• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is a non-IgE-mediated food allergy characterized by gastrointestinal symptom onset within 1-4 hours from trigger food ingestion. In the literature, some authors have previously described the possibility that a patient with FPIES may develop an IgE-mediated allergy to the same trigger food, especially cow\'s milk (CM). Case Presentation: We reported five cases of CM-FPIES converting to IgE-mediated CM allergy presented at our tertiary pediatric Allergy Unit and performed a review of the literature, aiming to characterize the clinical features of patients who are at risk of developing such conversion. Conclusions: This phenomenon raises the question of whether IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated allergies represent a spectrum of the same disease and highlights the need for further investigation to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms of this process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Angioedema without concomitant urticaria is a well-known complication of treatment with the recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (r-tPA) alteplase and its genetically modified variant tenecteplase. It is potentially lethal when causing airway obstruction and can require intubation. The latest guideline for the early management of patients with acute ischemic stroke from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association advises to treat this complication initially by interfering with the histamine pathway. This article aims to clarify the pathophysiological mechanism of r-tPA-induced angioedema and provides several arguments that this condition is primarily bradykinin-mediated and hence should be treated initially by intervening with the bradykinin pathway. Second, other-less frequently reported-adverse symptoms after r-tPA therapy and their proposed pathophysiological mechanisms leading to specific treatment are described. This manuscript describes the need for an update of the section \"3.5 IV alteplase\" from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association guideline to treat this r-tPA-induced angioedema adequately and prevent potentially fatal outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) and adaptive T lymphocytes promote tissue homeostasis and protective immune responses. Their production depends on the transcription factor GATA3, which is further elevated specifically in ILC2s and T helper 2 cells to drive type-2 immunity during tissue repair, allergic disorders, and anti-helminth immunity. The control of this crucial up-regulation is poorly understood. Using CRISPR screens in ILCs we identified previously unappreciated myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2d (Mef2d)-mediated regulation of GATA3-dependent type-2 lymphocyte differentiation. Mef2d-deletion from ILC2s and/or T cells specifically protected against an allergen lung challenge. Mef2d repressed Regnase-1 endonuclease expression to enhance IL-33 receptor production and IL-33 signaling and acted downstream of calcium-mediated signaling to translocate NFAT1 to the nucleus to promote type-2 cytokine-mediated immunity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Changes in land use and climate change have been reported to reduce biodiversity of both the environment and human microbiota. These reductions in biodiversity may lead to inadequate and unbalanced stimulation of immunoregulatory circuits and, ultimately, to clinical diseases, such as asthma and allergies.
    UNASSIGNED: We summarized available empirical evidence on the role of inner (gut, skin, and airways) and outer (air, soil, natural waters, plants, and animals) layers of biodiversity in the development of asthma, wheezing, and allergic sensitization.
    UNASSIGNED: We conducted a systematic search in SciVerse Scopus, PubMed MEDLINE, and Web of Science up to 5 March 2024 to identify relevant human studies assessing the relationships between inner and outer layers of biodiversity and the risk of asthma, wheezing, or allergic sensitization. The protocol was registered in PROSPERO (CRD42022381725).
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 2,419 studies were screened and, after exclusions and a full-text review of 447 studies, 82 studies were included in the comprehensive, final review. Twenty-nine studies reported a protective effect of outer layer biodiversity in the development of asthma, wheezing, or allergic sensitization. There were also 16 studies suggesting an effect of outer layer biodiversity on increasing asthma, wheezing, or allergic sensitization. However, there was no clear evidence on the role of inner layer biodiversity in the development of asthma, wheezing, and allergic sensitization (13 studies reported a protective effect and 15 reported evidence of an increased risk).
    UNASSIGNED: Based on the reviewed literature, a future systematic review could focus more specifically on outer layer biodiversity and asthma. It is unlikely that association with inner layer biodiversity would have enough evidence for systematic review. Based on this comprehensive review, there is a need for population-based longitudinal studies to identify critical periods of exposure in the life course into adulthood and to better understand mechanisms linking environmental exposures and changes in microbiome composition, diversity, and/or function to development of asthma and allergic sensitization. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP13948.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Alpha-gal allergy or red meat allergy is a rare yet potentially severe allergy. Sensitisation usually occurs when alpha-gal present in the tick\'s saliva is transferred to humans during a tick bite, prompting the production of IgE antibodies to alpha-gal. Subsequent exposure to mammalian meat or other products containing alpha-gal can lead to allergic reactions.
    UNASSIGNED: A previously healthy man in his sixties was admitted with acute anaphylaxis. A history of multiple tick bites and recent consumption of mammalian meat raised suspicion of anaphylaxis caused by alpha-gal syndrome.
    UNASSIGNED: A diagnosis of alpha-gal syndrome was given based on elevated alpha-gal IgE antibodies, and further supported by medical history and clinical assessment. He was discharged with dietary instructions to eliminate food and products containing alpha-gal, and to manage allergy symptoms and anaphylaxis according to local guidelines.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    UNASSIGNED: Identify countries that have legislation on mandatory declarations of food allergens, irradiated foods, and transgenic foods on the nutritional labels of packaged foods.
    UNASSIGNED: Exploratory study reviewing the health regulations and technical standards for foods in Latin American countries in order to gather information on declarations of allergens, trace allergens, irradiated foods, and transgenic foods. The information search was carried out through the countries\' government web pages. Presentation of the results is descriptive and narrative.
    UNASSIGNED: Of the 19 countries reviewed, 89% require a declaration of allergens on their nutrition labeling, 76% have legislation that explicitly require a statement on trace allergens, and 82% follow Codex Alimentarius recommendations with some modifications of food categories.
    UNASSIGNED: Three pending challenges in the Region are: requiring statements on allergens as a food safety measure; making progress toward improved labeling of trace allergens; and ensuring universal availability of epinephrine.
    UNASSIGNED: Identificar os países que têm legislação relacionada à declaração obrigatória de alimentos alergênicos, irradiados e transgênicos na rotulagem nutricional de alimentos embalados.
    UNASSIGNED: Estudo exploratório com revisão dos regulamentos sanitários ou normas técnicas de alimentos dos países da América Latina, a fim de coletar informações sobre a declaração de alimentos alergênicos, traços de alergênicos, alimentos irradiados e transgênicos na rotulagem nutricional. A busca de informações foi realizada por meio dos sites governamentais dos países. Os resultados são apresentados de forma descritiva e narrativa.
    UNASSIGNED: Dos 19 países analisados, 89% declaram alergênicos na rotulagem nutricional, 76% incorporam explicitamente a declaração de traços na legislação e 82% seguem as recomendações do Codex Alimentarius, com algumas modificações nas categorias de alimentos.
    UNASSIGNED: Entre os desafios pendentes na Região estão a implementação da declaração de alergênicos como medida de segurança alimentar e a melhoria da rotulagem de traços de alergênicos e da disponibilidade universal de epinefrina.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Allergic sensitization is an essential step in the development of allergic airway inflammation to birch pollen (BP); however, this process remains to be fully elucidated. Recent scientific advances have highlighted the importance of the allergen context. In this regard, microbial patterns (PAMPs) present on BP have attracted increasing interest. As these PAMPs are recognized by specialized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), this study aims at investigating the roles of intracellular PRRs and the inflammasome regulator NLRP3.
    UNASSIGNED: We established a physiologically relevant intranasal and adjuvant-free sensitization procedure to study BP-induced systemic and local lung inflammation.
    UNASSIGNED: Strikingly, BP-sensitized Nlrp3-deficient mice showed significantly lower IgE levels, Th2-associated cytokines, cell infiltration into the lung, mucin production and epithelial thickening than their wild-type counterparts, which appears to be independent of inflammasome formation. Intriguingly, bone-marrow chimera revealed that expression of NLRP3 in the hematopoietic system is required to trigger an allergic response.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, this study identifies NLRP3 as an important driver of BP-induced allergic immune responses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The prevalence of allergic diseases has dramatically increased among children in recent decades. These conditions significantly impact the quality of life of allergic children and their families. Lactoferrin, a multifunctional glycoprotein found in various biological fluids, is emerging as a promising immunomodulatory agent that can potentially alleviate allergic diseases in children. Lactoferrin\'s multifaceted properties make it a compelling candidate for managing these conditions. Firstly, lactoferrin exhibits potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, which can mitigate the chronic inflammation characteristic of allergic diseases. Secondly, its iron-binding capabilities may help regulate the iron balance in allergic children, potentially influencing the severity of their symptoms. Lactoferrin also demonstrates antimicrobial properties, making it beneficial in preventing secondary infections often associated with respiratory allergies. Furthermore, its ability to modulate the immune response and regulate inflammatory pathways suggests its potential as an immune-balancing agent. This review of the current literature emphasises the need for further research to elucidate the precise roles of lactoferrin in allergic diseases. Harnessing the immunomodulatory potential of lactoferrin could provide a novel add-on approach to managing allergic diseases in children, offering hope for improved outcomes and an enhanced quality of life for paediatric patients and their families. As lactoferrin continues to capture the attention of researchers, its properties and diverse applications make it an intriguing subject of study with a rich history and a promising future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Screening and treating healthcare workers (HCWs) for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) are essential for tuberculosis (TB) infection control. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) to anti-TB drugs present challenges to patient safety and treatment completion. Objective: This study investigated the association between human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles and the risk of ADRs, especially drug hypersensitivity (DHS) and hepatotoxicity, in HCWs with LTBI receiving isoniazid (INH) and rifampin (RIF) therapy. Methods: Korean HCWs with LTBI who received a 3 month INH and RIF regimen were included in this study. HLA genotyping was performed on HCWs who experienced ADRs during treatment, as well as the control group consisted of individuals who did not develop ADRs. Results: Of the 67 patients, 29 (43.2%) experienced ADRs during INH and RIF therapy. The HLA-A*11:01 allele was more frequent in patients with DHS without hepatotoxicity (DSH+/H-) compared to the control group (DHS-/H-) (4/9, 44.4% vs. 3/38, 7.9%; odd ratio [OR], 8.554; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.415-59.869; p = 0.018). Conversely, HLA-DPB1*05:01 was associated with an increased risk of hepatotoxicity regardless of DHS (10/20, 50% vs. 5/38, 13.2%; OR, 5.323; 95% CI, 1.493-21.518; p = 0.011). In the DHS with hepatotoxicity group (DHS+/H+), HLA-DPB1*05:01 was present in a higher proportion (3/5, 60% vs. 5/38, 13.2%; OR, 8.912; 95% CI, 1.110-92.993; p = 0.037), whereas HLA-A*11:01 was not observed in this group. Conclusions: The HLA-A*11:01 allele was associated with an increased risk of DHS without hepatotoxicity, whereas the HLA-DPB1*05:01 allele was associated with an increased risk of hepatotoxicity.





