protein sensing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here, we demonstrate a label-free dual optical response strategy for the detection of cytochrome c (Cyt c) with ultrahigh sensitivity using highly luminescent lanthanides containing inorganic-organic hybrid nanotubular sensor arrays. These sensor arrays are formed by the sequential incorporation of the photosensitizers 2,3-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN) or 1,10-phenanthroline (Phen), and trivalent lanthanide terbium ions (Tb3+) into sodium lithocholate (NaLC) nanotube templates. Our sensing platform relies on the detection and quantification of Cyt c in solution by providing dual photoluminescence quenching responses from the nanotubular hybrid arrays in the presence of Cyt c. The large quenching of the sensitized Tb3+ emission within the DHN/Phen-Tb3+-NaLC nanotubular sensor arrays caused by the strong binding of the photosensitizers to Cyt c provides an important signal response for the selective detection of Cyt c. This long-lived lanthanide emission response-based sensing strategy can be highly advantageous for the detection of Cyt c in a cellular environment eliminating background fluorescence and scattering signals through time-gated measurements. The DHN containing nanotubular sensor arrays (DHN-NaLC and DHN-Tb3+-NaLC) provide an additional quenching response characterized by a unique spectral valley splitting with quantized quenching dip on the DHN fluorescence emission. This spectral quenching dip resulting from efficient FRET between the protein bound DHN photosensitizer and the heme group of Cyt c serves as an important means for specific detection and quantification of Cyt c in the concentration range of 0-30 μM with a low detection limit of around 20 nM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is crucial for early stage medical diagnostics to identify disease biomarkers at ultralow concentrations. A wide range of analytes can be identified using low-dimensional materials to build highly sensitive, targeted, label-free, field-effect transistor (FET) biosensors. Two-dimensional (2D) materials are preferable for high-performance biosensing because of their dramatic change in resistivity upon analyte adsorption or biomarker detection, tunable electronic properties, high surface activities, adequate stability, and layer-dependent semiconducting properties. We give a succinct overview of interesting applications for protein sensing with various architectural styles, such as 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)-based FETs that include carbon nanotubes (CNTs), graphene (Gr), reduced graphene oxide (rGr), 2D transition-metal carbides (MXene), and Gr/MXene heterostructures. Because it might enable individuals to perform better, this review will be an important contribution to the field of medical science. These achievements demonstrate point-of-care diagnostics\' abilities to detect biomarkers at ultrahigh performance levels. A summary of the present opportunities and challenges appears in the conclusion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The innovative design of a triarylborane (TB)-dye with one NMe2-alkylated (propargylated) group and one NMe2 group yielded a system that is both an NMe2 π-donor and an inductive NMe2-alkyl cationic acceptor. Consequently, the new TB-dye was highly sensitive to a \"click\" reaction with an azide-substituted lysine side chain (yielding TB-lysine), resulting in a bathochromic shift of emission of 100 nm. In addition, fluorene attached to the lysine C-terminus showed FRET with the TB-chromophore, also sensitive to interactions with targets. Both the TB-dye and TB-lysine showed high affinities towards both DNA and proteins, reporting binding by an opposite fluorimetric response for DNA/RNA (quenching) vs. BSA (increase). Thus, the novel TB-dye is an ideal fluorimetric probe for orthogonal incorporation into bio-targets by \"click\" reactions due to fluorescence reporting of the progress of the \"click\" reaction and further sensing of the binding site composition. The TB-dye is moderately toxic to human cell lines after 2-3 days of exposure, but efficiently enters cells in 90 min, being non-toxic at short exposure. The most important product of the \"click\" reaction, TB-lysine, was non-toxic to cells and showed equal distribution between mitochondria and lysosomes. Further studies would focus particularly on the very convenient monitoring of the progress of \"click\" conjugation of the TB-dye with biorelevant targets inside living cells by confocal microscopy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lysozyme (LYZ) is a small cationic protein which is widely used for medical treatment and in the food industry to act as an anti-bacterial agent; however, it can trigger allergic reactions. In this study, high-affinity molecularly imprinted nanoparticles (nanoMIPs) were synthesized for LYZ using a solid-phase approach. The produced nanoMIPs were electrografted to screen-printed electrodes (SPEs), disposable electrodes with high commercial potential, to enable electrochemical and thermal sensing. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) facilitated fast measurement (5-10 min) and is able to determine trace levels of LYZ (pM) and can discriminate between LYZ and structurally similar proteins (bovine serum albumin, troponin-I). In tandem, thermal analysis was conducted with the heat transfer method (HTM), which is based on monitoring the heat transfer resistance at the solid-liquid interface of the functionalized SPE. HTM as detection technique guaranteed trace-level (fM) detection of LYZ but needed longer analysis time compared to EIS measurement (30 min vs 5-10 min). Considering the versatility of the nanoMIPs which can be adapted to virtually any target of interest, these low-cost point-of-care sensors hold great potential to improve food safety.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultra-low-noise solid-state nanopores are attractive for high-accuracy single-molecule sensing. A conventional silicon platform introduces acute capacitive noise to the system, which seriously limits the recording bandwidth. Recently, we have demonstrated the creation of thin triangular membranes on an insulating crystal sapphire wafer to eliminate the parasitic device capacitance. Uniquely different from the previous triangular etching window designs, here hexagonal windows were explored to produce triangular membranes by aligning to the sapphire crystal within a large tolerance of alignment angles (10-35°). Interestingly, sapphire facet competition serves to suppress the formation of more complex polygons but creates stable triangular membranes with their area insensitive to the facet alignment. Accordingly, a new strategy was successfully established on a 2 in. sapphire wafer to produce chips with an average membrane side length of 4.7 μm, an area of <30 μm2 for 81% chips, or estimated calculated membrane capacitance as low as 0.06 pF. We finally demonstrated <4 μs high-speed and high-fidelity low-noise protein detection under 250 kHz high bandwidth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 2- and 2,7- substituted para-N-methylpyridinium pyrene cations show high-affinity intercalation into ds-DNAs, whereas their non-methylated analogues interacted with ds-DNA/RNA only in the protonated form (at pH 5), but not at physiological conditions (pH 7). The fluorescence from non-methylated analogues was strongly dependent on the protonation of the pyridines; consequently, they act as fluorescence ratiometric probes for simultaneous detection of both ds-DNA and BSA at pH 5, relying on the ratio between intensities at 420 nm (BSA specific) and 520 nm (DNA specific), whereby exclusively ds-DNA sensing could be switched-off by adjustment to pH 7. Only methylated, permanently charged pyrenes show photoinduced cleavage of circular DNA, attributed to pyrene-mediated irradiation-induced production of singlet oxygen. Consequently, the moderate toxicity of these cations against human cell lines is strongly increased upon irradiation. Detailed studies revealed increased total ROS production in cells treated by the compounds studied, accompanied by cell swelling and augmentation of cellular complexity. The most photo-active 2-para-N-methylpyridinium pyrene showed significant localization at mitochondria, its photo-bioactivity likely due to mitochondrial DNA damage. Other derivatives were mostly non-selectively distributed between various cytoplasmic organelles, thus being less photoactive.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As one of the most important functional organic macromolecules of life, proteins not only participate in the cell metabolism and gene regulation, they also earnestly protect the body\'s immunity system, leading to a powerful biological shield and homeostasis. Advances in nanomaterials are boosting the significant progress in various applications, including the sensing and examination of proteins in trace amount. Nanocellulose-oriented protein sensing is at the forefront of this revolution. The inherent feature of high biocompatibility, low cytotoxicity, high specific area, good durability and marketability endow nanocellulose with great superiority in protein sensing. Here, we highlight the recent progress of protein sensing using nanocellulose as the biosensor in trace amount. Besides, various kinds of construction strategies for nanocelluloses-based biosensors are discussed in detail, to enhance the agility and accuracy of clinical/medical diagnostics. Finally, several challenges in the approbatory identification of new approaches for the marketization of biomedical sensing that need further expedition in the future are highlighted.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The separation of complex mixtures is ubiquitous throughout molecular biology, and techniques such as gel-based electrophoresis are common laboratory practice. Such methods are not without their drawbacks, however, which include non-specific interactions between analyte and the separation matrix, poor yields in purification and non-continuous analyte throughput. Microfluidic techniques, which exploit physical phenomena unique to the microscale, promise to improve many aspects of traditional laboratory procedures. These methods offer a quantitative, solution-based alternative to traditional gel electrophoresis, with rapid measurement times enabling the analysis of transient or weak biomolecular interactions that would be challenging to observe with traditional methods. Here, we present a protocol for the lithographic fabrication and operation of microfluidic chips capable of free-flow electrophoretic (FFE) fractionation and analysis of biological analytes. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach through a protein-sensing methodology based on FFE fractionation of DNA-protein mixtures. In addition, the FFE technique described here can be readily adapted to suit a variety of preparative and analytical applications, providing information on the charge, zeta-potential, and interactions of analytes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Label-free detection and analysis of proteins in their natural form and their dynamic interactions with substrates at the single-molecule level are important for both fundamental studies and various applications. Herein, we demonstrate a simple potentiometric method to achieve this goal by detecting the native charge of protein in solution by utilizing the principle of single-entity electrochemistry techniques. When a charged protein moves near the vicinity of a floating carbon nanoelectrode connected to a high-impedance voltage meter, the distinct local electrostatic potential changes induced by the transient collision event of protein, also called the \"nanoimpact\" event, can be captured by the nanoelectrode as a potential probe. This potentiometric method is highly sensitive for charged proteins, and low-molecular-weight proteins less than 10 kDa can be detected in low-salt-concentration electrolytes. By analyzing the shape and magnitude of the recorded time-resolved potential change and its time derivative, we can reveal the charge and motion of the protein in the nonspecific protein-surface interaction event. The charge polarity variations of the proteins at different pH values were also successfully probed. Compared with synthetic spherical nanoparticles, the statistical analysis of many single-molecule nanoimpact events revealed a large variation in the recorded transient potential signals, which may be attributed to the intrinsic protein dynamics and surface charge heterogeneity, as suggested by the finite element method and molecular dynamic simulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In two decades, the solid state and polymer nanopores became attractive method for the protein sensing with high specificity and sensitivity. They also allow the characterization of conformational changes, unfolding, assembly and aggregation as well the following of enzymatic reaction. This review aims to provide an overview of the protein sensing regarding the technique of detection: the resistive pulse and ionic diodes. For each strategy, we report the most significant achievement regarding the detection of peptides and protein as well as the conformational change, protein-protein assembly and aggregation process. We discuss the limitations and the recent strategies to improve the nanopore resolution and accuracy. A focus is done about concomitant problematic such as protein adsorption and nanopore lifetime.





