
  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    BACKGROUND: The study of parasites provides insight into intricate ecological relationships in ecosystem dynamics, food web structures, and evolution on multiple scales. Hepatozoon Eucoccidiorida: Hepatozoidae) is a genus of protozoan hemoparasites with heteroxenous life cycles that switch infections between vertebrates and blood-feeding invertebrates. The most comprehensive review of the genus was published 26 years ago, and currently there are no harmonized data on the epizootiology, diagnostics, genotyping methods, evolutionary relationships, and genetic diversity of Hepatozoon in the Americas.
    METHODS: Here, we provide a comprehensive review based on the PRISMA method regarding Hepatozoon in wild mammals within the American continent, in order to generate a framework for future research.
    RESULTS: 11 out of the 35 countries of the Americas (31.4%) had data on Hepatozoon, with Carnivora and Rodentia orders having the most characterizations. Bats, ungulates, and shrews were the least affected groups. While Hepatozoon americanum, H. americanum-like, H. canis, H. didelphydis, H. felis, H. milleri, H. griseisciuri, and H. procyonis correspond to the identified species, a plethora of genospecies is pending for a formal description combining morphology and genetics. Most of the vectors of Hepatozoon in the Americas are unknown, but some flea, mite, and tick species have been confirmed. The detection of Hepatozoon has relied mostly on conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and the implementation of specific real time PCR for the genus needs to be employed to improve its diagnosis in wild animals in the future. From a genetic perspective, the V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene has been widely sequenced for the identification of Hepatozoon in wild animals. However, mitochondrial and apicoplast markers should also be targeted to truly determine different species in the genus. A phylogenetic analysis of herein retrieved 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences showed two main clades of Hepatozoon: Clade I associated with small mammals, birds, and herpetozoa, and Clade II associated with Carnivora. The topology of the tree is also reflected in the haplotype network.
    CONCLUSIONS: Finally, our review emphasizes Hepatozoon as a potential disease agent in threatened wild mammals and the role of wild canids as spreaders of Hepatozoon infections in the Americas.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The aim of this scoping review was to describe the zoonotic bacterial pathogens already reported and their frequency in different bat species. Six databases were searched, without restriction on the year or location where the studies were carried out. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 146 studies that were published between 1964 and 2020 (most after 2005) were selected. In these studies, 102 zoonotic bacterial genera were described in different samples of fourteen bat families in 55 countries, suggesting the possible role of bats as hosts for these pathogens. The pathogens mainly identified in bats were Bartonella spp., Leptospira spp. and Staphylococcus spp. In conclusion, the information provided by this scoping review expands the knowledge about zoonotic bacterial pathogens already identified in bats, which can guide epidemiological surveillance policies for these pathogens in different countries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Arthropods parasites of bats play a crucial role in both ecological and public health contexts, as they have the potential to transmit zoonotic agents. The study aims to identify the distribution, and host-parasite associations of bat ectoparasites in the Grand Maghreb region (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia), which has been largely understudied.
    METHODS: A thorough analysis of published records was conducted and we included our own field data.
    RESULTS: The checklist reveals a total of 43 ectoparasite species, encompassing a range of taxa. The list comprises 9 tick species, 11 mite species (including a chigger-mite), 11 bat fly species, 3 species of bugs, and 9 species of fleas. Extensive research efforts uncovered 141 host-parasite associations. Our data presents several new country records, documenting for the first time the presence of Carios vespertilionis and Raymondia huberi in Tunisia, Ixodes simplex and Spinturnix plecotinus in Algeria.
    CONCLUSIONS: By compiling and analysing available information, we have provided for the first time an up-to-date checklist of bat ectoparasites and their host associations in the region. This knowledge contributes to a better understanding of the epidemiological implications associated with bat ectoparasites, emphasizing their ecological and public health importance. The study\'s findings call for continued investigations and monitoring of bat ectoparasites to mitigate potential risks and safeguard both human and animal populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Africa experiences frequent emerging disease outbreaks among humans, with bats often proposed as zoonotic pathogen hosts. We comprehensively reviewed virus-bat findings from papers published between 1978 and 2020 to evaluate the evidence that African bats are reservoir and/or bridging hosts for viruses that cause human disease. We present data from 162 papers (of 1322) with original findings on (1) numbers and species of bats sampled across bat families and the continent, (2) how bats were selected for study inclusion, (3) if bats were terminally sampled, (4) what types of ecological data, if any, were recorded and (5) which viruses were detected and with what methodology. We propose a scheme for evaluating presumed virus-host relationships by evidence type and quality, using the contrasting available evidence for Orthoebolavirus versus Orthomarburgvirus as an example. We review the wording in abstracts and discussions of all 162 papers, identifying key framing terms, how these refer to findings, and how they might contribute to people\'s beliefs about bats. We discuss the impact of scientific research communication on public perception and emphasize the need for strategies that minimize human-bat conflict and support bat conservation. Finally, we make recommendations for best practices that will improve virological study metadata.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    A wide variety of mammals, including domestic and wild species, have been considered potential hosts and reservoirs for Leishmania. Bats have longevity, dispersal capacity, and adaptability to synotropic environments, characteristics that may favor their role in maintaining the life cycle of parasites. Therefore, the objective of this study was to carry out a worldwide systematic review of the occurrence of Leishmania species in bats, as well as to identify associations between eating habits and the type of sample collected with the occurrence of the infection. Data were obtained from a bibliographic search for studies that used molecular methods to identify parasites, employing the keywords \"bats\" AND \"Leishmania\" and their synonyms. We found 68 original studies, of which 20 were included in this review. Most studies were conducted in Brazil (60 %) and only 10 % were conducted in Old World countries. In all, 48 bat species were recorded that hosted seven Leishmania species, resulting in 62 different host-parasite interactions, and the Leishmania infantum interaction with bat species presented higher frequency. There was no significant difference between Leishmania species richness, infection percentage, and type of sample analyzed, but in general, it is observed that the use of different biological samples seems to expand the possibility of parasite detection. The patterns observed here indicate that bats can become infected with a wide variety of Leishmania species and likely play an important role in maintaining the parasite\'s life cycle. Thus, we suggest that studies aimed at understanding the transmission cycle of leishmaniasis include the investigation of bats as potential hosts or reservoirs of Leishmania.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Co-infection is an underappreciated phenomenon in contemporary disease ecology despite its ubiquity and importance in nature. Viruses, and other co-infecting agents, can interact in ways that shape host and agent communities, influence infection dynamics, and drive evolutionary selective pressures. Bats are host to many viruses of zoonotic potential and have drawn increasing attention in their role as wildlife reservoirs for human spillover. However, the role of co-infection in driving viral transmission dynamics within bats is unknown. Here, we systematically review peer-reviewed literature reporting viral co-infections in bats. We show that viral co-infection is common in bats but is often only reported as an incidental finding. Biases identified in our study database related to virus and host species were pre-existing in virus studies of bats generally. Studies largely speculated on the role co-infection plays in viral recombination and few investigated potential drivers or impacts of co-infection. Our results demonstrate that current knowledge of co-infection in bats is an ad hoc by-product of viral discovery efforts, and that future targeted co-infection studies will improve our understanding of the role it plays. Adding to the broader context of co-infection studies in other wildlife species, we anticipate our review will inform future co-infection study design and reporting in bats. Consideration of detection strategy, including potential viral targets, and appropriate analysis methodology will provide more robust results and facilitate further investigation of the role of viral co-infection in bat reservoirs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the last few decades, bat lyssaviruses have become the topic of intensive molecular and epidemiological investigations. Since ancient times, rhabdoviruses have caused fatal encephalitis in humans which has led to research into effective strategies for their eradication. Modelling of potential future cross-species virus transmissions forms a substantial component of the recent infection biology of rabies. In this article, we summarise the available data on the phylogeography of both bats and lyssaviruses in Europe and the adjacent reg ions, especially in the contact zone between the Palearctic and Ethiopian realms. Within these zones, three bat families are present with high potential for cross-species transmission and the spread of lyssaviruses in Phylogroup II to Europe (part of the western Palearctic). The lack of effective therapies for rabies viruses in Phylogroup II and the most divergent lyssaviruses generates impetus for additional phylogenetic and virological research within this geographical region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urban parks play an important role in urban ecosystems with multifunctional services. Park size is one of the important attributes to explain the potential capacity of urban parks. In recent years, the number of studies that focus on the relationship between park size and ecosystem services in the context of ecosystem services has been increasing. This study aims to focus on investigating the relationship between ecosystem services and urban park size. The Web of Science online databases were searched using the keywords \"green space\", \"size\" and \"urban\" as well as related terms. A total of 129 papers meeting the inclusion criteria were examined within the scope of the research aims. The results obtained from the systematic search were summarized and presented in the three categories with sub-categories: (i) cultural services with sub-categories of physical activity (n = 42) and housing prices (n = 10), (ii) supporting services with sub-categories of fauna (n = 44), and flora (n = 3) and (iii) regulating services with sub-categories of microclimate (n = 25) and air quality (n = 5). The results indicated that park size influences a wide range of services by providing more spaces for physical activities, increasing housing prices, creating habitats for birds, insects, and bats, and effects on their richness, diversity and density, increasing the cooling effect capacity and reducing air pollution of urban parks. In conclusion, a comprehensive approach is needed, recognizing the potential of both large and small green spaces to optimize ecosystem services delivery, promote resilience, and enhance urban well-being. This includes considering supply and demand aspects and improving measurement methods. Furthermore, exploring optimal improvements across diverse park sizes remains a promising avenue for research, contributing to the development of more efficient urban green spaces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bats of Greece have been studied since the second half of the 19th century. Their distribution and ecology, however, remain poorly understood. Conservation efforts for the protection of the roosting and foraging habitats of their populations in Greece are limited. To date, 35 bat species have been recorded from Greece. Four species (Eptesicus anatolicus, Plecotus auritus, Myotis brandtii and Rousettus aegyptiacus) have a limited distribution in the country and the presence of one species (Myotis mystacinus) requires verification. The present study summarises all existing knowledge and adds several hundred new records on the distribution of bats of Greece. Additionally, it provides a summary of new insights on various aspects of their roosting ecology, foraging habitat use, altitudinal distribution, winter activity and landscape characteristics around major roosts. Finally, it discusses the current research and conservation needs of Greek bats.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mist nets are one of the most widely used techniques in the study of birds and bats worldwide. However, a number of risks are involved, including opportunistic predation. Given this potential cost, here we: (1) review the global literature to understand the factors that might contribute to predation risk for birds and bats captured in mist nets; (2) review existing guidelines for best practice use of mist nets; and (3) based on our reviews, recommend new guidelines for the use of mist nets to minimize the risk of opportunistic predation. Based on keyword in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French, and using Google Scholar, Scopus, SciElo, and Web of Science, we found 48 articles reporting opportunistic predation. In the included articles, 178 predation events, involving 52 predator and 84 prey species, were reported. In most of the reports, the mist nets were placed at ground level, the bats and birds were preyed on from the shelf closest to the ground, the mist-net checks occurred at intervals of 1 h or 30 min and the most common predators were arboreal and scansorial species (primates and marsupials). Despite the occurrences of predation in 13 countries, guidelines for best practice mist-net use were found in only three, despite extensive searches and contact with key people in each country. Based on the existing guidelines and our results, we recommend that mist nets be fixed with the lowest shelf at least 50 cm above ground level and be checked at 15-min intervals; when predators are observed near mist nets, the nets either be constantly observed, closed, or relocated; suppressed the vegetation around the mist nets; captured animals be removed from the mist nets as soon as possible, and more than one researcher/technician should be in the field at all times.





