%0 Case Reports %T Anaphylaxis triggered by alpha-gal allergy. %A Rørvik SD %A Alnæs MB %A Vikenes BC %A Kristiansen T %J Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen %V 144 %N 8 %D 2024 Jun 25 %M 38934309 暂无%R 10.4045/tidsskr.24.0122 %X UNASSIGNED: Alpha-gal allergy or red meat allergy is a rare yet potentially severe allergy. Sensitisation usually occurs when alpha-gal present in the tick's saliva is transferred to humans during a tick bite, prompting the production of IgE antibodies to alpha-gal. Subsequent exposure to mammalian meat or other products containing alpha-gal can lead to allergic reactions.
UNASSIGNED: A previously healthy man in his sixties was admitted with acute anaphylaxis. A history of multiple tick bites and recent consumption of mammalian meat raised suspicion of anaphylaxis caused by alpha-gal syndrome.
UNASSIGNED: A diagnosis of alpha-gal syndrome was given based on elevated alpha-gal IgE antibodies, and further supported by medical history and clinical assessment. He was discharged with dietary instructions to eliminate food and products containing alpha-gal, and to manage allergy symptoms and anaphylaxis according to local guidelines.