
  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Loss-of-function (LoF) mutations in the filaggrin gene (FLG) constitute the strongest genetic risk for atopic dermatitis (AD). A latitude-dependent difference in the prevalence of LoF FLG mutations was systematically evaluated. A systematic review and meta-analysis were performed to estimate the prevalence of LoF FLG mutations in AD patients and the general population by geography and ethnicity. Risk of bias was assessed by Newcastle-Ottawa Scale and Jadad score. StatsDirect, version 3 software was used to calculate all outcomes. PubMed and EMBASE were searched until 9th December 2021. Studies were included if they contained data on the prevalence of LoF FLG mutations in AD patients or from the general population or associations between AD and LoF FLG mutations and were authored in English. Overall, 248 studies and 229 310 AD patients and individuals of the general population were included in the quantitative analysis. The prevalence of LoF FLG mutations was 19.1% (95% CI, 17.3-21.0) in AD patients and 5.8% (95% CI, 5.3-6.2) in the general population. There was a significant positive association between AD and LoF FLG mutations in all latitudes in the Northern hemisphere, but not in all ethnicities. The prevalence of LoF FLG mutations became gradually more prevalent in populations residing farther north of the Equator but was negligible in Middle Easterners and absent in most African populations. FLG LoF mutations are common and tend to increase with northern latitude, suggesting potential clinical implications for future AD management. The existence of possible genetic fitness from FLG LoF mutations remains unknown.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Up to now, Allen and Bergmann\'s rules have been studied in modern humans by analyzing differences in limb length, height, or body mass. However, there are no publications studying the effects of latitude in the 3D configuration of the ribcage. To assess this issue, we digitally reconstructed the ribcages of a balanced sample of 109 adult individuals of global distribution. Shape and size of the ribcage was quantified using geometric morphometrics. Our results show that the ribcage belonging to tropical individuals is smaller and slenderer compared to others living in higher latitudes, which is in line with Allen and Bergmann\'s rules and suggests an allometric relationship between size and shape. Although sexual dimorphism was observed in the whole sample, significant differences were only found in tropical populations. Our proposal is that, apart from potential sexual selection, avoiding heat loss might be the limiting factor for sexual dimorphism in cold-adapted populations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This chapter aims to explore the usefulness of the latest advances in genetic studies in the field of the circadian system in the future development of individualised strategies for health improvement based on lifestyle intervention. Due to the multifactorial and complex nature of the circadian system, we focus on the highly prevalent phenotypes in the population that are key to understanding its biology from an evolutionary perspective and that can be modulated by lifestyle. Therefore, we leave in the background those phenotypes that constitute infrequent pathologies or in which the current level of scientific evidence does not favour the implementation of practical approaches of this type. Therefore, from an evolutionary paradigm, this chapter addresses phenotypes such as morning chronotypes, evening chronotypes, extreme chronotypes, and other key concepts such as circadian rhythm amplitude, resilience to changes in circadian rhythm, and their relationships with pathologies associated with circadian rhythm imbalances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant phenology is influenced by a combined effect of phylogeny and climate, although it is yet unclear how these two variables work together to change phenology. We synthesized 107 previously published studies to examine whether phenological changes were impacted by both phylogeny and climate changes in various geographical settings globally. Phenological observation data from 52,463 plant species at 71 sites worldwide revealed that 90 % of phenological records showed phylogenetic conservation. i.e., closely related species exhibited similar phenology. To explore the significant and non-significant phylogenetic conservation between plant phenophases, our dataset comprises 5,47,000 observation records from the four main phenophases (leaf bud, leaf, flower, and fruit). Three-dimensional geographical distribution (altitude, latitude, and longitude) data analysis revealed that plant phenology may exhibit phylogenetic signals at finer special scales (optimal environmental conditions) that vanish in high altitude and latitude regions. Additionally, climatic sensitivity analysis suggested that phylogenetic signals were associated with plant phenophases and were stronger in the regions of ideal temperature (7-18 °C) and photoperiod (10-14 h) and weaker in harsh climatic conditions. These results show that phylogenetic conservation in plant phenological traits is frequently influenced by the interaction of harsh climatic conditions and geographical ranges. This meta-analysis enhances our knowledge of predicting species responses over geographic gradients under varied climatic conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractDuring periods of torpor, hibernators can reduce metabolic rate (MR) and body temperature (Tb) substantially. However, to avoid physiological dysfunction at low temperatures, they defend Tb at a critical minimum, often between ~0°C and 10°C via an increase in MR. Because thermoregulation during torpor requires extra energy, individuals with lower Tb\'s and thus minimal MR during torpor should be selected in colder climates. Such inter- and intraspecific variations occur in some placental mammals, but for the evolutionary separate marsupials, available information is scarce. Marsupial eastern pygmy possums (Cercartetus nanus; ~22 g body mass), widely distributed along the Australian southeastern coast including subtropical to alpine areas, were used to test the hypothesis that the defended Tb of torpid individuals is related to the climate of their habitat. Possums were captured from five regions, 1,515 km apart, with midwinter (July) minimum environmental temperatures (min Tenv\'s) ranging from -3.9°C to 6.6°C. Captive possums in deep torpor were slowly cooled with ambient temperature (Ta), while their MR was measured to determine the minimum torpor metabolic rate (TMR), the Ta at which their MR increased for thermoregulation (min Ta), and the corresponding minimum Tb (min Tb). Partial least squares regression analysis revealed that Ta and Tenv were the strongest explanatory variables for the min Tb. The min Tb and Ta were also correlated with latitude but not elevation of the capture sites. However, the best correlations were observed between the min Tenv and the min Tb and Ta for individuals experiencing min Tenv>0°C; these individuals thermoconformed to min Ta\'s between -0.8°C and 3.7°C, and their min Tb ranged from 0.5°C to 6.0°C and was 0.5°C-2.6°C below the min Tenv at the capture site. In contrast, individuals experiencing a min Tenv of -3.9°C regulated Tb at 0.6°C±0.2°C or 4.5°C above the Tenv. The minimum TMR of all possums did not differ with Ta and thus did not differ among populations and was 2.6% of the basal MR. These data provide new evidence that thermal variables of marsupials are subject to regional intraspecific variation. It suggests that min Tb is a function of the min Tenv but only above 0°C, perhaps because the Tb-Ta differential for torpid possums in the wild, at a min Tenv of -3.9°C, remains small enough to be compensated by a small increase in MR and does not require the physiological capability for a reduction of Tb below 0°C.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: There is ample theoretical and experimental evidence that angiosperms harbouring self-incompatibility (SI) systems are likely to respond to global changes in unique ways relative to taxa with other mating systems. In this paper, we present an updated database on the prevalence of SI systems across angiosperms and examine the relationship between the presence of SI and latitude, biomes, life-history traits and management conditions to evaluate the potential vulnerability of SI taxa to climate change and habitat disturbance.
    METHODS: We performed literature searches to identify studies that employed controlled crosses, microscopic analyses and/or genetic data to classify taxa as having SI, self-compatibility (SC), partial self-compatibility (PSC) or self-sterility (SS). Where described, the site of the SI reaction and the presence of dimorphic versus monomorphic flowers were also recorded. We then combined this database on the distribution of mating systems with information about the life span, growth habit, management conditions and geographic distribution of taxa. Information about the geographic distribution of taxa was obtained from a manually curated version of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility database, and from vegetation surveys encompassing 9 biomes. We employed multinomial logit regression to assess the relationship between mating system and life-history traits, management condition, latitude and latitude-squared using self-compatible taxa as the baseline. Additionally, we employed LOESS regression to examine the relationship between the probability of SI and latitude. Finally, by summarizing information at the family level, we plotted the distribution of SI systems across angiosperms including information about the presence of SI or dioecy, the inferred reaction site of the SI system when known, as well as the proportion of taxa in a family for which information is available.
    RESULTS: We obtained information about the SI status of 5686 hermaphroditic taxa, of which 55% exhibited SC, and the remaining 45% harbour SI, self-sterility (SS), or PSC. Highlights of the multinomial logit regression include that taxa with PSC have a greater odds of being short- (OR=1.3) or long- (OR=1.57) lived perennials relative to SC ones, and that SS/SI taxa (pooled) are less likely to be annuals (OR=0.64) and more likely to be long-lived perennials (OR=1.32). SS/SI taxa had a greater odds of being succulent (OR=2.4) or a tree (OR=2.05), and were less likely to be weeds (OR=0.34). Further, we find a quadratic relationship between the probability of being SI with latitude: SI taxa were more common in the tropics, a finding that was further supported by the vegetation surveys which showed fewer species with SS/SI in temperate and northern latitudes compared to mediterranean and tropical biomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that in the short-term habitat fragmentation, pollinator loss and temperature increases may negatively impact plants with SI systems, particularly long-lived perennial and woody species dominant in tropical forests. In the longer term, these and other global changes are likely to select for self-compatible or partially self-compatible taxa which, due to the apparent importance of SI as a driver of plant diversification across the angiosperm tree of life, may globally influence plant species richness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Elevation is a major factor shaping plant populations on a global scale. At the same time, reproductive traits play a major role in plant fitness. With increasing altitude and increasingly harsh conditions, decreases in pollinator visitation rates, sexual investment, seed set, and heterozygosity (due to increased selfing) are expected. In response, selection and/or phenotypic plasticity could lead to an increase in plants\' floral displays to increase their attractiveness to pollinators and compensates for the negative fitness impacts of reduced pollinator activity. A large body of literature tests these hypotheses at the among-species level, but empirical evidence at the population level (i.e., wihin-species), where adaptive change may occur, is still limited to species-specific studies. Unravelling the global patterns of change in the reproductive traits, flower visitation rates and heterozygosity of plant populations across variable environmental conditions, especially climate can help us to understand how species are able to cope with shifting conditions associated with global change, particularly in mountains. Here, we used meta-analytic approaches to assess the reproductive changes of plant populations in response to elevation on a global scale.
    METHODS: We used a data set with 243 paired populations of plants at \'lower\' and \'higher\' elevations, spanning an elevation range of 0-4380 m asl and taken from 121 angiosperm species and 115 published studies. We analyzed changes in flower number, size and longevity, pollen production, flower visitation rate, seed set and expected heterozygosity.We then tested whether the observed patterns for each trait were dependent upon plant phylogeny and various ecogeographical factors and species traits.
    RESULTS: We found no evidence of elevation having a global effect on the reproductive traits of angiosperm populations. This null global pattern was not affected by geograph or phylogenetics.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that changes in reproductive traits, flower visitation rates, and heterozygosity in plant populations across elevations are specific to each species and ecosystem. Hence, macroevolutionary (across species) and macroecological patterns of elevation of plant reproduction reported previously are apparently not simply the outcome of microevolutionary changes (within species). This apparent specificity of response across plant species poses difficulties in predicting the effects of global changes and, specifically, climatic changes, on the fate of plant species, populations, and communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Density management is a key silvicultural tool in management programs that enhances compositional and structural diversity and hence forest growth during the conversion of even-aged pure stands into mixed forests.
    UNASSIGNED: To determine the optimum stand density, a model of maximum size-density relationships was employed to explore the relationship of the self-thinning trajectory with growth, species mixing, latitude, and site conditions during the transition of even-aged pure Chinese fir stands to Chinese fir-dominated mixed forests using stochastic frontier analysis. Data were obtained from a total of 591 permanent plots located in Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, and Anhui provinces in southern China.
    UNASSIGNED: The results showed that (1) the slope of the maximum size-density relationship of Chinese fir-dominated mixed forests increased and plateaued over time; (2) the slope of the maximum size-density relationship of Chinese fir-dominated mixed forests did not deviate from Reineke\'s assumed universal slope of -1.605; and (3) mixing proportion had a positive effect on maximum size-density relationships, and latitude and site conditions had the opposite effect on maximum size-density relationships.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings will provide valuable guidance for the forest management of areas in which even-aged pure stands are being converted to mixed forests (i.e., when broadleaved tree species are planted after thinning to improve overall stand density and promote stand growth).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Survival of the immobile embryo in response to rising temperature is important to determine a species\' vulnerability to climate change. However, the collective effects of 2 key thermal characteristics associated with climate change (i.e., rising average temperature and acute heat events) on embryonic survival remain largely unexplored. We used empirical measurements and niche modeling to investigate how chronic and acute heat stress independently and collectively influence the embryonic survival of lizards across latitudes. We collected and bred lizards from 5 latitudes and incubated their eggs across a range of temperatures to quantify population-specific responses to chronic and acute heat stress. Using an embryonic development model parameterized with measured embryonic heat tolerances, we further identified a collective impact of embryonic chronic and acute heat tolerances on embryonic survival. We also incorporated embryonic chronic and acute heat tolerance in hybrid species distribution models to determine species\' range shifts under climate change. Embryos\' tolerance of chronic heat (T-chronic) remained consistent across latitudes, whereas their tolerance of acute heat (T-acute) was higher at high latitudes than at low latitudes. Tolerance of acute heat exerted a more pronounced influence than tolerance of chronic heat. In species distribution models, climate change led to the most significant habitat loss for each population and species in its low-latitude distribution. Consequently, habitat for populations across all latitudes will shift toward high latitudes. Our study also highlights the importance of considering embryonic survival under chronic and acute heat stresses to predict species\' vulnerability to climate change.
    Efectos colectivos del aumento de las temperaturas promedio y los eventos de calor en embriones ovíparos Resumen La supervivencia de los embriones inmóviles en respuesta al incremento de temperatura es importante para determinar la vulnerabilidad de las especies al cambio climático. Sin embargo, los efectos colectivos de dos características térmicas claves asociadas con el cambio climático (i. e., aumento de temperatura promedio y eventos de calor agudo) sobre la supervivencia embrionaria permanecen en gran parte inexplorados. Utilizamos mediciones empíricas y modelos de nicho para investigar cómo el estrés térmico crónico y agudo influye de forma independiente y colectiva en la supervivencia embrionaria de los lagartos en todas las latitudes. Recolectamos y criamos lagartos de cinco latitudes e incubamos sus huevos en un rango de temperaturas para cuantificar las respuestas específicas de la población al estrés por calor crónico y agudo. Posteriormente, mediante un modelo de desarrollo embrionario parametrizado con mediciones de tolerancia embrionaria al calor, identificamos un impacto colectivo de las tolerancias embrionarias al calor agudo y crónico en la supervivencia embrionaria. También incorporamos la tolerancia embrionaria crónica y aguda al calor en modelos de distribución de especies híbridas para determinar los cambios de distribución de las especies bajo el cambio climático. La tolerancia embrionaria al calor crónico (T‐crónico) permaneció constante, mientras que la tolerancia al calor agudo (T‐agudo) fue mayor en latitudes altas que en latitudes bajas. La tolerancia al calor agudo ejerció una influencia más pronunciada que la tolerancia al calor crónico. En los modelos de distribución de especies, el cambio climático provocó la pérdida de hábitat más significativa para cada población y especie en su distribución de latitudes bajas. En consecuencia, el hábitat para poblaciones en todas las latitudes se desplazará a latitudes altas. Nuestro estudio también resalta la importancia de considerar la supervivencia embrionaria bajo estrés térmico crónico y agudo para predecir la vulnerabilidad de las especies al cambio climático.
    动物胚胎在面对温度升高时的存活率对于确定气候变化下物种的脆弱性至关重要。然而, 与气候变化相关的两个关键温度特征(即平均气温升高和极端高温事件)对胚胎存活的整合影响仍然存在诸多未知。我们利用实验测定和生态位建模相结合的方式探究了慢性和急性热压力如何独立和共同影响不同纬度的蜥蜴胚胎存活率。我们从五个纬度采集并繁殖蜥蜴, 并在一定温度范围内孵化其受精卵以测定各个种群对慢性和急性热压力的耐受响应。我们根据测定的胚胎耐热特征构建胚胎发育模型, 进一步确定了胚胎的慢性和急性高温耐受对胚胎存活的整合影响。最后, 我们将胚胎的慢性和急性高温耐受纳入混合物种分布模型, 以确定未来气候变化对物种分布范围的影响。结果表明, 胚胎对慢性高温的耐受能力在不同纬度保持一致, 而对极端高温事件的耐受能力随纬度升高而增强。在决定胚胎存活时, 急性高温耐受能力比慢性高温耐受能力具有更显著的作用。在气候变化的影响下, 各种群或物种在其各自低纬度分布区的栖息地丧失最为严重, 所有纬度的蜥蜴种群或物种的适宜栖息地都将向高纬度方向转移。本研究强调了考虑胚胎在慢性和急性热压力下的存活对预测气候变化下物种脆弱性的重要性。.





