
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The pseudouridine (ψ) synthase, RluD is responsible for three ψ modifications in the helix 69 (H69) of bacterial 23S rRNA. While normally dispensable, rluD becomes critical for rapid cell growth in bacteria that are defective in translation-termination. In slow-growing rluD- bacteria, suppressors affecting termination factors RF2 and RF3 arise frequently and restore normal termination and rapid cell growth. Here we describe two weaker suppressors, affecting rpsG, encoding ribosomal protein uS7 and ssrA, encoding tmRNA. In K-12 strains of E. coli, rpsG terminates at a TGA codon. In the suppressor strain, alteration of an upstream CAG to a TAG stop codon results in a shortened uS7 and partial alleviation of slow growth, likely by replacing an inefficient TGA stop codon with the more efficient TAG. Inefficient termination events, such as occurs in some rluD- strains, are targeted by trans-translation. Inactivation of the ssrA gene in slow-growing, termination-defective mutants lacking RluD and RF3, also partially restores robust growth, most probably by preventing destruction of completed polypeptides on ribosomes at slow-terminating stop codons. Finally, an additional role for RluD has been proposed, independent of its pseudouridine synthase activity. This is based on the observation that plasmids expressing catalytically dead (D139N or D139T) RluD proteins could nonetheless restore robust growth to an E. coli K-12 rluD- mutant. However, newly constructed D139N and D139T rluD plasmids do not have any growth-restoring activity and the original observations were likely due to the appearance of suppressors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA integrity in bacteria is regulated by various factors that act on the DNA. trans-translation has previously been shown to be important for the survival of Escherichia coli cells exposed to certain DNA-damaging agents. However, the mechanisms underlying this sensitivity are poorly understood. In this study, we explored the involvement of the trans-translation system in the maintenance of genome integrity using various DNA-damaging agents and mutant backgrounds. Relative viability assays showed that SsrA-defective cells were sensitive to DNA-damaging agents, such as nalidixic acid (NA), ultraviolet radiation (UV), and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). The viability of SsrA-defective cells was rescued by deleting sulA, although the expression of SulA was not more pronounced in SsrA-defective cells than in wild-type cells. Live cell imaging using a Gam-GFP fluorescent reporter showed increased double-strand breaks (DSBs) in SsrA-defective cells during DNA damage. We also showed that the ribosome rescue function of SsrA was sufficient for DNA damage tolerance. DNA damage sensitivity can be alleviated by partial uncoupling of transcription and translation by using sub-lethal concentrations of ribosome inhibiting antibiotic (tetracycline) or by mutating the gene coding for RNase H (rnhA). Taken together, our results highlight the importance of trans-translation system in maintaining genome integrity and bacterial survival during DNA damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Elongation factor thermo-unstable (EF-Tu) is a universally conserved translation factor that mediates productive interactions between tRNAs and the ribosome. In bacteria, EF-Tu also delivers transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA)-SmpB to the ribosome during trans-translation. We report the first small molecule, KKL-55, that specifically inhibits EF-Tu activity in trans-translation without affecting its activity in normal translation. KKL-55 has broad-spectrum antibiotic activity, suggesting that compounds targeted to the tmRNA-binding interface of EF-Tu could be developed into new antibiotics to treat drug-resistant infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Escherichia coli has multiple pathways to release nonproductive ribosome complexes stalled at the 3\' end of nonstop mRNA: tmRNA (SsrA RNA)-mediated trans-translation and stop codon-independent termination by ArfA/RF2 or ArfB (YaeJ). The arfA mRNA lacks a stop codon and its expression is repressed by trans-translation. Therefore, ArfA is considered to complement the ribosome rescue activity of trans-translation, but the physiological situations in which ArfA is expressed have not been elucidated. Here, we found that the excision of CP4-57 prophage adjacent to E. coli ssrA leads to the inactivation of tmRNA and switches the primary rescue pathway from trans-translation to ArfA/RF2. This \"rescue-switching\" rearranges not only the proteome landscape in E. coli but also the phenotype such as motility. Furthermore, among the proteins with significantly increased abundance in the ArfA+ cells, we found ZntR, whose mRNA is transcribed together as the upstream part of nonstop arfA mRNA. Repression of ZntR and reconstituted model genes depends on the translation of the downstream nonstop ORFs that trigger the trans-translation-coupled exonucleolytic degradation by polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase). Namely, our studies provide a novel example of trans-translation-dependent regulation and re-define the physiological roles of prophage excision.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite having a highly reduced genome, Chlamydia trachomatis undergoes a complex developmental cycle in which the bacteria differentiate between the following two functionally and morphologically distinct forms: the infectious, nonreplicative elementary body (EB) and the noninfectious, replicative reticulate body (RB). The transitions between EBs and RBs are not mediated by division events that redistribute intracellular proteins. Rather, both primary (EB to RB) and secondary (RB to EB) differentiation likely require bulk protein turnover. One system for targeted protein degradation is the trans-translation system for ribosomal rescue, where polypeptides stalled during translation are marked with an SsrA tag encoded by a hybrid tRNA-mRNA, tmRNA. ClpX recognizes the SsrA tag, leading to ClpXP-mediated degradation. We hypothesize that ClpX functions in chlamydial differentiation through targeted protein degradation. We found that mutation of a key residue (R230A) within the specific motif in ClpX associated with the recognition of SsrA-tagged substrates resulted in abrogated secondary differentiation while not reducing chlamydial replication or developmental cycle progression as measured by transcripts. Furthermore, inhibition of trans-translation through chemical and targeted genetic approaches also impeded chlamydial development. Knockdown of tmRNA and subsequent complementation with an allele mutated in the SsrA tag closely phenocopied the overexpression of ClpXR230A, thus suggesting that ClpX recognition of SsrA-tagged substrates plays a critical function in secondary differentiation. Taken together, these data provide mechanistic insight into the requirements for transitions between chlamydial developmental forms. IMPORTANCE Chlamydia trachomatis is the leading cause of bacterial sexually transmitted infections and preventable infectious blindness. This unique organism undergoes developmental transitions between infectious, nondividing forms and noninfectious, dividing forms. Therefore, the chlamydial developmental cycle is an attractive target for Chlamydia-specific antibiotics, which would minimize effects of broad-spectrum antibiotics on the spread of antibiotic resistance in other organisms. However, the lack of knowledge about chlamydial development on a molecular level impedes the identification of specific, druggable targets. This work describes a mechanism through which both the fundamental processes of trans-translation and proteomic turnover by ClpXP contribute to chlamydial differentiation, a critical facet of chlamydial growth and survival. Given the almost universal presence of trans-translation and ClpX in eubacteria, this mechanism may be conserved in developmental cycles of other bacterial species. Additionally, this study expands the fields of trans-translation and Clp proteases by emphasizing the functional diversity of these systems throughout bacterial evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacteria use trans-translation to rescue stalled ribosomes and target incomplete proteins for proteolysis. Despite similarities between tRNAs and transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA), the key molecule for trans-translation, new structural and biochemical data show important differences between translation and trans-translation at most steps of the pathways. tmRNA and its binding partner, SmpB, bind in the A site of the ribosome but do not trigger the same movements of nucleotides in the rRNA that are required for codon recognition by tRNA. tmRNA-SmpB moves from the A site to the P site of the ribosome without subunit rotation to generate hybrid states, and moves from the P site to a site outside the ribosome instead of to the E site. During catalysis, transpeptidation to tmRNA appears to require the ribosomal protein bL27, which is dispensable for translation, suggesting that this protein may be conserved in bacteria due to trans-translation. These differences provide insights into the fundamental nature of trans-translation, and provide targets for new antibiotics that may have decrease cross-reactivity with eukaryotic ribosomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Because of the ever-increasing multidrug resistance in microorganisms, it is crucial that we find and develop new antibiotics, especially molecules with different targets and mechanisms of action than those of the antibiotics in use today. Translation is a fundamental process that uses a large portion of the cell\'s energy, and the ribosome is already the target of more than half of the antibiotics in clinical use. However, this process is highly regulated, and its quality control machinery is actively studied as a possible target for new inhibitors. In bacteria, ribosomal stalling is a frequent event that jeopardizes bacterial wellness, and the most severe form occurs when ribosomes stall at the 3\'-end of mRNA molecules devoid of a stop codon. Trans-translation is the principal and most sophisticated quality control mechanism for solving this problem, which would otherwise result in inefficient or even toxic protein synthesis. It is based on the complex made by tmRNA and SmpB, and because trans-translation is absent in eukaryotes, but necessary for bacterial fitness or survival, it is an exciting and realistic target for new antibiotics. Here, we describe the current and future prospects for developing what we hope will be a novel generation of trans-translation inhibitors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The arrest of protein synthesis caused when ribosomes stall on an mRNA lacking a stop codon is a deadly risk for all cells. In bacteria, this situation is remedied by the trans-translation quality control system. Trans-translation occurs because of the synergistic action of two main partners, transfer-messenger RNA (tmRNA) and small protein B (SmpB). These act in complex to monitor protein synthesis, intervening when necessary to rescue stalled ribosomes. During this process, incomplete nascent peptides are tagged for destruction, problematic mRNAs are degraded and the previously stalled ribosomes are recycled. In this \'Structural Snapshot\' article, we describe the mechanism at the molecular level, a view updated after the most recent structural studies using cryo-electron microscopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ribosome stalling during translation significantly reduces cell viability, because cells have to spend resources on the synthesis of new ribosomes. Therefore, all bacteria have developed various mechanisms of ribosome rescue. Usually, the release of ribosomes is preceded by hydrolysis of the tRNA-peptide bond, but, in some cases, the ribosome can continue translation thanks to the activity of certain factors. This review describes the mechanisms of ribosome rescue thanks to trans-translation and the activity of the ArfA, ArfB, BrfA, ArfT, HflX, and RqcP/H factors, as well as continuation of translation via the action of EF-P, EF-4, and EttA. Despite the ability of some systems to duplicate each other, most of them have their unique functional role, related to the quality control of bacterial translation in certain abnormalities caused by mutations, stress cultivation conditions, or antibiotics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In bacteria, trans-translation is the major quality control system for rescuing stalled ribosomes. It is mediated by tmRNA, a hybrid RNA with properties of both a tRNA and a mRNA, and the small protein SmpB. Because trans-translation is absent in eukaryotes but necessary for bacterial fitness or survival, it is a promising target for the development of novel antibiotics. To facilitate screening of chemical libraries, various reliable in vitro and in vivo systems have been created for assessing trans-translational activity. However, the aim of the current work was to permit the safe and easy in vitro evaluation of trans-translation from pathogenic bacteria, which are obviously the ones we should be targeting. Based on green fluorescent protein (GFP) reassembly during active trans-translation, we have created a cell-free assay adapted to the rapid evaluation of trans-translation in ESKAPE bacteria, with 24 different possible combinations. It can be used for easy high-throughput screening of chemical compounds as well as for exploring the mechanism of trans-translation in these pathogens.





