sleep restriction

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aircraft pilots face a high mental workload (MW) under environmental constraints induced by high altitude and sometimes sleep restriction (SR). Our aim was to assess the combined effects of hypoxia and sleep restriction on cognitive and physiological responses to different MW levels using the Multi-Attribute Test Battery (MATB)-II with an additional auditory Oddball-like task. Seventeen healthy subjects were subjected in random order to three 12-min periods of increased MW level (low, medium, and high): sleep restriction (SR, <3 h of total sleep time (TST)) vs. habitual sleep (HS, >6 h TST), hypoxia (HY, 2 h, FIO2 = 13.6%, ~3500 m vs. normoxia, NO, FIO2 = 21%). Following each MW level, participants completed the NASA-TLX subjective MW scale. Increasing MW decreases performance on the MATB-II Tracking task (p = 0.001, MW difficulty main effect) and increases NASA-TLX (p = 0.001). In the combined HY/SR condition, MATB-II performance was lower, and the NASA-TLX score was higher compared with the NO/HS condition, while no effect of hypoxia alone was observed. In the accuracy of the auditory task, there is a significant interaction between hypoxia and MW difficulty (F(2-176) = 3.14, p = 0.04), with lower values at high MW under hypoxic conditions. Breathing rate, pupil size, and amplitude of pupil dilation response (PDR) to auditory stimuli are associated with increased MW. These parameters are the best predictors of increased MW, independently of physiological constraints. Adding ECG, SpO2, or electrodermal conductance does not improve model performance. In conclusion, hypoxia and sleep restriction have an additive effect on MW. Physiological and electrophysiological responses must be taken into account when designing a MW predictive model and cross-validation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic reduction of sleep time in children and adolescents has been related to increased incidence of anxiety and depression. In rats, protocols of protracted sleep deprivation or chronic sleep restriction (CSR) are considered a stressor. In previous studies we showed that post-weaning CSR in male rats induces anxiety-like behaviour and changes in neurotransmission in emotion-related brain areas. In the present study we examined whether the effects of this adversity are sex-dependent. Twenty-two litters, containing four males and four females were distributed into control (CTL) and CSR groups. CSR began on postnatal day (PND) 21 and lasted for 21 days; each day the animals were placed onto small platforms immersed in water for 18 h and were allowed to sleep freely in their home-cages for the remaining 6 h. Throughout the CSR, all animals underwent the sucrose splash test once/week to assess their self-care and hedonic behaviours. Body weight was measured on PNDs 21 and 42. At the end of CSR period, the adolescents were allowed to sleep freely for 2 days, after which, behavioural tests began. Within each litter, one male and one female (pair) were not tested and provided blood and brain for determination of basal corticosterone (CORT) levels and hippocampal BDNF. One pair was tested in the sucrose preference test (SPT), one pair on the elevated plus maze (EPM) and one pair in the forced swim test (FST). CORT was measured after all conditions. CSR impaired self-care behaviour and body weight gain in males and females and increased relative adrenal weight only in males. There were no changes in sucrose intake in the SPT; CSR females displayed less immobility in the FST and CSR males displayed more anxiety-like behaviour in the EPM. CORT levels were similar between CTL and CSR males, whilst lower in CSR females than CTL ones in all experimental conditions. No changes in BDNF levels were detected in the dorsal hippocampus of CSR rats. The results indicate that CSR impaired self-care behaviour in both sexes, but only males displayed anxiety-like behaviour, whilst sleep recovery in females appeared to normalise their behaviour.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Maritime industries utilize many different watch keeping schedules to maintain vigilance and crew safety around the clock. These schedules can be fatiguing, negatively impacting vigilant attention. This has led to the consideration of schedules that might allow for more sleep time, but how these schedules impact higher order cognitive function remains unclear. These schedules require assessment with tasks that are relevant to real-world operations on maritime vessels. This study investigated the effect of four schedules on higher order cognitive function. N = 27 (16 female) participants were recruited to a 10-day laboratory study, comparing four schedules. The schedules investigated were eight-on/eight-off/four-on/four-off (8/8/4/4) with sleep from 09:30 to 16:00 (condition A); six-on/six-off (6/6) with sleep from 08:30 to 12:30 and 21:30 to 00:00 (condition B); four-on/four-off (4/4/4/4/4/4) with sleep from 18:00 to 00:30 (condition C); and four-on/four-off (4/4/4/4/4/4) with sleep from 01:30 to 08:00 (condition D). Higher order cognitive function was assessed 2-3× daily whilst \"on watch\" using tests of visual scanning, learning, working memory, mental flexibility, and visuomotor control. Conditions were ranked and stability of performance on watch was compared between conditions using Kruskal-Wallis tests. Cognitive function within condition B was ranked the worst for most of the tasks. However, the stability of higher order cognitive function was poorest across the waking day within condition A. These findings highlight the variability in cognitive capacities during different watch keeping schedules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Purpose: We examined whether supplementation of zinc magnesium aspartate (ZMA) in two groups of males, either partially sleep-restricted (4 h) or with habitual sleep (8 h) for 2 nights, was beneficial for sleep and subsequent morning Stroop performance.
    METHODS: Participants were randomly allocated to two independent groups who either had 4 h (33 males) or 8 h (36 males) sleep for two nights. Using a double-blinded, randomised counterbalanced design, they then completed five sessions, (i) two familiarisation sessions including 7 days of sleep and dietary intake, (ii) three conditions with 4 h or 8 h sleep and either NoPill control (NoPill), placebo (PLAC) or ZMA (ZMA). Sleep was assessed by actimetry and sleep questionnaires, and cognitive performance was assessed by the Stroop test. The data were analysed using a general linear model with repeated measures.
    RESULTS: A main effect for \"sleep\" (4 or 8 h) was found, where more opportunity to sleep resulted in better \"sleep\" metrics (both objective and subjective) as well as better Stroop scores (lower colour-interference and word-interference scores and lower error in words). No main effect for \"Pill\" was found other than the mood state depression, where subjective ratings for the PLAC group were lower than the other two conditions. Interactions were found in anger, ease to sleep and waking time.
    CONCLUSIONS: Having 8 h opportunity to sleep resulted in better \"sleep\" metrics as well as better Stroop scores compared to 4 h. Supplementation of ZMA for 4 or 8 h for 2 nights had no effect on subsequent morning cognitive performance but reduced sleep or total sleep time by ~0.46 h compared to the other conditions. An interaction was found where sleep time was reduced by ~0.94 h in the ZMA group in the 8 h condition compared to NoPill or PLAC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sleep deficiencies, such as manifested in short sleep duration or insomnia symptoms, are known to increase the risk for multiple disease conditions involving immunopathology. Inflammation is hypothesized to be a mechanism through which deficient sleep acts as a risk factor for these conditions. Thus, one potential way to mitigate negative health consequences associated with deficient sleep is to target inflammation. Few interventional sleep studies investigated whether improving sleep affects inflammatory processes, but results suggest that complementary approaches may be necessary to target inflammation associated with sleep deficiencies. We investigated whether targeting inflammation through low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (ASA, i.e., aspirin) is able to blunt the inflammatory response to experimental sleep restriction.
    METHODS: 46 healthy participants (19F/27M, age range 19-63 years) were studied in a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover trial with three protocols each consisting of a 14-day at-home monitoring phase followed by an 11-day (10-night) in-laboratory stay (sleep restriction/ASA, sleep restriction/placebo, control sleep/placebo). In the sleep restriction/ASA condition, participants took low-dose ASA (81 mg/day) daily in the evening (22:00) during the at-home phase and the subsequent in-laboratory stay. In the sleep restriction/placebo and control sleep/placebo conditions, participants took placebo daily. Each in-laboratory stay started with 2 nights with a sleep opportunity of 8 h/night (23:00-07:00) for adaptation and baseline measurements. Under the two sleep restriction conditions, participants were exposed to 5 nights of sleep restricted to a sleep opportunity of 4 h/night (03:00-07:00) followed by 3 nights of recovery sleep with a sleep opportunity of 8 h/night. Under the control sleep condition, participants had a sleep opportunity of 8 h/night throughout the in-laboratory stay. During each in-laboratory stay, participants had 3 days of intensive monitoring (at baseline, 5th day of sleep restriction/control sleep, and 2nd day of recovery sleep). Variables, including pro-inflammatory immune cell function, C-reactive protein (CRP), and actigraphy-estimated measures of sleep, were analyzed using generalized linear mixed models.
    RESULTS: Low-dose ASA administration reduced the interleukin (IL)-6 expression in LPS-stimulated monocytes (p<0.05 for condition*day) and reduced serum CRP levels (p<0.01 for condition) after 5 nights of sleep restriction compared to placebo administration in the sleep restriction condition. Low-dose ASA also reduced the amount of cyclooxygenase (COX)-1/COX-2 double positive cells among LPS-stimulated monocytes after 2 nights of recovery sleep following 5 nights of sleep restriction compared to placebo (p<0.05 for condition). Low-dose ASA further decreased wake after sleep onset (WASO) and increased sleep efficiency (SE) during the first 2 nights of recovery sleep (p<0.001 for condition and condition*day). Baseline comparisons revealed no differences between conditions for all of the investigated variables (p>0.05 for condition).
    CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that inflammatory responses to sleep restriction can be reduced by preemptive administration of low-dose ASA. This finding may open new therapeutic approaches to prevent or control inflammation and its consequences in those experiencing sleep deficiencies.
    BACKGROUND: NCT03377543.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Approximately one in three adults in the United States sleeps less than the recommended 7 h per night. Decades of epidemiological data and data from experimental sleep restriction studies demonstrate short sleep duration is associated with adverse cardiometabolic risk, including risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. However, the precise mechanisms underlying this risk are not fully elucidated and there is a lack of sleep-based interventions designed to mitigate such risk. One strategy to overcome these limitations is to develop biomarkers that link habitual short sleep duration with adverse cardiometabolic risk. Such biomarkers could inform biochemical mechanisms, identify new targets for interventions, support precision medicine by identifying individuals most likely to benefit from sleep-based interventions, and ultimately lead to improved cardiometabolic health in people with habitual short sleep durations. Early progress demonstrates proof-of-principle that omics-based technologies are a viable approach to create biochemical signatures (biomarkers) of short sleep duration, primarily derived from acute studies of experimental sleep restriction. Yet, much work remains. Notably, studies that translate early findings from experimental sleep restriction to free-living adults with habitual short sleep duration have high potential to advance the field. Such studies also create an exciting opportunity for larger randomized controlled trials that simultaneously identify biomarkers of habitual short sleep duration and evaluate the efficacy of sleep-based interventions. Ultimately, early progress in developing molecular biomarkers of short sleep duration combined with the prior decades of progress in the sleep and metabolism fields provide the foundation for exciting progress in the biomarker development space.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Identifying intervention methods that target sleep characteristics involved in memory processing is a priority for the field of cognitive aging. Older adults with greater sleep efficiency and non-rapid eye movement slow-wave activity (SWA) (0.5-4 Hz electroencephalographic activity) tend to exhibit better memory and cognitive abilities. Paradoxically, long total sleep times are consistently associated with poorer cognition in older adults. Thus, maximizing sleep efficiency and SWA may be a priority relative to increasing mere total sleep time. As clinical behavioral sleep treatments do not consistently enhance SWA, and propensity for SWA increases with time spent awake, we examined with a proof-of concept pilot intervention whether a greater dose of time-in-bed (TiB) restriction (75% of habitual TiB) would increase both sleep efficiency and SWA in older adults with difficulties staying asleep without impairing memory performance.
    UNASSIGNED: Participants were adults ages 55-80 with diary-reported sleep efficiency <90% and wake after sleep onset (WASO) >20 min. Sleep diary, actigraphy, polysomnography (PSG), and paired associate memory acquisition and retention were assessed before and after a week-long TiB restriction intervention (n = 30). TiB was restricted to 75% of diary-reported habitual TiB. A comparison group of n = 5 participants repeated assessments while following their usual sleep schedule to obtain preliminary estimates of effect sizes associated with repeated testing.
    UNASSIGNED: Subjective and objective sleep measures robustly improved in the TiB restriction group for sleep quality, sleep depth, sleep efficiency and WASO, at the expense of TiB and time spent in N1 and N2 sleep. As hypothesized, SWA increased robustly with TiB restriction across the 0.5-4 Hz range, as well as subjective sleep depth, subjective and objective WASO. Despite increases in sleepiness ratings, no impairments were found in memory acquisition or retention.
    UNASSIGNED: A TiB restriction dose equivalent to 75% of habitual TiB robustly increased sleep continuity and SWA in older adults with sleep maintenance difficulties, without impairing memory performance. These findings may inform long-term behavioral SWA enhancement interventions aimed at improving memory performance and risk for cognitive impairments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: We previously reported that during a 45-day simulated space mission, a dynamic lighting schedule (DLS) improved circadian phase alignment and performance assessed once on selected days. This study aimed to evaluate how DLS affected performance on a 5-minute psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) administered multiple times per day on selected days.
    UNASSIGNED: Sixteen crewmembers (37.4 ± 6.7 years; 5F) underwent six cycles of 2 × 8-hour/night followed by 5 × 5-hour/night sleep opportunities. During the DLS (n = 8), daytime white light exposure was blue-enriched (~6000 K; Level 1: 1079, Level 2: 76 melanopic equivalent daytime illuminance (melEDI) lux) and blue-depleted (~3000-4000 K; L1: 21, L2: 2 melEDI lux) 3 hours before bed. In the standard lighting schedule (SLS; n = 8), lighting remained constant (~4500K; L1: 284, L2 62 melEDI lux). Effects of lighting condition (DLS/SLS), sleep condition (5/8 hours), time into mission, and their interactions, and time awake on PVT performance were analyzed using generalized linear mixed models.
    UNASSIGNED: The DLS was associated with fewer attentional lapses (reaction time [RT] > 500 milliseconds) compared to SLS. Lapses, mean RT, and 10% fastest/slowest RTs were worse following 5 compared to 8 hours of sleep but not between lighting conditions. There was an effect of time into mission on RTs, likely due to sleep loss. Overall performance differed by time of day, with longer RTs at the beginning and end of the day. There were more lapses and slower RTs in the afternoon in the SLS compared to the DLS condition.
    UNASSIGNED: Future missions should incorporate DLS to enhance circadian alignment and performance. This paper is part of the Sleep and Circadian Rhythms: Management of Fatigue in Occupational Settings Collection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Habitual short sleep durations are associated with several cardiovascular diseases. Experimental research generally supports these findings as metrics of arterial function are impaired after complete deprivation of sleep and after longer periods of partial sleep restriction. The acute influence of a single instance of partial sleep restriction (PSR), however, has not been defined. We evaluated arterial structure and function among 32 university-aged participants on two occasions: once after normal habitual sleep (NS), and again the morning after an acute partial sleep restriction (PSR) intervention involving only 3 h of sleep for a single night. Endothelial function was measured using ultrasonography at the brachial artery via flow-mediated dilatation (FMD), and a ramp peak oxygen uptake test was used to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness. Blood samples were collected from a subset of participants to investigate the influence of circulatory factors on cellular mechanisms implicated in endothelial function. Sleep duration was lower after a night of PSR compared to NS (P < 0.001); however, there were no appreciable differences in any haemodynamic outcome between conditions. FMD was not different between NS and PSR (NS: 6.5 ± 2.9%; PSR: 6.3 ± 2.9%; P = 0.668), and cardiorespiratory fitness did not moderate the haemodynamic response to PSR (all P > 0.05). Ex vivo cell culture results aligned with in vivo data, showing that acute PSR does not alter intracellular processes involved in endothelial function. No differences in arterial structure or function were observed between NS and acute PSR in healthy and young participants, and cardiorespiratory fitness does not modulate the arterial response to acute sleep restriction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sleep and stress interact bidirectionally by acting on brain circuits that affect metabolism. Sleep and its alterations have impact on blood leptin levels, metabolic hormone that regulates appetite. Brain expresses the receptors for the peptide hormone leptin produced from adipocytes. The hypothalamic orexin neurons are low during sleep and active when awake, influenced by a complex interaction with leptin. Thymoquinone was found to be the major bioactive component of Nigella sativa. The aim of this study was to study the role of thymoquinone on sleep restriction and its mitigating effect on leptin-mediated signaling pathway in rat brain.
    RESULTS: 30 adult male Wistar rats were divided into 5 groups with 6 animals in each group: Control; Thymoquinone (TQ); Corn oil; Chronic Sleep restriction (CSR); and CSR + TQ. After 30 days, behavioral analysis, antioxidant, lipid profile, glucose level, liver and kidney function test, neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, and mRNA expression in in vivo studies were also assessed and pharmacokinetic and docking were done for thymoquinone. Thymoquinone has also shown good binding affinity to the target proteins. CSR has induced oxidative stress in the discrete brain regions and plasma. Current study has shown many evidences that sleep restriction has altered the neurobehavioral, antioxidant status, lipid profile, neurotransmitters, neuropeptide levels, and feeding behavior which damage the Orexin-leptin system which regulates the sleep and feeding that leads to metabolic dysfunction.
    CONCLUSIONS: The potentiality of Thymoquinone was revealed in in silico studies, and its action in in vivo studies has proved its effectiveness. The study concludes that Thymoquinone has exhibited its effect by diminishing the metabolic dysfunction by its neuroprotective, antioxidant, and hypolipidemic properties.





