
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Few validated aesthetic assessment instruments in breast reconstruction use discrete scales to facilitate studies with multiple evaluators.
    OBJECTIVE: This research aimed to propose an aesthetic assessment scale for reconstructed breasts.
    METHODS: A scale was suggested using discrete variables, with responses ranging from 1 to 10, and the responses for each category could be summed to obtain an average that could be used in studies with multiple evaluators. To test the instrument suggested in this study, 5 experienced plastic surgeons assessed 46 patients. For all the analyses, a rejection level for the null hypothesis of 5% (p < 0.05) was adopted.
    RESULTS: The suggested scale obtained valid intraclass correlation coefficients, with 0.9 for the overall aesthetic evaluation of the breast and the lowest being 0.77 for defining the inframammary fold. We observed good diagnostic accuracy in all comparisons, with the area under the curve ranging from 0.85 to 0.97. Regarding convergent validity, we observed correlations of 0.77 (p < 0.001) between breast volume and volume symmetry, 0.66 (p < 0.001) between breast shape and contour naturalness. The test-retest reliability was 0.708, which is considered good.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study support the effectiveness of the proposed new aesthetic evaluation scale, revealing consistency among different evaluators and over time. Convergent validation strengthens the relationship between the variables of the new scale and those of the Garbay scale. Furthermore, the robust diagnostic accuracy highlights the clinical utility of the new scale in assessing aesthetic outcomes in breast reconstructions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    EMOKINE is a software package and dataset creation suite for emotional full-body movement research in experimental psychology, affective neuroscience, and computer vision. A computational framework, comprehensive instructions, a pilot dataset, observer ratings, and kinematic feature extraction code are provided to facilitate future dataset creations at scale. In addition, the EMOKINE framework outlines how complex sequences of movements may advance emotion research. Traditionally, often emotional-\'action\'-based stimuli are used in such research, like hand-waving or walking motions. Here instead, a pilot dataset is provided with short dance choreographies, repeated several times by a dancer who expressed different emotional intentions at each repetition: anger, contentment, fear, joy, neutrality, and sadness. The dataset was simultaneously filmed professionally, and recorded using XSENS® motion capture technology (17 sensors, 240 frames/second). Thirty-two statistics from 12 kinematic features were extracted offline, for the first time in one single dataset: speed, acceleration, angular speed, angular acceleration, limb contraction, distance to center of mass, quantity of motion, dimensionless jerk (integral), head angle (with regards to vertical axis and to back), and space (convex hull 2D and 3D). Average, median absolute deviation (MAD), and maximum value were computed as applicable. The EMOKINE software is appliable to other motion-capture systems and is openly available on the Zenodo Repository. Releases on GitHub include: (i) the code to extract the 32 statistics, (ii) a rigging plugin for Python for MVNX file-conversion to Blender format (MVNX=output file XSENS® system), and (iii) a Python-script-powered custom software to assist with blurring faces; latter two under GPLv3 licenses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Plastic surgeons increasingly use social media to market their practices and educate prospective patients. Previous studies have investigated plastic surgery content on Instagram from the angle of hashtags and most popular plastic surgeons. However, very little is understood about what plastic surgeons themselves post on Instagram and what plastic surgery content average users engage with.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze Instagram posts from accounts related to plastic surgeons in the USA to establish suggestions for growing one\'s practice with this powerful platform to reach patients.
    METHODS: Board-certified plastic surgeons from all US regions that were active from February 1, 2023 to April 12, 2023 were randomly chosen. Their Instagram accounts were accessed for post analysis. For procedural posts, engagement statistics and multiple variables were collected. Dixon\'s outlier test was used to determine outliers in the data. ANCOVA and Tukey analysis was used to determine whether procedure type influenced engagement.
    RESULTS: 120 surgeon accounts were identified with 2157 posts analyzed, yielding notable differences in posts among regions. Most posts were aesthetic procedures (94.4%) and of female patients (90.3%). Surgical procedures were also predominant (86.1%). In addition, Reels had higher engagement than photograph posts. Users engaged with Body procedures at the highest rate.
    CONCLUSIONS: This cross-sectional analysis shows plastic surgeons tend to overwhelmingly post female patients, aesthetic procedures, and surgical content. These insights may be used to guide social media content and improve the effectiveness of Instagram as a tool for marketing or education.
    METHODS: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The lips are one crucial determinant of facial attractiveness. Current studies investigating lip attractiveness were mostly conducted in Caucasians, and the results could not directly apply to Asians. Aside from lip proportions, lip contours play an important role in attractiveness but it is unclear how people perceive different lip contours. The aim of this study was to investigate the aesthetic perception of various lip shapes by Chinese to identify the most attractive lip morphology for women and men, respectively.
    METHODS: 303 Chinese participants were invited to rate the attractiveness of identical lip images with different contours and proportions in a young female and a young male. Stratified analyses were performed to assess the effect of gender, age and occupation on the preference of lip shapes.
    RESULTS: The lips that were rated to be most attractive had a flat upper vermilion border, an M-shaped oral fissure and a U-shaped lower vermilion border in both genders. Most respondents considered an upper-to-lower vermilion proportion of 1:1 to be more attractive, regardless of the gender of the lip models, and the lip thickness-to-width proportions of 1:2 and 1:2.5 were perceived most attractive for female and male, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study adds to our understanding of how lip contours contribute to attractiveness and that Chinese have distinctive aesthetic preferences for lip morphology, which possibly stem from racial characteristics and cultural differences. With such knowledge, practitioners may better tailor the treatment strategy when performing lip rejuvenation procedures.
    METHODS: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors .






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on restorative dentistry. By discussing the diagnostic processes, treatment planning, image analysis, prosthodontics, and material/biomaterial research, this study highlights the role of AI in optimizing precision and efficiency. It emphasizes personalized material selection, accelerated biomaterial research, and AI-enabled clinical workflows for enhanced patient outcomes. The review concludes with insights into the challenges, ethical considerations, and future trends, emphasizing the collaborative efforts needed for continued innovation in AI-driven restorative dentistry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To assess the evidence for the effect of strength and conditioning on physical qualities and aesthetic competence in dance populations, three electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, SPORTDiscus) were searched (until September 2022) for studies that met the following criteria: (i) dancers aged >16 years; (ii) structured strength and conditioning intervention; and (iii) with physical qualities and aesthetic competence as outcome measures. Methodological quality and risk of bias of the included studies were assessed through the systematic review tool \"QualSyst\". Meta-analyses of effect sizes (Hedges\' g) with forest plots explored the effects of the strength and conditioning interventions. Thirty-six studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review. Meta-analysis indicated strength and conditioning significantly (p < 0.05) improved lower body power (g = 0.90, 95% CI: 0.53-1.27), upper body strength (g = 0.98, 95% CI: 0.39-1.57), lower body strength (g = 1.59, 95% CI: 0.97-2.22), and flexibility (g = 0.86, 95% CI: 0.05-1.66). Strength and conditioning interventions were found to be effective at improving physical qualities in dancers, recommending their participation in additional sessions to enhance overall fitness and ultimately dance performance. It is recommended that future strength and conditioning intervention research should include sample size calculations, with participants recruited from a specific dance genre and skill level in order to evaluate how strength and conditioning influences dance performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Within cognitive psychology, there are separate experimental fields devoted to the study of creativity, on the one hand, and aesthetics, on the other, with virtually no cross-talk between them. In this article, I propose a means of uniting creativity and aesthetics via a consideration of the mechanisms of cultural evolution. I call this the creativity/aesthetics cycle. The basic tenet of the model is that creativity and aesthetics mediate, respectively, the processes of variation (production) and selection (perception or consumption) in evolutionary models of culture. By means of this cycle, creators produce works that they hope will be evaluated positively by consumers, where such appraisals ultimately feed back to influence the subsequent decision-making processes of creators. I discuss the implications of this model for the fields of creativity and aesthetics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to compare the smile\'s attractiveness in patients submitted to the treatment of gummy smiles with botulinum toxin or maxillary impaction surgery. The retrospective sample comprised 26 patients divided into two groups: Group 1 (BTX): 13 patients (12 females and 1 male) with a mean age of 28.06 years (s.d. = 6.09) and mean gingival exposure during smile of 5.18 mm (s.d. = 1.51) treated with botulinum toxin; Group 2 (SURGICAL): 13 patients (9 females and 4 males) with a mean age of 30.59 years (s.d. = 5.72) and mean gingival exposure during smile of 5.21 mm (s.d. = 1.55) treated with orthognathic maxillary impaction surgery. The group of evaluators comprised 317 participants, divided into 143 orthodontists (85 females and 58 males) with a mean age of 41.40 (s.d. = 9.30); 62 dentists (47 female and 15 male) with a mean age of 35.44 (s.d. = 10.44), and 112 lay people (74 female and 38 male) with a mean age of 46, 91 (s.d. = 10.11) in a questionnaire on Google Forms. Without knowing the therapy used, the evaluators assigned scores to the photographs of the posed smile taken before (T1) and after (T2) treatment. Intergroup comparison of smile attractiveness was performed using the t-independent, one-way ANOVA, and Tukey tests. There was a significant improvement in smile attractiveness with treatment in both groups; however, the improvement was significantly better in the surgical group than in the BTX group. Orthodontists rated smile attractiveness significantly higher than dentists and laypersons for the final phase of the BTX and surgical groups. There was a significant improvement in the smile attractiveness with botulinum toxin application and orthodontic-surgical treatment. However, orthognathic surgery promoted a greater improvement in smile attractiveness than the application of botulinum toxin.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To assess and compare the deviating nasal cephalometric parameters of patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) with a control group. The study also aims to correlate the deviating cephalometric parameters with two aesthetic scoring systems.
    METHODS: A retrospective study.
    METHODS: Dental college and hospital.
    METHODS: Pre-treatment lateral cephalograms and extra oral photographs of 20 adult patients with repaired UCLP presenting for orthodontic treatment. 20 patients with age and type of malocclusion matched control were selected.
    RESULTS: The nasal cephalometric parameters of patients with UCLP and a control group were compared. The nasolabial region of patients with cleft lip and palate (CLP) was scored using Asher McDade Aesthetic Index (AMAI) and Cleft Aesthetic Rating Scale (CARS). The scoring was done by six different groups assessors to study their perception of the nasolabial region. Correlation between cephalometric parameters and the aesthetic scores was done.
    RESULTS: The study found significant differences in nasal length (P = .003) and depth (P < .001) between UCLP and the non-cleft control group. In the aesthetic assessment, orthodontist gave the least scores, while layman group scored the highest. The CARS nose aesthetic scores showed statistically significant high, negative correlation with the nasal length (P = .01).
    CONCLUSIONS: The cephalometric parameters and the aesthetic indices can be aid the orthodontists in the assessment of nasolabial aesthetics and additionally refer for further definitive rhinoplasty to improve the patient\'s overall facial aesthetics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy that has been entered into the philosophy of education for a long time. Reviewing the concept of aesthetics in education, we can see the components that can cover a number of challenges in the field of patient education. Focusing on the conceptual dimensions obtained from the analysis of this concept, the aim is matching the resulting conceptual categories with the gaps in the field of patient education.
    METHODS: Using a scoping review, we reviewed the literature dealt with different dimensions of aesthetic-based education. Walker and Avant\'s concept analysis approach was used to inductively analyze the content obtained from the review of literature. The data were divided into three general groups of antecedents, attributes, and consequences of the aesthetic-based education concept, and the final conceptual model was defined. Interdisciplinary comparisons between educational and medical sciences were made to match the concept of aesthetic education with the field of patient education to cover its issues. During the scope review process of the texts, after screening the articles, 17 articles selected to enter the concept analysis stage.
    RESULTS: Concept analysis phase showed that the main conceptual categories of antecedents of aesthetic-based education are aesthetic-based intrapersonal competencies and aesthetic capacities of educational setting. The attributes include aesthetic-based educational content and teaching methods including unity in diversity, combination with art and being based on empathy. The consequences include subliminal learning and constraint-free learning. These conceptual dimensions can cover four important issues in patient education including patient satisfaction, pedagogical competences of health educators, patient centeredness, and empathetic relationship.
    CONCLUSIONS: Applying aesthetic concept in the patient education process can bridge part of the gaps in this process. So, this study can be an introduction to future innovative models based on aesthetic paradigm in the field of patient education.





