• 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to explore the subjective views of general practitioners on the applicability of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Screening Scale for DSM-5 (ASRS-5) as a screening tool for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults in general practice.
    METHODS: Eleven general practitioners, who had participated in the validation study of the German version of the ASRS-5, were interviewed. For this purpose, a semi-structured interview guide was designed using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using qualitative content analysis according to Kuckartz.
    RESULTS: The ASRS-5 seems to work well in general medical practice. But there is evidence for a lack of knowledge about ADHD in adults among general practitioners and a demand for further training in this area. Moreover, insufficient possibilities for subsequent treatment after a positive ADHD screening were claimed.
    CONCLUSIONS: In general medicine, the introduction of a screening using ASRS-5 in cases of clinical suspicion could be the first step towards improving the management of adult patients with ADHD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Optimizing the management of adults with ADHD requires additional information and training initiatives to support early diagnosis especially in the primary care setting, and to reveal treatment options and care concepts for adults with ADHD.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    BACKGROUND: Teachers can help identify mental health issues in adolescents and act as gateway-providers by referring adolescents at risk to a mental health professional. Studies have so far investigated awareness concerning mental health issues among primary school teachers in the USA. The present study uses case vignettes to examine whether secondary school teachers in Germany can detect and assess the presence and severity of mental disorders in adolescents, and which factors predict referral to professional support services.
    METHODS: N=136 secondary school teachers completed an online questionnaire with case vignettes depicting students with moderate or severe internalizing and externalizing disorders. We assessed the ability to recognize mental health issues and evaluate the level of severity, worry and perceived prevalence of the problem as well as the helping behaviour among teachers.
    RESULTS: 66 and 75% of the teachers were able to identify mental health issues in case vignettes of externalizing and internalizing disorders, respectively. 60% and 61%, respectively, designated the mental disorder correctly as externalizing or internalizing, and the true positive rates did not differ between externalizing vs. internalizing disorders. However, moderate and externalizing disorders were identified with less precision, and recommendations to seek professional mental help were more seldom made for these disorders.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that teachers can validly and probably intuitively identify (at least severe cases of) mental disorders in their students. Given the uncertainty expressed and the substantial interest of teachers, further education and training on mental health conditions disorders in adolescents is recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common mental disorder in childhood and adolescence. However, it is a very heterogeneous disorder with subgroups of patients with mild symptoms and others with severe and complex impairments. Patients suffering from complex ADHD are usually characterized by multiple developmental disorders and impaired personality development. Due to the multimodal origin of the disorder, multimodal treatment approaches aimed at reducing the various deficits are usually indicated. The current study evaluated a multimodal inpatient psychodynamic treatment (PDT) for children and adolescents suffering from ADHD. 47 patients (age 9-17 years) were included in the study. Next to complex impairments (comorbid mental disorders, deficits regarding psychic structure, learning disorders and sensorimotor integration disorders), a high number of adverse childhood experiences (M = 11.71) was particularly remarkable in the sample. The PDT led to significant improvements regarding ADHD symptoms and general level of functioning. However, first symptom improvements were already evident at the end of the waiting period. For ten patients who participated in the follow-up assessment effects remained stable six months after treatment. Due to the high drop-out rate, however, the study results have to be regarded as preliminary.
    Zusammenfassung Die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) ist eine im Kindes- und Jugendalter weit verbreitete psychische Störung. Schwere und Komplexität der Symptomatik können allerdings deutlich variieren. Patienten mit einer komplexen ADHS leiden in der Regel unter multiplen Entwicklungsstörungen und einer beeinträchtigten Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Entsprechend der multimodalen Genese der Störung sind bei diesen Patienten in der Regel multimodale Behandlungsansätze indiziert, die auf eine Reduktion der verschiedenen Defizite zielen. Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte die Wirksamkeit eines solchen multimodalen stationären psychodynamischen Behandlungskonzepts für Kinder und Jugendliche mit ADHS. Eingeschlossen wurden 47 Patienten im Alter von 9-17 Jahren. Neben der komplexen Symptomatik (komorbide psychische Störungen, strukturelle Defizite, Lern- und Leistungsstörungen, sensomotorische Integrationsstörungen) war insbesondere die hohe Anzahl an Belastungsfaktoren in der Genese der Patienten (M = 11,71) bemerkenswert. Am Ende der stationären Behandlung konnten eine signifikante Reduktion der ADHS-Symptomatik und eine verbesserte allgemeine Funktionsfähigkeit der Patienten nachgewiesen werden. Erste Effekte waren allerdings bereits nach der Wartezeit erkennbar. Für zehn Patienten konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Behandlungseffekt auch in der 6-Monats-Katamnese stabil war. Durch die aufgrund des naturalistischen Studiendesigns hohe Drop-out-Rate sind die Ergebnisse der Studie allerdings insgesamt nur eingeschränkt interpretierbar.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An inadequate parent-child relationship with hostility, low warmth, and a lack of responsiveness/sensitivity on the part of the primary caregiver often accompanies a child\'s externalizing disorders and predicts a negative developmental course. The Preschool Five Minute Speech Sample (PFMSS) was developed to enable an economic assessment of components of an inadequate parent-child relationship. In this article we investigate aspects of the validity of the German version of the PFMSS. We analyze whether the PFMSS scales are associated with observed maternal sensitivity, symptoms of attention deficit-/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), and maternal depressive symptoms. The sample consists of n = 114 families with 4- to 5-year-old children, whereof n = 65 (57 %) show heightened ADHD-symptoms. The families were recruited from local kindergardens. Maternal sensitivity was assessed by observing the mother-child interaction at home. ADHD, ODD, and maternal depressive ~symptoms were measured by clinical interviews and questionnaires. Most of the PFMSS scales showed the expected associations with maternal sensitivity, ADHD, and ODD symptoms of the child. The German PFMSS thus validly captures significant components of an inadequate mother-child relationship within the context of preschool externalizing behavior problems.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: The effects of guided self-help interventions for parents of children with ADHD have already been proven in randomized controlled trials. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of this novel form of intervention under routine care conditions in a nationwide trial.
    METHODS: Registered pediatricians as well as child and youth psychiatrists enrolled 274 children between 6 and 12 years old (83.6% male) diagnosed with ADHD to a self-help program for parents of children with ADHD. The program lasted for 1 year and consisted of eight booklets with advice for parenting children with ADHD as well as complementary telephone consultations (14 calls, up to 20 minutes each). The course of the ADHD symptoms and the comorbid symptoms as well as the development of the child’s individual problems were assessed in a pre-post design.
    RESULTS: 63% of the enrolled parents adhered to the program until the end. The families who cancelled the program did not differ concerning the severity of ADHD symptoms, but they did more often show an impaired familial and social background, and their children received pharmacological treatment more often. Three-fourths of the children who completed the program had received pharmacological treatment at the beginning of the program. The children had more severe ADHD symptoms than a clinical control group. During the intervention, ADHD symptoms as well as psychosocial functioning improved with large effect sizes of d>0.9. Additionally, comorbid oppositional and emotional symptoms decreased.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that guided self-help programs for families with children with ADHD are effective, also as an addition to pharmacological treatment.





