high resolution mass spectrometry

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A common method for identifying an unknown compound involves acquiring its mass spectrum and then comparing that spectrum against a spectral database, or library. Accurate comparison and identification is dependent on the quality of both the library and the test spectrum, but also the search algorithm used. Here, we describe a redesigned probability-based library search algorithm (ProLS) and compare its performance against two predicate algorithms, AMDIS from NIST (NIST) and LibraryView/MasterView (LV/MV), on human urine samples containing drugs of interest that were analyzed by quadrupole-time of flight (QqTOF) mass spectrometry. Each algorithm was used to compare the spectral data collected against an in-house spectral library. ProLS outperformed both NIST and LV/MV in efficiency of drug detection. Additionally, it demonstrated a scoring profile that resulted in an increased likelihood of low match scores for compounds that were absent from a sample. Increased scoring accuracy has the potential to reduce the time that analysts spend manually reviewing match data. Although search algorithms tend to be underappreciated, since they are not typically part of the end-user interface, this work illustrates how a redesigned algorithm can impact the accuracy of identification of small molecules in a biological matrix, and influence the overall utility of a bioanalytical method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Glacier ice algae, mainly Ancylonema alaskanum and Ancylonema nordenskiöldi, bloom on Greenland Ice Sheet bare ice surfaces. They significantly decrease surface albedo due to their purple-brown pigmentation, thus increasing melt. Little is known about their metabolic adaptation and factors controlling algal growth dynamics and pigment formation. A challenge in obtaining such data is the necessity of melting samples, which delays preservation and introduces bias to metabolomic analysis. There is a need to evaluate the physiological response of algae to melting and establish consistent sample processing strategies for metabolomics of ice microbial communities.
    OBJECTIVE: To address the impact of sample melting procedure on metabolic characterization and establish a processing and analytical workflow for endometabolic profiling of glacier ice algae.
    METHODS: We employed untargeted, high-resolution mass spectrometry and tested the effect of sample melt temperature (10, 15, 20 °C) and processing delay (up to 49 h) on the metabolome and lipidome, and complemented this approach with cell counts (FlowCam), photophysiological analysis (PAM) and diversity characterization.
    CONCLUSIONS: We putatively identified 804 metabolites, with glycerolipids, glycerophospholipids and fatty acyls being the most prominent superclasses (> 50% of identified metabolites). Among the polar metabolome, carbohydrates and amino acid-derivatives were the most abundant. We show that 8% of the metabolome is affected by melt duration, with a pronounced decrease in betaine membrane lipids and pigment precursors, and an increase in phospholipids. Controlled fast melting at 10 °C resulted in the highest consistency, and is our recommendation for future supraglacial metabolomics studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plastics have become an essential part of modern society. Their properties can be easily manipulated by incorporating additives to impart desirable attributes, such as colour, flexibility, or stability. However, many additives are classified as hazardous substances. To better understand the risk of plastic pollution within marine ecosystems, the type and concentration of additives in plastic debris needs to be established. We report the quantification of thirty-one common plastic additives (including plasticisers, antioxidants, and UV stabilisers) in beached plastic debris collected across Aotearoa New Zealand. Additives were isolated from the plastic debris by solvent extraction and quantified using high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Twenty-five of the target additives were detected across 200 items of debris, with plasticisers detected at the highest frequency (99 % detection frequency). Additives were detected in all samples, with a median of four additives per debris item. A significantly higher number of additives were detected per debris item for polyvinyl chloride (median = 7) than polyethylene or polypropylene (median = 4). The additives bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, diisononyl phthalate, diisodecyl phthalate, and antioxidant 702 were detected at the highest concentrations (up to 196,930 μg/g). The sum concentration of additives per debris item (up to 320,325 μg/g) was significantly higher in polyvinyl chloride plastics (median 94,716 μg/g) compared to other plastic types, primarily due to the presence of phthalate plasticisers. Non-target analysis was consistent with the targeted analysis, indicating a higher number and concentration of additives in polyvinyl chloride debris items compared to all other polymer types. Feature identification indicated the presence of more additives than previously detected in the targeted analysis, including plasticisers (phthalate and non-phthalate), processing aids, and nucleating agents. This study highlights phthalates and polyvinyl chloride as key targets for consideration in ecotoxicology and risk assessments, and the development of policies to reduce the impacts of plastic pollution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polymeric bags are a widely applied, simple, and cost-effective method for the storage and offline analysis of gaseous samples. Various materials have been used as sampling bags, all known to contain impurities and differing in their cost, durability, and storage capabilities. Herein, we present a comparative study of several well-known bag materials, Tedlar (PVF), Kynar (PVDF), Teflon (PTFE), and Nalophan (PET), as well as a new material, ethylene vinyl copolymer (EVOH), commonly used for storing food. We investigated the influences of storage conditions, humidity, bag cleaning, and light exposure on volatile organic compound concentration (acetone, acetic acid, isoprene, benzene, limonene, among others) in samples of exhaled human breath stored in bags for up to 48 h. Specifically, we show high losses of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in bags of all materials (for most SCFAs, less than 50% after 8 h of storage). We found that samples in Tedlar, Nalophan, and EVOH bags undergo changes in composition when exposed to UV radiation over a period of 48 h. We report high initial impurity levels in all the bags and their doubling after a period of 48 h. We compare secondary electrospray ionization and proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry in the context of offline analysis after storage in sampling bags. We provide an analytical perspective on the temporal evolution of bag contents by presenting the intensity changes of all significantm/zfeatures. We also present a simple, automated, and cost-effective offline sample introduction system, which enables controlled delivery of collected gaseous samples from polymeric bags into the mass spectrometer. Overall, our findings suggest that sampling bags exhibit high levels of impurities, are sensitive to several environmental factors (e.g. light exposure), and provide low recoveries for some classes of compounds, e.g. SCFAs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-targeted analysis and suspect screening of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in various matrices have gained traction with advancements in accurate mass analytical instruments. This study employed ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometry for PFAS suspect screening of paper grades used in the paper recycling chain. The samples were prepared using two extraction techniques; selective accelerated solvent extraction with weak anionic exchange solid-phase extraction and non-selective ultrasonic-assisted extraction. A suspect screening protocol was established to tentatively identify suspected PFAS against spectral databases using a systematic approach of peak filtering and study-specific thresholds for reporting, linked to a confidence level. The possible prevalence of previously unreported PFAS in several paper materials across the various collection sites in the paper recycling chain was inferred by the common detection of short-chain polyfluoroalkyl ketones and diketones in the paper recycling chain. The suspect screening tentatively identified 41 unique PFAS, with 3 common to both pre-treatment techniques. The detection of unique PFAS by the two sample pre-treatment techniques highlighted the significance of both selective and non-selective extraction in PFAS screening endeavours. Further, it showed the importance of understanding the acquisition mechanisms employed in mass spectrometry where data-dependent acquisition triggered fragmentation in certain identified compounds, and not in others. The tentatively identified PFAS indicated that there were several previously unreported PFAS in the paper recycling chain and that additional studies were required to investigate their abundance, possible persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity, in relation to their functional groups and carbon chains.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pesticides are among the main drivers posing risks to aquatic environments, with effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) serving as a major source. This study aimed to identify the primary pesticides for which there was a risk of release into aquatic environments through WWTP effluents, thereby enabling more effective contamination management in public water bodies. In this study, monitoring, risk assessment, and risk-based prioritization of 87 pesticides in effluents from three WWTPs in the Yeongsan River Basin, Korea, were conducted. A total of 59 pesticides were detected at concentrations from 0.852 ng/L to 82.044 μg/L and exhibited variable patterns across different WWTP locations. An environmental risk assessment based on the risk quotient (RQ) of individual pesticides identified 13 substances implicated in significant ecotoxicological risks, as they exceeded RQ values of 1 at least once. An optimized risk (RQf)-based prioritization, considering the frequency of the measured environmental concentration (MEC) exceeding the predicted environmental concentration (PNEC), was conducted to identify pesticides that potentially posed risks and thus should be managed as a priority. Four pesticides had an RQf value >1; metribuzin exhibited the highest RQf value of 4.951, followed by 3-phenoxybenzoic acid, atrazin-2-hydroxy, and atrazine. Additionally, five pesticides (terbuthylazine, methabenzthiazuron, diuron, thiacloprid, and fipronil) and another four pesticides (propazine, imidacloprid, hexaconazole, and hexazione) had RQf values >0.1 and > 0.01, respectively. By calculating the contributions of individual pesticides to the RQf of these mixtures (RQf, mix) based on the concentration addition model, it was determined that >95 % of the sum of RQf, mix was driven by the top seven pesticides. These findings highlight the importance of prioritizing pesticides for effective management of contamination sources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metabolic reprogramming is a hallmark of cancer, driving the development of therapies targeting cancer metabolism. Stable isotope tracing has emerged as a widely adopted tool for monitoring cancer metabolism both in vitro and in vivo. Advances in instrumentation and the development of new tracers, metabolite databases, and data analysis tools have expanded the scope of cancer metabolism studies across these scales. In this review, we explore the latest advancements in metabolic analysis, spanning from experimental design in stable isotope-labeling metabolomics to sophisticated data analysis techniques. We highlight successful applications in cancer research, particularly focusing on ongoing clinical trials utilizing stable isotope tracing to characterize disease progression, treatment responses, and potential mechanisms of resistance to anticancer therapies. Furthermore, we outline key challenges and discuss potential strategies to address them, aiming to enhance our understanding of the biochemical basis of cancer metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surveillance testing is an essential component to ensuring safe, effective, and high-quality drug products are available in the commercially marketed US supply chain. Surveillance allows the agency to assess product quality and monitor for potential adulteration of drug products being used by consumers. Opioid drug products can be adulterated to enhance the effect of the intended active ingredient. Numerous accounts have been reported where fentanyl has been used as an adulterant in illicit street drugs such as heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine. To efficiently surveil the legitimate opioid supply chain, an analytical method with the ability to simultaneously detect, identify and quantify opioid molecules is desired. In this study, a multi-opioid protocol (MOP) using liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC-HRMS) technology was developed and validated for the detection and quantification of 27 opioid drugs. The MOP analytical procedure was applied to the analysis of drug substance and finished dosage forms. MOP was used to identify and quantify active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) listed on the label claim, and in the case of suspected economically motivated adulteration could identify and quantify undeclared opioid APIs. The analytical method analysis time was 16 minutes and the LOD and LOQ in full MS mode were (average) 0.3 and 0.8 ng/mL, respectively. The validation criteria parameters were satisfactory based on international guidelines (ICH). The MOP was successfully applied to the analysis of over 160 drug substances and finished products. For all samples tested in the study, their identities were confirmed, and assays met specifications. Overall, there was no evidence of illegal substitution or adulteration in any of the ingredients and products tested from the legitimate commercial marketed US supply chain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The presence of veterinary drug residues in aquatic products represents a significant challenge to food safety. The current detection methods, limited in both scope and sensitivity, underscore the urgent need for more advanced techniques. This research introduces a swift and potent screening technique using high-performance liquid chromatography-high-resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC-HRMS) and a refined QuEChERS protocol, allowing simultaneous qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis of 192 residues. A comprehensive database, employing full scan mode and data-dependent secondary mass spectroscopy, enhances screening accuracy. The method involves efficient extraction using 90% acetonitrile, dehydration with Na2SO4, and acetic acid, followed by cleanup using dispersive solid-phase extract sorbent primary secondary amine. It is suitable for samples with varying fat content, offering detection limits ranging from 0.5 to 10 μg/kg, high recovery rates (60-120%), and low relative standard deviations (<20%). Practical application has validated its effectiveness for multi-residue screening, marking a significant advancement in food safety evaluation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plastics constitute a vast array of substances, with over 16000 known plastic chemicals, including intentionally and non-intentionally added substances. Thousands of chemicals, including toxic ones, are extractable from plastics, however, the extent to which these compounds migrate from everyday products into food or water remains poorly understood. This study aims to characterize the endocrine and metabolism disrupting activity, as well as the chemical composition of migrates from plastic food contact articles (FCAs) from four countries as significant sources of human exposure. Fourteen plastic FCAs covering seven polymer types with high global market shares were migrated into water and a water-ethanol mixture as food simulants according to European regulations. The migrates were analyzed using reporter gene assays for nuclear receptors relevant to human health and non-target chemical analysis to characterize the chemical composition. Chemicals migrating from each FCA interfered with at least two nuclear receptors, predominantly targeting pregnane X receptor (24/28 migrates). Moreover, peroxisome proliferator receptor gamma was activated by 19 out of 28 migrates, though mostly with lower potencies. Estrogenic and antiandrogenic activity was detected in eight and seven migrates, respectively. Fewer chemicals and less toxicity migrated into water compared to the water-ethanol mixture. However, 73 % of the 15 430 extractable chemical features also transferred into food simulants, and the water-ethanol migrates exhibited a similar toxicity prevalence compared to methanol extracts. The chemical complexity differed largely between FCAs, with 8 to 10631 chemical features migrating into food simulants. Using stepwise partial least squares regressions, we successfully narrowed down the list of potential active chemicals, identified known endocrine disrupting chemicals, such as triphenyl phosphate, and prioritized chemical features for further identification. This study demonstrates the migration of endocrine and metabolism disrupting chemicals from plastic FCAs into food simulants, rendering a migration of these compounds into food and beverages probable.





