Conditioning, Operant

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Modern living is characterized by easy access to highly palatable energy-dense foods. Environmental cues associated with palatable foods increase seeking of those foods (specific transfer) and other palatable foods (general transfer). We conducted a series of studies testing the boundaries of food cue-reactivity by evaluating the impact of broader flavor associations (i.e. saltiness, sweetness) in eliciting general transfer effects. Experiment 1 was an online experiment with fictive rewards that tested if two actions associated with different food rewards (chip and chocolate points) could be provoked by images of other foods that were either similar or distinct in flavor from the foods associated with these instrumental actions. We observed that response excitation was only elicited by similarly flavored food cues, whereas distinctly flavored food cues inhibited response rates relative to control cues. Experiment 2 confirmed this observation in a classroom setting where real food rewards were contingent on task performance. Experiment 3 was an online study that further confirmed the reliability of the effects with a well powered sample. There were moderate-to-strong associations between specific and general transfer effects across all studies, suggesting overlapping cognitive processes are responsible for both transfer effects. These data improve the mechanistic understanding of how broad category associations can moderate the impact of food cues on food choices. This knowledge could be helpful for improving the precision of psychological interventions that seek to mitigate the impact of food cue-reactivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Precisely tracking time over second-long timescales is important for accurate anticipation and consequential actions, yet the neurobiological underpinnings remain unknown. In this issue of Neuron, Garcia-Garcia and colleagues1 show that computations in the cerebellum resulting from interactions between the mossy fiber and climbing fiber pathways contribute to long-interval learning during operant conditioning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding of bird song, a model system for animal communication and the neurobiology of learning, depends critically on making reliable, validated comparisons between the complex multidimensional syllables that are used in songs. However, most assessments of song similarity are based on human inspection of spectrograms, or computational methods developed from human intuitions. Using a novel automated operant conditioning system, we collected a large corpus of zebra finches\' (Taeniopygia guttata) decisions about song syllable similarity. We use this dataset to compare and externally validate similarity algorithms in widely-used publicly available software (Raven, Sound Analysis Pro, Luscinia). Although these methods all perform better than chance, they do not closely emulate the avian assessments. We then introduce a novel deep learning method that can produce perceptual similarity judgements trained on such avian decisions. We find that this new method outperforms the established methods in accuracy and more closely approaches the avian assessments. Inconsistent (hence ambiguous) decisions are a common occurrence in animal behavioural data; we show that a modification of the deep learning training that accommodates these leads to the strongest performance. We argue this approach is the best way to validate methods to compare song similarity, that our dataset can be used to validate novel methods, and that the general approach can easily be extended to other species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    New tasks are often learned in stages with each stage reflecting a different learning challenge. Accordingly, each learning stage is likely mediated by distinct neuronal processes. And yet, most rodent studies of the neuronal correlates of goal-directed learning focus on individual outcome measures and individual brain regions. Here, we longitudinally studied mice from naïve to expert performance in a head-fixed, operant conditioning whisker discrimination task. In addition to tracking the primary behavioral outcome of stimulus discrimination, we tracked and compared an array of object-based and temporal-based behavioral measures. These behavioral analyses identify multiple, partially overlapping learning stages in this task, consistent with initial response implementation, early stimulus-response generalization, and late response inhibition. To begin to understand the neuronal foundations of these learning processes, we performed widefield Ca2+ imaging of dorsal neocortex throughout learning and correlated behavioral measures with neuronal activity. We found distinct and widespread correlations between neocortical activation patterns and various behavioral measures. For example, improvements in sensory discrimination correlated with target stimulus evoked activations of response-related cortices along with distractor stimulus evoked global cortical suppression. Our study reveals multidimensional learning for a simple goal-directed learning task and generates hypotheses for the neuronal modulations underlying these various learning processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endocannabinoid system interacts with the reward system to modulate responsiveness to natural reinforcers, as well as drugs of abuse. Previous preclinical studies suggested that direct blockade of CB1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1R) could be leveraged as a potential pharmacological approach to treat substance use disorder, but this strategy failed during clinical trials due to severe psychiatric side effects. Alternative strategies have emerged to circumvent the side effects of direct CB1 binding through the development of allosteric modulators. We hypothesized that negative allosteric modulation of CB1R signalling would reduce the reinforcing properties of morphine and decrease behaviours associated with opioid misuse. By employing intravenous self-administration in mice, we studied the effects of GAT358, a functionally-biased CB1R negative allosteric modulator (NAM), on morphine intake, relapse-like behaviour and motivation to work for morphine infusions. GAT358 reduced morphine infusion intake during the maintenance phase of morphine self-administration under a fixed ratio 1 schedule of reinforcement. GAT358 also decreased morphine-seeking behaviour after forced abstinence. Moreover, GAT358 dose dependently decreased the motivation to obtain morphine infusions under a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement. Strikingly, GAT358 did not affect the motivation to work for food rewards in an identical progressive ratio task, suggesting that the effect of GAT358 in decreasing opioid self-administration was reward specific. Furthermore, GAT58 did not produce motor ataxia in the rotarod test. Our results suggest that CB1R NAMs reduced the reinforcing properties of morphine and could represent a viable therapeutic route to safely decrease misuse of opioids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ABA renewal effect occurs when behavior is trained in one context (A), extinguished in a second context (B), and the test occurs in the training context (A). Two mechanisms that explain ABA renewal are context summation at the test and contextual modulation of extinction learning, with the former being unlikely if both contexts have a similar associative history. In two experiments, we used within-subjects designs in which participants learned to avoid a loud noise (unconditioned stimulus) signaled by discrete visual stimuli (conditioned stimuli [CSs]), by pressing the space bar on the computer keyboard. The training was conducted in two contexts, with a different pair of CSs (CS+ and CS-) trained in each context. During extinction, CS+ and CS- stimuli were presented in the alternative context from that of training, and participants were allowed to freely respond, but no loud noise was presented. Finally, all CSs were tested in both contexts, resulting in a within-subjects ABA versus ABB comparison. Across experiments, participants increased avoidance responses during training and decreased them during extinction, although Experiment 2 revealed less extinction. During the test, responding was higher when CS+ were tested in the training context (ABA) versus the extinction context (ABB), revealing the renewal of instrumental avoidance. Experiment 2 also measured expectancy after the avoidance test and revealed a remarkable similarity between avoidance responses and expectancy ratings. This study shows the renewal of instrumental avoidance in humans, and the results suggest the operation of a modulatory role for the context in renewal, similar to the occasion setting of extinction learning by the context. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid, ASA), one of the widely used non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs can easily end up in sewage effluents and thus it becomes necessary to investigate the effects of aspirin on behaviour of aquatic organisms. Previous studies in mammals have shown ASA to alter fear and anxiety-like behaviours. In the great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis, ASA has been shown to block a \'sickness state\' induced by lipopolysaccharide injection which upregulates immune and stress-related genes thus altering behavioural responses. In Lymnaea, eliciting physiological stress may enhance memory formation or block its retrieval depending on the stimulus type and intensity. Here we examine whether ASA will alter two forms of associative-learning memory in crayfish predator-experienced Lymnaea when ASA exposure accompanies predator-cue-induced stress during the learning procedure. The two trainings procedures are: 1) operant conditioning of aerial respiration; and 2) a higher form of learning, called configural learning, which here is dependent on evoking a fear response. We show here that ASA alone does not alter homeostatic aerial respiration, feeding behaviour or long-term memory (LTM) formation of operantly conditioned aerial respiration. However, ASA blocked the enhancement of LTM formation normally elicited by training snails in predator cue. ASA also blocked configural learning, which makes use of the fear response elicited by the predator cue. Thus, ASA alters how Lymnaea responds cognitively to predator detection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing rates of drug misuse highlight the urgency of identifying improved therapeutics for treatment. Most drug-seeking behaviours that can be modelled in rodents utilize the repeated intravenous self-administration (SA) of drugs. Recent studies examining the mesolimbic pathway suggest that Kv7/KCNQ channels may contribute to the transition from recreational to chronic drug use. However, to date, all such studies used noncontingent, experimenter-delivered drug model systems, and the extent to which this effect generalizes to rats trained to self-administer drugs is not known. Here, we tested the ability of retigabine (ezogabine), a Kv7 channel opener, to regulate instrumental behaviour in male Sprague Dawley rats. We first validated the ability of retigabine to target experimenter-delivered cocaine in a conditioned place preference (CPP) assay and found that retigabine reduced the acquisition of place preference. Next, we trained rats for cocaine-SA under a fixed-ratio or progressive-ratio reinforcement schedule and found that retigabine pretreatment attenuated the SA of low to moderate doses of cocaine. This was not observed in parallel experiments, with rats self-administering sucrose, a natural reward. Compared with sucrose-SA, cocaine-SA was associated with reductions in the expression of the Kv7.5 subunit in the nucleus accumbens, without alterations in Kv7.2 and Kv7.3. Therefore, these studies reveal a reward-specific reduction in SA behaviour and support the notion that Kv7 is a potential therapeutic target for human psychiatric diseases with dysfunctional reward circuitry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Incubation of craving is a phenomenon describing the intensification of craving for a reward over extended periods of abstinence from reinforcement. Animal models use instrumental markers of craving to reward cues to examine incubation, while human paradigms rely on subjective self-reports. Here, we characterize an animal-inspired, novel human paradigm that showed strong positive relationships between self-reports and instrumental markers of craving for favored palatable foods. Further, we found consistent nonlinear relationships with time since last consumption and self-reports, and preliminary patterns between time and instrumental responses. These findings provide a novel approach to establishing an animal-inspired human model of incubation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individual differences in drug use emerge soon after initial exposure, and only a fraction of individuals who initiate drug use go on to develop a substance use disorder. Variability in vulnerability to establishing drug self-administration behavior is also evident in preclinical rodent models. Latent characteristics that underlie this variability and the relationship between early drug use patterns and later use remain unclear. Here, we attempt to determine whether propensity to establish cocaine self-administration is related to subsequent cocaine self-administration behavior in male Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 14). Prior to initiating training, we evaluated basal locomotor and anxiety-like behavior in a novel open field test. We then trained rats to self-administer cocaine in daily 3 h cocaine (0.75 mg/kg/infusion) self-administration sessions until acquisition criteria (≥30 active lever presses with ≥70 % responding on the active lever in one session) was met and divided rats into Early and Late groups by median-split analysis based on their latency to meet acquisition criteria. After each rat met acquisition criteria, we gave them 10 additional daily cocaine self-administration sessions. We then conducted a progressive ratio, cocaine-induced locomotor sensitivity test, and non-reinforced cocaine seeking test after two weeks of forced abstinence. Early Learners exhibited significantly less locomotion after an acute injection of cocaine, but the groups did not differ in any other behavioral parameter examined. These results indicate that cocaine self-administration acquisition latency is not predictive of subsequent drug-taking behavior, but may be linked to physiological factors like drug sensitivity that can predispose rats to learn the operant task.





