
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Pygocentrus contains three valid piranha species (P. cariba, P. nattereri and P. piraya) that are allopatric in tropical and subtropical freshwater environments of South America. This study uses acoustic features to differentiate the three species. Sounds were recorded in P. cariba, two populations of P. nattereri (red- and yellow-bellied) and P. piraya; providing sound description for the first time in P. cariba and P. piraya. Calls of P. cariba were distinct from all the other studied populations. Red- and yellow-bellied P. nattereri calls were different from each other but yellow-bellied P. nattereri calls were similar to those of P. piraya. These observations can be explained by considering that the studied specimens of yellow-bellied P. nattereri have been wrongly identified and are actually a sub-population of P. piraya. Morphological examinations and recent fish field recordings in the Araguari River strongly support our hypothesis. This study shows for the first time that sounds can be used to discover identification errors in the teleost taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Astyanax brucutu is a peculiar species of Neotropical tetra endemic from the Chapada Diamantina, a large plateau in northeastern Brazil. Individuals of this species undergo a dramatic ontogenetic shift in their diet that is accompanied by equally remarkable changes in their feeding apparatus. Whereas juveniles of A. brucutu feed mostly on algae, adults feed almost exclusively on an endemic species of hydrobiid snail and other associated living organisms that inhabit their dead shells (including infaunal invertebrates and algae). Skeletal adaptations associated with this change in diet were previously reported, but until now, the changes in the musculature remained mostly unknown. The present paper describes the facial and gular muscles, as well as the buccal ligaments of A. brucutu in different life stages, and identifies the major ontogenetic changes in these systems associated with the diet shift in the species. Such changes primarily involve expansions of specific portions of the adductor mandibulae and associated tendons and ligaments that likely represent adaptations to increase the biting power necessary to crush copious amounts of shells ingested by larger individuals of A. brucutu. Those adaptations are absent in specimens of any size of Astyanax cf. fasciatus, a sympatric congener lacking durophagous feeding habits. Anatomical comparisons and landmark-based principal components analysis (PCA) suggest that most specializations to durophagy in A. brucutu arose by peramorphosis. We also found that several of the muscular specializations of adults of A. brucutu are paralleled in species of Creagrutus and Piabina, two other characid genera distantly related to Astyanax, but that also feed on hard food items.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytogenetic data showed a variation in diploid chromosome number in the genus Hyphessobrycon ranging from 2n = 46 to 52, and studies involving repetitive DNA sequences are scarce in representatives of this genus. The purpose of this paper was the chromosomal mapping of repetitive sequences (rDNA, histone genes, U snDNA and microsatellites) and investigation of the amplification of 5S rDNA clusters in the Hyphessobrycon eques genome. Two H. eques populations displayed 2n = 52 chromosomes, with the acrocentric pair No. 24 bearing Ag-NORs corresponding with CMA3+/DAPI-. FISH with a 18S rDNA probe identified the NORs on the short (p) arms of the acrocentric pairs Nos. 22 and 24. The 5S rDNA probe visualized signals on almost all chromosomes in genomes of individuals from both populations (40 signals); FISH with H3 histone probe identified two chromosome pairs, with the pericentromeric location of signals; FISH with a U2 snDNA probe identified one chromosome pair bearing signals, on the interstitial chromosomal region. The mononucleotide (A), dinucleotide (CA) and tetranucleotide (GATA) repeats were observed on the centromeric/pericentromeric and/or terminal positions of all chromosomes, while the trinucleotide (CAG) repeat showed signals on few chromosomes. Molecular analysis of 5S rDNA and non-transcribed spacers (NTS) showed microsatellites (GATA and A repeats) and a fragment of retrotransposon (SINE3/5S-Sauria) inside the sequences. This study expanded the available cytogenetic data for H. eques and demonstrated to the dispersion of the 5S rDNA sequences on almost all chromosomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental disasters such as the rupturing of mine tailings dams are a major concern worldwide. In the present study, we assess the effects of the release of mine waste due to the rupture of the Fundão dam on two native fish species (Hoplias intermedius and Hypostomus affinis) from the Doce River basin. Two sampling sites were chosen: S1, a reference site, and S2, contaminated by mining waste. Water and sediment were collected to evaluate metals concentration. Adult fish were caught to analyse biological parameters, hepatic histopathology, and biomarkers of metal contamination. Compared to site S1, the concentration of manganese was statistically higher in water while lead, nickel, and arsenic were statistically higher in the sediment from site S2, and iron had no significant difference between sites. At site S1, fish of both species presented hepatic tissue with normal architecture. At site S2, hepatic alterations, such as cytoplasmic vacuolization and necrosis were frequently found in both species. Regarding the histopathological index, higher values were found in both species from site S2. The positive antibody reactions for cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) and metallothionein (MT) were statistically greater in site S2 for both species. The oxidative stress biomarkers, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) were statistically higher in H. intermedius from site S2, but only CAT was statistically greater in H. affinis at site S2. These results demonstrate that the release of mineral residues from the rupture of the Samarco mine dam is provoking hepatic damage in the fish from the Doce River besides inducing the expression of proteins and enzymes related to metal contamination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of a new, potentially deadly exotic fish resembling the Red Bellied Piranha, Pygocentrus nattereri was reported in India by print media from various aquatic resources. These reports raised dramatic concerns over public health issues and threats to the aquatic biodiversity of India. Considering the potential severity of the issue and concerns raised by the media, we undertook a study to evaluate the reliability of identification reports of the suspected fish, any relationships to other species of piranha and to address any possible threats to the aquatic biodiversity of India. For this study, samples were collected from most of the major river systems and lakes in India and evaluated for taxonomic identifications of the suspect fish and phylogenetic relationships to other fish species. Our results clearly show that the suspect fish is in fact Piaractus brachypomus, a species commonly referred as \"Pacu\", and not the red bellied piranha, P. nattereri. Comparisons of both fish do show striking similarities that may account for the misreporting in the media. Furthermore, P. brachypomusas is still an exotic fish, and as such may still have potentially harmful impacts on the native aquatic fauna of India. Quick attention to this issue and the imposition of control measures, including market bans, should be considered to prevent further loss of biodiversity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cophylogenetic studies aim at testing specific hypotheses to understand the nature of coevolving associations between sets of organisms, such as host and parasites. Monogeneans and their hosts provide and interesting platform for these studies due to their high host specificity. In this context, the objective of the present study was to establish whether the relationship between Anacanthorus spp. with their hosts from the upper Paraná River and its tributaries can be explained by means of cospeciation processes. Nine fish species and 14 monogenean species, most of them host specific, were studied. Partial DNA sequences of the genes RAG1, 16S and COI of the fish hosts and of the genes ITS2, COI and 5.8S of the parasite species were used for phylogenetic reconstruction. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees of the host and parasite species were built and used for analyses of topological congruence with PACo and ParaFit. The program Jane was used to estimate the nature of cospeciation events. The comparison of the two phylogenies revealed high topological congruence between them. Both PACo and ParaFit supported the hypothesis of global cospeciation. Results from Jane pointed to duplications as the most frequent coevolutionary event, followed by cospeciation, whereas duplications followed by host-switching were the least common event in Anacanthorus spp. studied. Host-sharing (spreading) was also identified but only between congeneric host species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    †Sorbinicharax verraesi is a marine teleostean fish from the Upper Cretaceous of Nardò (Italy). It was first attributed to the otophysan order Characiformes, which represents potential evidence for the controversial marine origin of the clade. Through a review of all the available material, we demonstrate that this species is not an otophysan since it lacks key structures that would allow for its inclusion in this group. †Sorbinicharax has a body shape that recalls ground fishes classically assigned to Acanthomorpha. However, no unambiguous feature allows us to relate it to this clade. In fact, the presence of cellular bony tissue supports its exclusion from Eurypterygii. Since no feature permits the definitive attribution of †Sorbinicharax to any teleost group, it remains as Teleostei incertae sedis. We infer that the morphology of †Sorbinicharax indicates a benthic ecology. It displays: an anteriorly wide body with enlarged ribs; large pectoral fins, while anal and dorsal fins are reduced; a large head measuring ¼ of the total body length; and a mouth opening dorsally in a high position. Such morphology was so far undescribed in Nardo. It is surprisingly displayed by a non-eurypterygian teleost fish which means by a fish which does not belong to the clades that diversify since the upper Cretaceous and include the extant families that show ground ecomorphologies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fish species Erythrinus erythrinus belongs to the family Erythrinidae (order Characiformes, superorder Teleostei) and is considered a species complex because of the considerable differences between the karyotypes of analyzed populations. Whereas some populations present a sex chromosome system with male heterogamety, others do not show differentiated sex chromosomes. In this article, two novel karyotypes of E. erythrinus with the occurrence of male and female heterogamety are described, and a discussion of the stability of multiple sex chromosome systems is provided. A possible cause for sex chromosomes instability is that the Robertsonian rearrangements that originated the multiple systems did not prevent recombination with ancestral chromosomes, which also did not pass through a heterochromatinization process, the opposite of what usually happens with simple systems, especially of the ZZ/ZW or XX/XY type. It is suggested that multiple sex chromosome systems would not act as an effective postzygotic barrier, especially when there are hybridization zones between distinct karyomorphs that bear and that do not bear sex chromosome systems, allowing the generation of hybrids. This finding is important both for the comprehension of sex chromosomes evolution in fish and for conservation biology since the contact between populations with and without multiple sex chromosomes may compromise the regional biodiversity.





