Conditioning, Operant

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding of bird song, a model system for animal communication and the neurobiology of learning, depends critically on making reliable, validated comparisons between the complex multidimensional syllables that are used in songs. However, most assessments of song similarity are based on human inspection of spectrograms, or computational methods developed from human intuitions. Using a novel automated operant conditioning system, we collected a large corpus of zebra finches\' (Taeniopygia guttata) decisions about song syllable similarity. We use this dataset to compare and externally validate similarity algorithms in widely-used publicly available software (Raven, Sound Analysis Pro, Luscinia). Although these methods all perform better than chance, they do not closely emulate the avian assessments. We then introduce a novel deep learning method that can produce perceptual similarity judgements trained on such avian decisions. We find that this new method outperforms the established methods in accuracy and more closely approaches the avian assessments. Inconsistent (hence ambiguous) decisions are a common occurrence in animal behavioural data; we show that a modification of the deep learning training that accommodates these leads to the strongest performance. We argue this approach is the best way to validate methods to compare song similarity, that our dataset can be used to validate novel methods, and that the general approach can easily be extended to other species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    New tasks are often learned in stages with each stage reflecting a different learning challenge. Accordingly, each learning stage is likely mediated by distinct neuronal processes. And yet, most rodent studies of the neuronal correlates of goal-directed learning focus on individual outcome measures and individual brain regions. Here, we longitudinally studied mice from naïve to expert performance in a head-fixed, operant conditioning whisker discrimination task. In addition to tracking the primary behavioral outcome of stimulus discrimination, we tracked and compared an array of object-based and temporal-based behavioral measures. These behavioral analyses identify multiple, partially overlapping learning stages in this task, consistent with initial response implementation, early stimulus-response generalization, and late response inhibition. To begin to understand the neuronal foundations of these learning processes, we performed widefield Ca2+ imaging of dorsal neocortex throughout learning and correlated behavioral measures with neuronal activity. We found distinct and widespread correlations between neocortical activation patterns and various behavioral measures. For example, improvements in sensory discrimination correlated with target stimulus evoked activations of response-related cortices along with distractor stimulus evoked global cortical suppression. Our study reveals multidimensional learning for a simple goal-directed learning task and generates hypotheses for the neuronal modulations underlying these various learning processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The endocannabinoid system interacts with the reward system to modulate responsiveness to natural reinforcers, as well as drugs of abuse. Previous preclinical studies suggested that direct blockade of CB1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1R) could be leveraged as a potential pharmacological approach to treat substance use disorder, but this strategy failed during clinical trials due to severe psychiatric side effects. Alternative strategies have emerged to circumvent the side effects of direct CB1 binding through the development of allosteric modulators. We hypothesized that negative allosteric modulation of CB1R signalling would reduce the reinforcing properties of morphine and decrease behaviours associated with opioid misuse. By employing intravenous self-administration in mice, we studied the effects of GAT358, a functionally-biased CB1R negative allosteric modulator (NAM), on morphine intake, relapse-like behaviour and motivation to work for morphine infusions. GAT358 reduced morphine infusion intake during the maintenance phase of morphine self-administration under a fixed ratio 1 schedule of reinforcement. GAT358 also decreased morphine-seeking behaviour after forced abstinence. Moreover, GAT358 dose dependently decreased the motivation to obtain morphine infusions under a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement. Strikingly, GAT358 did not affect the motivation to work for food rewards in an identical progressive ratio task, suggesting that the effect of GAT358 in decreasing opioid self-administration was reward specific. Furthermore, GAT58 did not produce motor ataxia in the rotarod test. Our results suggest that CB1R NAMs reduced the reinforcing properties of morphine and could represent a viable therapeutic route to safely decrease misuse of opioids.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing rates of drug misuse highlight the urgency of identifying improved therapeutics for treatment. Most drug-seeking behaviours that can be modelled in rodents utilize the repeated intravenous self-administration (SA) of drugs. Recent studies examining the mesolimbic pathway suggest that Kv7/KCNQ channels may contribute to the transition from recreational to chronic drug use. However, to date, all such studies used noncontingent, experimenter-delivered drug model systems, and the extent to which this effect generalizes to rats trained to self-administer drugs is not known. Here, we tested the ability of retigabine (ezogabine), a Kv7 channel opener, to regulate instrumental behaviour in male Sprague Dawley rats. We first validated the ability of retigabine to target experimenter-delivered cocaine in a conditioned place preference (CPP) assay and found that retigabine reduced the acquisition of place preference. Next, we trained rats for cocaine-SA under a fixed-ratio or progressive-ratio reinforcement schedule and found that retigabine pretreatment attenuated the SA of low to moderate doses of cocaine. This was not observed in parallel experiments, with rats self-administering sucrose, a natural reward. Compared with sucrose-SA, cocaine-SA was associated with reductions in the expression of the Kv7.5 subunit in the nucleus accumbens, without alterations in Kv7.2 and Kv7.3. Therefore, these studies reveal a reward-specific reduction in SA behaviour and support the notion that Kv7 is a potential therapeutic target for human psychiatric diseases with dysfunctional reward circuitry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Incubation of craving is a phenomenon describing the intensification of craving for a reward over extended periods of abstinence from reinforcement. Animal models use instrumental markers of craving to reward cues to examine incubation, while human paradigms rely on subjective self-reports. Here, we characterize an animal-inspired, novel human paradigm that showed strong positive relationships between self-reports and instrumental markers of craving for favored palatable foods. Further, we found consistent nonlinear relationships with time since last consumption and self-reports, and preliminary patterns between time and instrumental responses. These findings provide a novel approach to establishing an animal-inspired human model of incubation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resurgence is an increase in an extinguished operant response resulting from a worsening of conditions (e.g., extinction) for a more recently reinforced alternative behavior. Previous research has shown that exposure to cycles of alternative reinforcement available versus unavailable (i.e., on/off alternative reinforcement) across sessions can reduce subsequent resurgence. Most previous assessments of the procedure have examined target operant responding during only single-session resurgence tests, and it remains unclear if exposure to relatively few cycles of on/off alternative reinforcement can maintain low rates of target behavior across extended exposure to extinction. This experiment with rats examined the effects of 4 or 8 cycles of on/off alternative reinforcement on subsequent resurgence during a 10-session extinction test. The results show that exposure to 4 cycles of on/off alternative reinforcement is as effective as 8 cycles in producing low rates of target behavior during treatment and across extended extinction. This result is consistent with extant theories of resurgence and suggests that on/off alternative reinforcement could have translational utility following relatively few cycles of exposure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Compulsive behaviour may often be triggered by Pavlovian cues. Assessing how Pavlovian cues drive instrumental behaviour in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is therefore crucial to understand how compulsions develop and are maintained. An aversive Pavlovian-to-Instrumental transfer (PIT) paradigm, particularly one involving avoidance/cancellation of negative outcomes, can enable such investigation and has not previously been studied in clinical-OCD. Forty-one participants diagnosed with OCD (21 adults; 20 youths) and 44 controls (21 adults; 23 youths) completed an aversive PIT task. Participants had to prevent the delivery of unpleasant noises by moving a joystick in the correct direction. They could infer these correct responses by learning appropriate response-outcome (instrumental) and stimulus-outcome (Pavlovian) associations. We then assessed whether Pavlovian cues elicited specific instrumental avoidance responses (specific PIT) and induced general instrumental avoidance (general PIT). We investigated whether task learning and confidence indices influenced PIT strength differentially between groups. There was no overall group difference in PIT performance, although youths with OCD showed weaker specific PIT than youth controls. However, urge to avoid unpleasant noises and preference for safe over unsafe stimuli influenced specific and general PIT respectively in OCD, while PIT in controls was more influenced by confidence in instrumental and Pavlovian learning. Thus, in OCD, implicit motivational factors, but not learnt knowledge, may contribute to the successful integration of aversive Pavlovian and instrumental cues. This implies that compulsive avoidance may be driven by these automatic processes. Youths with OCD show deficits in specific PIT, suggesting cue integration impairments are only apparent in adolescence. These findings may be clinically relevant as they emphasise the importance of targeting such implicit motivational processes when treating OCD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Social behaviour plays a key role in mental health and wellbeing, and developing greater understanding of mechanisms underlying social interaction-particularly social motivation-holds substantial transdiagnostic impact. Common rodent behavioural assays used to assess social behaviour are limited in their assessment of social motivation, whereas the social operant conditioning model can provide unique and valuable insights into social motivation. Further characterisation of common experimental parameters that may influence social motivation within the social operant model, as well as complementary methodological and analytical approaches, are warranted.
    METHODS: This study investigated the effects of biological sex, housing condition, and time-of-day, on social motivation using the social operant model. This involved training rats to lever press (FR1) for 60-s access to a social reward (same-sex conspecific stimulus). Subjects were male and female Wistar rats, housed under individual or paired conditions, and sessions were conducted either in the mid-late light phase (ZT6-10) or early-mid dark phase (ZT13-17). A behavioural economics approach was implemented to measure social demand and the influence of stimulus partner sex (same- vs. opposite-sex stimulus) on social operant responding. Additionally, video tracking analyses were conducted to assess the degree of convergence between social appetitive and consummatory behaviours.
    RESULTS: Biological sex, housing conditions, the interaction between sex and housing, and stimulus partner sex potently influenced social motivation, whereas time-of-day did not. Behavioural economics demonstrated that sex, housing, and their interaction influence both the hedonic set-point and elasticity of social demand. Video analysis of social interaction during social operant sessions revealed that social appetitive and consummatory behaviours are not necessarily convergent, and indicate potential social satiety. Lastly, oestrus phase of female experimental and stimulus rats did not impact social motivation within the model.
    CONCLUSIONS: Social isolation-dependent sex differences exist in social motivation for rats, as assessed by social operant conditioning. The social operant model represents an optimal preclinical assay that comprehensively evaluates social motivation and offers a platform for future investigations of neurobiological mechanisms underlying sex differences in social motivation. These findings highlight the importance of continued consideration and inclusion of sex as a biological variable in future social operant conditioning studies. Humans are social creatures-our everyday interactions with others and the support this provides play a key role in our wellbeing. For those experiencing mental health conditions, people\'s motivation to engage with others can wane, which can lead them to withdraw from those who support them. Therefore, to develop better treatment strategies for these conditions, we need to gain a deeper understanding of social motivation. Studying social behaviour in animals can facilitate this investigation of social motivation as it allows for a causal understanding of underlying neurobiology that is not possible in human experiments. An optimal way to study social motivation in animals is using the social operant conditioning model, where rats learn to press a lever that opens a door and allows them to interact with another rat for a short time. This study characterised the social operant model by testing whether sex, housing conditions, time-of-day, and the sex of the stimulus partner influence rats\' motivation to seek interaction with another rat. We found that female rats were more socially motivated than males, and that rats living alone were more motivated than those living with another rat; interestingly, this effect of housing affected females more than males. Regardless of sex, rats were more motivated to interact with a rat of the opposite sex. These findings provide insights into sex differences in social motivation in rats and new insights into the social operant model which will help guide future research into social motivation and other mental health conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The electrophysiological response to rewards recorded during laboratory tasks has been well documented, yet little is known about the neural response patterns in a more naturalistic setting. Here, we combined a mobile-EEG system with an augmented reality headset to record event-related brain potentials (ERPs) while participants engaged in a naturalistic operant task to find rewards. Twenty-five participants were asked to navigate toward a west or east goal location marked by floating orbs, and once participants reached the goal location, the orb would then signify a reward (5 cents) or no-reward (0 cents) outcome. Following the outcome, participants returned to a start location marked by floating purple rings, and once standing in the middle, a 3 s counter signaled the next trial, for a total of 200 trials. Consistent with previous research, reward feedback evoked the reward positivity, an ERP component believed to index the sensitivity of the anterior cingulate cortex to reward prediction error signals. The reward positivity peaked ∼230 ms with a maximal at channel FCz (M = -0.695 μV, ±0.23) and was significantly different than zero (p < 0.01). Participants took ∼3.38 s to reach the goal location and exhibited a general lose-shift (68.3% ±3.5) response strategy and posterror slowing. Overall, these novel findings provide support for the idea that combining mobile-EEG with augmented reality technology is a feasible solution to enhance the ecological validity of human electrophysiological studies of goal-directed behavior and a step toward a new era of human cognitive neuroscience research that blurs the line between laboratory and reality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The nucleus accumbens (NAc) is thought to contribute to motivated behavior by signaling the value of reward-predicting cues and the delivery of anticipated reward. The NAc is subdivided into core and shell, with each region containing different populations of neurons that increase or decrease firing to rewarding events. While there are numerous theories of functions pertaining to these subregions and cell types, most are in the context of reward processing, with fewer considering that the NAc might serve functions related to action selection more generally. We recorded from single neurons in the NAc as rats of both sexes performed a STOP-change task that is commonly used to study motor control and impulsivity. In this task, rats respond quickly to a spatial cue on 80% of trials (GO) and must stop and redirect planned movement on 20% of trials (STOP). We found that the activity of reward-excited neurons signaled accurate response direction on GO, but not STOP, trials and that these neurons exhibited higher precue firing after correct trials. In contrast, reward-inhibited neurons significantly represented response direction on STOP trials at the time of the instrumental response. Finally, the proportion of reward-excited to reward-inhibited neurons and the strength of precue firing decreased as the electrode traversed the NAc. We conclude that reward-excited cells (more common in core) promote proactive action selection, while reward-inhibited cells (more common in shell) contribute to accurate responding on STOP trials that require reactive suppression and redirection of behavior.





