informant reports

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social distancing (SD) was an effective way of reducing virus transmission during the deadly and highly infectious COVID-19 pandemic. Using a prospective longitudinal design, the present study explored how the Big 5 traits relate to variations in SD in a sample of university students (n = 285), and replicated these findings using informant reports. Self-determination theory\'s concepts of autonomous motivation and intrinsic community values were explored as potential mechanisms linking traits to SD. Individuals who were higher on trait agreeableness and conscientiousness engaged in more SD because they more effectively internalized the importance and value of the guidelines as a function of their concerns about the welfare of their communities. Informant reports confirmed trait agreeableness and conscientiousness to be associated with more SD. These results enhance our understanding of individual differences associated with better internalization and adherence to public health guidelines and can inform future interventions in similar crises.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite abundant research documenting negative associations between parental psychological control and youth adjustment, little is known about precursors of parental psychological control. The current study evaluated maternal, youth, and neighborhood predictors of changes in maternal psychological control across the transition to adolescence. Mother-youth dyads (N = 211, 50.2% female children; 46.4% Latinx, 17.5% Black, 11.4% white, and 24.7% multiracial) reported on maternal psychological control at youth ages 10 and 12. Controlling for youth ethnicity and race, family income-to-needs, and prior levels of maternal psychological control at age 10, structural equation models showed that maternal problems (i.e., anxiety, alcohol dependence, caregiving helplessness) predicted increases and youth externalizing problems (e.g., attention problems, rule-breaking) predicted decreases in maternal reports of psychological control. Neighborhood risks (i.e., poverty, crime, single-parent households) predicted increases in youth reports of maternal psychological control. Exploratory analyses by gender indicated that neighborhood risks predicted decreases in maternal reports of psychological control for girls, but increases in maternal reports of psychological control for boys. This study identified specific antecedents of maternal psychological control that can be targeted in future intervention efforts to reduce negative parenting to promote positive youth development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The utility of informant-based measures of cognitive decline to accurately describe objective cognitive performance in Parkinson\'s disease (PD) without dementia is uncertain. Due to the clinical relevance of this information, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between informant-based reports of patient cognitive decline via the Informant Questionnaire of Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE) and objective cognition in non-demented PD controlling for cognitive status (i.e., mild cognitive impairment; PD-MCI and normal cognition; PD-NC).
    One-hundred and thirty-nine non-demented PD participants (PD-MCI n = 38; PD-NC n = 101) were administered measures of language, executive function, attention, learning, delayed recall, visuospatial function, mood, and motor function. Each participant identified an informant to complete the IQCODE and a mood questionnaire.
    Greater levels of informant-based responses of patient cognitive decline on the IQCODE were significantly associated with worse objective performance on measures of global cognition, attention, learning, delayed recall, and executive function in the overall sample, above and beyond covariates and cognitive status. However, the IQCODE was not significantly associated with language or visuospatial function.
    Results indicate that informant responses, as measured by the IQCODE, may provide adequate information on a wide range of cognitive abilities in non-demented PD, including those with MCI and normal cognition. Findings have important clinical implications for the utility of the IQCODE in the identification of PD patients in need of further evaluation, monitoring, and treatment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Amyloid beta (Aβ) pathology is an Alzheimer\'s disease early hallmark. Here we assess the value of longitudinal self- and informant reports of cognitive decline to predict Aβ positron emission tomography (PET) outcome in cognitively unimpaired middle-aged individuals.
    METHODS: A total of 261 participants from the ALFA+ study underwent [18F]flutemetamol PET and Subjective Cognitive Decline Questionnaire (SCD-Q) concurrently, and 3 years before scan. We used logistic regressions to evaluate the ability of SCD-Q scores (self and informant) to predict Aβ PET visual read, and repeated analysis of variance to assess whether changes in SCD-Q scores relate to Aβ status.
    RESULTS: Self-perception of decline in memory (odds ratio [OR] = 1.2), and informant perception of executive decline (OR = 1.6), increased the probability of a positive scan. Informant reports 3 years before scanning predicted Aβ PET outcome. Longitudinal increase of self-reported executive decline was predictive of Aβ in women (P = .003).
    CONCLUSIONS: Subjective reports of cognitive decline are useful to predict Aβ and may improve recruitment strategies.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Self-esteem promises to serve as the nexus of social experiences ranging from social acceptance, interpersonal traits, interpersonal behavior, relationship quality, and relationship stability. Yet previous researchers have questioned the utility of self-esteem for understanding relational outcomes. To examine the importance of self-esteem for understanding interpersonal experiences, we conducted systematic meta-analyses on the association between trait self-esteem and five types of interpersonal indicators. To ensure our results were not due to self-esteem biases in perception, we focused our meta-analyses to 196 samples totaling 121,300 participants wherein researchers assessed interpersonal indicators via outsider reports. Results revealed that the association between self-esteem and the majority of objective interpersonal indicators was small to moderate, lowest for specific and distal outcomes, and moderated by social risk. Importantly, a subset of longitudinal studies suggests that self-esteem predicts later interpersonal experience. Our results should encourage researchers to further explore the link between self-esteem and one\'s interpersonal world.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subtle age-related cognitive decline may be associated with the capacity to remain engaged in mental, physical, and social activities. Informant reports of cognitive decline potentially provide additional information to psychometric tests on change in everyday cognitive function relevant to activity engagement.
    To investigate relations between decline in everyday cognitive function as assessed by informant report and activity engagement in community-dwelling older adults.
    A sample of cognitively normal older adults was drawn from the 2 latest waves of the PATH Through Life Study (n = 1,391; mean age 74.5 ± 1.5, 48.4% female). PATH is a 16-year longitudinal cohort study set in the Canberra/Queanbeyan district, Australia. Assessments were carried out at baseline, and at 3 subsequent time-points 4 years apart. At wave-4, the IQCODE, an informant measure of 4-year cognitive decline was provided by a spouse, family member, or friend of each participant. Activity engagement was assessed by the abbreviated RIASEC Mental Activity List, self-reported frequency and duration of physical activity (Whitehall Questionnaire) and the Lubben Social Network Scale that assessed interaction with family/friends. Participants provided demographic information, self-reported health status (SF-12), and responses to the Goldberg Depression Scale. The Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) and California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT) were used to measure objective 4-year cognitive change. Those with MMSE score of ≤27 were excluded.
    IQCODE score predicted disengagement from mental activities over 4 years in cognitively healthy adults (β = -0.056, standard error [SE] = 0.019, p = 0.004). This association was robust to covariate control and change on the SDMT which was also significantly related to mental activity disengagement. In models adjusted for change scores on the SDMT and the CVLT, the IQCODE was associated with less physical (β = -0.692, SE = 0.24, p = 0.004) and social engagement (β -0.046, SE = 0.021, p = 0.032), but relationships were attenuated with the inclusion of covariates.
    Informant-reported cognitive decline in a non-clinical sample was linked to activities that support cognitive health. Associations were robust to adjustment for cognitive change scores. Utilising informant reports prior to the manifestation of clinically relevant decline may identify those who would benefit most from personalised activity interventions.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Currently, there is no consensus on dementia diagnostics in adults with intellectual disabilities (ID). There are three types of assessments available: direct cognitive tests, test batteries, and informant reports.
    METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted in four databases yielding 9840 records. Relevant studies were identified and selected using predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria and then coded and classified according to assessment type. This was completed by two independent researchers, with a third consulted when discrepancies arose. The review collates diagnostic instruments and presents strengths and weaknesses.
    RESULTS: Overall 47 studies met the search criteria, and 43 instruments were extracted from the selected studies. Of which, 10 instruments were classified as test batteries, 23 were classified as direct cognitive tests, and the remaining 10 were informant reports.
    CONCLUSIONS: This review can recommend that cognitive test batteries can offer the most practical and efficient method for dementia diagnosis in individuals with ID.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although self-rated personality traits predict mortality risk, no study has examined whether one\'s friends can perceive personality characteristics that predict one\'s mortality risk. Moreover, it is unclear whether observers\' reports (compared with self-reports) provide better or unique information concerning the personal characteristics that result in longer and healthier lives. To test whether friends\' reports of personality predict mortality risk, we used data from a 75-year longitudinal study (the Kelly/Connolly Longitudinal Study on Personality and Aging). In that study, 600 participants were observed beginning in 1935 through 1938, when they were in their mid-20s, and continuing through 2013. Male participants seen by their friends as more conscientious and open lived longer, whereas friend-rated emotional stability and agreeableness were protective for women. Friends\' ratings were better predictors of longevity than were self-reports of personality, in part because friends\' ratings could be aggregated to provide a more reliable assessment. Our findings demonstrate the utility of observers\' reports in the study of health and provide insights concerning the pathways by which personality traits influence health.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire (BAPQ) is a reliable tool for identifying three autism-related traits-social aloofness, pragmatic language abnormalities and rigid personality--within families of a person with autism and the general population. Although little is known concerning agreement between self-report and informant report versions of the BAPQ, identifying individual characteristics affecting agreement between the two can highlight important considerations for maximizing its yield, particularly when only one version is administered. Here, analysis of self-report and informant report of the BAPQ completed by 444 parents of a child with autism revealed moderate to strong agreement between the two versions for all three broad autism phenotype (BAP) traits when the self-reporting parent did not possess the trait being assessed. In contrast, disagreement selectively occurred when the assessed parent was positive for the BAP trait being rated. This pattern was driven primarily by fathers who were positive for a BAP trait endorsing lower levels of that trait relative to informant report. This discrepancy did not occur for mothers, nor did it occur for fathers lacking BAP traits. Because this pattern was specific to fathers positive for BAP traits, it likely reflects selective \"blind spots\" in their self-reporting and not poorer self-reporting by fathers more broadly, nor a general tendency of overreporting by informant mothers. The presence of BAP traits in informing parents, however, largely did not reduce agreement between self-report and informant report. In sum, self-report may underestimate the presence of BAP traits in fathers but is generally consistent with informant report for mothers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Negative affectivity (NA) has been defined as the disposition to experience and communicate negative emotional states. NA has been shown to correlate with self-reports of physical symptoms. This study examined whether NA is also correlated with the informant-reporting of another person\'s symptoms. In two separate studies (N = 200, N = 159), students completed questionnaire measures of their own NA and of affect and symptoms in a significant other. In the second study, participants additionally reported on their own symptoms. In study one, participants\' NA was correlated with their reports of a significant others\' symptoms (r = .315, p = .000), which remained significant after controlling for the effect of gender (r = .227, p = .004). In study two, participants\' NA was correlated with reports of their own (r = .338, p = .000) and others\' (r = .216, p = .006) symptoms, particularly when symptoms were non-specific in nature (r = .221, p = .001). The correlation between informant-reports of others\' affect and others\' symptoms (r = .312, p = .000) remained significant (r = .256, p = .001) when self-reported NA was partialled out. When obtaining informant-reports on others\' health it may be important to measure the informant\'s affective state, particularly when the information being sought is non-specific in nature. Limitations of the study, implications of its findings and possibilities for further research involving dyads each reporting on themselves and each other are discussed.





