
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Worldwide, both cultivated and wild plants are pollinated by the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Bee numbers are declining as a result of a variety of factors, including increased pesticide use. Cyflumetofen controls pest mites in some plantations pollinated by bees, which may be contaminated with residual sublethal concentrations of this pesticide, in nectar and pollen. We evaluated the effects of a sublethal concentration of a cyflumetofen formulation on the midgut, hypopharyngeal gland, and fat body of A. mellifera workers orally exposed for 72 h or 10 days. The midgut epithelium of treated bees presented digestive cells with cytoplasm vacuoles and some cell fragmentation, indicating autophagy and cell death. After being exposed to the cyflumetofen formulation for 72 h, the midgut showed a higher injury rate than the control bees, but after 10 days, the organs had recovered. In the hypopharyngeal gland of treated bees, the end apparatus was filled with secretion, suggesting that the acaricide interferes with the secretory regulation of this gland. Histochemical tests revealed differences in the treated bees in both exposure periods in the midgut and hypopharyngeal glands. The acaricide caused cytotoxic effects on the midgut digestive cells, with apical protrusions, plasma membrane rupture, and several vacuoles in the cytoplasm, features of cell degeneration. In the hypopharyngeal glands of the treated bees, the secretory cells presented small electron-dense and large electron-lucent secretory granules. The fat body cells had no changes in comparison with the control bees. In conclusion, the cyflumetofen formulation at sublethal concentrations causes damage to the midgut and the hypopharyngeal glands of honey bee, which may compromise the functions of these organs and colony fitness. Environ Toxicol Chem 2024;00:1-11. © 2024 SETAC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A newly developed pesticide, flupentiofenox, has a unique trifluoroethyl phenylsulfoxide structure, and it powerfully affects spider mites, including those with resistance to multiple commercial acaricides. To clarify the mode of action of flupentiofenox, we investigated its effect on mitochondrial energy generation. We observed that flupentiofenox decreased adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels in two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) at a practical dose. Flupentiofenox potently inhibited mitochondrial oxygen consumption under conditions of palmitoyl-carnitine or octanoic acid supply, but not under conditions of pyruvate supply. These results show that flupentiofenox inhibits the mitochondrial fatty acid metabolic pathway between the uptake of long-chain acylcarnitine or medium-chain fatty acid and the synthesis of acetyl-CoA by β-oxidation, resulting in suppressed mitochondrial energy generation. Our investigations have led us to conclude that flupentiofenox is a pesticide with a novel mode of action.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The conclusions of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) following the peer review of the initial risk assessments carried out by the competent authorities of the rapporteur Member State, Greece, and co-rapporteur Member State, France, for the pesticide active substance paraffin oil are reported. The context of the peer review was that required by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 844/2012, as amended by Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2018/1659. The conclusions were reached on the basis of the evaluation of the representative uses of paraffin oil as an acaricide and insecticide on potatoes, ornamentals (flower bulbs) and orchards (pear/apple), on pome fruit and stone fruit, on field and permanent protected fruiting vegetables and on field and permanent protected roses and on citrus. The reliable end points appropriate for use in regulatory risk assessment are presented. Missing information identified as being required by the regulatory framework is listed. Concerns are reported where identified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study aimed to analyze the cladistics and population structure analysis of Rhipicephalus microplus ticks infesting buffaloes in Haryana, India, as well as the assessment of the anti-tick efficacy of the ethanolic extracts of Cassia fistula (bark, pod pulp, and flowers) against R. microplus larvae. The molecular characterization and population structure analysis were performed by targeting the amplification of the partial mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) gene, whereas anti-tick efficacy was evaluated using a larval packet test. The sequences generated herein revealed a homology of 98.26-100% to the GenBank-archived R. microplus sequences. In population structure analysis, high haplotype (0.500 ± 0.265) and low nucleotide (0.002 ± 0.001) diversities were recorded for the sequences generated in this study. Significantly negative neutrality indices were recorded for the overall dataset. The extracts were found to significantly affect mortality rates in a dose-dependent manner, and the ethanolic extracts of the bark, pod pulp, and flowers of C. fistula exhibited median lethal concentration (LC50) values of 27.989, 40.457, and 49.43 mg/mL, respectively. The LC50 value recorded for the combination of the ethanolic extracts of the bark, flower, and pod pulp of C. fistula was 19.724 mg/mL, whereas the synthetic acaricide ivermectin had an LC50 value of 351.56 mg/mL. In conclusion, R. microplus populations infesting cattle and buffalo hosts in India exhibited negligible genetic differentiation and high gene flow between them. Additionally, the combination of all C. fistula extracts could serve as a potential substitute for the synthetic acaricide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study is focused on evaluating acaricidal activity and chemical compositions of Erigeron acer root, which was identified as a promising candidate among fifteen Mongolian plant extracts tested for acaricidal activity. The acaricidal effect was evaluated against Haemaphysalis longicornis, assessed for toxicity to normal human skin fibroblast, and analyzed for its chemical constituents. The acetone extract of E. acer root showed significant activity against H. longicornis, with a lethal concentration (LC50) of 5.31 mg/mL and low toxicity, evidenced by a cytotoxic concentration (CC50) of 267.00 µg/mL. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and molecular networking, thirteen natural compounds were identified, including pyrrolidines, alkaloids, fatty acids, and flavonoids, highlighting the efficacy of E. acer root extract as an effective acaricide against H. longicornis and offering insights for developing new tick control solutions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (TSSM), is an important cosmopolitan pest of agricultural crops that is often managed in greenhouses by augmentation of predatory mites in combination with acaricides. Here we examined the transgenerational effects of low lethal concentrations of a widely-used acaricide, Oberon Speed® (a combination of spiromesifen and abamectin), on the life history traits and population growth of T. urticae and two of its predators, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot and Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae). The concentrations employed corresponded to the LC10, LC20 and LC30 values estimated for TSSM protonymphs 48 h post-exposure in a topical bioassay, which yielded an LC50 value of 207.2 ppm. Parental exposure of TSSM to all three low concentrations increased the total developmental time of progeny; both the LC20 and LC30 treatments reduced adult longevity and number of oviposition days, but only the LC30 treatment increased the preoviposition period. Similarly, both the LC20 and LC30 treatments significantly reduced life table parameters (r, R0, λ, and GRR), and increased generation time (T) and population doubling time (DT). Although maternal exposure to the acaricide had various impacts on progeny life history, A. swirskii was less affected than P. persimilis, suggesting the former species would be more compatible for integration with Oberon Speed® for control of T. urticae in greenhouse vegetable production.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this study, the pathogenicity of local Beauveria bassiana strains was elucidated using molecular and metabolomics methodologies. Molecular verification of the B. bassiana-specific chitinase gene was achieved via phylogenetic analysis of the Bbchit1 region. Subsequent metabolomic analyses employing UPLC-Q-TOF-MS revealed a different number of non-volatile metabolite profiles among the six B. bassiana strains. Bb6 produced the most non-volatile compounds (17) out of a total of 18, followed by Bb15 (16) and Bb12 (15). Similarly, Bb5, Bb8, and Bb21, three non-virulent B. bassiana strains, produced 13, 14, and 14 metabolites, respectively. But unique secondary metabolites like bassianolide and beauvericin, pivotal for virulence and mite management, were exclusively found in the virulent strains (Bb6, Bb12, and Bb15) of B. bassiana. The distinctive non-volatile metabolomic profiles of these strains underscore their pathogenicity against Tetranychus truncatus, suggesting their promise in bio-control applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Varroa destructor Oud (Acari: Varroidae) is a harmful ectoparasite of Apis mellifera L. honey bees causing widespread colony losses in Europe and North America. To control populations of these mites, beekeepers have an arsenal of different treatments, including both chemical and nonchemical options. However, nonchemical treatments can be labor intensive, and Varroa has gained resistance to some conventional pesticides, and the use of other chemical treatments is restricted temporally (e.g., cannot be applied during periods of honey production). Thus, beekeepers require additional treatment options for controlling mite populations. The compound 1-allyloxy-4-propoxybenzene (3c{3,6}) is a diether previously shown to be a strong feeding deterrent against Lepidopteran larvae and a repellent against mosquitoes and showed promise as a novel acaricide from laboratory and early field trials. Here we test the effect of the compound, applied at 8 g/brood box on wooden release devices, on honey bees and Varroa in field honey bee colonies located in Maryland, USA, and using a thymol-based commercial product as a positive control. 3c{3,6} had minimal effect on honey bee colonies, but more tests are needed to determine whether it affected egg production by queens. Against Varroa3c{3,6} had an estimated efficacy of 78.5%, while the positive control thymol product showed an efficacy of 91.3%. 3c{3,6} is still in the development stage, and the dose or application method needs to be revisited.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An overview is given on the significance of the oxime moiety in crop protection chemistry. This review focuses on the two most important aspects of agrochemical oximes, which are the occurrence and role of oxime groups in compounds with herbicidal, fungicidal and insecticidal activity, as well as the application of oxime derivatives as intermediates in the synthesis of crop protection agents not bearing any oxime function. Especially noteworthy is the fact, that in the synthesis of agrochemicals, oximes can be cyclized to isooxazoline, isoxazole, oxadiazole, oxazine, pyrrole, isothiazole and imidazole rings. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, there has been growing concern on the potential weakening of honey bees and their increased susceptibility to pathogens due to chronic exposure to xenobiotics. The present work aimed to study the effects on bees undergoing an infection by Nosema ceranae and being exposed to a frequently used in-hive acaricide, amitraz. To achieve this, newly emerged bees were individually infected with N. ceranae spores and/or received a sublethal concentration of amitraz in their diets under laboratory conditions. Mortality, food intake, total volume excrement, body appearance, and parasite development were registered. Bees exposed to both stressors jointly had higher mortality rates compared to bees exposed separately, with no difference in the parasite development. An increase in sugar syrup consumption was observed for all treated bees while infected bees fed with amitraz also showed a diminishment in pollen intake. These results coupled with an increase in the total number of excretion events, alterations in behavior and body surface on individuals that received amitraz could evidence the detrimental action of this molecule. To corroborate these findings under semi-field conditions, worker bees were artificially infected, marked, and released into colonies. Then, they were exposed to a commercial amitraz-based product by contact. The recovered bees showed no differences in the parasite development due to amitraz exposure. This study provides evidence to which extent a honey bee infected with N. ceranae could potentially be weakened by chronic exposure to amitraz treatment.





