
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Right up to now, there has not been an effective or safe therapy for trichinellosis. Thus, this study aimed to determine the efficacy of prophylactic and therapeutic regimens of progesterone and mifepristone on the intestinal and muscular phases of experimental Trichinella spiralis infection compared to albendazole. Seven distinct groups of mice were divided as follows: negative, positive, and drug control groups, as well as prophylactic and treatment groups using mifepristone and progesterone. Mice were sacrificed on the 7th and 37th days after infection. Treatment efficacy was evaluated using parasitological techniques, histopathological examination, immunohistochemical staining, and ultrastructural morphological analysis of adult worms by scanning electron microscopy. The mice groups received progesterone (300 ng/ml) and mifepristone (100 ng/ml). They demonstrated a significant improvement in intestinal and muscular inflammation and a statistically significant decline in the adult worm burden and encysted larvae (P < 0.001). Moreover, immunohistochemical staining of vascular endothelial growth factor and mucosal mast cell analyses were coincided with the obtained parasitological results. There was notable destruction and degeneration of the adult worm tegument by using both drugs. The current study pointed out that progesterone and mifepristone may provide new insights regarding the development of vaccines and drug protocols to treat trichinellosis through their combined action in reducing the inflammation, affecting the intestinal immune cell, and decreasing the adult worm burden, and larval capsule development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current investigation aims to study the embryonic dermis formed in the early stages of development and identify the initial interstitial components of the dermis that serve as biological and structural scaffolds for the development of the dermal tissue. To investigate the dermal structure, the current study used morphological and immunological techniques. TCs identified by TEM. They had a cell body and unique podomeres and podoms. They formed a 3D network spread throughout the dermis. Homocellular contact established between them, as well as heterocellular contacts with other cells. Immunohistochemical techniques using specific markers for TCss CD34, CD117, and VEGF confirmed TC identification. TCs represent the major interstitial component in the dermal tissue. They established a 3D network, enclosing other cells and structures. Expression of VEGF by TC promotes angiogenesis. TCs establish cellular contact with sprouting endothelial cells. At the site of cell junction with TCs, cytoskeletal filaments identified and observed to form the pseudopodium core that projects from endothelial cells. TCs had proteolytic properties that expressed MMP-9, CD68, and CD21. Proteolytic activity aids in the removal of components of the extracellular matrix and the phagocytosis of degraded remnants to create spaces to facilitate the development of new dermal structures. In conclusion, TCs organized the scaffold for the development of future dermal structures, including fibrous components and skin appendages. Studying dermal TCs would be interested in the possibility of developing therapeutic strategies for treating different skin disorders and diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Canine ovarian cancer poses a significant diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The heterogeneous nature of ovarian tumours makes accurate histological identification difficult, whilst treatment is limited to surgical excision. The tyrosine kinase receptor CD117 is neo-expressed in many tumours and represents a potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target. This study aimed to establish if CD117 is neoexpressed in canine ovarian tumours. Immunohistochemistry was employed to assess expression of CD117 in 29 canine ovarian tumour samples. CD117 labelling was assessed with a semiquantitative immunoreactivity score, and the location of labelling was recorded as membranous, focal cytoplasmic or diffuse cytoplasmic. Histological morphology was assessed and used to assign subgroups based on growth pattern. Cytokeratin 7 labelling was used to indicate the tumour type as epithelial or sex-cord stromal in origin. Mitotic index, percentage of necrosis and vascular invasion were also assessed and evaluated for association with CD117 expression. Overall, 81% of ovarian tumours neoexpressed CD117 and normal ovarian tissue did not express CD117. Positive immunolabelling was seen in a subset of cells in both ovarian carcinomas (n = 20) and ovarian granulosa cell tumours (n = 3). There was no association between CD117 expression and patient age, histological subtype, mitotic index, percentage of necrosis or vascular invasion. This is the largest study to identify the expression of CD117 in canine ovarian tumours, but further research is needed to elucidate its prognostic and therapeutic value.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Clear cell hidradenoma is a rare benign tumor of the breast, its origin and pathogenesis are controversial. We have experienced a case of breast clear cell hidradenoma with mastermind like transcriptional coactivator 2 (MAML2) gene rearrangement. The patient found a painless mass with a hard texture in the left breast areola without nipple discharge. Microscopically, the tumor was cystic and solid, locally arranged in a glandular structure, covered by single cuboidal cells; it was composed of clear cells, epidermoid cells, and basaloid cells; there were no necrosis or mitotic figures. Immunohistochemical staining showed that the tumor cells positively expressed low-molecular cytokeratin 7, low-molecular cytokeratins (Cam5.2), high-molecular cytokeratin 5/6, cytokeratin 14, CD117, and p63; and did not express calponin, and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain. The cuboidal cells were positive for SOX10 but negative for p63. Additionally, periodic acid-Schiff reaction showed purple-red granules in the tumor cytoplasm, but Alcian blue staining showed no blue mucus in the cytoplasm. The split signals of MAML2 gene were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Subtle histological and immunophenotypical differences may help to distinguish breast clear cell hidradenoma from common breast tumors. Furthermore, the MAML2 gene rearrangement may be a molecular genetic characteristic of breast clear cell hidradenoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    c-KIT is an important diagnostic marker in salivary gland tumours and is expressed in most adenoid cystic carcinomas. Histologically similar salivary gland tumours with variable immunohistochemical expression for c-KIT pose a challenge and make diagnostic reliability ambivalent. An electronic search was performed in MEDLINE by PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, Trip, Cochrane Library, and EMBASE up to 31 December 2023, without period restriction. The articles that investigated CD117 or c-KIT in salivary gland tumours were included for review. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of c-KIT immunohistochemical expressions were derived and subjected to meta-analysis using Open Meta analyst for Sierra software. The risk of bias in selected studies was analysed using the QUADAS-2 tool, and RevMan 5.4 was used to output the result. Forty-three articles were reviewed, and 2285 salivary gland cases were analysed. Adenoid cystic carcinoma had an overall expression of 84.9%. A similar expression was found in epimyoepithelial carcinoma (79.1%), lymphoepithelial carcinoma (75%), myoepithelial carcinoma (60.8%), monomorphic adenoma (94.1%), and pleomorphic adenoma (74.7%). The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of c-KIT/CD117 for adenoid cystic carcinoma with other salivary gland tumours were 84.99%, 69.09%, 84.79%, and 69.41%, respectively. Current evidence shows that c-KIT, despite its sensitivity, is not specific and therefore cannot be a useful diagnostic marker for distinguishing adenoid cystic carcinoma from other salivary gland tumours. Further research on other salivary gland tumours that exhibit comparable expression is necessary to validate the diagnostic accuracy of c-KIT.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although intraductal oncocytic papillary neoplasm (IOPN) was considered distinct from the intraductal papillary neoplasm of the pancreas, the oncocytic histologic type remained as a subtype of intraductal papillary neoplasms of the bile duct (IPNBs) with gastric, intestinal, and pancreatobiliary types based on the fifth edition of the WHO classification. To test the characteristics of the oncocytic type of IPNBs, the histopathologic, immunohistochemical (Hep Par-1 and CD117), and clinical characteristics of 13 oncocytic type were compared with 114 others (15 gastric, 39 pancreatobiliary, and 60 intestinal) IPNB types. The oncocytic type, which occupied about 9% of IPNBs, was more frequent in females (p < 0.05) and larger (mean, 5.3 vs. 3.6 cm; p < 0.002) than other IPNB types. Immunohistochemically, the oncocytic type had more frequent combined Hep Par-1 and CD117 expression than other IPNB types (all p < 0.05). The recurrence-free survival rate for patients with the oncocytic type (5-year survival, 100%) was significantly higher (p = 0.015) than for those with other histologic types (59.9%). The oncocytic type had distinct histopathologic, immunohistochemical, and survival outcomes from other IPNBs. Therefore, it can be separated from other IPNB types and classified as one independent entity, similar to IOPN of the pancreas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endometrial cancer is one of most common types of gynaecological tumours in developing countries. It has been suggested that cancer stem cells play an important role in the development of endometrial cancer. These are a subset of highly tumorigenic cells with similar features to normal stem cells (unlimited proliferation, multi-potential differentiation, self-renewal, aggressiveness, invasion, recurrence, and chemo- and endocrine therapy resistance). Wnt/β-catenin, Hedghog, and Notch1 are the most frequently activated pathways in endometrial cancer stem cells. The presence of cancer stem cells is associated with the resistance to chemotherapy caused by different mechanisms. Various markers, including CD24, CD40, CD44, CD9, CD133, and CD 166, have been identified on the surface of these cells. A higher expression of such markers translates into enhanced tumorigenicity. However, there is no strong evidence showing that any of these identified markers can be used as the universal marker for endometrial cancer stem cells. Growing data from genomic and proteomic profiling shed some light on the understanding of the molecular basis of cancers in humans and the role of cancer stem cells. However, there is much left to discover. Therefore, more studies are needed to fully uncover their functional mechanisms in order to prevent the development and recurrence of cancer, as well as to enhance treatment effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Neuroproliferative vestibulodynia (NPV), a provoked genital pain characterized by severe allodynia and hyperalgesia, is confirmed in excised vestibular tissue by immunohistochemical staining (>8 CD117-positive immunostained cells/100× microscopic field) rather than by hematoxylin and eosin staining.
    OBJECTIVE: In this study we sought to assess immunostaining of tissue samples obtained during vestibulectomy surgery and to correlate results with patient outcomes.
    METHODS: Patients (n = 65) meeting criteria for NPV who underwent vestibulectomy during the period from June 2019 through December 2022 formed the study cohort. We performed assessment of pathology of vestibular tissues by use of immunohistochemical staining, including quantitation of mast cells by CD117 (mast cell marker) and nerve fibers by protein gene product (PGP) 9.5 (neuronal marker). We analyzed 725 photomicrographs of immunostained tissue sections (100× and 200×) by manual counting and computer-assisted histometry and correlated these data to clinical assessments.
    RESULTS: Outcomes included density of CD117 and PGP9.5 immunostaining in the 1:00-11:00 o\'clock and 12:00 o\'clock vestibular regions, and patient-reported outcomes assessing sexual function, pain, distress, and symptom improvement.
    RESULTS: All 65 NPV patients (median age 26 years), 45 with lifelong and 20 with acquired NPV, had severe pain documented by PROs and vulvoscopy and had >8 CD117-immunopositive cells/100× microscopic field. Median cell count values were similar in the 1:00-11:00 o\'clock and 12:00 vestibular regions (28.5 and 29.5/100× field, respectively). Likewise, the marker) and nerve fibers by protein gene product (PGP) 9.5 (neuronal marker). We analyzed 725 photomicrographs of immunostained tissue sections (100× and 200×) by manual counting and computer-assisted histometry and correlated these data to clinical assessments.
    RESULTS: Outcomes included density of CD117 and PGP9.5 immunostaining in the 1:00-11:00 o\'clock and 12:00 o\'clock vestibular regions, and patient-reported outcomes assessing sexual function, pain, distress, and symptom improvement.
    RESULTS: All 65 NPV patients (median age 26 years), 45 with lifelong and 20 with acquired NPV, had severe pain documented by PROs and vulvoscopy and had >8 CD117-immunopositive cells/100× microscopic field. Median cell count values were similar in the 1:00-11:00 o\'clock and 12:00 vestibular regions (28.5 and 29.5/100× field, respectively). Likewise, the median area of CD117 immunostaining was similar in both regions (0.69% and 0.73%). The median area of PGP9.5 immunostaining was 0.47% and 0.31% in these same regions. Pain scores determined with cotton-tipped swab testing were nominally higher in lifelong vs acquired NPV patients, reaching statistical significance in the 1:00-11:00 o\'clock region (P < .001). The median score for the McGill Pain Questionnaire affective subscale dimension was also significantly higher in lifelong vs acquired NPV patients (P = .011). No correlations were observed between hematoxylin and eosin results and density of mast cells or neuronal markers. Of note, 63% of the patient cohort reported having additional conditions associated with aberrant mast cell activity.
    CONCLUSIONS: The pathology of NPV is primarily localized to the vestibular epithelial basement membrane and subepithelial stroma with no visible vulvoscopic findings, making clinical diagnosis challenging.
    UNASSIGNED: Strengths of this study include the large number of tissues examined with what is to our knowledge the first-ever assessment of the 12:00 vestibule. Major limitations are specimens from a single timepoint within the disease state and lack of control tissues.
    CONCLUSIONS: Performing immunohistochemical staining of excised vestibular tissue with CD117 and PGP9.5 led to histometric confirmation of NPV, indications that NPV is a field disease involving all vestibular regions, validation for patients whose pain had been ignored and who had experienced negative psychosocial impact, and appreciation that such staining can advance knowledge.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE) is defined by histologic presence of eosinophils, a few studies have established the presence of mast cells in EOE and even shown their correlation with symptom persistence despite resolution of eosinophils. Expression of aberrant mast cell markers CD25 and CD2 have not been studied in EOE. This study quantifies the number of hotspot cells per high power field expressing CKIT/CD117, tryptase, CD25, CD2 and CD3 by immunohistochemical stains in endoscopic esophageal biopsies of the following three cohorts: (1) established and histologically confirmed EOE, (2) suspected EOE with biopsies negative for eosinophils, and (3) no history of or suspicion for EOE with histologically unremarkable biopsies. In this study, mast cells were highlighted by CKIT and tryptase in EOE, and not seen in other clinically mimicking cases. There were also significantly higher densities of CD25 and pan-T-cell marker staining in EOE cases. These findings suggest an inflammatory cellular milieu in EOE, beyond just eosinophils, that can be demonstrated by immunohistochemistry, and that invite further study into the role that these cells may play in EOE.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Mast cells have been implicated in the pathology of various urinary bladder disorders. However, the distribution of mast cells throughout urinary bladder tissue remains uncertain despite mast cell prevalence being relatively well-defined. Using a mouse tissue model, this study aims to characterise the prevalence and distribution of mast cells throughout the urinary bladder.
    METHODS: Bladder tissues were collected from six C57BL/6J female mice. Mast cell prevalence was quantified by flow cytometry, based on the expression of the following characteristic markers: CD45, CD117 and FcɛRIα. The toluidine blue stain assessed mast cell distribution, size, and proximity to vasculature. A repeated measures one-way ANOVA was used to evaluate the density of mast cells between the discrete layers of the urinary bladder, and an ordinary one-way ANOVA was used to assess potential differences between mast cell size across the urinary bladder wall.
    RESULTS: It was determined that mast cells compose less than 4% of all live leukocytes in the urinary bladder. They were also found to be more prominent in the lamina propria and detrusor muscle layers, compared to the urothelium and adventitia. In addition, 20.89% of mast cells were located near vasculature, which may be an important factor in consideration of their function and potential to contribute to various bladder pathologies, such as cystitis or overactive bladder.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide a baseline understanding of mast cell prevalence and distribution throughout the urinary bladder.





