regenerative cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There are many potential therapeutic applications for autologous adipose-derived stromal cells. These cells are found in a heterogeneous population isolated from adipose tissue called the stromal vascular fraction (SVF). Closed automated systems are available to release cells from the adherent stroma. Here, we test one system to evaluate the heterogeneous output for yield, purity, cellular characterization, and stemness criteria. The SVF was isolated from three donors using the Automated Cell Station (ACS) from BSL Co., Ltd., Busan, Republic of Korea. The SVF cellular output was characterized for cell yield and viability, immunophenotyping analysis, pluripotent differentiation potential, adhesion to plastic, and colony-forming units. Additionally, the SVF was tested for endotoxin and collagenase residuals. The SVF yield from the ACS system was an average volume of 7.9 ± 0.5 mL containing an average of 19 × 106 nucleated cells with 85 ± 12% viability. Flow cytometry identified a variety of cells, including ASCs (23%), macrophages (24%), endothelial cells (5%), pericytes (4%), and transitional cells (0.5%). The final concentrated product contained cells capable of differentiating into adipogenic, chondrogenic, and osteogenic phenotypes. Furthermore, tests for SVF sterility and purity showed no evidence of endotoxin or collagenase residuals. The ACS system can efficiently process cells from adipose tissue within the timeframe of a single surgical procedure. The cellular characterization indicated that this system can yield a sterile and concentrated SVF output, providing a valuable source of ASCs within the heterogeneous cell population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The midgut, a vital component of the digestive system in arthropods, serves as an interface between ingested food and the insect\'s physiology, playing a pivotal role in nutrient absorption and immune defense mechanisms. Distinct cell types, including columnar, enteroendocrine, goblet and regenerative cells, comprise the midgut in insects and contribute to its robust immune response. Enterocytes/columnar cells, the primary absorptive cells, facilitate the immune response through enzyme secretions, while regenerative cells play a crucial role in maintaining midgut integrity by continuously replenishing damaged cells and maintaining the continuity of the immune defense. The peritrophic membrane is vital to the insect\'s innate immunity, shielding the midgut from pathogens and abrasive food particles. Midgut juice, a mixture of digestive enzymes and antimicrobial factors, further contributes to the insect\'s immune defense, helping the insect to combat invading pathogens and regulate the midgut microbial community. The cutting-edge single-cell transcriptomics also unveiled previously unrecognized subpopulations within the insect midgut cells and elucidated the striking similarities between the gastrointestinal tracts of insects and higher mammals. Understanding the intricate interplay between midgut cell types provides valuable insights into insect immunity. This review provides a solid foundation for unraveling the complex roles of the midgut, not only in digestion but also in immunity. Moreover, this review will discuss the novel immune strategies led by the midgut employed by insects to combat invading pathogens, ultimately contributing to the broader understanding of insect physiology and defense mechanisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to assess lameness in dogs with advanced osteoarthritis of the hip and knee joints after a single autologous point-of-care transplantation of the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF) into the affected joint.
    METHODS: During a minilaparotomy, 10 g of falciform fat was removed from each patient for each joint to be treated. A modern and time-saving procedure (ARC TM System, InGeneron GmbH, Houston, USA) was used for the in-house preparation of the SVF, so that the isolated cells could be applied to the respective joint within 2 h after fat removal. In total, five knee joints of five patients and seven hip joints of four patients were treated.
    RESULTS: Improvement in lameness according to owner questionnaires was seen in 3 of 5 patients with knee joint arthritis and 2 of 4 patients with hip joint arthritis. Based on gait analysis, only one dog with gonarthrosis and one dog with coxarthrosis showed improvement up to a maximum of 3 months after surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first case series on the treatment of osteoarthrosis of the knee or hip joint using point-of-care transplantation of the SVF. In individual cases, this method may represent a therapeutic approach for the treatment in dogs with advanced cox- or gonarthrosis, although only a short-term effect can be expected, which calls into question the effort and costs involved.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The midgut of millipedes is composed of a simple epithelium that rests on a basal lamina, which is surrounded by visceral muscles and hepatic cells. As the material for our studies, we chose Telodeinopus aoutii (Demange, 1971) (Kenyan millipede) (Diplopoda, Spirostreptida), which lives in the rain forests of Central Africa. This commonly reared species is easy to obtain from local breeders and easy to culture in the laboratory. During our studies, we used transmission and scanning electron microscopes and light and fluorescent microscopes. The midgut epithelium of the species examined here shares similarities to the structure of the millipedes analyzed to date. The midgut epithelium is composed of three types of cells-digestive, secretory, and regenerative cells. Evidence of three types of secretion have been observed in the midgut epithelium: merocrine, apocrine, and microapocrine secretion. The regenerative cells of the midgut epithelium in millipedes fulfill the role of midgut stem cells because of their main functions: self-renewal (the ability to divide mitotically and to maintain in an undifferentiated state) and potency (ability to differentiate into digestive cells). We also confirmed that spot desmosomes are common intercellular junctions between the regenerative and digestive cells in millipedes.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    Heteroptera have diverse feeding habits with phytophagous, zoophagous, and haematophagous species. This dietary diversity associated with the monophyly of Heteroptera makes these insects a good object for comparative studies of the digestive tract. This work compares the ultrastructure of the middle midgut region in the phytophagous Coptosoma scutellatum (Plataspidae), Graphosoma lineatum (Pentatomidae), Kleidocerys resedae (Lygaeidae), and zoophagous Rhynocoris iracundus (Reduviidae), Nabis rugosus (Nabidae), and Himacerus apterus (Nabidae), to verify if diet affects midgut cells in phylogenetically related insects. The middle region of the midgut was used for comparison because it is the main site for digestion and absorption of the midgut. The digestive cell ultrastructure was similar in the six species, with features of secretory, absorptive, transport, storage, and excretory cells, suggesting a stronger correlation of middle digestive cell ultrastructure with the phylogeny of these species than with the different heteropteran feeding habits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The midgut epithelia of the millipedes Polyxenus lagurus, Archispirostreptus gigas and Julus scandinavius were analyzed under light and transmission electron microscopies. In order to detect the proliferation of regenerative cells, labeling with BrdU and antibodies against phosphohistone H3 were employed. A tube-shaped midgut of three millipedes examined spreads along the entire length of the middle region of the body. The epithelium is composed of digestive, secretory and regenerative cells. The digestive cells are responsible for the accumulation of metals and the reserve material as well as the synthesis of substances, which are then secreted into the midgut lumen. The secretions are of three types - merocrine, apocrine and microapocrine. The oval or pear-like shaped secretory cells do not come into contact with the midgut lumen and represent the closed type of secretory cells. They possess many electron-dense granules (J. scandinavius) or electron-dense granules and electron-lucent vesicles (A. gigas, P. lagurus), which are accompanied by cisterns of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The regenerative cells are distributed individually among the basal regions of the digestive cells. The proliferation and differentiation of regenerative cells into the digestive cells occurred in J. scandinavius and A. gigas, while these processes were not observed in P. lagurus. As a result of the mitotic division of regenerative cells, one of the newly formed cells fulfills the role of a regenerative cell, while the second one differentiates into a digestive cell. We concluded that regenerative cells play the role of unipotent midgut stem cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Aedes aegypti midgut is restructured during metamorphosis; its epithelium is renewed by replacing the digestive and endocrine cells through stem or regenerative cell differentiation. Shortly after pupation (white pupae) begins, the larval digestive cells are histolized and show signs of degeneration, such as autophagic vacuoles and disintegrating microvilli. Simultaneously, differentiating cells derived from larval stem cells form an electron-dense layer that is visible 24h after pupation begins. Forty-eight hours after pupation onset, the differentiating cells yield an electron-lucent cytoplasm rich in microvilli and organelles. Dividing stem cells were observed in the fourth instar larvae and during the first 24h of pupation, which suggests that stem cells proliferate at the end of the larval period and during pupation. This study discusses various aspects of the changes during midgut remodeling for pupating A. aegypti.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Scolopendra cingulata has a tube-shaped digestive system that is divided into three distinct regions: fore-, mid- and hindgut. The midgut is lined with a pseudostratified columnar epithelium which is composed of digestive, secretory and regenerative cells. Hemocytes also appear between the digestive cells of the midgut epithelium. The ultrastructure of three types of epithelial cells and hemocytes of the midgut has been described with the special emphasis on the role of regenerative cells in the protection of midgut epithelium. The process of midgut epithelium regeneration proceeds due to the ability of regenerative cells to proliferate and differentiate according to a circadian rhythm. The regenerative cells serve as unipotent stem cells that divide in an asymmetric manner. Additionally, two types of hemocytes have been distinguished among midgut epithelial cells. They enter the midgut epithelium from the body cavity. Because of the fact that numerous microorganisms occur in the cytoplasm of midgut epithelial cells, we discuss the role of hemocytes in elimination of pathogens from the midgut epithelium. The studies were conducted with the use of transmission electron microscope and immunofluorescent methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sitophilus zeamais is one of the most aggressive pests of stored grains, causing a significant decrease in the nutritional quality of the grains and major losses in economic trade. The foraging capacity of this pest is assigned to its highly efficient digestive system. Investigations on the morphofunctional features of the midgut, which is the most active region of the alimentary canal, are fundamental to understand the feeding habits of this species. In this study, the midgut of adult insects was isolated, processed, and analyzed on light microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, protein and enzymatic activities determination, including analyses of the starch hydrolysis products. In S. zeamais, the midgut was differentiated into anterior midgut and posterior midgut, and consisted of digestive, regenerative and endocrine cells. The anterior midgut showed high density of regenerative crypts. Cells containing organelles associated with protein synthesis and presence of amylases and lipases indicated that majority of the digestion process occurred in the anterior midgut. The posterior midgut exhibited numerous gastric caeca and peritrophic membrane. Cells with poorly differentiated cytoplasmic into organelles, elongated microvilli, and low enzymatic activities indicated that the posterior midgut was mainly involved in absorption.





