Ameloblastic fibroma

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This case report aimed to describe a rare benign mandibular tumour and assess the outcomes of the most recent reviews, between January 2017 and August 2023. Presenting a detailed clinical case, this study advances our understanding of the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects, ultimately improving the management of similar cases in clinical practice. Orthopantomogram (OPG) revealed a well-defined unilocular radiolucency extending from the midline of the ramus and teeth 47 and 48 were submerged at the base of the mandible. In the presented case, a PLANMECA ROMEXIS PROMAX® three-dimensional (3D) maximum (MAX) cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) device was used for the 3D examination. An intraoral approach was preferred and the tumour was removed in toto by creating a bone window using a W&H® Dentalwerk Bürmoos GmbH Piezomed piezoelectric device, and the bone plates were fixed with 4 MEDARTIS® microplates, with a primary flap closure. A PANORAMIC 1000, 3DHISTECH Ltd® device was employed for the histological investigation. Odontogenic tumours are rare and typically asymptomatic, often discovered incidentally during routine radiographic examinations. Most of these benign lesions heal well after complete excision and require long-term follow-up. Once diagnosed, ameloblastic fibroma (AF) should be treated immediately to avoid malignant transformation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A 6-month-old intact male Dalmatian mix puppy was presented for the evaluation of left maxillary swelling due to a suspected cyst and an unerupted left maxillary canine tooth. Removal of the unerupted left maxillary canine tooth (204) and enucleation of the cyst was performed, followed by histological analysis, which identified the maxillary swelling to be a cystic ameloblastic fibroma. Ameloblastic fibromas are rare in companion animals, and to the best of the authors\' knowledge, this is the first cystic variant reported in dogs. The clinical, radiographic, cone beam computed tomography, and histological findings of this case are discussed and compared with the findings of previously documented human and domestic animal cases.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Ameloblastic fibro-dentinoma is considered a rare, benign, mixed odontogenic tumor that occurs mainly in the posterior mandible in the 1st-2nd decade of life. Although the clinical behavior of Ameloblastic fibro-dentinoma is similar to that of ameloblastic fibroma, there is a debate about whether Ameloblastic fibro-dentinoma is a developing hamartomatous odontoma or a separate neoplastic odontogenic tumor like ameloblastic fibroma. However, it is important to understand the histopathogenesis of this rare tumor.
    METHODS: A case report presenting an 11-year-old male child with a swelling in the posterior mandible. Radiographic examination revealed a multilocular lesion with mixed radiodensity related to the impacted lower left second premolar tooth. Incisional biopsy was done, and microscopic examination revealed cords and nests of odontogenic follicles lined by ameloblast-like cells and central stellate reticulum-like cells in the primitive ecto-mesenchymal stroma with areas of dentinoid material and osteodentin. The diagnosis was ameloblastic fibro-dentinoma. Surgical excision of the lesion was done, and the patient was followed up for 1 year without evidence of recurrence.
    CONCLUSIONS: Reporting such a rare entity clarifies the debate about its nature and the importance of early diagnosis of lesions that are associated with unerupted teeth showing how it is effective in early management and prognosis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The occurrence of hybrid odontogenic lesions with two or more morphologically distinct components is a rare phenomenon and poses a diagnostic challenge. We aimed to study the clinical, radiological, and pathological features and behavior of hybrid odontogenic lesions, to enhance awareness about these rare lesions.
    UNASSIGNED: Hematoxylin and Eosin slides of hybrid odontogenic lesions diagnosed between January 01, 2012 and December 31, 2020, were reviewed. Demographic and radiological information were obtained from the patient\'s medical records.
    UNASSIGNED: 8 cases were diagnosed with a mean age of 19.1 years and male to female ratio of 1:1.7. Involvement of mandible was more common (n = 5) as compared to maxilla (n = 3). All patients presented with swelling for an average of 9.75 months (3-25 months) duration. Bleeding, loose teeth, pain and facial asymmetry were reported in 5,3, 3, and 2 cases, respectively. Radiologically, 7 cases were well demarcated, 75% cases (n = 6) were radiolucent, and average radiological size was 4.8 cm. All patients were managed with surgery alone. 5 cases (62.5%) underwent enucleation and curettage, while local excision, en-block resection and segmental mandibulectomy were performed in 1 case each. Histologically, ossifying fibroma/cemento-ossifyiong fibroma were the most lesion, occurring in 5 cases (62%), followed by giant cell granuloma like lesions (GCG) i.e., central and peripheral giant cell granuloma (n = 3), Adenomatoid Odontogenic tumor (AOT) (n = 2), and DC (n = 2), ameloblastic fibroma (AF) (n = 1), Ameloblastoma (n = 1), calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC) (n = 1), and complex odontoma (n = 1). No evidence of recurrence was noted after 4-99 months of surgery (mean: 32.9) in cases with available data (n = 7). Long-term complaints included facial asymmetry (n = 2) and pain (n = 1).
    UNASSIGNED: Most hybrid odontogenic lesions affect young females in the second decade of life and commonly show COF and OF as hybrid components. A conservative approach to management appears adequate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Odontogenic neoplasms demonstrate unique histopathological features and are thought to arise from the germinal tissues of the developing tooth germ, effectively restricting their anatomic origin to the tooth-bearing regions of the jaw and directly associated soft tissues of the oral cavity. Ectopic odontogenic-like neoplasms located in the skin of cats, rabbits, and human beings challenge these assumptions. Here we describe the clinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical features of 6 spontaneously occurring odontogenic-like neoplasms arising in the cutaneous tissue of the cheek in client-owned pet rabbits, including ameloblastoma-like (n = 3), ameloblastic fibroma-like (n = 2), and ameloblastic carcinoma-like neoplasms (n = 1). Microscopically, all the cheek tumors featured neoplastic epithelium exhibiting odontogenic architectural structures (plexiform ribbons, anastomosing trabeculae, follicles, cysts, and irregular structures with rounded botryoid protuberances) and 1 or more cardinal odontogenic epithelial features (basal palisading, antibasilar nuclei, and central stellate reticulum-like cells). The pancytokeratin, cytokeratin 5/6, cytokeratin 14, and vimentin immunohistochemical patterns of these odontogenic-like lesions were most similar to those of jaw-associated ameloblastoma and differed from those of cutaneous trichoblastoma. All neoplasms were narrowly excised, and for lesions with clinical follow-up information, none had evidence of recurrence 1-7 months after surgical removal. Although evidence suggests that these odontogenic-like tumors of the rabbit cheek may be derived from ectopic rests of transformed tooth germ, the histogenesis of these lesions remains unresolved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Primordial odontogenic tumour is a benign mixed neoplasm of recent description, which has histological similarities with other odontogenic tumours such as the ameloblastic fibroma. In this article, we investigate the architecture of the sub-epithelial layer of mesenchymal cells expressing the marker CD34 in primordial odontogenic tumour.
    OBJECTIVE: Analyse the spatial patterns of CD34 expression in primordial odontogenic tumour and compare them with those in ameloblastic fibroma and the normal tooth germ by means of objective imaging approaches, to better characterise these lesions.
    METHODS: Two cases of primordial odontogenic tumour, four cases of ameloblastic fibroma and two cases of tooth germ in cap and bell stages were used for morphological, structural and immunohistochemical analyses.
    RESULTS: CD34 expression was found in vascular endothelium of primordial odontogenic tumour, ameloblastic fibroma and tooth germ. In addition, a characteristic sub-epithelial expression was observed only in primordial odontogenic tumour, corresponding to 84%-86% of the sample boundaries. Moreover, the zone expressing CD34 corresponded with a higher cellularity, which was absent in ameloblastic fibroma and tooth germ.
    CONCLUSIONS: Image analysis of the primordial odontogenic tumour architecture revealed characteristics absent in other odontogenic tumours and tooth germs. This study provides additional information to support the idea that this neoplasm is a distinct entity from early stage AF or developing odontoma.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    An ameloblastic fibroma with formation of dental hard tissues, which the classical name is ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO), is a rare type of mixed odontogenic tumor. An 8-year-old boy was diagnosed with AFO, with an inhomogeneous high signal within the lesion shown by T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Computed tomography (CT) imaging revealed a unilocular low CT value area of 24 × 19 × 26 mm with buccolingual bony expansion and cortical bone thinning on the left side of the mandible including the crown of the mandibular left second molar. In addition, multiple calcified bodies were detected within the lesion, one of which had a CT value of approximately 2200 HU, equivalent to that of enamel. MRI indicated the lesion to be sized 24 × 19 × 25 mm along with buccolingual bony expansion in the left side of the mandible. Additionally, the lesion showed an internal inhomogeneous high signal, while a portion had an especially high signal in T2-weighted images. That particularly high signal area coincided with the nodular growth area of mucus-rich mesenchymal components without the epithelial component in histopathology findings. The particularly high signal revealed by T2-weighted imaging could be attributed to the mucus-rich component. MRI was found useful for revealing differences in the internal histopathological properties of an AFO in our patient.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Introduction: Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) is a benign odontogentic tumor without an aggressive behavior, unlike the similar ameloblastic fibroma. Case Presentation: A 9-year-old boy, with tooth eruption failure, underwent enucleation and curettage of a well-defined variable radiolucent and radio-opaque right mandible lesion. There was odontogenic epithelium with peripheral palisading in a loose myxoid stroma as well as a disorganized component of dentin, enamel, and cementum, features of an AFO. Conclusion: AFO is an odontogenic mixed tumor of epithelium and mesenchyme.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: The present study was carried out to evaluate the roles of proliferation and angiogenesis in locally aggressive biologic behavior of ameloblastoma versus ameloblastic fibroma; (2) Methods: 30 formalin-fixed paraffin embedded blocks (15 cases of ameloblastoma and 15 cases of ameloblastic fibroma) were used. To evaluate the proliferation, the tissue sections were stained with an AgNORs stain. CD105 was used as an immunohistochemical marker of angiogenesis. Quantitative evaluations of AgNORs were performed. The mean vascular density was evaluated as a measure for CD105 protein expression by using image analyzer computer system; (3) Results: The mean number of AgNORs dots per nucleus was significantly higher in ameloblastoma as compared to ameloblastic fibroma. Additionally, the protein level of CD105 showed positive expression and wide distribution that the mean vascular density was significantly higher in ameloblastoma as compared to ameloblastic fibroma; (4) Conclusion: Quantitative evaluation of the AgNORs stain and the mean vascular density utilizing CD105 protein expression may reflect a higher proliferative activity and a more locally aggressive biologic behavior of ameloblastoma when compared to ameloblastic fibroma, indicating that other factors may be involved in biologic behavior of ameloblastic fibroma.





