
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vibration sensors are widely used in many fields like industry, agriculture, military, medicine, environment, etc. However, due to the speedy upgrading, most sensors composed of rigid or even toxic materials cause pollution to the environment and give rise to an increased amount of electronic waste. To meet the requirement of green electronics, biodegradable materials are advocated to be used to develop vibration sensors. Herein, a vibration sensor is reported based on a strategy of pencil-drawing graphite on paper. Specifically, a repeated pencil-drawing process is carried out on paper with a zigzag-shaped framework and parallel microgrooves, to form a graphite coating, thus serving as a functional conductive layer for electromechanical signal conversion. To enhance the sensor\'s sensitivity to vibration, a mass is loaded in the center of the paper, so that higher oscillation amplitude could happen under vibrational excitation. In so doing, the paper-based sensor can respond to vibrations with a wide frequency range from 5 Hz to 1 kHz, and vibrations with a maximum acceleration of 10 g. The results demonstrate that the sensor can not only be utilized for monitoring vibrations generated by the knuckle-knocking of plastic plates or objects falling down but also can be used to detect vibration in areas such as the shield cut head to assess the working conditions of machinery. The paper-based MEMS vibration sensor exhibits merits like easy fabrication, low cost, and being environmentally friendly, which indicates its great application potential in vibration monitoring fields.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the era of liquid biopsy, microRNAs emerge as promising candidates for the early diagnosis and prognosis of cancer, offering valuable insights into the disease\'s development. Among all the existing analytical approaches, even if traditional approaches such as the nucleic acid amplification ones have the advantages to be highly sensitive, they cannot be used at the point-of-care, while sensors might be poorly sensitive despite their portability. In order to improve the analytical performance of existing electroanalytical systems, we demonstrate how a simple chromatographic paper-based disk might be useful to rationally improve the sensitivity, depending on the number of preconcentration cycles. A paper-based electrochemical platform for miRNA detection has been developed by modifying a paper-based electrode with a methylene blue (MB)-modified single-stranded sequence (ssDNA) complementary to the chosen miRNA, namely miR-224 that is associated with lung cancer. A detection limit of ca. 0.6 nM has been obtained in spiked human serum samples. To further enhance the sensitivity, an external chromatographic wax-patterned paper-based disk has been adopted to preconcentrate the sample, and this has been demonstrated both in standard and in serum solutions. For each solution, three miR-224 levels have been preconcentrated, obtaining a satisfactory lowering detection limit of ca. 50 pM using a simple and sustainable procedure. This approach opens wide possibilities in the field of analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, being useful not only for electrochemistry but also for other architectures of detection and transduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bimetallic-metal organic frameworks (BiM-MOFs) or bimetallic organic frameworks represent an innovative and promising class of porous materials, distinguished from traditional monometallic MOFs by their incorporation of two metal ions alongside organic linkers. BiM-MOFs, with their unique crystal structure, physicochemical properties, and composition, demonstrate distinct advantages in the realm of biochemical sensing applications, displaying improvements in optical properties, stability, selectivity, and sensitivity. This comprehensive review explores into recent advancements in leveraging BiM-MOFs for fluorescence-based biochemical sensing, providing insights into their design, synthesis, and practical applications in both chemical and biological sensing. Emphasizing fluorescence emission as a transduction mechanism, the review aims to guide researchers in maximizing the potential of BiM-MOFs across a broader spectrum of investigations. Furthermore, it explores prospective research directions and addresses challenges, offering valuable perspectives on the evolving landscape of fluorescence-based probes rooted in BiM-MOFs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chlorpyrifos (CPF) residues in food pose a serious threat to ecosystems and human health. Herein, we propose a three-dimensional folded paper-based microfluidic analysis device (3D-μPAD) based on multifunctional metal-organic frameworks, which can achieve rapid quantitative detection of CPF by fluorescence-colorimetric dual-mode readout. Upconversion nanomaterials were first coupled with a bimetal organic framework possessing peroxidase activity to create a fluorescence-quenched nanoprobe. After that, the 3D-μPAD was finished by loading the nanoprobe onto the paper-based detection zone and spraying it with a color-developing solution. With CPF present, the fluorescence intensity of the detection zone gradually recovers, the color changes from colorless to blue. This showed a good linear relationship with the concentration of CPF, and the limits of detection were 0.028 (fluorescence) and 0.043 (colorimetric) ng/mL, respectively. Moreover, the 3D-μPAD was well applied in detecting real samples with no significant difference compared with the high-performance liquid chromatography method. We believe it has huge potential for application in the on-site detection of food hazardous substance residues.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Origami biosensors leverage paper foldability to develop total analysis systems integrated in a single piece of paper. This capability can also be utilized to incorporate additional features that would be difficult to achieve with rigid substrates. In this article, we report a new design for 3D origami biosensors called OriPlex, which leverages the foldability of filter paper for the multiplexed detection of bacterial pathogens. OriPlex immunosensors detect pathogens by folding nanoparticle reservoirs containing different types of nanoprobes. This releases antibody-coated nanoparticles in a central channel where targets are captured through physical interactions. The OriPlex concept was demonstrated by detecting the respiratory pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) with a limit of detection of 3.4·103 cfu mL-1 and 1.4·102 cfu mL-1, respectively, and with a turn-around time of 25 min. Remarkably, the OriPlex biosensors allowed the multiplexed detection of both pathogens spiked into real bronchial aspirate (BAS) samples at a concentration of 105 cfu mL-1 (clinical infection threshold), thus demonstrating their suitability for diagnosing lower tract respiratory infections. The results shown here pave the way for implementing OriPlex biosensors as a screening test for detecting superbugs requiring personalized antibiotics in suspected cases of nosocomial pneumonia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) is a notifiable viral disease caused by Lumpy Skin Disease virus (LSDV). It is usually associated with high economic losses, including a loss of productivity, infertility, and death. LSDV shares genetic and antigenic similarities with Sheep pox virus (SPV) and Goat pox (GPV) virus. Hence, the LSDV traditional diagnostic tools faced many limitations regarding sensitivity, specificity, and cross-reactivity. Herein, we fabricated a paper-based turn-on fluorescent Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) sensor for the rapid detection of LSDV. The LSDV-MIPs sensor showed strong fluorescent intensity signal enhancement in response to the presence of the virus within minutes. Our sensor showed a limit of detection of 101 log10 TCID50/mL. Moreover, it showed significantly higher specificity to LSDV relative to other viruses, especially SPV. To our knowledge, this is the first record of a paper-based rapid detection test for LSDV depending on fluorescent turn-on behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The growth of liquid biopsy, i. e., the possibility of obtaining health information by analysing circulating species (nucleic acids, cells, proteins, and vesicles) in peripheric biofluids, is pushing the field of sensors and biosensors beyond the limit to provide decentralised solutions for nonspecialists. In particular, among all the circulating species that can be adopted in managing cancer evolution, both for diagnostic and prognostic applications, microRNAs have been highly studied and detected. The development of electrochemical devices is particularly relevant for liquid biopsy purposes, and the screen-printed electrodes (SPEs) represent one of the building blocks for producing novel portable devices. In this work, we have taken miR-2115-3p as model target (it is related to lung cancer), and we have developed a biosensor by exploiting the use of a complementary DNA probe modified with methylene blue as redox mediator. In particular, the chosen sensing architecture was applied to serum measurements of the selected miRNA, obtaining a detection limit within the low nanomolar range; in addition, various platforms were interrogated, namely commercial and hand-made SPEs, with the aim of providing the reader with some insights about the optimal platform to be used by considering both the cost and the analytical performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Detecting sputum pyocyanin (PYO) with a competitive immunoassay is a promising approach for diagnosing Pseudomonas aeruginosa respiratory infections. However, it is not possible to perform a negative control to evaluate matrix-effects in competitive immunoassays, and the highly complex sputum matrix often interferes with target detection. Here, we show that these issues are alleviated by performing competitive immunoassays with a paper biosensor. The biosensing platform consists of a paper reservoir, which contains antibody-coated gold nanoparticles, and a substrate containing a competing recognition element, which is a piece of paper modified with an albumin-antigen conjugate. Detection of PYO with a limit of detection of 4.7·10-3 µM and a dynamic range between 4.7·10-1 µM and 47.6 µM is accomplished by adding the sample to the substrate with the competing element and pressing the reservoir against it for 5 min. When tested with patient samples, the biosensor was able to qualitatively differentiate spiked from non-spiked samples, whereas ELISA did not show a clear cut-off between them. Furthermore, the relative standard deviation was lower when determining sputum with the paper-based biosensor. These features, along with a mild liquefaction step that circumvents the use of harsh chemicals or instruments, make our biosensor a good candidate for diagnosing Pseudomonas infections at the bedside through the detection of sputum PYO.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pesticide residues have long been a major concern for food safety. In this study, a dialdehyde starch-encapsulated silver nanoparticles composite with controlled-release \"hotspots\" was developed as a surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrate. At room temperature, most of the Ag NPs were encapsulated in dialdehyde starch, which is beneficial for improving stability, and when heated to the gelatinization point, Ag NPs are completely released and abundant hot spots are formed. We demonstrated sensitive detection of thiabendazole (TBZ) in or on the surface of an apple by means of two ways, i.e., detecting the analyte in solution after pretreatment and in-situ detecting the analyte by using a flexible paper-based substrate. The results showed that the detection limits of TBZ by the two ways were 0.052 ppm and 0.051 ppm respectively, and the recoveries of TBZ range from 96.80 % to 105.46 %. Overall, this SERS substrate shows great potential for pesticide residue detection in food.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dual-state emitters (DSEs) are entities that exhibit fluorescence in both the solution and solid state, which open up a wide range of possibilities for their utilization in various fields. The development of detection platforms using intrinsic luminescent metal-organic frameworks (LMOFs) is highly desirable for a variety of applications. DSE MOFs as a subclass of intrinsic LMOFs are highly attractive due to no need for encapsulation/functionalization by fluorophores and/or using luminescent linkers. Herein, a highly stable intrinsic dual-state blue emission (λem = 425 nm) zinc-based MOF with rodlike nanostructures (denoted as UoZ-2) was synthesized and characterized. To the best of our knowledge, intrinsic DSE of Zn-MOFs with blue emission in the dispersed form in solution and solid-state fluorescence have not been reported yet. When tetracycline (TC) was added, a continuous color evolution from blue to greenish-yellow with dramatic enhancement was observed due to aggregation induced emission (AIE). Thus, a sensitive ratiometry-based visual detection platform, in solution and on paper independently, was designed for detection of TC exploiting the DSE and AIE properties of UoZ-2 alone and UoZ-2:TC. The detection limit was estimated to be 4.5 nM, which is considered to be one of the most sensitive ratiometric fluorescent probes for TC sensing. The ratiometry paper-based UoZ-2 sensor displays a reliable TC quantitative analysis by recognizing RGB values in the on-site TC detection with satisfactory recoveries.





