceptual equivalence) into Chichewa. We recruited 289 children (8-17 years) in Blantyre, Malawi. Classical psychometrics at the item level (missing data, endorsement frequencies, item redundancy) and scale level (internal consistency, convergent, discriminant and known groups validity) was used to evaluate the new Chichewa versions.
    RESULTS: Six items were found to need cultural adaptation for Malawi. There were problems with missing data (< 5%) and adjacent endorsement frequency (< 10%) among younger children. Internal consistency reliability was acceptable (Cronbach α > 0.7). Convergent validity was generally strong (correlations > 0.4). Discriminant validity (p > 0.05) was evident with respect to gender and age, but not for school grade (p < 0.05). Effect sizes indicating known groups validity were in the expected direction but of variable magnitude.
    CONCLUSIONS: We have successfully adapted the PedsQL™ 4.0 GCS child self-report and teen self-report into Chichewa for use in Malawi. Many aspects of the psychometric evaluation were promising, though some elements were more mixed and we have not yet been able to evaluate test-retest reliability or responsiveness. We suggest that the PedsQL™4.0 GCS child and teen self-reports should be used with caution among children and adolescents in Malawi.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Osteoarthritis Knowledge Scale (OAKS) is a validated tool for assessing knowledge about hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA). However, to date, there has been no translation and adaptation of the OAKS for the Turkish population.
    OBJECTIVE: To translate and cross-culturally adapt the OAKS into Turkish and to assess its psychometric properties in the Turkish population with and without hip or knee OA.
    METHODS: The OAKS was translated following accepted guidelines. A validation study assessed internal consistency, test-retest reliability and measurement error. An exploratory factor analysis was conducted to assess the factor structure.
    RESULTS: A total of 278 participants (n = 70 with hip OA, n = 105 with knee OA, and n = 103 without OA) were included. Internal consistency was 0.72, 0.79 and 0.79 for participants with hip OA, knee OA, and no OA, respectively. The test-retest intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.72 (95% CI; 0.45-0.85), 0.89 (95% CI; 0.82-0.93) and 0.88 (95% CI; 0.79-0.93) for participants with hip OA, knee OA and no OA, respectively. It had three principal components accounting for 57.2% of the total variance.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Turkish version of the OAKS is a reliable and valid tool for measuring OA knowledge in the Turkish population, including those with and without hip and knee OA. Test-retest reliability was below acceptable levels in the population with hip OA only. Therefore, we recommend that the ICC be interpreted with caution when used in this population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Walking as a treatment is recommended for people with intermittent claudication (IC), but participation tends to be poor. Walking treatment beliefs, as defined by the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) are associated with walking behavior, so assessing and designing interventions targeting walking treatment beliefs are crucial. To assess walking treatment beliefs in people with IC in Gujarat, a translated, culturally adapted questionnaire that assesses the four TPB constructs (attitude, subjective normative beliefs, perceived behavioral control beliefs, and intention to walk) is required.
    OBJECTIVE: To translate and cross-culturally assess the content validity and face validity of a Gujarati version of a TPB questionnaire that assesses walking treatment beliefs.
    METHODS: A forward-backward translation of the 12-item TPB questionnaire was applied using a standardized approach. The translated versions were compared with the original questionnaire, and ten experts, rated each item according to: clarity, semantic, appropriateness, and cultural relevance. Content Validity Index (CVI), item level content validity (I-CVI), Scale -content validity index (S-CVI/Ave), and universal agreement (UA) were computed to summarize the overall content validity of the questionnaire as well as a proportion of agreement with content experts. Face validity was assessed using a think-aloud approach with ten patients with IC. This cognitive interviewing approach (think-aloud approach) asked participants to describe their thoughts whilst completing the questionnaire. Responses were analyzed thematically.
    RESULTS: There was complete agreement between experts for 9/12 items (I-CVI=1.00), leading to an overall agreement (S-CVI/Ave) of 0.98. For face validation, at least 50% of the participants had no significant problems with any question in the questionnaire. Most problems participants encountered were straightforward, such as re-reading some questions or considering the questions carefully before answering.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Gujarati TPB questionnaire had excellent content validity and was comprehensible and answerable by the majority of our participants with IC and, therefore, had good face validity; this will enable walking treatment beliefs to be assessed in people with IC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The Neurological Fatigue Index (NFI) is the instrument used to evaluate stroke patients\' fatigue. There was no Urdu version of NFI available officially.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to translate the Neurological Fatigue Index into Urdu and to determine the validity and reliability of Urdu NFI among stroke patients.
    METHODS: It is a cross-cultural validation study. According to international guidelines in phase I, a process of translation was carried out. In phase II, using the sample of 120 participants, validity and reliability of the Urdu version of the Neurological Fatigue Index scale was conducted. The Urdu version\'s content validity, convergent/concurrent validity, test-retest reliability, and internal consistency were determined. The latest version of SPSS was used for the data analysis.
    RESULTS: The Urdu version of NFI was drafted after the expert\'s review. The content validity index was used to analyze the content validity. The reliability and validity of the Urdu version NFI were evaluated by calculating Cronbach\'s alpha (α = 0.86), and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC = 0.823). Correlations with other scales were the fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) (r = 0.76), Mental Fatigue Scale (MFS) (r = 0.68), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) (r = 0.53) and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) (r = 0.47).
    CONCLUSIONS: The Urdu Version was linguistically acceptable for the fatigue assessment in post-stroke patients. It showed good content validity, convergent/concurrent validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Third-party intervention is a cornerstone of cooperative societies, yet we know little about how children develop an understanding of this social behavior. The present work generates a cross-cultural and developmental picture of how 6-, 9-, and 12-year-olds (N = 447) across four societies (India, Germany, Uganda, and the United States) reason about third-party intervention. To do so, we measured children\'s obligation judgments and unstructured descriptions of third-party intervention. Although some cultural differences emerged, 6-year-olds largely considered bystanders as obligated to respond to wrongdoing, regardless of the bystander\'s social position. In contrast, 9- and 12-year-olds were more likely to exclusively ascribe this social responsibility to people in positions of authority. Despite these age differences, children of all ages generated role-specific descriptions of third-party intervention, with authority figures intervening in distinct ways from peers. For authority figures, children in India and Uganda described third-party intervention as involving corporal punishment or unspecified punishment, whereas children in the United States described such intervention as involving only verbal intervention (i.e., telling someone to stop). For peers, children in all societies described third-party intervention as involving reporting misdeeds to an authority. Collectively, these data show that early conceptualizations of third-party intervention are rooted in shared notions of obligation yet are also subject to cultural and contextual influences. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the cognitive and affective factors associated with cross-cultural differences in arithmetic tasks.
    METHODS: A total of 404 third- and fourth- graders were recruited from China and Italy to complete exact arithmetic, arithmetic estimation and cognitive tasks (i.e., short-term memory, executive functions, and fluid reasoning). Their mathematical anxiety was also measured.
    RESULTS: The results showed that Chinese children performed better than Italian children in both arithmetic tasks and in shifting task. Italian children performed better in visuospatial updating task and reported higher levels of mathematical anxiety than their Chinese peers. Multi-group path analyses showed that the patterns of relations among cognitive factors (i.e., short-term memory, inhibition and shifting), mathematical anxiety, and arithmetic performance were similar across groups. The only exception was that visuospatial updating uniquely predicted arithmetic estimation for Chinese but not for Italian children.
    CONCLUSIONS: Chinese children outperformed their Italian peers in the exact arithmetic task, likely due to the greater emphasis on arithmetic fluency in Chinese mathematics education, both in schools and at home. They also had a slight advantage than Italian peers in the arithmetic estimation task. The unique link between updating and arithmetic estimation found in Chinese children but not Italian children suggests that, although arithmetic estimation is not emphasized in the curricula of either country, instruction and practice in exact arithmetic may enhance Chinese children\'s efficiency in solving arithmetic estimation problems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Spanish scale symptom questionnaire for visual dysfunctions (SQVD) was sinicized and tested for reliability and validity in the Chinese context, employing both classical measurement theory and item response theory. A meticulous translation was conducted using the modified Brislin translation model, with input from experts for cross-cultural debugging and in-depth review. Following a pre-survey study, the Chinese version of the SQVD was finalized. A convenience sampling method was used to select 270 patients from the target group and 252 valid questionnaires were successfully collected. The Rasch model was employed to assess response category functionality, fit statistics, unidimensionality, person and item reliability, separation, targeting, and differential item functioning. Classical test theory was applied to evaluate internal consistency and retest reliability, supplemented by correlation analysis. Job characteristic curves were also plotted to assess diagnostic accuracy. The Chinese SQVD conformed to a unidimensional structure with excellent reliability and validity. Person and item reliabilities were 0.85 and 0.99, respectively, indicating, high stability. Person and item separation indices were 2.37 and 11.54, respectively, signifying strong differentiation ability. Retest reliability was 0.917, further emphasizing the stability of the scale. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.908 (95% CI: 0.854, 0.962), with a cutoff value of 7.5 and Youden index of 0.733, highlighting the scale\'s high diagnostic accuracy. The translated and culturally adapted Chinese SQVD demonstrated excellent psychometric properties. With streamlined items, short assessment time, and high efficiency, the scale is a stable and reliable clinical tool for detecting a variety of conditions related to refractive, regulatory, and binocular vision dysfunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Social support is widely recognized as a protective factor against psychological distress, especially for the elderly with chronic diseases. Therefore, effective tools for measuring social support are of great significance for both research and clinical practice. This study aims to cross-culturally adapt the German Social Support Scale (F-SozU) into Chinese and assess its psychometric properties among older adults with chronic diseases.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a Chinese tertiary hospital. Four hundred ninety-six older adults that were approached via a convenience sampling method completed the Chinese version of the F-SozU. Content validity was evaluated using the two-round Delphi method. Psychometric properties, including item analysis, content validity, structure validity, convergent and discriminant validity and reliability were examined.
    RESULTS: The final version of C-F-SozU is a three-factor structure consisting of 23 items. All indicators of item analysis are acceptable. Adequate content validity was ensured by the expert panel (I-CVI = 0.80-1.00, S-CVI = 0.965) and participants. The confirmatory factor analysis model revealed that the factor structure of the C-F-SozU fitted the original scale (χ 2 /df = 2.088, CFI = 0.998, GFI = 0.943, TLI = 0.997, IFI = 0.998, RMSEA = 0.064 and SRMR = 0.043). The total Cronbach\'s α was 0.956, and the test-retest reliability coefficient was 0.887. The convergent validity (average variance extracted = 0.517-0.995) and discriminant validity were found to be satisfactory. No floor/ceiling effect was found.
    CONCLUSIONS: The 23-item C-F-SozU demonstrates robust reliability and validity, rendering it a valuable instrument for evaluating social support among older adults with chronic diseases in China. The three-factor structure of the scale allows for a more detailed assessment of the social support, with the scores of each dimension and the total score being of significant reference value. More comprehensive studies may be required to confirm its effectiveness and applicability.





