
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multiple sex chromosomes usually arise from chromosomal rearrangements which involve ancestral sex chromosomes. There is a fundamental condition to be met for their long-term fixation: the meiosis must function, leading to the stability of the emerged system, mainly concerning the segregation of the sex multivalent. Here, we sought to analyze the degree of differentiation and meiotic pairing properties in the selected fish multiple sex chromosome system present in the wolf-fish Hoplias malabaricus (HMA). This species complex encompasses seven known karyotype forms (karyomorphs) where the karyomorph C (HMA-C) exhibits a nascent XY sex chromosomes from which the multiple X1X2Y system evolved in karyomorph HMA-D via a Y-autosome fusion. We combined genomic and cytogenetic approaches to analyze the satellite DNA (satDNA) content in the genome of HMA-D karyomorph and to investigate its potential contribution to X1X2Y sex chromosome differentiation. We revealed 56 satDNA monomers of which the majority was AT-rich and with repeat units longer than 100 bp. Seven out of 18 satDNA families chosen for chromosomal mapping by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) formed detectable accumulation in at least one of the three sex chromosomes (X1, X2 and neo-Y). Nine satDNA monomers showed only two hybridization signals limited to HMA-D autosomes, and the two remaining ones provided no visible FISH signals. Out of seven satDNAs located on the HMA-D sex chromosomes, five mapped also to XY chromosomes of HMA-C. We showed that after the autosome-Y fusion event, the neo-Y chromosome has not substantially accumulated or eliminated satDNA sequences except for minor changes in the centromere-proximal region. Finally, based on the obtained FISHpatterns, we speculate on the possible contribution of satDNA to sex trivalent pairing and segregation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The practice of hybridization is carried out globally in fish farms. Here, we present the first record of the parasitic fauna of hybrids among genus Colossoma and Piaractus in natural environments. We identified a total of 48 hybrids, nine F1 hybrids (nuclear DNA from both species present in the cross) and 38 advanced hybrids (nuclear DNA from one species), both from crosses between Piaractus brachypomus and Piaractus mesopotamicus, and one F1 \"tambacu\" corresponding to cross between Colossoma macropomum and Piaractus mesopotamicus. This is the first record of Anacanthorus penilabiatus, Anacanthorus toledoensis, Mymarothecium viatorum, Mymarothecium ianwhittington, Haementeria sp., Dadaytrema oxycephala, Rondonia rondoni, and Echinorhynchus gomesi parasitizing hybrids collected in a natural environment. With this, we expand knowledge about the diversity of fish and parasites in the upper Paraná River and warn about the risk that fish escapes can cause in the basin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In aquaculture worldwide, most of the chemotherapeutic agents used for disease control and treatment are unregulated chemical products derived from agriculture. In this study, we investigated the efficacy of therapeutic baths with albendazole against the monogeneans Anacanthorus spathulatus, Notozothecium janauachensis and Mymarothecium boegeri, which infest the gills of Colossoma macropomum, and the hematological and histopathological effects of this anthelmintic agent on these fish. Albendazole at a concentration of 500 mg/L was used in three baths of 24 hours each, with intervals of 24 hours between these baths. Three replications of this treatment were used, and the control group consisted of water from the cultivation tank. Afterwards, hematological, histopathological and parasitological analyses were conducted. We found that the therapeutic baths with albendazole at 500 mg/L presented high efficacy (94.9%) against monogeneans de C. macropomum and caused few physiological or histopathological alterations. Therefore, baths with albendazole at 500 mg/L, as used in this strategy, can be recommended for controlling and treating infections by monogeneans in C. macropomum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Comparative mitogenomics and its evolutionary relationships within Bryconidae remains largely unexplored. To bridge this gap, this study assembled 15 mitogenomes from 11 Bryconidae species, including five newly sequenced. Salminus mitogenomes, exceeding 17,700 bp, exhibited the largest size, contrasting with a median size of 16,848 bp in the remaining species (Brycon and Chilobrycon). These mitogenomes encode 37 typical mitochondrial genes, including 13 protein-coding, 2 ribosomal RNA, and 22 transfer RNA genes, and exhibit the conserved gene arrangement found in most fish species. Phylogenetic relationships, based on the maximum-likelihood method, revealed that the trans-Andean species (found in northwestern South America) clustered into two main sister clades. One clade comprised the trans-Andean species from the Pacific slope, Brycon chagrensis and Chilobrycon deuterodon. The other clade grouped the trans-Andean species from the Magdalena-Cauca Basin Brycon moorei and Salminus affinis, with their respective cis-Andean congeners (found in eastern South America), with Brycon rubricauda as its sister clade. Since the current members of Brycon are split in three separated lineages, the systematic classification of Bryconidae requires further examination. This study provides novel insights into mitogenome characteristics and evolutionary pathways within Bryconidae, standing as crucial information for prospective phylogenetic and taxonomic studies, molecular ecology, and provides a valuable resource for environmental DNA applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The coastal lagoons of the Tramandaí River basin are dynamic ecosystems characterized by high biodiversity. They provide important ecosystem services, such as water supply for human consumption, industry, agriculture, animal husbandry, leisure activities, tourism and fishing. Constant increases in the human population and the use and occupation of the land around the lagoons has brought growing demands for their resources, resulting in increased pressure that compromises these ecosystems. Understanding how biological populations respond to these anthropogenic pressures is essential. This study examined whether the degree of urbanization around 23 lagoons in the Tramandaí River basin influences the size and biomass of the characid fish species Diapoma alburnum. Specimens were collected between 2009 and 2012 using standardized drag nets. All specimens were measured for standard length to determine average length (size) per lagoon, while all fish collected per lagoon were weighed together to determine average biomass per lagoon by dividing by the number of specimens. Urbanization around the lagoons was measured using satellite images representing artificial nocturnal light as a proxy for urbanization. Nocturnal light intensity was measured within 1 km, 3 km, and 5 km buffers around each lagoon. The resulting urbanization index ranged 6 - 44% for the 5 km buffer, from 3 - 55% for the 3 km buffer and 1 - 65% for the 1 km buffer. Regression analyses showed a significant positive relationship with increasing urbanization around lagoons for D. alburnum average biomass in the 3 km and 5 km buffers and for D. alburnum average length in the 3 km buffer. Although urbanization around the lagoons is not fully established, the results indicate its impact on the size and biomass of D. alburnum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study evaluated the digestibility of whole mango (Mangifera indica) meal (WMM) and determined the growth performance, intestinal enzyme activity, and metabolic and hematologic responses of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) juveniles fed diets containing different proportions of corn meal (CM) substitution by WMM. Fish fed with graded levels of WMM (0 (control), 80, 160, 240, and 320 g kg diet-1), replacing part of the dietary CM. The apparent digestibility coefficients of WMM were above 96%. Diets with WMM did not affect growth performance or intestinal enzyme activity. However, they showed a positive linear effect on plasma glucose, amino acids, and albumin levels and a negative linear effect on hepatic aspartate aminotransferase activity and hepatic glycogen, plasma cholesterol, and hemoglobin levels. Increased erythrocyte values and decreased plasma triglyceride levels were verified in fish fed 80 and 160 g WMM kg diet-1. In conclusion, the WMM may be a viable alternative to the tambaqui juveniles\' diet, and WMM could replace up to 16% of CM without harming the growth and health of tambaqui juveniles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to describe Plenivitellinum kifi n. gen., n. sp. (Digenea: Azygiidae) infecting the gastrointestinal tract of the African tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus Castelnau, 1861 (Characiformes: Alestidae) in the Kavango River, Namibia. We revise the diagnosis of Azygiidae Lühe, 1909 to accommodate this new species.
    METHODS: The worm was heat-killed, fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, stained in Van Cleave\'s and Ehrlich\'s hematoxylins, cleared in clove oil, and mounted on glass slide using Canada balsam.
    RESULTS: The new azygiid resembles species of Otodistomum Stafford, 1904 by having an elongate body, a ventral sucker that is wider than the oral sucker and that is in the anterior half of the body, a pre-testicular ovary, a uterus that primarily occupies the inter-caecal space between the ovary and the ventral sucker, and a vitellarium that is restricted to the hindbody and that is confluent posteriorly in the post-testicular region. The new genus differs from all species of Azygiidae by having the combination of a ventral sucker that is wider than the oral sucker (vs. narrower), an elongate prostatic sac that extends posteriad to near the posterior margin of the ventral sucker (vs. an ovoid prostatic sac that is wholly anterior to or slightly overlaps the anterior margin of the ventral sucker), a vitellarium that nearly fills the post-testicular space and that extends posteriad beyond the caecal tips (vs. a vitellarium that is separate posteriorly or that is restricted to the anterior half of the post-testicular space and does not extend posteriad beyond the caecal tips), and an I-shaped excretory bladder (vs. Y-shaped).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study documents the first record of an azygiid from Africa and the first record of an azygiid infecting a characiform fish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of anesthetic agents in the management of fish in fish farming or ornamental fish breeding aims to minimize stress and promote animal welfare. Therefore, this study aims to investigate behavioral, electrocardiographic, and ventilatory characteristics of tambaquis exposed to anesthetic baths with etomidate. The study was conducted with juvenile tambaquis (27.38 ± 3.5g) n = 99, at etomidate concentrations of 2-4 mg.L -1, analyzing induction and anesthetic recovery behavior (experiment I), electrocardiogram (experiment II), and opercular movement (experiment III). Fish exposed to high concentrations of etomidate reached the stage of general anesthesia faster, however, the recovery time was longer, characterizing a dose-dependent relationship. Cardiorespiratory analyzes demonstrated a reduction in heart rate (69.19%) and respiratory rate (40.70%) depending on the concentration of etomidate used during anesthetic induction. During the recovery period, there was cardiorespiratory reversibility to normality. Therefore, etomidate proved to be safe as an anesthetic agent for this species at concentrations of 2 to 3 mg.L -1 for short-term anesthesia, but at higher doses the animals showed slow reversibility of anesthesia in a gradual manner and without excitability. The hemodynamic effect due to the rapid decrease in heart rate includes a negative factor of using higher concentrations of etomidate for Colossome macropomum anesthesia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Producers of fish have been looking for viable alternatives for the management of Colossoma macropomum (tambaqui) in confinement systems in order to avoid the harm and subsequent losses caused by parasitic diseases. One alternative used by farmers is pesticides, such as trichlorfon, which has a genotoxic effect. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the changes in gene expression due to the side effects of trichlorfon in tambaqui. Two treatments were used based on LC50-96h of 0.870 mg/L using 30% and 50% trichlorfon with exposure periods of 48, 72 and 96 h. For differential expression of the genes in the liver, real-time PCR was performed for the AChE, GST, CYP2J6, CYP2C8, 18S and GAPDH genes. After 96 h of exposure to trichlorfon, an alteration in the gene expression profile of the antioxidant defense system (GST) of the tambaqui was observed. It was also observed that this organophosphate did not affect the expression of genes related to the isoenzymes that are responsible for the biotransformation of xenobiotics in phase I (2J6 and 2C8) and cholinesterase AChE. It was concluded that the reduction in gene expression of GST suggests a decrease in metabolization capacity in phase II.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study evaluated the hematological, antiparasitic and growth responses in tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) fed with diets supplemented with the microalgae Arthrospira platensis and Chlorella vulgaris (0%; 10% A. platensis; 10% C. vulgaris; and 5% A. platensis+5% C. vulgaris). Tambaqui (n=60, 62.57 ± 8.76 g) were fed for 20 days with experimental diets. Blood samples collection was done to determine hematological parameters, and gills were removed to identify and count monogenetic parasites. Supplementation with A. platensis 10% reduced red blood cells count, in consequence mean corpuscular volume and mean hemoglobin concentration increased. Total leukocyte, monocyte, eosinophil, and basophil counts reduced with the use of A. platensis. Higher monocytes, eosinophil, and basophil numbers in tambaqui fed with diet supplemented with 10% C. vulgaris were observed and may have been due to the presence of immunostimulants in this microalga composition. Reduction on total cholesterol in tambaqui that received both microalgae (A. platensis 5%+C. vulgaris 5%) may indicate that combined supplementation presented greater benefits to the health for C. macropomum than separately. Both microalgae were efficient against monogenetic parasites of tambaqui. Thus, the dietary use of the microalgae A. platensis and C. vulgaris provided immunostimulant and antiparasitic efficacy in C. macropomum.





