forensic DNA phenotyping

法医 DNA 表型鉴定
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) consists of the use of methodologies for predicting externally visible characteristics (EVCs) from the genetic material of biological samples found in crime scenes and has proven to be a promising tool in aiding human identification in police activities. Currently, methods based on multiplex assays and statistical models of prediction of EVCs related to hair, skin, and iris pigmentation using panels of SNP and INDEL biomarkers have already been developed and validated by the forensic scientific community. As well as traces of pigmentation, an individual\'s perceived age (PA) can also be considered an EVC and its estimation in unknown individuals can be useful for the progress of investigations. Liu and colleagues (2016) were pioneers in evidencing that, in addition to lifestyle and environmental factors, the presence of SNP and INDEL variants in the MC1R gene - which encodes a transmembrane receptor responsible for regulating melanin production - seems to contribute to an individual\'s PA. The group highlighted the association between these MC1R gene polymorphisms and the PA in the European population, where carriers of risk haplotypes appeared to be up to 2 years older in comparison to their chronological age (CA).
    OBJECTIVE: Understanding that genotype-phenotype relationships cannot be extrapolated between different population groups, this study aimed to test this hypothesis and verify the applicability of this variant panel in the Rio Grande do Sul admixed population.
    METHODS: Based on genomic data from a sample of 261 volunteers representative of gaucho population and using a multiple linear regression (MLR) model, our group was able to verify a significant association among nine intronic variants in loci adjacent to MC1R (e.g., AFG3L1P, TUBB3, FANCA) and facial age appearance, whose PA was defined after age heteroclassification of standard frontal face images through 11 assessors.
    RESULTS: Different from that observed in European populations, our results show that the presence of effect alleles (R) of the selected variants in our sample influenced both younger and older face phenotypes. The influence of each variant on PA is expressed as β values.
    CONCLUSIONS: There are important molecular mechanisms behind the effects of MC1R locus on PA, and the genomic background of each population seems to be crucial to determine this influence.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA has gained a substantial amount of attention within the forensic field over the last decade. There is evidence that RNAs are differentially expressed with biological age. Since RNA can be co-extracted with DNA from the same piece of evidence, RNA-based analysis appears as a promising molecular alternative for predicting the biological age and hence inferring the chronological age of a person. Using RNA-Seq data we searched for markers in blood potentially associated with age. We used our own RNA-Seq data from dried blood stains as well as publicly available RNA-Seq data from whole blood, and compared two different approaches to select candidate markers. The first approach focused on individual gene analysis with DESeq2 to select the genes most correlated with age, while the second approach employed lasso regression to select a set of genes for optimal prediction of age. We present two lists with 270 candidate markers, one for each approach.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Over a decade after the publication of the first forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP) studies, DNA-based appearance predictions are now becoming a reality in routine crime scene investigations. The significant number of publications dedicated to the subject of FDP clearly demonstrates a sustained interest and a strong need for further method development. However, the implementation of FDP in routine work still encounters obstacles, and one of these challenges is making phenotype predictions from DNA mixtures. In this study, we examined single-cell sequencing as a potential tool to enable reliable phenotyping of contributors within mixtures. Two mock mixtures, each containing two contributors with similar and different physical appearances, were analyzed using two different workflows. In the first workflow, the mixtures were sequenced using the Ion AmpliSeq™ PhenoTrivium Panel, which includes 41 HIrisPlex-S (HPS) markers. Subsequently, the genotypes were analyzed using the HPS Deconvolution Tool to predict the phenotypes of both contributors. The second workflow involved the introduction of single-cell separation and collection using the DEPArray™ PLUS System. Two different PhenoTrivium amplification protocols were tested, and the phenotype predictions from single cells were compared with the results obtained using the HPS Tool. Our results suggest that the approach presented here allows for the obtainment of nearly complete HIrisPlex-S profiles with accurate genotypes and reliable phenotype predictions from single cells. This method proves successful in deconvoluting mixtures submitted to forensic DNA phenotyping.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is very important to generate phenotypic results that are reliable when processing chronological old skeletal remains for cases involving the identification of missing persons. To improve the success of pigmentation prediction in Second World War victims, three bones from each of the eight skeletons analyzed were included in the study, which makes it possible to generate a consensus profile. The PowerQuant System was used for quantification, the ESI 17 Fast System was used for STR typing, and a customized version of the HIrisPlex panel was used for PCR-MPS. The HID Ion Chef Instrument was used for library preparation and templating. Sequencing was performed with the Ion GeneStudio S5 System. Identical full profiles and identical hair and eye color predictions were achieved from three bones analyzed per skeleton. Blue eye color was predicted in five skeletons and brown in three skeletons. Blond hair color was predicted in one skeleton, blond to dark blond in three skeletons, brown to dark brown in two skeletons, and dark brown to black in two skeletons. The reproducibility and reliability of the results proved the multisample analysis method to be beneficial for phenotyping chronological old skeletons because differences in DNA yields in different bone types provide a greater possibility of obtaining a better-quality consensus profile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predicting the outward appearance of dogs via their DNA, also known as Canine DNA Phenotyping, is a young, emerging field of research in forensic genetics. The few previous studies published in this respect were restricted to the consecutive analysis of single DNA markers, a process that is time- and sample-consuming and therefore not a viable option for limited forensic specimens. Here, we report on the development and evaluation of a Massively Parallel Sequencing (MPS) based molecular genetic assay, the LASSIE MPS Panel. This panel aims to predict externally visible as well as skeletal traits, which include coat color, coat pattern, coat structure, tail morphology, skull shape, ear shape, eye color and body size from DNA using 44 genetic markers in a single molecular genetic assay. A biostatistical naïve Bayes classification approach was applied to identify the most informative marker combinations for predicting phenotypes. Overall, the predictive performance was characterized by a very high classification success for some of the trait categories, and high to moderate success for others. The performance of the developed predictive framework was further evaluated using blind samples from three randomly selected dog individuals, whose appearance was well predicted.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Forensic DNA Phenotyping (FDP) comprises the prediction of a person\'s externally visible characteristics regarding appearance, biogeographic ancestry and age from DNA of crime scene samples, to provide investigative leads to help find unknown perpetrators that cannot be identified with forensic STR-profiling. In recent years, FDP has advanced considerably in all of its three components, which we summarize in this review article. Appearance prediction from DNA has broadened beyond eye, hair and skin color to additionally comprise other traits such as eyebrow color, freckles, hair structure, hair loss in men, and tall stature. Biogeographic ancestry inference from DNA has progressed from continental ancestry to sub-continental ancestry detection and the resolving of co-ancestry patterns in genetically admixed individuals. Age estimation from DNA has widened beyond blood to more somatic tissues such as saliva and bones as well as new markers and tools for semen. Technological progress has allowed forensically suitable DNA technology with largely increased multiplex capacity for the simultaneous analysis of hundreds of DNA predictors with targeted massively parallel sequencing (MPS). Forensically validated MPS-based FDP tools for predicting from crime scene DNA i) several appearance traits, ii) multi-regional ancestry, iii) several appearance traits together with multi-regional ancestry, and iv) age from different tissue types, are already available. Despite recent advances that will likely increase the impact of FDP in criminal casework in the near future, moving reliable appearance, ancestry and age prediction from crime scene DNA to the level of detail and accuracy police investigators may desire, requires further intensified scientific research together with technical developments and forensic validations as well as the necessary funding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the last few years, predicting externally visible characteristics (EVCs) by adopting informative DNA molecular markers has become a method in forensic genetics that has increased its value, giving rise to an interesting field called \"Forensic DNA Phenotyping\" (FDP). The most meaningful forensic applications of EVCs prediction are those in which, having only a DNA sample isolated from highly decomposed remains, it is essential to reconstruct the physical appearance of a person. Through this approach, we set out to evaluate 20 skeletal remains of Italian provenance in order to associate them with as many cases of missing persons as possible. To achieve the intended goal, in this work we applied the HIrisPlex-S multiplex system through the conventional short tandem repeats (STR) method to confirm the expected identity of subjects by evaluating phenotypic features. To investigate the reliability and accuracy of the DNA-based EVCs prediction, pictures of the cases were compared as they were available to researchers. Results showed an overall prediction accuracy greater than 90% for all three phenotypic features-iris, hair, and skin colour-at a probability threshold of 0.7. The experimental analysis showed inconclusive results in only two cases; this is probably due to the characteristics of subjects who had an intermediate eye and hair colour, for which the DNA-based system needs to improve the prediction accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microscopic traits and ultrastructure of hair such as cross-sectional shape, pigmentation, curvature, and internal structure help determine the level of variations between and across human populations. Apart from cosmetics and anthropological applications, such as determining species, somatic origin (body area), and biogeographic ancestry, the evidential value of hair has increased with rapid progression in the area of forensic DNA phenotyping (FDP). Individuals differ in the features of their scalp hair (greying, shape, colour, balding, thickness, and density) and facial hair (eyebrow thickness, monobrow, and beard thickness) features. Scalp and facial hair characteristics are genetically controlled and lead to visible inter-individual variations within and among populations of various ethnic origins. Hence, these characteristics can be exploited and made more inclusive in FDP, thereby leading to more comprehensive, accurate, and robust prediction models for forensic purposes. The present article focuses on understanding the genetics of scalp and facial hair characteristics with the goal to develop a more inclusive approach to better understand hair biology by integrating hair microscopy with genetics for genotype-phenotype correlation research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forensic DNA Phenotyping (FDP) can reveal the appearance of an unknown individual by predicting the ancestry, phenotype (i.e., hair, eye, skin color), and age from DNA obtained at the crime scene. The HIrisPlex system has been developed to simultaneously predict eye and hair color. However, the prediction accuracy of the system needs to be assessed for the tested population before implementing FDP in casework. In this study, we evaluated the performance of the HIrisPlex system on 149 individuals from the Turkish population. We applied the single-based extension (SNaPshot chemistry) method and used the HIrisPlex online tool to test the prediction of the eye and hair colors. The accuracy of the HIrisPlex system was assessed through the calculation of the area under the receiver characteristic operating curves (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV). The results showed that the proposed method successfully predicted the eye and hair color, especially for blue (100%) and brown (95.60%) eye and black (95.23) and brown (98.94) hair colors. As observed in previous studies, the system failed to predict intermediate eye color, representing 25% in our cohort. The majority of incorrect predictions were observed for blond hair color (40.7%). Previous HIrisPlex studies have also noted difficulties with these phenotypes. Our study shows that the HIrisPlex system can be applied to forensic casework in Turkey with careful interpretation of the data, particularly intermediate eye color and blond hair color.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human ear morphology prediction with SNP-based genotypes is growing in forensic DNA phenotyping and is scarcely explored in Pakistan as a part of EVCs (externally visible characteristics). The ear morphology prediction assays with 21 SNPs were assessed for their potential utility in forensic identification of population. The SNaPshot™ multiplex chemistries, capillary electrophoresis methods and GeneMapper™ software were used for obtaining genotypic data. A total of 33 ear phenotypes were categorized with digital photographs of 300 volunteers. SHEsis software was applied to make LD plot. Ordinal and multinomial logistic regression was implemented for association testing. Multinomial logistic regression was executed to construct the prediction model in 90% training and 10% testing subjects. Several influential SNPs for ear phenotypic variation were found in association testing. The model based on genetic markers predicted ear phenotypes with moderate to good predictive accuracies demonstrated with the area under curve (AUC), sensitivity and specificity of predicted phenotypes. As an additional EVC, the estimated ear phenotypic profiles have the possibility of determining the human ear morphology differences in unknown biological samples found in crimes that do not result in a criminal database hit. Furthermore, this can help in facial reconstruction and act as an investigational lead.





